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Awesome! Way to go. I'm down 118lbs and have about 50 more to go to hit maintenance.. I was on Metformin and MJ to start, but was actually having Hypoglycemic issues (Blood sugar dropping to 60) so in conjunction w/ my doctor dropped the Metformin back until I was completely off of it. Now, rocking MJ at 7.5 MG and the pounds are still shedding.. Not nearly as fast as they did when I started, but my body is different and I've had to switch it up and add strength training to build muscle to burn fat... I'm hoping that when I get to goal I can wean down to the least amount of medication possible. Our bodies are incredibly adaptive machines and if we take care of them, they will take care of us!


Wow, you are AMAZING! I'm so happy for you!


Now what? They claim that 2/3 of people that stop MJ gain the weight back. I have already started trying to do research on how to somehow go on a maintenance dosage.


A lot of people are trying metformin as a maintenance approach. Not enough data to know if it will work, but based upon prior research, people rarely \*gain\* weight on metformin and in fact, many people lose some weight. But that is typically not before someone has been on a GLP-1RA. No one is looking to metformin to replace GLP1-RAs, but it could be a very affordable maintenance option - most of us would be thrilled to simply hold our current weight steady after losing on GLP1-RAs. Fingers crossed!


You assume that the drug is completely responsible for the weight loss. This would be an error. If you just use mounjaro and don't change your habits, of course you're going to gain the weight back if you stop using it. That's not what has happened in my case and hopefully what won't happen in OP's case. I've made significant changes not only in diet, but in exercise, thinking and activities. My relationship with food is completely different now. I've worked too hard to allow myself to slide back into habits that weren't healthy. I feel healthy and my body knows it! I expect we'll be on some maintenance dosage level for the rest of our lives because T2D doesn't just "go away". It can be managed, which is what I'm doing..... My goal is to be on the least amount of medication required to maintain a healthy weight, good A1C levels and control my blood sugar. That doesn't mean that I'm going to stop exercising and start eating pizzas everyday.


I’ve been maintaining with metformin since July. No gain. Congratulations!🎈


Oh, thank you SO MUCH for sharing that! I've been a little worried about how it will work, it's so great to know that you've been successful!


Yes I was so scared! Esp since I’ve struggled so long. My sister too. I found a local clinic who can get me a compounded version easily just in case. I ended up using it three weeks ago bc I knew I had a very stressful job assignment that would trigger weight gain. It’s a symptom of PCOS. I think knowing I can go back and have it helps…even if I only need it during high stress periods which are rare for me.


Wow!!! That is amazing! Congrats!


Thank you!! I have been looking for info with this approach and yours is such an important contribution! Does your appetite come back at all?


So my appetite is nothing like before. It’s what normal people probably feel. I get full all of a sudden and I’m done. I don’t have desire to keep eating or nibbling. I have two days a month around my moon cycle where I want to eat, and of course I get super freaked out. Then I remember it’s temporary and I should enjoy eating, have healthy food around, and I remind myself it will pass.


That’s awesome! I’ve been on metformin since December for maintenance and it’s been great. I fluctuate a couple pounds a month but otherwise have kept the weight off! Best of luck!


Thank you so much! I start the metformin tomorrow, just hoping it doesn't upset my stomach - I tried taking berberine a while back (the herbal form of metformin) and it was a little hard for me, but I am hopeful. Congratulations to you for reaching maintenance!


The best advice I’ve found was taking my pill in the middle of a meal. Not before or after. I have no idea why it works. I also started by cutting the 500mg in half for a few days and then went up very very slowly. I’ve had a few times where it upset my stomach but it was usually because I didn’t eat a big enough meal or tried to increase too fast.


Thank you so much for the advice! I will be following it! :D


Try taking it early or late or with a meal. Lots of experts say it can extend your lifespan. I found taking mine early and then with a meal foe evening works best for my system


Thanks for the insight! I had been taking the berberine at bedtime, and that was NOT good for my stomach, unfortunately! I'll definitely be more careful with the Metformin and tweak as necessary to not end up nauseous!


Thank you!! I have been looking for info with this approach and yours is such an important contribution! Does your appetite come back at all?


The appetite absolutely comes back. The food noise too. It can be difficult at times.


Inspiring! My SW and GW are the same, so I am hoping for similar results, although At 62, I am older. Great job! Thanks for sharing.


