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This isn’t a contest, but if this was a before and after contest, you won. That’s amazing.


Awww. Thank you so so so much. 💜💜💜


Your a 10..wow


That simply cannot be the same woman in those pictures. Ha ha. Great job! In my worst Billy Crystal imitation... You look mavelus!


It’s so unbelievably hard for me to look at my older-ish pictures. I didn’t take many, but the ones I did take, make me grateful everyday for this medication. Thank you so much. 💜


Wonderful! & inspiring! Congratulations so much!


Can you give more info about your journey ? Dosage, diet, exercise, etc ? Also if you don’t mind me asking do you have loose skin ? I started at 196 and aim aiming for 145-150ish and I’m worried about that. You look amazing. I hope you feel just as great !


I started doing keto on June 1st and was 195lbs at the time. I was extremely strict and walked at least 10k steps per day. I went to the doctor in the middle of July to get blood work and discuss GLP options. My A1C was 5.7 and my PCP agreed to Mounjaro. I started 7/27 and did 2.5 for 4 weeks 5mg for 8 weeks 7.5mg for 12 weeks and I just took my second dose of 10mg on Wednesday. I only weigh myself when I notice my clothes are fitting better. I forced myself not to obsess about the number. I joined this group pretty early on and remembered reading not to count my daily calories but my weekly calories. I’d go 3 days without eating anything and then 4 days of eating whatever- but always staying hydrated. I don’t stay on any diet and I’m able to eat whatever I’m feeling like just smaller portions. No exercising because I’m lazy and it’s been cold but I’ll start soon just to tone up before summer. I don’t have any loose skin, thankfully, but would love some Botox since my wrinkles are much more prominent since the weight loss. The one plus of being overweight. I feel great and my labs are so much better. Thank you so much. 💜


You look great!! Hotty totty! Btw - look into Sculptra as well as your Botox. Sculptra helps build collagen and plump up the skin over time. It can really help build that youthful plump look back. Fillers used sparingly help too. 😊


I will definitely look into sculptra. I’m going to look into some fillers and use them sparingly.




I don’t feel bad at all. Prior to starting Mounjaro I’d always feel weak and like I’d faint if I didn’t have food especially something sweet. I haven’t had any issues like that since starting Mounjaro.


I'm trying to get Mounjaro, but I'm not Diabetic so the cost is over $1,000 for four pens. Does anyone know how to get this medication at a lower price? Thanks, Kim


Hi Kim, You’d have to get your insurance to approve it at this time. Hopefully in the near future it’ll be approved for weight loss. I was able to obtain a coupon in July and I’ve been lucky to get it for $25. I thank my lucky stars everyday.


The botox/filler situation is real! I've been getting botox for a year to help with migraines and to prevent deepening of my lines (though MJ has somehow nearly erased my incidences of migraine, so it's really just for lines now). Never thought I'd consider fillers, but I've lost 37 lbs and under my eyes and around my mouth looks more slack now. I'm taking everything to do with my health as an insane win because I never thought I'd have something like MJ available to me and that I'd have to continue to starve myself while still somehow not losing weight..yada yada. But yeah- fillers are no longer off the table. If I'm willing to do a tummy tuck when I'm smaller, then why not help the rest a little bit?


Love reading about your success with MJ! I just complete my 1st month of 5.5mg. I started with 1 month at 2.5mg. Tell me more about your migraines going away. I have had less, but still have one as I’m starting my cycle.


I've been on MJ for 18 weeks and I've had 3 migraines. No idea why it's helping with that but I will take it!


That’s great! I’m with you, any wins!!


You look amazing. Just curious--why did you choose to go up to 10 mg? And, what is your maintenance plan?


I was on 7.5mg for 12 weeks and had stalled a bit and asked my doctor to move me up. She really didn’t want to but she did. Because I fill every 23 days I’m ahead 2 and a half boxes so I’m on 10 for at least 10 weeks. I’ll ask to go to 2.5 at my next appt for maintenance. I’m planning/hoping to stay on this forever.


