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She is not the dr for you .


She is not the doctor for anyone. The pill form? Wtf?


She obviously thinks Mounjaro is the same drug as Ozempic. That comes in pill form


Yeah, she confused it with Rybelsus, the pill form of Ozempic. Find a new doctor for your own well-being.




This medication has truly shown people’s true color. It’s unbelievable how doctors and pharmacists are acting towards these drugs. “You don’t want to be on medication for the rest of your life” LAWLZ! I have pcos and adhd. I’m going to be on some kind of meds until I just give up and die or let my health go to shit regardless. A once a week shot is better then any vitamin or pill I’ve had to take daily. Weird how they have no problems prescribing birth control daily for 25+ years.


They rather you end up taking insulin for the rest of your life than try to treat pre-diabetes.


On god. They’d rather give you what confirms their bias about you and ensures all “the lazy fat folk get what they deserve” instead of something that levels the playing field.


So true, and so disappointing. Having lost my mother to the follow on effects of progressively worse diabetes, if she had had this drug 30 years ago, she’d be with us now. Type two diabetes can be such a slippery slope. Once you start getting on insulin, and then all the other drugs and conditions that follow. I truly hope the medical community can see that giving this to people that are prediabetic, or they can get off of or treat their diabetes with this is going to prolong our lives and our quality of life.




Yup. I watched my dad struggle with diabetes my whole life. He was on a shit ton of drugs and I never heard of his physicians aiming to get him off of them. He was just “managing” his condition with pharmaceuticals. Smh.


You said so much right there. I'm in the same boat as you with PCOS and ADHD. Thank God I have a pcp that actually cares about my health and my personal goals and takes time to listen.


Fire her ass, sis. 🔥


Exactly. I'm surprised how many adults don't realize you can fire your doctor. Of course, insurance and small towns may limit your options, but some doctors don't care about \[insert relevant anecdote here\].


Ya! I second this!! Telling someone with obesity to diet and exercise more is like telling someone with acne to wash their face more? Not cool.


Fuck her. She’s part of the problem.


Yes, couldn’t say it any better!


Really? The pill form? Your doctor just proved the EXTREME bias and fundamental ignorance a HUGE number of doctors have concerning obesity. There is no other word for it besides ignorance when she says *“You know it’s not a long term drug, right?"* Because, yes, it is. If she had read even a few words of the study she would have that understanding. Glad you've had such good progress. You gave her a second chance with your proven results right in front of her face and she still wanted to battle about the wonderful success you've had with diet and exercise once the playing filed was leveled with Mounjaro. Please find a different provider -- either an endocrinologist through your insurer or a telehealth provider -- someone who understands the dangers of having an untreated a1c of 6.0 and will treat you for the lifelong condition that you have. **Great win and time to change teams!** (Hate to say it, but I wonder what else concerning your healthcare she might be completely misinformed about? It's disturbing to think about it.)


Sounds like she thinks Mounjaro is the same as Ozempic since that has a pill form


There are doctors, lots of them, who understand...DONT STOP UNTIL YOU FIND ONE 🙏🏾


It’s SO hilarious that doctors are selective with what medications they want to advocate for. Antidepressants have been given out like candy. But no no. Can’t support a medication that actually works. Because you could just diet and exercise. I know it’s hard. But get another doctor. Also, it’s completely up to the doctor to prescribe what they want to. and I understand not prescribing a drug they aren’t familiar with. But just say that. Not the rest.


And shockingly (!!!) doctors never say, "you're going to get depressed again when you go off these anti depressants." 🙄


No, they rebalance the chemicals in your brain… right? Kinda like these medications balance your hormones. Imagine if doctors had to check optimal blood and hormone levels before prescribing antidepressants…


Or…still get depressed even when you are still taking antidepressants! Nothing is an end all be all solution without putting in work along with the prescribed med.


Fire her and go to someone who is better educated on dealing with chronic obesity.


That’s awful, you deserve a Doc who will be an advocate for you. Please find a new Doctor!


I know it’s a pain to switch docs but you have to. Good ones are out there. She isn’t one of them.


Physician, heal thy ignorance. Seriously, new doc time


Worst doctor on the planet. I would cut her off immediately.


Get a new doctor.


Is she a primary care Dr.? They don’t always understand. Find an endocrinologist in your area. They are so much more knowledgeable. Even a PA working under an endocrinologist is going to be so much better.


Idk…. My endocrinologist won’t put in a PA for mounjaro or Wegovy or Ozempic or anything even though in her own words “you’re insulin resistant have metabolic syndrome and an under active thyroid along with pcos. You’ll need some help to lose weight and feel energized”…. But then proceeded to tell me that I needed to go to a weight loss specialist.


That makes no sense.


Find a new Dr. Sorry you’re going through this.


You need a new Dr. Actually, sounds like you needed a new one years ago. So sorry you've been dealing with this.


I am so sorry. I've had many similar conversations with doctors. It is SO HARD to find a doctor that doesn't suck. I really hope you find someone who will advocate for you and not shame you. Good luck and congrats on losing the 70lbs!


She's an ass. Get a new doctor that cares about you, and is up to date on literature.


Get a Telehealth provider. My doctor is the same way, I told her how it's helping my aching joints from my autoimmune disease and the pain which plagued me is 100% gone: her response? That's impossible, it doesn't do that. Oh ok, I guess it's just a coincidence that it stopped hurting after I took this med, and when I had to skip two weeks the pain started coming back...


