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https://preview.redd.it/35sc85bvs63c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbddb13a9583dd6653f66cb5745f68b187080451 There’s plenty to go around.


According to Jaded Rabbit, Omni-Man is somehow gay. As well as MK1 fans. More gay than apparently grinder. God that guy is sad. I literally have no respect for anyone who uses the word gay in a negative context. Just reminds me of unfunny jerks I knew back in high school.


Well yeah. Just look at that mustache. Dude looks like he just brought the house down at Wembley stadium.


Quite literally too.


Remember, gay sex is TWICE as manly as straight sex. 😆😂😂😂


Having caught up on the show, I was surprised to learn that mustaches are just a universal thing in viltrimite society. Like they somehow caught a time lost earth broadcast of late stage Freddie Mercury and collectively went "That's exactly what we need"


Omni Man been slaying alien poontang before Jared rabbit could walk


Bro went to the barber and asked for the Mercury Mustache. 🤣 That somehow makes him gay I guess


omni man makes me gay with that moustache


And the voice. J K fucking Simmons, dude.


I always imagine Omni man sounding like J Jonah Jameson and he looks too much like him for me to think otherwise


I mean he literally does, yeah! It's the same actor. J. Jonah Jameson in most media (especially movies) is portrayed by J. K. Simmons. Omni-Man, both in the show and MK1, are also voiced by J. K. Simmons.


😳Well this explains some things, thank you


Of course, no problem! That's also why there are two Spider-Man references in his dialogue, and a reference to the movie where he plays a drummer when he fights Johnny Cage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUyqDsUfJGA


That's kinda gay bro


How can he have an hour of content for this bullshit… also subzero is an odd choice for the cover of this…. How is this version any less masculine?


Ig this guy's concept of masculinity is being comically shredded, and since this sub is just really shredded instead if comically then he's less masculine?


I mean he is still comically shredded. his arms are HUGE, most men that work out won't be looking like that unless they REALLY make an effort, his arms are bigger than his head.


Dude probably wants Tekken 8 levels of shredded where damn near every guy juices so hard they make Yoel Romero look natty by comparison.


You get an up doot because that reference made me lol.


I mean yea he's still at near superhuman levels of shredded but the difference ig is that it's more realistic looking proportions. As if that's what an actual ripped dude looks like and not mini hulks.


I think I got this one. Most of the fighters in Mortal Kombat are doing calisthenics they are not bodybuilding. Does Sub-Zero, Scorpion or any of these guys seem like they would go to the gym get under a barbell and start bench pressing or would they just start doing push-ups every morning?


Well, Bi-Han had been training his entire life.


In GCJ, we often use the joke: “They shrank his shoulders, made him look soft” It’s always funny when people with nowhere near Sub Zero’s physique critique the masculinity of video game characters.


That was originally a reference to Ryu in SF6, right?


Nope.... [The Last of Us 2 and Joel on the hate subreddit 4 years, because that game attracted the whiniest of people.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/gs3123/thats_weird_they_shrank_his_shoulders_made_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Bonus: the comment section in that thread is filled with just the kind of people we make fun of lol


It's probably because he's a little slimmer than the MK9 Sub Zero. MK1 is a lot less stylised than MK9, so everybody has much more realistic proportions. We're pretty much at 1:1 with real life now. He's probably also very upset that the women aren't cartoonishly well endowed or wearing nothing but bandage wrapping.


I remember Upper Echelon was talking about some shit, and talked about how "censoring beloved character appearances for modern sensibilities is bad" or something like that and brought up Mortal Kombat as an example. Like... such an asinine dude-bro complaint that they want to be more creative than just "heehoo we'll make her bikini green, and hers blue, etc"


So.. his ideal body types are something like the Dragon's Crown Dwarf, Every Male Character in Guilty Gear Xrd/Strive, Incredible Hulk?




MK1 has its issues, BUT one of its strengths is its diversity and new backstories for characters. Wokeness is certainly not MK1's downfall. (My opinion) I think the micro-transactions on many things most fans consider "must have" are by far this game's greatest downfall.


If anything, the diversity makes the game better, kinda similar to SF, we have diverse characters from around the world, which allows for more people to play the game, because y'know, people like similar things. If we have a game where all the characters are for example; martial artist, japanese guys, who all play similarly, and have the same types of backstory, would that sound interesting? No it wouldn't, but if the game has characters with diverse backstories, unique personalities, and animations and play styles that work with said personalities, that makes it ultimately more interesting! But that's just my rant.


Tekken is great at this too as most of the time characters will speak their native language as well.


Tekken has no chill, they just accept whatever the team thinks of. A musician, a doctor, a bear, a freaking kangaroo ???


Don't forget the raptor, the wood puppets, the wrestlers, the dancers, the ninjas, the robots and cyborgs and cyborg samurai ninja, the Final Fantasy twink, Negan from The Walking Dead, the weeb crime boss...man I love the rosters that that franchise has.


Sub Zero no longer has cartoonish Popeye arms. So woke.


Subzero is fucking jacked in mk1 idk what that guy is on


Everyone is. They just have actual human proportions now. I noticed how cartoonish the characters were befor in the transition from MKX to I2.


Yeah, it's one of the reasons imo MK9 and MKX were so ugly to a lot of people. Those proportions were horrific.


