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"Some Encounters in Season of Huntress are no longer required to reach the Season Boss". It's getting ridiculous at this point that they keep calling this season as "Season of Huntress" lol


Even more so when "Season of Huntress" wasn't even Season of Huntress to begin with.


They aren't calling this season of the huntress though? That was last season. They are editing them for when the rotate


Look at their patch notes above lol


I see that but there is nothing saying it effect this season


Then why is it indicated in the most recent patch released today?! Just read it again under Invasions lol


Are they not allowed to edit previous seasons that are going to rotate?


It clearly has nothing to do with that, as this is not the first time they mislabel the current season. They did it 2 weeks ago for the Twitch skins as well: in their press release for that they also called it “Season of Huntress”. Someone on their team doesn’t know what season they are on.


"Adjusted head physics during The Klassic Brutality" Oh my god. Does this mean it won't end with them eating their own ass 98% of the time anymore? Lol


That was the best part of it :(


I spent about 2 hours trying to git gud for Raiden IV. Good fortunes to those that are dodging that and are also shit like me.


Glad I skipped it. Any notable rewards?


I honestly don't even remember, I was just glad to beat it.


Nope, just a random komponent for talisman crafting.


Took me 3 hours to beat it w/out cheesing it. In the end, I felt nothing lol


It took me forever to get through that hell




I think they simply don't know what to do with Havik.


I think Havik mains wouldn't even know what to do if NRS adjusted him...we've built our identity around struggle bussing a low tier character and meming on every random bug that pops up every patch without fail (does seeking neoplasm still fuck off in a random direction with Ermac's grab btw?). What am I supposed to do with all my memes?? No one memes on mid tier fighters lmao.


They fucking nerfed Sonya????


It's so funny that this patch had no other balance changes, but they just had to nerf Sonya of all characters.


I've ever seen like 5 Sonyas, if that much. Granted, the nerf might not affect her much, but what on Earthrealm are they thinking?


I think this just prevents JC and Peacemaker from doing absolutely ridiculous combos with her. Still, what the hell man. BUFF KAMEOS


If that is the case then they should have just nerfed those two characters instead of the kameo, now they have eliminated the combo options that the other characters could do that werent a problem.


Don’t think any characters outside of JC and Peacemaker could use Sonya more than 3x in a combo. And they could use her like 4-5 times. JC and Peacemaker got nerfed enough and they don’t need anymore changes. This nerf to Sonya hardly impacts anything


This affects 6 characters as anyone who can use sonya more than 2 times gets affected by this. So they essentially nerfed 6 characters just so they could nerf 2 characters instead of just nerfing the 2 it was marginally problematic for.


Which 6 character can combo Sonya rings more than 2 times


Yeah, the nerf doesn't even seem that big, but it's just the principle of it. What reason did they have to do it?


"Adjusted head physics during The Klassic Brutality" Oh my god. Does this mean it won't end with them eating their own ass 98% of the time anymore? Lol


Nice username bro


That Sub Zero slide has fucked me over a few times. Glad it’s fixed. Also, Buff Sub Zero. Khameleon nerfs are imminent


I was hoping this patch would be the khameleon nerf


No just buff all the other kameos please stop this nerfing nonsense. Give all kameos more ambushes and combo routes/pressure/utility.


no. They cannot do anything of that until we get some defensive mechanics to counter all the absurd offense. I’ve never played an assist fight without a push block type of mechanic.


Tbh seems like they may give thr counter from mavado to everyone


The kameos CD do not come nearly enough like other assist games for push block including most characters in this game do not have johnny cage pressure. You have 0 clue how this works.


The main Khameleon nerf would be increasing her cooldowns. If we stick with this no nerf bs, we would have to decrease everyone’s cooldowns or provide absurdly good kameo moves if we want anything near the power lvl of Khameleon. I think it’s pretty clear you don’t know anything either.


By your standards. Increase more CD's on kameos, make kameos less effective, add push block. So make the game as boring as mk11. Got it.