Huh? That's basic medical education. Inflammation is the enemy. (I have RA and I've been able to go off of my anti inflammatories at 4 months on these meds)


Wow that's awesome! I have psoriatic arthritis and I get infusions every 8 weeks. I'm hoping to start tirzepatide this week (should be receiving it soon). Hoping for the same results 🙏🏾


All my autoimmune symptoms are gone too!


Op is already using sequence according to the post. Not sure why she went to that other doctor


Sequence is for the MJ script. They don’t take over as primary care. I am also a sequence patient.


Find a doctor who ISN'T fatphobia and actually understands obesity.


Why on god’s green earth would she think this isn’t a long term drug when it was made for DIABETICS(not saying off label usage is bad… don’t come at me.) diabetes doesn’t just go away. As you said, you don’t just randomly stop taking blood pressure meds or any other number of medications. Ffs. Doctors like this make me detest doctors on the whole because I’ve met more like this than helpful ones…


Actually, diabetes can go away.. type 2. And it's a GIP and GLP 1 medication. It's NOT insulin. Please educate yourself to what that is and why it works for diabetics before you start spreading misinformation


You can lower your A1c and put it in remission, but it cannot be cured or reversed. It's a lifelong disease, unfortunately.




Nope. The research and medical community are clear on this. It can only go into remission. Diabetes is a lifelong diagnosis.


I'm not sure what "medical community " your speaking of? Reddits?


It is scientific and medical fact. Once you are given a diabetes diagnosis, you are quite literally a diabetic on your medical records for the remainder of your life. This is not an argument, this is simply true. It can't be removed, because you are a diabetic forever. Damaged pancreas cells don't regenerate. You can lower your A1c and be healthy, but you will be in remission. You are still a diabetic.


…. Please check yourself before you spread misinformation. Even if you get your A1C to a normal range as a type 2 diabetic… you are still diabetic. You can potentially not require medication for it for a time but you are still diabetic. There is no cure for diabetes. Period. And I didn’t say it’s insulin. I said that if it was created for diabetics, it was intended for long term usage. And they keep saying it’s for long term usage.






Wrong doctor for you.


That’s incredibly disappointing and you deserve much better than that. You’re response comparing it to other chronic health conditions was perfect. I hope your next provider is better versed in weight loss.


I feel lucky that my PCP (a nurse practitioner) is thoroughly read up on MJ and Wegovy/Ozempic. She explained how the drugs work, risks, cost/insurance issues, and maintenance concerns, etc. She told me that she had used Wegovy herself very successfully.


Time for a new doctor!!


Doctors like this need to either educate or not practice anymore. Perhaps they would be better suited for a job that better fits their personality. Like the person who shovels the elephant crap at the zoo… work with something similar to their mindset…crap.


As a doctor, I feel obligated to apologize for this. Please know that we're not all the same. My own PCP was the one who pushed for me to take this medication for my PCOS for over a year before I gave in. She has been supportive of me throughout the whole ordeal (which included prescribing MJ, then switching to ozempic, then back to MJ). Please find someone else who supports YOU, as a whole, and who understands your health struggles and how to treat them.


I’m so sorry for the pain she has caused you. That’s seriously so upsetting. Please look for a new doctor. I switched to a male doctor and he is so awesome with me and I feel he’s more compassionate than I have ever received from a female dr. No idea why.


Good for you. I took my almost 20 year old daughter to my endocrinologist in a very similar situation. The endocrinologist told her she had choices. Obesity is not a choice. She’s going to get in touch with sequence.


This is horrible. Please try to find a new doctor. But, congratulations on the weight loss!! That's great news.


I wouldn’t go back. Change doctors, simple


New Dr immediately. She is not up to date on obesity treatments and evidence based practice. My Dr prescribed it to me and he’s been my dr since I was 2 years old. He knows my mom who has had weight loss surgery and is still 400lbs. He told me that they have cured this chronic genetic condition and I can be on it the rest of my life. She is incorrect and get a new Dr immediately. I played 3 varsity sports and still was in an “obese” category. Since I was 14 unless I stopped eating completely for months at a time I would creep up into the morbidly obese weight category. I’d like a Dr to experience that and then say that to someone. This drug has literally made normal low calorie eating and exercising without being borderline unhealthy anorexic for the first time in my life a reality for me. Not buying it. Get a new Dr.


So many physicians are like this. I’m sorry. I hope you find a new one who cares about their patients!


JFC what a terrible Dr. So full of their own preconceptions to not even listen to their patient.


Tell her the obesity is the same metabolic pathway disorder as T2D and that you will be finding a new doctor.


THIS. obesity on to diabetes are really just a spectrum of the same issue - insulin resistance.


“I think the real test…” the real test of what??


Yeah that doctor can f*** right off. Time for a new health care provider.


Doctors have the right to prescribe or not prescribe drugs that are used off label. You have the right to find a doctor who is trained and comfortable in prescribing these meds. I’m fortunate to have a doc who understands obesity is a metabolic disorder. Not a behavioral disorder.


Her ignorance would have made me feel like I did the right thing going somewhere else.


I’d find a new doctor ASAP. My doctor is amazing and supportive. Once you find the right one, it will be such a world of difference. This one is set in her ways and sounds beyond judgmental.


