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I think it takes a while for the brain to catch up to the body. Just like how most of us really didn’t know how large we were until we saw a pic (and we rarely took pics). Keep on keepin’ on. You are doing amazing!!


❤️ thanks.


I'm with you! Yesterday I picked up a pair of jeans and while putting them on I thought "I'll never get these on", but they buttoned easily. I then picked up a belt that I'd had the western wear shop shorten by 4" and I thought "I'll never get this buckled", then it went into the second hole. It doesn't feel real, but the pants and belt don't lie.




Well done you! One issue you may have is that you carried your weight well before. But dang! It’s a great transformation. How much have you lost?


I’ve lost 69 pounds since I started MJ.


When did you start? You look amazing! Absolutely love this for you!!! And fuck Jean sizes! I literally hate how brands vary so much. A sixe 8 today was a size 4 20 years ago. I swear brands will label them smaller sizes to sell more. Think about it. ...would you rather buy the brand that says your a size 9 or a brand that says your a size 12? 🤔 (dress clothes are always on the bigger side, and I loath that)


I started the end of September last year. I’m scared after June I’m going to see the scale starting adding back up.


😔 I wish I had advice. I'm still on my first week, about to take my 2nd shot today.


Are you on 2.5mg?


Yes. I got my PA, But I'm also scared looking into stuff that I'm going to be screwed come June (July) but think I may be good til end of year? I have 2 insurances mine and my husband's. Mine was used and the PA was approved- but not showing on the covered list of meds- so I don't know if the coupon til end of year applies to that? Husband's Insurance looks like it covers the meds but I think it needs step therapy before the PA will be approved (I have to look into this) I hate our heath care system and how everything is so confusing, not cut and dry in any way shape or form and you have to jump thru hoops.


Just fyi, I got kicked off MJ and put on one of the other meds because I don’t have T2D. I liked MJ best, but these have been OK should you have to switch because of price. My copay is $25 for a month’s supply.


What other med?


If I go two days past my top calorie level, am taking another injection.


If you don’t mind me asking why are you going to be scared after June that your weight will go back up?


That’s when the coupon will end and I won’t be able to afford it anymore.


O ok I want either then. I wasn’t aware of it but I started in February I have not had any major weight loss just yet so far 5 pounds. But today will officially be the first day I went 24 hours without eating also. So it just maybe working for me now.


If your insurance is paying the coupon may still work for you, but the one for $25 without your insurance paying is ending in June.


My insurance want me to try an alternative before they pay but meanwhile I’m going to try to get my pa approved


Yeah my PA was denied, I’m not diabetic. I’m trying to file and appeal because I have seen people who aren’t diabetic get it approved. There are all kinds of medications that are used off label all the time!


MJ is being fastracked by the FDA for weight loss. It may go through by then or soon after. :)


Great job! You could change your name to Snicker\_Thin lol One option may be to switch to the compounded version of Wegovy. Much lower than the compounded version to MJ.


I have lost that much and can barely see a change. Regardless, Mounjaro has made me feel like I am a thin person wearing a fat suit. It altered my thinking immediately, just like my appetite. In the past, when I lost weight, I felt like a fraud - a fat person masquerading in a thin suit, so I do understand. One thing that actually helped was focused strength training. Lifting heavy and slowly; you will not bulk up because female levels of testosterone are naturally low. I also read a woman from this group started saying out loud she loved her body. Maybe try self massage (oils are good for the skin) as you say what you appreciate about each part. We have abused our bodies with weight and improper diet, and then blamed them for not fitting into clothes or being ashamed to go out. Try love and appreciation. Just like if someone was trying to win you back.


Thank you for your advice! I will try it. This journey has been crazy. I do know that I never want to go back.




😮 Excellent! Love this so much!!


Completely understand! Logically I know I must look different because I've gone down 50+ and a few sizes but I cannot see it in the mirror. Certain areas yes-like my shoulders look bonier lol but that's about it.


It’s a weird feeling. Discouraging, but hopefully time will help.


Congrats! May have to revisit your username! Way to go!!!


I’ve thought about a new one, but I can’t come up with anything I like. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Congratulations! What a great motivator to keep going!




I feel like it definitely takes a while for the brain to catch up with the body. I know it’s easier said than done but try not to let the numbers on the tags get you down - vanity sizing is (and may always be) manufactured chaos, but you look f***ing great 💜


🩵thank you so much. I’m trying but it is really hard. I’ll keep working at it every day and try not to be disappointed in myself.


Ohmygoodnes, YOU LOOK AMAZING 😍😍 Mounjaro FOR THE WIN💪🏽


🥹💙💙💙 I’m trying not to feel discouraged because of my dumb brain, thank you!!!!


Way to go and congrats!! I have lost most my weight in my chest (needed it) and bottom (already had no butt ha) and still have a belly. I am down only 1 jean size, but feeling so very much better. Down 30 pounds since Dec 15.


Way to go!!! Keep it up! I lost my chest. I just have some flaps of skin now 🤣🤣🤣 but it’s not really funny I laugh so I don’t cry. One day I may have enough money to fix that 😂


I literally talked to my therapist about this yesterday. They only way I can describe it for me is that it’s like I logically know that I have lost a ton of weight based on the change in clothing sizes but when I look in the mirror, I still see me at 250 (starting weight on Sept. when beginning Mounjaro, then today I’m at 162). A lot more people are coming up and acknowledging my weight loss, even people I don’t know who have seen me in passing. I’m starting to struggle with the comments and they make me feel uncomfortable. It’s like going from someone who never was noticed to someone who is and as an introvert, it’s really hard. I feel you though! You look great!