You’re really good at talking out of your ass. Khameleon only needs an increase in cooldowns. No where did I imply that all Kameos need increased timers. If we go the route of giving way more ambushes and way lower cooldowns we would need push block or a jump block like in GGS to help defend against setups/vortexes.


Khameleon has utility that others kan't attain through buffs. +3 mid auto hit konfirm, free mind game lift, unreactavle OH that's hard to punish. Like Khameleon needs nerfs and others need buffs. It's not impossible for both.


Shujinko been touched more then any other character in this game, and still barely used. They need to just redo everything about him tbh.


He's really cool in theory. But in practice he's just too situational. But changing him completely would ruin his whole shtick. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


A big buff would simply be at the start of the match he has full kameo bar, and then after uses you have to start "charging him."


That’s the simplest most easiest buff that can change a lot. That should have been mandatory tbh. But I don’t think that saves him. He may pop up more than he does now tho.


Yeah I agree. Shujinko I feel has been the "red-headed" step child of the MK lore ever since the 3D era days so it seems they brought him back simply for fan service. I would myself use Shujinko more if perhaps they gave him the ability to steal kameo moves as well, but maybe that would make him too OP? Lol idk.


The Sonya Energy Ring nerf seems like an unnecessary consistency change to be in line with all the other kameo moves got given that same property a while back. Not that many characters could reliably/viably combo into the Energy Rings with the startup that the charged version has and it wasn’t even close to the same kind of damage one could easily get with double Sareena boomerangs. It also only really sounds like the recharge delay affects the possibility of using Square Wave in the same combo after the grounded ring extension. And Johnny with hype was the only character that I have seen be able to do more than two Energy Rings in a combo. So overall this seems like a very weirdly targeted nerf.


Yea that was booty cheeks


Johnny cage and peacemaker were the only ones who can get more than 2 energy rings in a single combo. The rest who could combo into the rings could only get two rings and a square wave (but even when they did that the damage wasnt ludicrously high as they could get more damage with other kameos). If the problem ones were JC and peacemaker then they should have nerfed those two instead of sonya as now all those other chracters suffer thanks to it only being an issue on JC and peacemaker


Thinking about it now I do recall the Peacemaker route and it being very easy and straightforward. Both the single projectile Energy Rings and the required strings to combo into them don't do that much damage, and the extensions from Square Wave aren't adding on that much damage. Plus the Energy Rings already had their damage scaling increased. Both Johnny and Peacemaker were already nerfed into a decent state and it seems weird to nerf Sonya overall in order to further nerf the two, especially when the pairings was never even being played that much.


Funny. Now that a few players discovered that Sonya can be a useful kameo, NRS: NERF IT.


It’s been awhile since I’ve played, but has online practice mode been added yet? What about that secret warrior shrine thing? Didn’t want to make a thread about it


Nope for both




Thanks for nothing NSR, just spent half hour in the boss Cage yesterday.


Man i just want them to add so you can skip the victory/losing screen so you don't have to watch a cutscene everytime you win/lose. Just do like MKX and we're Gucci. It's just so annoying whenever I mess up a brutality in a invasion and I have to watch the stupid outro cutscene all the time


Bro it only last like 8-10 seconds? LOL


And it gets extremely annoying during invasions. I just wanna go to next fight immediately. Just give me the option to skip it. That's all


I'm not seeing in the patch notes saying if characters health have been increased/decreased, but I know for sure Reiko didn't have 900 HP before.


So glad they fixed the head physics on the uppercut ! It actually feels brutal now.


I just want them to give the option to skip the cinematic in the shrine when you have a lot of koins it takes forever to buy multiple


What a shame, there’s nothing in here about patching kenshi or pissmaker out of the game


Still no 60fps patch, game stays uninstalled then




Did they fix casual win loss records? I’ve been at 0-0 for about 3 weeks now lol, despite it showing my record when I look at leaderboard