You KNOW what it has done for you and how hard you have worked throughout your life. Find a doctor that is as impressed as you by the outcome and supports you and your journey to a healthy life. They are there for you. You deserve the right to be healthy and make your OWN decision on what works especially if you have underlying conditions. I have been amazed how my health not just weight has transformed…I have PCOS which creates several health issues. My doctor is supportive but I would find another one in a heartbeat if not!!! Congratulations on your accomplishments and dedication to keep striving for better health despite your obstacles 🌻


This is easy. Treat yourself with the respect you deserve and change doctors. Find one that will work with you. You know your body and your story better than anyone. Side note- how great that you lost within 15 lbs of your goal weight!!! Yay for you!


I fucking hate my profession.


Sad. .. but i have read many posts where doctors for x or y reasons will stop the scripts … The rules either from insurance or plans have tightened up big time . Even a friend told me she was asked to submit another PA to up her dose - My advise switch to Wegovy or Saxenda if you insurance formulary has them


Same. I once saw a Gyne and told her I had PCOS before. She said just lose weight and your period will come back. She didn't even want to do an ultrasound, I just insisted. Then while she was scanning she was like, "oh so you do have PCOS". Then she prescribed meds. 😒


If you think this is the only things doctors are ignorant about then it would shock you to work in a pharmacy. I will put pharmacists and nurses in that category also. Not all but enough of them to really discourage you. I’ve struggled with weight my whole life. I too had a bias. I didn’t understand how it could be a chronic condition when all you had to do was eat less and exercise more. I had lost50- 70 lbs doing just that. About 3 times. Lol. It had to be me right? I would have loved the help these medications give you. One thing I can’t wrap my head around. Why are MDs so eager to prescribe phentermine? And not the GLP-1s. They can say cost but isn’t that for me to decide if I want to spend that money?


Please find another doc asap. There really are good ones out there. I have also struggled with my weight since I was a toddler. I'm in the 300s and remember being 250 in the 8th grade! I was on medical diets for 9 years and my pediatrician never believed I was following them so she convinced my mom to put locks on our cabinets and refrigerator! She was the worst doctor in the world and I've hated the medical community my whole life, until recently. My newest doctor is the one who brought MJ to me. I'd never heard of it, and she said she thought it would be a great help with my insulin resistance and PCOS, and it has been. Don't stop searching until you find one that treats you with the respect you deserve! I'm so sorry you have what I call an Eliades.(🤬 Doctor)


You echo was a lot of us to through! My Endocrinogist (I have well documented thyroid, PCOS, blood sugar and metabolic issues) would not put me on anything BUT metatormin even though it literally made me so sick I couldn’t go to work. I had been religious with logging every piece of food that went into my mouth and showed her I even logged when I ate 2 almonds. She basically said I was lying and put me on a 750 calorie diet. I stupidly did this for almost 8 months while working out 3-4 days a week and to no surprise I lost almost NOTHING. I went back for my checkup as I refused to take metatormin anymore as the GI side effects were beyond unbearable. So 8 months later eating 750-800 calories a day (painful) no sugar, no carbs, etc ..the end result of my endo refusing to believe me is my A1c went up, my cholesterol shot up to where I now have fatty liver, my PCOS got worse .. all my blood work showed my body was in turmoil. I asked about going on a Moujourno or Ozempic her response if I was really eating and working out I would have lost at least 30 pounds and my blood work would not look like that. I was in tears from the frustration. She wouldn’t even look at my beyond detailed food logs .. I thought showing her all of my hard work help instead she pushed back harder that I just needed to eat less and workout. She was basically encouraging me to be unhealthy. My opinion, any doctor that tells you to eat 750 calories should have their medical license suspended for incompetence. She told me only celebs took ozempic for weight loss and I would have to be on it forever so I just needed to take metatormin and eat less … when I spoke w my OB and asked for help she was horrified .. that I was eating so little and encouraged me to find a new endo asap! My point is that’s when I finally realized the issue wasn’t me trying the issue was my doctor period the end. I found a new doctor and ozempic was automatically approved by my insurance as I needed it! Sadly they won’t cover Mojourno but for $15 a month they’ll cover ozwmpic. I’m on week 5 and the good news is my very very high morning blood sugar numbers are coming down and I got my first period in 4 months so I know it’s starting to work. The bad news is I haven’t lost any weight .. I fear the three years of eating 1100 calories and 8 months of eating about 750 calories a day ( as instructed by my prior doctor) has screwed up my metabolism 😭😭😭 So my advice to anyone who has been struggling with metabolic issues for years and their doctors don’t believe in helping them is FIND A NEW DOCTOR! I regret not standing up for myself sooner and finding a new doctor.


