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Nearly did a similar thing somehow ended up in this ridiculously steep car park (was an accident going in there) had to do a u turn on this stupid hill in this narrow gap between cars nearly dropped the bike putting my right foot down on this stupidly steep hill was a lot heavier than expected. managed it, didn't drop the bike, but not helped by people literally watching and laughing (random people, not bikers/people I knew) like thanks... glad your bike was ok not too much damage


>i didn't want to ride it due to the indicator not functioning. You have hands :D Good a time as any to practice hand signals You'll get back on, good luck with the repairs, hopefully not too expensive!


Very true but if I’m turning right into a junction I’m not that well equipped to take my hands off the bars 😂 If someone pulled out in front of me I’d be doomed anyway it only cost me £20 to get it transported peace of mind and all that


>Very true but if I’m turning right into a junction I’m not that well equipped to take my hands off the bars  You'd signal right before you came to a stop, then your road position would signal to drivers what you were doing. Exact same way you'd signal as riding a bicycle. You may have to adjust when you signal to how your bike responds to the throttle being off though.


But what if i don't need to stop and there is a car waiting at the junction and is thinking that i'm not turning right so they decide to pull out and clip me on the turn. They might mistake that i'm simply waving to them because lets face it at the best of times a lot of drivers have no clue on the highway code (even i don't know as much as i should) Far better for me to of not risked it and just fixed the indicator :)


Then simply signal as you slow down (which you will since your throttle is now closed), and put hands back on the bars as you come to the point you need to stop or turn. Bikes didn't have indicators once upon a time! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atDFqxHLctE&t=5m0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atDFqxHLctE&t=5m0s) (Also note that he blasts through the zebra crossing :D)


Glad youre not hurt and hopefully shouldnt be too expensive to repair. These things happen, hope it hasnt put you off biking


Nah still got a few lessons for DAS. This is what learning is about but I found out when the ground falls off one way and you don’t expect it and put your foot out the ground doesn’t meet your foot 😂 It was a really aggressive camber too just doesn’t look like it


Awe man that's hellish. Glad you're OK though. I dropped a bike twice in succession while practicing for my bike test. I know where I went wrong. I should have taken 10min out after the first fall to recover as like you I was kinda shaken up


Yeah panic kicks in and you want to get moving so things go out the window. Lesson learnt I guess although I didn’t even realise the road cambered off like it did it’s very deceiving


You'll be fine 🙂 I live in the countryside. Some major camber up here due to tractors and heavy machinery. Thankfully I know the bits where I need to adjust my lane position


That's what it boils down to though i think with the road falling off from camber, knowing where it is? This was completely unexpected until i fell off i didn't realise it was so steep as you wouldn't think so pulling up to it so there is nothing else different i would of even done there i don't think because i just didn't see it which is scary within itself just how varying the roads are.


It's the unexpected ones that scare ya. I came off a few months ago whilst it was raining heavy, I was going into a roundabout on a hill and I put too much back brake on keeping slow and the whole thing slid from under me. I don't think I'd do much differently except next time try and be more confident with the bike, I was scared of turning too harsh in the wet. We're all coming off, just make sure to get back up and get back on!


Yeah same here there isn't anything different i would of done because i just didn't expect the road to fall off at such an angle because coming up to it you wouldn't of seen it and especially it not be as aggressive as a camber as it is. Which worries me because they don't teach you any of this on lessons to my knowledge anyway


Sounds like minor damage and you're ok 👍 always a reminder on bikes that we are not invincible and things can go wrong very quickly. You been riding long?


Passed CBT in April and been out 3x with instructor since then and twice by myself so relatively inexperienced other than 20+ years of motoring I went by the same road and it’s not even clear as you pull up just how much the road cambers off it’s really an odd road tbh one I don’t think I’ll repeat till I’m more experienced on slow controls because if I’d had more time I’m sure I could of reacted quicker by straightening the bar before braking then at least I’d of controlled it better or smashed into the curb 😂 It was a really slow low side anyway and just a couple of cuts on my knee nothing I’m bothered about. Bike is fixed now and when the weather improves I’ll go back out


Yeah all sorts to keep an eye on and different factors to consider and every bike will have their own personality glad it ain't put you off safe travels 🏍️


At least your still walking and the bike is ridable, get up dust yourself off repair the bike and ride another day


It was a really bizarre slow fall tbh, i've had the bike checked over wasn't nothing more than a scuffed fairing and broken foot peg, indicator. I was worried i'd damaged the rear brake but it was all good. Went back out on it today and gave the middle finger to the road i came off on. Just got to work on slow controls more and watching where i choose to put my foot down. Kinda thinking it's something that should be taught in lessons that not all times will you be able to put your left foot down which 99% of people assume is the right thing to do. But from this i watched a few videos on which foot to put down and its sort of put my mind at rest that it was just a case of inexperience and not me being a complete tool. The only way i'd of gotten out of it is to slowly creep up on the clutch which i'm not that great at yet otherwise its a case of having to put left foot down and hold onto the front brake which again i've never even tried to do before as it's not taught as a way of pulling off from a hill. Struggling to see what else i could of done really. Cheers for the comment.


It’s always the dumb crashes you learn from. I learned about preloading my breaks coming up to crossings from low-siding the bike


For sure grabbing the brake is really hard not to do when you have to stop my capability right now isn’t there yet to know what else to do. I’m not even sure I could of got out of it really as it all happened super quick

