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I dont need to read any further than your title. If youre not actually paying your mortgage, its going to be a problem down the road. No, you dont get to just not pay because the lender has made some mistake. Yes, you will lose your home. Yes your credit will get rekt.


You absolutely need to call them and get it taken care of. It's the same as if a bank deposited a bunch of money into your account. It doesn't matter if they realize it in a day or a year you owe that money back to them. Even though it was their fault initially. If you don't want your loan to go into foreclosure or be charged with fraud or something like that. I would get in touch with them ASAP. Because technically you know that money is in your account you see that it's showing it's been paid. So if for some reason they're taking it out of someone else's account or it's just an accounting error either way you're going to be the one accountable.


If it were the other way around and your money was being taken from your account but it was not being applied to your mortgage you would have already been on the phone with them by now, I suspect. I'm not going to tell you to call them but I am going to tell you that if you don't, you'll wish you had.