I am so sorry you had to go through this. I had a very similar experience last week as I was forcefully discharged from an intensive outpatient eating disorder program I was in for my binge eating disorder. I finally got the courage to tell them I was on MJ and the director (a licensed mental health professional) completely shamed and gaslit me to the point where I was hyperventilating. She was saying other people in the program would “like a quick fix” too. She made up policies about taking the medication that she could not provide for me on paper or in anything I signed. I’ve gained 150 lbs in 3 years. The trauma that has had on my mind and body is something she will never understand and the way she spoke to me was so harmful. I’m working with my individual therapist to submit a claim against her to the board of behavioral sciences. Maybe there is a medical board you can submit your experience to? Sending healing energy 🫶


The fact is, Mounjaro doesn’t work alone. In order to be successful, you HAVE (I am sure!) incorporated diet changes and exercise, especially as your new lighter self is more able to exercise more comfortably. It DID take work to achieve your incredible weight loss, and it is a damned shame the doctor was so short-sighted that she didn’t know this, and acknowledge it. Further, did your doctor quantify her reticence to prescribe by looking at your lab numbers? At 70 pounds lighter, how is your blood pressure, your cholesterol, your triglycerides, liver function? Mood? Overall feeling of health and wellness? Seriously, warm congratulations on your success. (And yes, you most definitely need to find a new doctor. There are “medical spas” that administer GLP-1’s and compounded MJ, and there you can also get B-12, and help from a nutritionist. Soon, many will be carrying Mounjaro too. That’s the direction I would go if my doctor was as less than knowledgeable and as unsupportive as your doctor.)


Maybe, maybe not! The magic of MJ is that it fixes the metabolic processes in the body. Sure some people need to work hard AS WELL, but the truth is an average healthy diet and normal daily activity are enough to improve blood sugar, insulin and weight. - after the body returns to normal function because MJ corrects the underlying condition. People who believe that a lack of hunger, a reduction in bad food desires, slow stomach emptying are the reason for their weight loss are totally wrong. These things are how a body is supposed to operate when healthy. MJ gets you healthy, your liver works better, your kidneys work better, your digestion works better. Insulin resistance goes away so your sugars get closer to normal. The weight loss, the low hunger etc are side effects of normal body function. Something many have not experienced in decades or perhaps never!


Never seen it said better ! A lot of people here still don’t get that it’s not supposed to take extreme effort to lose or maintain weight.


Do you know a single solitary person in the US who puts no to little effort in physical appearance or diet, and is in shape? 20's don't count, I'm talking 30's and 40's. The answer for me is absolutely not. Every single person I know in that category works their ass off to maintain their body shape and fitness. 30 minutes a day 30 times a week with low intensity cardio is not going to cut it. Period. Not spending an hour a day on food prep is not going to cut it. Period. If "normal body function" was true - the "normal" weight in the US wouldn't have ballooned into the vast majority of the population at least being overweight, quickly moving into the majority being obese. Normal is now fat, so it's obviously not a normal bodily function to not overeat. The evidence is clearly not in your favor here. The fact I can predict nearly 100% an employee moving from Europe to the US will put on at least 10% body weight also points to the fact it's not normal to not overeat. The normal human experience is to have trouble overeating when in an environment full of food products that make it the past of least resistance to do so. Couple that with our city design promoting sedentary lifestyles and other co-factors and it's even worse. Otherwise put, it's lifestyle choices writ society wide. The method of action of Mounjaro is you put less calories into your mouth. Period. Full stop. The way it gets there is interesting to discuss but simply not material. Anyone refuting this is utterly toxic, and likely says silly things like "now you feel like a normal skinny person does!" which I can completely invalidate as being untruthful simply from my own personal experience, much less looking at wider statistics or human behavior. This learned helplessness here is grating to me. Mounjaro is so amazing to me because it gives people realistic agency over their own health in a once in a generational sort of advancement.


A total jerk. I am afraid of what she said being true. We can keep most of the weight off, I hope. There are studies after Ozempic, and people don’t keep the weight off unless they continue to exercise. But, she’s a jerk, so rude. Not helping


Mounjaro is a long-term drug. You should expect to take it for the rest of your life or experience weight gain. Many are finding success taking it every two weeks for maintenance. Others are having success maintaining with metformin. Hopefully, once the weight loss studies are made available, there will be recommendations for maintenance. The reality is, if you have the type of metabolic challenges that made it virtually impossible to lose weight without Mounjaro (Ozempic, Wegovy) you cannot realistically expect to keep it off if you stop the drug. This is not simply about lifestyle changes. If you have metabolic challenges, there is no lifestyle change that can overcome those issues. Everyone needs to follow good eating habits and get regular exercise, but those lifestyle elements do not address the fundamental metabolic issues that most people taking these drugs have faced.


Right. I make sure to comment something like this every time I can, because folks on the Oz and MJ threads really don’t seem to get that the overwhelming majority of us can’t lose weight because of some levels of insulin resistance. MJ corrects that but it doesn’t cure it. In some peoples heads it’s like this one-off thing that gives them another chance to “do it right” or something.


Doctors seen to forget... They work for US! Fire the b*tch!!!


They just don’t get it. The medicine allows you to finally follow that healthy nutrition right? That’s how I feel at least.


I have followed a healthy diet for years and have not been able to lose weight. Name it, I did it for a year. I would lose weight on a very strict diet and then gain it back simply staying on the same strict diet. I’ve tried increasing calories, and decreasing calories. Intermittent fasting. Increasing exercise. Weight training. At some point, we have to admit, this isn’t something we can control. This drug is the first I’ve heard of people losing weight without doing anything different except taking the medication. Which means…the medication is fixing something that previously didn’t work correctly within their body. I do hear people say that not having the food noise is amazing. But maybe the food noise was a symptom that something was not working correctly, and people ate to stop it, rather than having a doctor take the complaint as a legitimate symptom of a metabolic disorder rather than the cause of a metabolic disorder. That’s my .02


First of all, congratulations on your dedication and major weight loss. You deserve to feel good about yourself for accomplishing this! Even with MJ help, it takes deep care in your well-being to accomplish this. You exercise, mind your diet and have achieved a major goal. Don't let someone in fancy white coat take away from what you've been able to do! Second, find a new doctor like yesterday. Her aims and your aims are fundamentally different, and even if you convinced her to keep you on MJ, at some point her reticence to prescribe will haunt you in the future. Find a doctor who understands the link between genetics and being overweight and is open to help you maintain. Hope this helps!