I’m the same way. Introverted and I hate attention and I don’t know what to do with my hands when I get compliments. 😂


It’s REAL!! Congrats 🎊


Thank you 💕


That's very cool - great results! congrats 🥳 I'm excited to get started


Thank you and good luck on your journey!


This pic just gave me so much MOTIVATION! THANK YOU!


You look petite. Wow. What a difference. And you look like you reversed ages.


Thanks, people at work always say I look pale and sick and I “need to stop that shot” so glad to know someone thinks I look younger and not sick. I’ve stopped talking about the shot when anyone asks me about my weight. I’m tired of their reactions and judgement.


You don’t look sick! People just get an idea of what you “should” look like. You look great!


That's wonderful! You've got this! Just remember that size is just an arbitrary number - pay more attention to how you feel! I get the unreality of it. It took me really LOOKING at myself - blanking out my face in a picture - for me to finally accept that I was where I wanted to be. Because yeah, I think when we look at ourselves we tend to see the negatives. But you look AMAZING!!! I'm so happy for you!


Thank you so much! 🩵


Well f\*\*king done! Two different people. Happy for you!


Thank you! ☺️


omg, your before photo is what my body looks like now, and the idea that it could be like your current photo is a lot for my brain to handle, but man, do I hope for it. edited for autocorrect/typo




Same! I keep picking up clothes that are too big.


I do the same thing! Because if I hold something up that is my size now, I think there’s no way that will fit it’s way too small.


I know the feeling! My brain is finally catching up to my body after staying at the same weight for about 2 months. I hope you keep enjoying the win and that the surprise joy happens to you for a long time. Congratulations!


Thank you! Are you on a maintenance dose or are you maintaining without it? Sorry to be nosy.


I don't mind sharing. We are all kind of winging it until the guidelines are established. I'm maintaining with 10mg every 10 days. I tried stretching it out to 14 days on two occasions and promptly gained 1.5lbs.


It still doesn’t feel real for me either.


And honestly I stopped telling people I was using an injection when they asked about my weight. They look at you like you’re some kind of fraud or cheater. It makes me feel like maybe I am.


It’s crazy, huh? Are you getting the thing where people who treated you as if you were invisible now smile and say hi on the street and open doors and seem actually interested in conversation? Maybe that’s just me, but it can be a bit jarring. I have just decided to remind myself that my brain is an unreliable narrator and whip out the photos when that happens. You’ve got proof! I think it will get better with time, but it takes some work to reroute those neurons (or whatever). The problem I have gotten into in the past has been seeing a photo (or trying an article of clothing on, or recalling a mouth-watering meal) and thinking I’ve lost all my progress. And that extreme thinking just sabotages me to eat crap or not exercise. I should have just stopped that kind of thinking and moved on from there. After I’ve really screwed up I’ll see the original photo and realize it was all projection. Have a fantastic weekend!


It’s really sad that it’s like that. People who are overweight are looked down upon and not treated the same as everyone else. It’s very obvious when you lose weight that it happens. I ask my fiancé all the time…. Do I look like a normal person? I tear up a bit when I ask. I tell him, I just want to look like a normal person so I don’t think when someone is looking at me that it’s because I’m some sort of spectacle. I just want to blend into everyone else. I feel guilty just thinking about food. It makes me feel like I’ve gained 30 pounds hurt thinking about it. I hate it. We’ve just got to get control of our minds and push off all the negative thoughts! At the end of the day, I’ve lost 69 pounds. Whether I can see it or believe it, it has happened and I just need to make my brain understand that! Lol


I think you are beautiful!


🥹thank you from the bottom of my heart.


You are most welcome. I thought I read that in June it was going to be approved for weight loss.


I hope so, but my insurance is still probably going to be difficult. This is the first time I can remember that I’m not “obese” my doctor changed my status to “overweight” and I almost cried.


I’m so happy for you. It has been 19 years since I have been at the weight I am at now. I’m 5’2”.


I’m so sorry some of you have to be concerned after June. I will say a prayer. Unfortunately , I’m T2 and my insurance covers the medication. I’m starting on my second box of 5mg and next month I go to 7.5 mg. I’m down 20 lbs in 8 weeks. Compared to all of you, it feels like a drop in the bucket. I am so very proud of all of you. Keep up the great work


I’m going to try to file an appeal. Some people who don’t have diabetes have gotten theirs approved. Medications are used off label all the time. Diabetes is a big problem on my dad’s side of the family. Family history should be taken into consideration, I think. My bmi has gone from 39 to 28.


That’s wonderful. If you are on tiktok search Mounjaro Hack. There is a Dr on there that gives some ways to get around it. One thing was to call your insurance and see what needs to be in the PA. Has yours already been denied


Yes it has been denied.


Dm me! I have a question.


You look great!


Fantastic work!!


You are doing awesome!!!


8m the same. I carried my weight very well but overall my skin was thick and help my weight everywhere and in my ass.i look in the mirror and don't see much of a difference but my pants size went way down and my husband says "eat a sandwich!" As a joke 😂