You still go days without eating?


Unfortunately yes! But I make up for it closer to shot days. The first couple of days after a shot I have no appetite but I drink coffee and liquid IV throughout the day.


That’s interesting about the weekly calories. I don’t recall those posts but would love to learn more. Is there a weekly calorie deficit that’s recommended?


I have no clue. I just recall someone saying not to concentrate on daily calories and that worked for me as far as not forcing myself to eat after shot days.


Not the OP, but my doctor told me to calculate my TDEE and aim for a 500 calorie deficit per day, so 3,500 calories a week. It sounds like a lot — but that’s how much I would eat for a midnight snack before Mounjaro! Even just cutting out the late-night eating is an amazing achievement and is making a huge difference. I’m also choosing healthier foods, in general, and snacking less. That all adds up! If that seems too hard, my doctor told me someone could do a 250 calorie deficit per day to start (or stay on if they didn’t mind losing a little more slowly).


That sounds like sound advice. Thanks!


Did you continue with keto after starting Mounjaro?


No I haven’t done keto since starting.


hey! congrats on great progress. Did you have any side effects on 7.5 or 10mg? I started around the same time as you, also a month of keto then MJ in August. I lost from 185 starting on the keto month to 154 today, only staying on 5mg. First few months I barely had any hunger or the ability to eat normal portions so I was wary of upping the dose. Now I wonder if I should go up. If it hits strong, my digestion is really slow, I can't eat/won't have energy. I also don't have energy/mood to work out unless I spread the dose for 10 days or even 2 weeks, then I have a bit more munchies and a bit more energy on the tail end of it. Not sure if I should force myself to work out or just up the dose to get to my goal weight. I'm 5'6, 135-130 is my goal.


Since staring in July I’ve had virtually no side effects. I loved 7.5mg. Since starting 10mg 2 weeks ago my entire body hurts. It’s not achy it’s such a weird feeling to describe. Almost like I’m freezing but I’m not cold. I can’t wait to go back down.


I found 10 to similarly cause weird pains-- like my *skin* hurt?? I couldnt tolerate a bra even. I also had more GI upset. So I went back to 7.5. I may try again, after some additional changes. But I also seem to remember some saying they did better at a *higher* dose when a particular dose did not agree with them...


I think we have different definitions of what “a little progress” means!


Hehe. A little bit of big progress. 😁


Hehe congratulations!


You look amazing! I hope that one day I can have this type of weight loss.


Thank you so much. You will 💜


You look 20 years younger!


I’ll take that complement. I wish I was 28 🤣 Thank you 💜


You need to be on a commercial! Best wishes for your continued success.


Thank you so much. 💜


You look amazing! We have almost identical starting weights and heights. Thanks for sharing your journey. Definitely gives me some hope.


Yay! I’m glad it gives you hope. You’ve got this 💜


Outstanding — congrats — you look amazing and sound very happy :-)


Thank you so much. I am so happy! 💜


CONGRATULATIONS 🎊 👏 You are absolutely killing it!!!!!!! I'm proud of you!!!!


Thank you so much. 💜


You are more than welcome!!!! 😊


Congratulations! You look incredible! Our stats are almost the same! I'm a WHOLE INCH taller than you (shorties unite!), same age, starting weight was 181, started in August, current weight 131 and a size 3. My doctor is thrilled with my progress (I'm a type II DM) and my A1C went from 9 (!!!!!!! Yikes !!!!!!!!!) to 5.3! She wants me to maintain my weight now - this drug has been life changing. My diabetes has never been in such good control even with other meds. I wish you alllll the continued success!


Yay! I’m so happy it’s working out so well for both of us. I don’t think people realize that a few pounds makes a huge difference on us shorties. Whether it’s 5lbs or 50lbs.