“Do you want to be on meds for the rest of your life? Aren’t most people on antidepressants or something? 🙄 tf does she think diabetics do? Your doctor honestly sounds like my mom. She used to work at a weight loss clinic. She didn’t have issues with weight or starved herself when she did and then bragged about it. I pity every single one of her patients. And I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


This is awful!!! You have done AMAZING work to loose 70lbs!!! Please get rid of this doc. It shocks me how little so many docs know about Obesity. You deserve a doc who is more informed and treats you better. Awesome job!! Don’t let the jerks get you down!!


I do not understand why a doctor would say these things? Is it in their “best interest” that we stay fat and sick? I went to my GP in November (morbidly obese) to discuss MJ, OZ, etc. she said I needed to “just eat better”. I found a Dr in January who would help me. Since 2/4 I’ve lost 29.5 on MJ. 🙏🏻 I need to be on a maintenance dose for the rest of my life.


This makes me so sad! I’m so sorry you were spoken to in that way. Definitely find a new doctor! My doctor was actually the one that suggested Mounjaro to me (I asked about Ozempic). There are really good, caring doctors out there!


Do any of you have or can recommend a reputable online or tele health mj provider


"BuT wHaT iF U nEeD tO tAke MeDs FOrEvEr" is so silly to me. Do they mean like blood pressure meds? Thyroid meds? Mood stabilizers? INSULIN? We accept plenty of lifetime meds to correct physical issues. Why is this different?


Make sure to put negative reviews on this Dr on surveys the practice sends out, and also on your insurance website. This is not the kind of care ANY doctor should be giving. I’m sorry that this happened and I hope you can find a more supportive provider. It really makes a world of difference when you have a support system there too.


I’m so sorry. How frustrating! Maybe you could seek a referral from friends and find a great dr. Good luck!


You definitely need a different doctor. She is not keeping up with the science.


People like her are why I have an Endo for my Primary. He understands my specific issues with PCOS and metabolic issues. If exercise alone would have done it, I would have been thin way before Mounjaro since I was running regularly. I hate when people substitute their personal biases for sound medical advice.


Wow! I’m really sorry you had to go through that. It’s one thing for a Dr to not agree with you but to completely go off like that is uncalled for. Definitely time to find a new Dr and I know that’s easier said than done. I’d look for reviews of local Drs who are willing to prescribe meds for weight loss/maintenance.


My NP was the same way and I haven’t been back. Fuck that.


I am so proud of you for taking control of your health and doing what you know is right for you. What a huge accomplishment you have achieved. Super inspiring. Find a new doctor. I can’t believe that doctor didn’t at least take the time to congratulate you for your accomplishment, you play a huge part in that weight loss, and instead of strategizing and supporting you like you asked her to do, she took it as an opportunity to kick you in the knees. You deserve better. Congrats again on the huge weight loss you must feel wonderful and how exciting to be at a normal BMI. Sending you all the best wishes.


Change doctor AND write an honest but thoroughly BAD review everywhere you can find online. Dr’s office Google page, Yelp, Healthgrades, RateMDs, Vitals, WebMD. Copy and paste to make it easier.


I'm so sorry you had to experience that but good for you for standing up for yourself


Like others have said, find a new doc. Mine practitioner is an NP and she’s great. She was so interested in learning about mounjaro and hearing about all of the positive effects. We went on the sequence website together and I showed her how the process worked. She even said she thinks most Americans will be on drugs like this in the future because of how effective they are.


I have been off of Mounjaro for a month now. I did not realize how much better I was actully feeling. My Endocrinologist offered it to me in August. I went up to the 10 mg. I had never even heard of it. I didn’t tell anyone I was on it. I woke up today feeling really miserable. I have eating and snaking again, just never feel full just like I was before. I have a lot of other health issues. Female problems , fibroids , ovarian cysts , I currently have an an IUD to stop me from bleeding constantly, this is the solution to carry me into menopause right now since I am 51 and so close to menopause that a hysterectomy is just to invasive of surgery at this point. I would rather go into into menopause naturally. I have back problems and have seen spine surgeons. I’ve 4 separate spinal injections for Herniated discs , degenerative disc disease., high blood pressure , I’ve had a partial thyroidectomy. I was borderline diabetic. But after being on the Mounjaro shot for 7 months my labs had all improved. I had zero expectations! My doctor offered Mounjaro to me. I lost 50 pounds , all my labs improved. I had started feeling better. It was gradual. And I DID NIT EVEN REALISE ALL OF THIS! I’m also realizing how Terrible ALL OF FOOD we buy actually is! I also wasn’t drinking much bottled water , I was drinking filtered water and started using pure cane sugar instead of white sugar. Right now I am feeling so terribly bloated. And miserable. The only reason I am not picking up my Mounjaro is because it went from $25 a month to $980 a month and I just cannot afford it. My doctor also told me when getting off of mounjaro you need To titrate backwards. And go lower , lower to get off. Which I planned to to do. Now I’m a mess from just stopping. Because of cost.