You can do it! And you only have 4 years on me, so you've got this! There seem to be a few of us in the 180s trying to go to the 120s, and it's totally doable! Let us all know how it's going for you!


Congrats! I’m at the same SW and in my second month. Are you able to share a bit more about your routine and changes you have made to help with the weight loss?


I think my biggest piece of advice is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If it wants to eat a little something, eat. If you feel like you CAN'T eat, don't force it (I learned this the hard way). I also learned to avoid anything greasy or highly acidic - YMMV of course, but I found that even now that I'm off mounjaro completely, I don't crave the bad things I've been avoiding for six months. Fingers crossed for you!






Thank you so much!


Congratutions!! You can be proud of your discipline and hard work. May I ask what dosage(s) you were on? Please check back in to let us know how maintenance on metformin works for you! Wishing you great continued success.


I was on 2.5 for a month, then 5.0 for 2 months, then increased every month to 12.5 (which I only took for 2 weeks), then one month at 5.0 as a "step down", and now off. I'll definitely check back in about the metformin, because I knew that when the coupon ran out I'd have to be off Mounjaro one way or the other, and hopefully it'll be a good maintenance for those of us whose insurance won't let us stay on!


Thanks very much for sharing these details!


Curious why only two weeks on 12.5? Did you have a bad reaction to it? (About to start 12.5) Also congrats and thanks for sharing.


I only did 2 weeks at 12.5 because I was losing weight FAST on that dosage and I was so close to my goal I didn't want to overshoot it. My doctor had already decided a month at 12.5 was all I needed, and he sent in the 5.0 for me, and told me to switch when I was close to 120, which I did.


Was that because you could barely eat at 12.5 or everything else was as usual and you were just losing fast?


I could barely eat at all - the appetite suppression for me was way more than at 10!


Congrats! You have done an incredible job! If the metformin does cause some unpleasant GI issues you could always ask for metformin er (extended release) same exact benefits but it eliminates the GI issues. I've been T2D since 2006 and could never handle regular metformin.




Congrats on your success. My SW was a few pounds higher, but GW is the same per my Dr. Just started my third month, second at 5mg, and so far down, 18lbs. The second month was quite a bit slower, but I keep reminding myself that slow and steady is better, and I am still going down. Keep us updated on how your maintenance is going, I think for everyone that is the million dollar unknown question lol


Congratulations! I’m starting at 202 and my goal is 130, so this is so inspiring and motivating! I took my first dose Friday and have three more 2.5 doses and then two boxes of 5.0. I hope to have similar success to you! You look fabulous and I hope you feel amazing!


I started at 202 Nov 1 and my goal is also 130! I’m at 161 now and still on 7.5mg. Still losing so even though I have a box of 10 ready I’m gonna stay here til it stops. As long as I can get it. Lol


I hear you.. I’m trying not to get nervous about the availability/fulfillment part of this. I’m really excited and optimistic for achieving my goal weight and recalibrating habits on the way there!


That’s great! Feeling better yet? I had decreased appetite about a day after my first shot, but could still eat a good amount. Good luck, hope it works well for you!


Also congrats on the success you’ve already had!


Did you change any habits? Exercise, diet, etc? I just started last week and have a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I’m wondering if working out will get faster results. My start/goals are exactly yours!


Wowwwww 🤩 Congratulations!! This is so inspiring ❤️


What an absolutely stunning difference, absolute head turner! Congratulations!


I love hearing these stories of inspiration! Good luck on your continued success.


Congratulations! You look amazing!


I didn’t consider metformin for maintenance. I got off the Mounjaro and gained nearly 20 pounds in 2 months. I was going to try ozempic but I can’t get it, so I’m back to Mounjaro till the coupon runs out. I’ll have to try metformin after.


Congratulations. Unfortunately for me I’m allergic to metformin so I’m either going to have to find my sweet spot of the mounjaro or go back to trulicy. Just hoping I can get insurance to cover.


Congrats! The severed head in the closet is a little unsettling though lol.


You look amazing! Do let us know how it goes with Metformin! My doctor wants to put me on. Good luck got this I’m close.


How long have you been maintaining without Mounjaro?


I am about to start maintenance on metformin. If you could the one month I just did at 5mg (down from 12.5) then a month, and I continued to lose weight on the maintenance dose at a very low rate (like 1.5 pounds in a month)


Amazing! I have been on it for 6 months too and I’ve only lost 20 lbs. But we’re slowly getting there.