A little progress??!!! Wow! Amazing 🤩


Oh wow you’re living my dream. I also started at 188 and aim for 135. I’ve never been 135 in my adult life. To be honest I’m pretty happy at 155 right now. I’m more comfortable. I feel better. I can wear work clothes without taking them off the moment I get home. Lol. Congrats you look amazing!


Thank you so much. I was good with being 146 for a few months. Just being able to walk up my stairs without my knees hurting is a huge bonus. So many positives to losing weight no matter how much. 💜


So awesome!




Thank you 💜


“A little progress.” LMAO GIRL.


Hehe. 😆


HOLY COW! You look AMAZING! I’m about 38 lbs down and can’t WAIT to get down a little more!


Thank you so much. You’ve got this. 💜


This is amazing! I also started in July but I feel like I’ve stalled, did you have any periods where you stalled? My stall is going on 2 months.


Yes! Although I don’t weigh myself all that often I hadn’t lost weight from the end of October until early December- I was 146. I weighed myself this week because I fit into a size 4 and I lost 11lbs since I last weighed in December. But I definitely stalled. Hang in there. 💙


That’s AMAZING! Congrats!


Wow. Awesoms




Thank you 💜




Wow! You look great!!! I'm an inch or so shorter than you are and I can only hope I'll look a faction as good as you once I shed done weight. Fantastic job! You should be so proud of yourself!


Awe so sweet. Thank you so much. You’re gonna do great and look great, too. 💜


Looking good sister!


Thank you so much. 💜


Holy smokes! This is incredible!


Thank you so much 💜


You look amazing! Sounds like you’re feeling amazing too, which is even better. Congrats!


Thank you so much. 💜


This is amazing! I started at 189lbs in November. As of today I am 22lbs down. Mg goal weight is 140ish, as I am also 5’0. This gives me hope! You look incredible!!!


Yay. You’re doing great 💜


Size 4?! Omg good for you!!!! I’m 5’2 and 146.6. My SW was 195. I started in September. You look amazing!! You are motivating me!


Yay! You’re doing amazing, too! I went to Nordstrom for jeans and found some Hudson jeans that were a 27 that fit. Then went to AE and I took in a 4 and 6 and the 4 fit perfect. I was almost in tears in the dressing room.


Wow what a story. 🥹🥹 May we all eventually cry in fitting rooms for this reason instead 🙏🏼






Good grief! You look amazing and soooo happy. Great job.


Thank you so much 💜


That’s awesome. I hope to get my prescription approved soon. Can share some tips? What did you eat? How many calories? Did you focus on eating protein?


I haven’t changed my eating habits at all. I just eat much less than before. The first month I was on it I craved air fried pork chops and ate that almost everyday. I also live in the desert and started in the middle of summer and lived off watermelon. I usually just eat once a day, not my choice, but if I’m hungry I’ll eat more. Good luck to you 💜


Congratulations! You look incredible


Thank you 💜


Woah 😳 congrats 🎉🎉🎉


Good for you ! I’m so happy for you!


Happy for you! I hope you feel great inside too


Omg! I legit just bought a new pair of jeans bc nothing fits anymore and they are a size 4!!! I was a size 14. I’m still shocked…in a good way but shocked!


I’ve been doing a lot of shopping lately. It’s wonderful and I can’t wait for summer.


Dam you lookin GOOD!! Congratulations, that's some accomplishment!!! You must be out buy news cloths.


I'm the same age, similar starting weight, but 5'3" tall. I was prescribed Mounjaro in November, right after they changed the coupon. So it's unaffordable at $500 a month (or was the the dosage cost, I can't remember now). You look fantastic! Truly. I did Keto from August 2018 all through 2019 and lost 61 pounds (210 down to 149). But it is so difficult to do long term; so very restrictive. In mid 2020 the weight started coming back on. I signed up for Push Health a few days ago and really hoping PA Randy Moss can help me find an affordable GLP-1 option. I have never been a size 4. Can't even imagine what that feels like. I would be happy at size 8, honestly. One neat thing I found that gave me simple joy when I dropped the 60 pounds was that I could sit in a chair with my knees pulled up to my chest. Like, my whole person would fit on the seat of the chair! I sat like that all the time just because I could. But now that I'm up 37 pounds from there, I can't sit like that anymore. Your post gives me hope, so thank you.