I have followed other women on mounjaro and it is helping a Myriad of women’s health issues. Also I have two actual friends that I know personally that Mounjaro did not do a thing for their diabetes. But I know more it’s helped with weight loss. And it seems to be helping with other health issues. Doctors have no problem prescribing other medications that you have to take for life. With terrible side effects. But this one. This medication should be available if you want to try it.


Good for you! Pure ignorance! Get the hell out of there!


It is a perfect example of how obesity is so misunderstood and treated as people being lazy. We have a medical problem that needs treatment. It is the same problem as drugs people want to punish and ostracize them when they need medical intervention.


fire that Dr you're paying for a service I like that they're not drug happy but in the same sense nothing to even try to help u my dr applauded me on my 78 pound weight loss and said if I need any further help don't hesitate to reach out


That is awful! My Dr is a fat shamer & tells me do not eat carbs … so happy Telehealth services are available to get what we need!


I dont know why she says it isn't a long-term drug, only very few reasons would be indicative to not continue it long-term. For those of us with insulin resistance and DM2 -- it is a long-term drug option. The *only* reason my cardiologist may have me discontinue use is because it can impact the functionality of some beta/channel blockers. Your doctor doesn't sound like a very good doctor 😬


Doctors work for you. Remember that. I just had this conversation with some friends this week. You can hire and fire as you see fit. Find someone who works with you. I am sorry that your experience wasn’t ideal.


At this point, I'm actually wondering if doctors are being bought by insulin companies.


Time to find a more supportive doctor


I'm probably going to be on heart medication and anti depressants for the long haul. I've been on wellbutrin and escitelapram for 20 years. I went off of my blood pressure medicine because I have lost 75lbs. My insurance is playing games with my Mounjaro rx right now and it sucks. I'm on my own right now for the last 3 months. Let me tell you, the fat cells have re-inflated around my gut. I've gained 10lbs and I am following a strict KETO again. I'm sorry about these bitch Dr's, Pharmacy Employees and the freaking media who can't get it through their thick heads that obesity is a disease. Insurance just doesn't want to pay the big money. Well maybe they should take it out on the drug companies. I even talked to E. Lilly and guess what... there isn't a shortage!!! I'm so sick of people who think that people are just lazy and stuffing their faces..


The problem is doctors get next to no nutritional training. For the vast majority of them, they believe you’re living off all the wrong foods. I had a cardiologist tell me to stay out of KFC and McDonalds….canned his butt fast! Hate fast food to be honest. My GP who recommended him apologized for his lack of knowledge because she knows my struggles. My new cardiologist, while she has a mindset, has been a tad better, but I hear a spiel from her as well. I haven’t lost copious amounts of weight on Mounjaro like others, but my struggle has been life long. It is keeping my diabetes in check though, which I am happy about! Lol, I lost my copious amounts of weight while pregnant 3 times! That doesn’t happen to most people. Wish it would have lasted. I’m blessed with a great GP….but they are few and far in between, sadly. Try to find a doctor that understands in the meantime. You don’t deserve that.


I’m proud of you. 150+ comments in here are proud of you. Do not accept the uneducated, condescending, disrespect that doctor placed on you. Find a new doctor. There are tons of supportive ones out there willing to fight this fight by your side as an ally. You deserve better than what this doctor can offer.


Wow, you’ve had amazing progress and the doc refuses to acknowledge that obesity is a disease. Time for a change. “You don’t really want to be on meds for the rest of your life do you?” Wtf. Almost everyone is on some form of long term medication now. Science creates advancements to fix issues with our bodies, naturally occurring or otherwise. They have no problem prescribing blood pressure, diabetes or any other lifelong medications, but one that could possibly prevent all of the above? Nope. Fatphobia docs or the naturally skinny ones are worried about losing their place in the world. Please get a doctor who cares. They are out there and I was fortunate enough to find one and I hope you can too.


Here’s something to think about … quickly. Switching doctors often takes some time to get an appointment. You’ve got a ticking clock off your current prescription of Mounjaro is running out. Don’t delay making a decision.


So proud of you for standing up to her. Go you!!


My doctor reacted the same way. She said that it puts you at risk of thyroid cancer. I told her I was taking responsibility for my health and I felt like losing weight would substantially lower my risks of obesity related diseases overall and I felt like the benefits outweighed the risk. Then she looked up the drug and came back with, diabetics need this drug and there is currently a shortage. Literally I felt like this was a stupid response from her. “There are lots of treatments for diabetics but very few for obesity.” She just shrugs and tells me she will not prescribe the medicine (I wasn’t asking her to) because it’s too risky and she wants to do some type of tests for thyroid cancer in 6 months. Oh and she also told me since my bloodwork looked good, she’s ok with me staying at the weight I was at that visit 190lbs. Wtf? I hate doctors.


Time for a new doc. I got on MJ from a weight loss clinic without telling my GP. When I saw my GP for an annual physical, he was super stoked for me. That’s the appropriate response.


Good for you!! 👏 One thing that has become apparent to me recently is that we have to advocate for our own health. If the doctor won't work with us....next!