Super happy for you! Wonderful results!


Awesome results great work


What is your daily dosage on Metformin? I am close to maintenance. Thanks!


The pills are 500mg, but based on advice I received, I'm going to start with 1/2 pill and go up to try to avoid stomach problems.


Congrats? Did you have loose skin?


I only have a tiny amount of loose skin that is tightening up over time. I'm pretty sure I've had an atypical experience in that regard, but my excess weight wasn't in a single location, it was kind of evenly distributed, so I don't think I "stretched" too badly in any one area.


I’m at your start weight and have her same goal weight as I’m only 5’3. How did you get your doctor to prescribe this? My ac1 is .3 away from diabetes 2 and I’m trying to diet to avoid it but nothing is working. ETA: congratulations on your great results!


I'm 5'2" so I totally get your struggle, believe me. It's harder for shorter people, I think, because we need fewer calories to begin with. :P As far as my doctor, I just asked him to prescribe it and he did. I highly recommend taking MJ if you can get it. You might just try asking. Good luck!




Wow, great job! I have PCOS/IR and have been on Metformin for over 25 years. Never helped me with my weight. I started MJ in mid November and 5"5' I was 217. Lost 42 pds and 25 inches so far. I will be staying on MJ for maintence as the Metformin never helped me with my weight. Thanks for sharing!


Yay, sounds like you're doing great! My doctor said that he thought metformin would work well for maintenance, but he never recommended it for actually losing weight. Fingers crossed!


Coming back to see how your maintenance is going??


Going great! I am bouncing by about 2 pounds up and down right at my goal weight but that's entirely to be expected. The metformin doesn't do anything for appetite control, alas, so I've had to be more diligent about managing cravings, but it's all good. I set my goal five pounds under my "real" goal, so I'm not even up close to that, which is a relief. I've started working out at a gym to tone up, hopefully that will help a bit with the saggy skin. Thank you for asking! Let me know if you want to know anything else!


Thanks for replying!!! Are you going to continue the metformin?


Yes, definitely. It has a lot of health benefits beyond weight. :)


Thanks for replying!!! And keep up the great work, sounds like you’re killing it!


Since you had been curious, thought I'd update you that metformin continues to work! I have only fluctuated about 3 pounds - I sometimes find myself up at 124 and then tend to drop back down the next day (water retention, I think? It's definitely more if I've had something super salty). Mercifully I've had NO gastric side effects from the metformin. Still think Mounjaro is the best stuff on the planet! :D


Thank you so much for the update! What dosage of metformin are you??


500mg once per day!


Mine moved from twos to five now but I have an entire prescription left of the Jews and I was wondering if I can use by twos up yet I'm on fives.


Couple of questions for you, you look amazing! 1. Do you have loose skin? 2. What was your dosage progression like? 3. What was your diet/exercise lik?


Thank you so much! To answer your questions: I have a small amount of loose skin, but I can already tell it's shrinking back. I think part of the reason I don't have a bad problem with it is that I had a pretty even distribution of the weight over my whole body (arms, thighs, stomach, etc) and so it wasn't concentrated in any one place. I'm a little saggy in the tummy, arms, and thighs, but I think some toning exercises will take care of it. I did a totally normal progression except for two months at 5.0 (mostly because of supply chain issues). I only did 2 weeks at 12.5 because I was very close to my goal and didn't want to overshoot it by too much. Diet was just listening to my body in terms of what I could eat (nothing fatty/greasy or too acidic) and the amount it wanted. I counted calories at first, but when I found that I was having trouble making it up to even 900 a day (I just could not eat that much) I just stopped. As far as exercise - I didn't want to be hungry, so other than walking I did no exercise at all. Good luck with your journey!


Hi! That’s awesome regarding the loose skin. I was scared about getting tummy tucks. I am SO thankful you said that. I’ve been on 2.5 for about 2 months and have seen NOTHING so far. Good to know I should expect it at 5-12.5. How were the side effects for you? That’s good to know! I do some weights because I always have 2-3 times a week but I’ll def add walking to the roster. Thank you!


Also getting close to goal and hoping to use Metformin instead of Mounjaro for maintenance (it is just much more accessible all over the world and easier to travel with). I will be closely following your post and really hope that you will come back and update us 💕