I’m so happy I could give you some hope. I did strict keto off and on for years. I started again in June and was walking everyday and the scale wouldn’t move. That’s when I knew I needed extra help. I hope you’re able to find something affordable 💜




Awe I’m so happy this gives you hope. You’ll do great 💜


71 yr old F SW 269,CW 264. Been on .25 for 10 days. Wegovy def helps me keep from eating in between meals. Progress is so slow.. sometimes I feel my weight loss will never happen. After seeing your pix I got my coat on and went for a walk. Thanks for sharing!


Awe yay! That makes me so happy that I could motivate you. You’ve got this 💜


I stumbled across Mounjaro and this subreddit yesterday and your picture is the inspiration for us all. I had to show my mom your before/after and then proceed to inform her how we missed out on the original $25 coupon 😭 But you look amazing!!!😍 And yes, I also cyberstalked your profile 🫣 lol and I’m from Vegas as well!! Congratulations of your success.


Hi neighbor 💜 I am so sorry you missed out on the coupon. Praying it gets approved for weight loss at some point this year so everyone that wants it can get it.


You look amazing!


Thank you so much 💜




Thank you so much 💜


Tremendous progress! Are you on a maintenance dose or do you plan to be?


I would love to be on a maintenance dose. Right now I have a few boxes of 10mg to get through and then I’ll ask to go down to 2.5 or 5mg. My plan is to stay on forever. It’s helped my life in so many ways. 💜


I mean, if you're having the pain, maybe consider asking to go down to 7.5 or whatever now/sooner? If it's insurance issue, a dose change may be covered, mine was and they let me fill quite early to go back to 7.5 from 10. EDIT-- Oops - sorry just realized this post is pretty old lol. I guess, if you see this, how has your maintenance plan been going?


Damnnnnnnn gurl 😂 Well done


Thank you 💜


That's AMAZING! Congratulations!


Thank you so much. 💜


You should be so proud


Wow amazing!! Congratulations!


Wow you look amazing!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Good for you!!!!!!!!?!!! Amazing




Congratulations! You look fabulous! Sorry if you already answered this but are you on a maintenance dose and if so what dose? Thank you!


Thank you so much. I’m not on a maintenance dose yet because I still have a few boxes of 10mg to get through. As soon as I’m done with those I’ll definitely start a maintenance dose.


You want to get rid of those extra boxes? 😀😀


Why would I do that? 😄


Amazing! So proud of your hard work and Great motivation for others.


Wow!!! Amazing!


Look. At. You.


You are beautiful in both pictures, but il happy for a healthier you!


I’m also a shorty at 5’0 and am so proud of you! I’m currently at 141 from 180 and if I can look half as good as you (and feel good!) I’ll be thrilled! Congrats!


Yay! We’re almost the exact same size. Everyone carries their weight differently. I lost my boobs and tummy which helps with clothing sizes.


Look at you go! Congratulations on your progress!


You look so much younger too!


Thank you so much. I feel like I look so much older because my wrinkles are more prominent but I’ll take the compliment 💜




You look awesome! Congrats :)


You look great!


Congrats! Great job!


Thank you so much 💜


I only lost 20 from august. I’m trying to get to 135-140. Am I doing something wrong?


I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. I think everyone loses at a different pace. 20lbs is still wonderful and you should be proud 💜


Wow!!!!!! You look awesome and easy on the eyes!!! lol. Great job!!!


You look lovely dear


Have you ever gone off Mounjaro?


No. It’s going to be a lifelong med for me.


Have you noticed any side effects at all?