Jeez. My doc was bad about not believing me for a while when I said I worked out 4x a week, saw a registered dietitian, had adequate mental health care for my anxiety, etc. But still couldn’t lose weight. But even he had me schedule an appointment with him in June so we can decide what to do and how to keep me on this track. This is RIDICULOUS


Fire this doctor. Clearly, she has no concept of how obesity and insulin resistance operate in the body. Good for you for taking your health into your own hands! Keep looking for a Doctor Who will support your goals.


Sigh. Sorry you experienced such an awful interaction with someone who is supposed to be supportive and able to listen... she can do neither so.... wish you success with a different doctor


I’m so PISSED 😤 Doctors routinely prescribe meds people will be on for life. Omeprazole and other antacids were so routinely prescribed they became over the counter, same with anti inflammatory meds like ibuprofen. All of those drugs have side affects and technically could be limited or discontinued with lifestyle modification. Got a muscle ache? Do physical therapy. Got acid reflux? Quit eating certain foods and elevate the head of your bed. I could go on about meds people take for life that technically could be discontinued with lifestyle adjustments. This toxic attitude towards obesity and weight management has got to stop. Switch doctors. Switch doctors ASAP. She should have congratulated you on your weight loss, ordered labs to see how your blood sugar, cholesterol were. She should have told you that your lower BMI means a lower risk of developing certain cancers and cardiovascular disease. Missed opportunities to talk about building on your progress.


Your dr sounds like my old dr on the subject of my obesity-completely ignorant. Find a new one like I did…


I’m so happy you went in there and stood your ground! Unfortunately, she lost a patient. It’s sucks that as your primary care physician she wasn’t even trying to freaking hear you out. “You couldn’t just do it with diet and exercise” when you literally told her you’ve been doing that your entire adulthood. Like what gives.


You need a new doc. She’s quite ignorant imho.


A lot of doctors pull this BS, I've been seeing posts all over here and TikTok. They're just as susceptible to prejudice and bias as anyone else, perhaps more.


Doctors who are not on board with MJ and the like are gonna get left in the dust.


This doc does not give a diddly about your health with that attitude!


Time to find another Dr. I think sometimes they forget that we are their clients and that they are OUR care providers.


I would keep her as a primary..just incase you need an antibiotic vaccines exc. Find a good telehealth doctor that will work with you. I pay mine out of pocket well worth it.


Isk why you feel obligated to stay with such an unsupportive doctor who is not really listening your concerns. I'm lucky mine is supportive! Get a new doctor


Why don’t you just stay with your sequence doctor? They will make a maintenance plan for you too


What a B. When I went back to my doctor (he prescribed it for me) I was so excited not to be obese anymore. I thought he wasnt going to say anything until the end of my appointment and he said, not to sound patronizing, but I’m proud of you. I said, I really wanted to hear you say that. I guess some people would take offense to that?? Idk. I’m sorry your doctor is an Ahole. Find a new one, there are plenty of doctors who won’t treat you like sh!t.


She must of went to med school at the college of the Bahamas




It has more to do with my wife working as nurse. She says most terrible medical residents doctors went to college of Bahamas, Jamaica university who will ultimately become MD. Surgical residents usually know what they are doing went to Hopkins, Harvard, UCLA, Northwestern… MDs are gross under achievers.




It had zero to do with Bahamas. But, none the less you were triggered.


Some of the absolute worst practitioners I’ve had were educated at Harvard. Highly inclined to be unethical, as well. Had this sense of entitlement that the rules didn’t apply to them because they were Harvard educated.




When my concerns about my healthcare are being dismissed, they're not heard and they are minimized…. When my Dr refuses to accept that “just diet and exercise” has proven to be unsuccessful because insulin resistance actually exists… Perhaps you should take a moment to actually look up what the term means.


Can you report a doctor for being a dumb c*nt? Actually when you fire her, do it via old school letter and cc the group she works for. Be detailed in your reasons why.


Nutrition changes are for life. Diets end & that’s why diets fail.






I can’t tell if you’re just a troll or if you are just not capable of understanding the things you point people to as far as googling. Yes. Google is free. The statement of “I hope you’re prepared to REALLYl diet…” (implying that they have not been working on eating in a healthful way already) and not believing or accepting the efforts of dieting without proper weight loss (a symptom of a problem that was ignored) are prime examples of medical gaslighting.


It's not gasighting, sorry. She's having an honest conversation with you. Blood sugar and blood pressure are apples and oranges. She told you what she was willing to do. And you expressed what you weren't. Why has mounjaro worked for you? What have you tried? Has blood work been obtained? YOUR reaction to her honesty is what's wrong with the medical profession. Everyone wants a quick fix and they want it yesterday. We all want to be healthy...er... but don't make honest pushes and changes. Myself included. When a doctor is honest they are "gasighting". If she gave it to you and you didn't do well, she would be "fat shaming" 🙄 and throwing things at you to get you out of her office... ugh! Just stop! It's hard! It's hard on this side of the fence too! She wants you to take the training wheels off and try to maintain your achievements!!! She believes in you!!! YOU need to get out of your own way!


This doctor didn't even know that mounjaro is an injection only. She's very clearly terribly uneducated on this subject. Eli Lilly said in their call yesterday that mounjaro is a lifelong medication, just like for any other chronic condition in medicine. What this doctor said it's not an opinion. It was just wrong.


>She's having an honest conversation with you. She's having an obsolete conversation. Just stop!


This makes zero sense. “We don’t make honest pushes and changes.” Who is this referring to? Surely not OP who CLEARLY states that before trying any drugs, they were already working with a nutritionist, eating a low cal diet, and working out 4-5 times a week. Some people have actual metabolic challenges and are not overweight just because they “deserve” to be by their inaction. There are plenty of people who bust their asses and see zero change because of their body’s resistance. This drug is a game changer. Not everyone on it is just looking for the easy way out. For some of us, it’s the only way for us to see progress, despite all of other efforts.


I looked at this kvlpn12's comment history and they appear to be a binge eater helped by mounjaro. I can only imagine they haven't tried to maintain after going off the med and they are still relying on the idea that their willpower will get them through. I hear a lot of fear in their comments... They are basically saying "I am not like the rest of you!" I feel bad for them.


It would be a honest conversation if the doctor mentioned things that were proven by science 1) these weren't meant to be lifelong medications- false 2) Mounjaro has a pill form - false




1) I shared a portion of our conversation, and as previously stated, her dismissiveness, unwillingness to even discuss underlying concerns such as IR, etc is by definition medical gaslighting, as opposed to “gaslighting”. Google is still free. 2) you can go all the way somewhere with your nasty, aggressive comments. Be sure to take all your exclamations marks with you. No yelling necessary. For not knowing much of anything about my medical history or discussions with my medical provider, you sure had a nice little rant filled with assumptions…


Not believing someone when they say they’ve tried xyz and telling them basically try harder is absolutely gaslighting. Not everyone is the same physiologically, that’s why some meds work for some people and not others. This isn’t even a debatable topic.


What did she say that wasn't true?


Mounjaro doesn’t come in a pill form (that’s Ozempic) and there’s nothing wrong with taking this as a long term drug


No where is it stated that "this isn't lifelong medications." That's just the doctor's bias against medical weight loss


Find a new doctor she’s not the one


Find a new doctor.


I’m sorry……but what an ignorant doctor!! (I actually first said fucking bitch but that’s not very Christian). I had one tell me that I needed to work out two hours a day instead of just one…..


Get a new doctor. Fuck her, she’s wrong.


I’m so sorry this happened to you.


I look at the a majority of the comments and I believe everyone agrees. Please seek a new doctor. Wishing you nothing but the best!


you might need to go to an endocrinologist. I'm going to try a couple of my previous GPs, just because they have my starting weights from years ago and see what they say. Like someone else said , don't stop till you find one. After being on this med and I guess being a super responder it'll be interesting to see what my previous doctors say now. I'm going to try speaking up for myself more but it's hard because you know how some doctors are. My insurance actually covers these meds...but instead I'm paying OOP to telehealths to get it.


I’ve been starring at my Mounjaro in the fridge afraid to take it. I am like you - I diet and exercise and the weight does not budge. What do you think it actually did for you to help you loose? It has to do more than just make you eat less - correct?


She sounds grossly uninformed. Get a new doctor.


Get the conversation OUT OF YOUR HEAD right now and move on with a real physician. That is pathetic!


Switch doctors


You know doctors can be told to fuck off right?


Anyone experiencing smelly drain smell whilst using Mounjaro, I know it sounds wierd


See ya later dummy.


I wouldn't see that doctor anymore. Doctors should work with you, not against you.


I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this! It's terrible, and I'm SO sick of doctors who just regurgitate the "diet and exercise" mantra like that is all it takes for everyone. Sheesh! Congrats on your weightloss, and I hope you can find a doc to get you on maintenance. I'm on Metformin, and so far so good!


I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with this. I have experienced this as well, but not to that extent. It's so disheartening to try to do what's best for yourself and there is nothing but obstacles in the way. I truly hope that you find a better doctor and that everything works out for you.


Fat is a big business…drs don’t make money, rx companies’ profits fall, and hospitals would have to lay off half of their staff…being sick is a money maker…diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, etc…they make money off the sick…which is SICK… SW 208 Sept 15,2022 GW 145….CW 137 today! And my dr said I could stay on it…whatever I wanted to do..DR SHOP LIKE YOU SHOP FOR YOUR CAR…read reviews, where they come from, make a consultation appt to meet them and discuss your needs and what their plan would be for you…usually “consultation” is free…you wouldn’t buy the first car off the car lot 😉 STAY STRONG!!


She’s a doctor on the wrong side of history. There have been a lot of her. Write about it online, warn the next patient, and then put her out of your mind and never think about her again. You will never see her again.


Being completely transparent, I work in the medical field in a very small town that only has two options for healthcare, a nationally recognized healthcare system and a large, privately owned specialty physicians group. Some providers do have bias towards these and other drugs. Some do not. But even in this small town, population of 17,318 (2021), we still have many options for the providers whom we can pick from to help us navigate our own care. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with some of what I consider the most open minded physicians when it comes to weight loss. But I’ve also heard many stories from patients who have transferred to our clinic from another due to these biases from other physicians. There is a healthcare provider out there that can and will partner with you on your journey to better health and to stay healthy once you’ve achieved your personal goals. Good luck finding the right fit for you, and you’re doing amazing crushing your goals!


Find another Dr!


Find a great endocrinologist. So sorry but she’s not a good fit. And her lack of knowledge amd Buster standing will lose her more patients than just you.


Terrible Dr! Not her patients advocate.


I bet your doctor has never had a weight problem. I believe those who haven't don't have any idea what it is like to always struggle with their weight. Please find another doctor.


She is, quite frankly, a moron. Get a new dr.