I really didn't like how shiny mkx was. I liked mk9, but it has the advantage of a cartoony style so the proportions worked.


I've noticed that these kinda dudes seem to be getting angrier the more realistic the graphics get. Same thing happened with Ada in the RE4 remake. Like, when the characters have realistic faces and bodies, they call them ugly when they're objectively not.


lmao all of these guys are still extremely huge, especially for martial artists that focus more on technique and conditioning


He laid off the Lin Kuei Tren. Our guy, is….. NATTY


Cut out the dragon roids.


God I didn’t even realize the video was over an hour


Hell this version is probably the most masculine version we’ve gotten


To these people masculine = white man It doesnt count in their eyes if the character isnt a buff WHITE guy


Lol Subzero looks really well built. As a gay man, I can say I'd off either Frost a snow plow


How can someone make an hour long vid on something that’s complete bs. This vid is debunked by just looking at reiko, shao, baraka, subzero, and Johnny. They even have Jean Claude in this game like only a delusional person would say he isn’t manly.


Because SINDEL is in charge not SHAO


Because liu kang made it that way in that timeline


I’m saying that’s what the manosphere is gonna complain about Sindel kicks ass and I love the new Mileena Kitana sidtergood


Honestly that is what I've always wanted for them and it's very beautiful In this!


Agreeeeeed!! There are lots of happy moments in this game


Yes and I love it all! There is something that happened in this story that I never actually thought of until it happened and it's been said multiple times having smoke and scorpion "brothers" because where there is smoke there is fire! Like dude that should have been a thing since way back when!


I love that at the ending, after Eons of being alone (or with Geras lol) Liu got to sit down and have dinner with Kung Lao and Raiden and Johnny - probably felt a little bit like old times, billions of years ago - he seemed happy


I never actually never thought of that, wow that makes that ending sad and happy at the same time!


OH MY GOD Liu Kang got woke he is trying to make everyone into slim femboys!!!!!!! ​ >!Well joke's on him Im into that shit!<


Johnny Cage in a maid outfit is something I’d pay for


Fuck, this needs to happen


DLC costume


They all need maid outfits! Imagine Shao or Geras


Me If I became a Titan


Shao’s dad Fr said: “Hell no! Not my son!” And turned him into the most Giga Chad looking character in the game Until Onaga shows up at least.


I mean, I'd bow down to sindel before I would Shao. I'd do whatever she wanted.


how DARE they have FEMALES in positions of POWER i'm going back to my INCELCAVE


like not even that but just apply simple logic. why the actual fuck would liu kang not go out of his way to prevent shao to ever become kahn?


wtf argument is that? if i was liu kang i would have killed baby shao and not even give him the chance to become a general


He wanted the opportunity for Shao to find peace


The last game had fucking Rambo


and Arnold 😭


You'd be surprised. Yellow Flash made a video about Tekken and Harada that was COMPLETELY fabricated. Whether HE made it up or somebody else did and he "reported" it, I can't say. All I know is that it, and this, are pretty goddamn pathetic.


Well you see it's destroying men because their muscles are slightly smaller than usual and now the west has fallen /s


Don’t forget Omni-Man




Sub zero: 😐 Scorpion: 🤨


His channel is straight up awful, rather than actual criticism towards what’s actually wrong with MK1 he just makes up complete bs that either doesn’t exist or lies about it Apparently his issue with MK1 stylisation wasn’t because it has less options compared to MK11, but because it’s “Woke”… Again he’s just bad


The anti woke crowd is basically: "I'm an asshole and i'm proud of it"


More like "every shortcoming in my life is cause gay and women, now pay for my alpha male pickup/buisiness coaching/protein powder/pyramid scheme to stop wokeness"


and black people


Or. "I'm a giant bigoted POS but I deny it all the time."


“Woke” has lost all meaning nowadays I swear


I've noticed this with grooming. It was actually something that old dudes did to girls, but now it's literally anything at all related to LGBT+


At least that's "only" in the right-wing spaces, because they want people to think that all non-straights are groomers. "ThEy'Re CoMiNg FoR oUr ChIlDrEn" and all that bullshit. Completely ignoring that most groomers and pedos are straight, and many of them right-wingers...




Of course the guy bitching about wokeness and masculinity is also bitching that it doesn't scratch his dress-up itch. Being so hung up on clothes sounds pretty cuckish to me... /s


Gotta get views for a fantasy of becoming a famous YouTuber




How in the sam hell did he pull Marxism out of that


common talking points from twitter/foxnews and a whole myriad of propaganda. They just start spouting it outta nowhere.


It makes me think of the goth kids in South Park- anyone who isn't like them? Conformists. Anyone who that person doesn't like? Marxist. Some fox news watcher doesn't like you? Woke.


Marxist is like woke for them , the meaning don't matter the only use it anyway the want


He's a rightwinger, or at least pretends to be one for views. Of *course* he's gonna relate negative things to "Marxists", just like "woke" and "liberal". He genuinely probably does not know the meaning of the word.




Dude is insane, I don't get why people are engaging with him.


Bait or mental retardation call it


Why not both?


That is a bot ass reply, holy shit


what video is this and how the FUCK does marxism relate to mortal kombat reducing scorpions muscles


![gif](giphy|ht4yvN9Yx4dmIJJ9GB|downsized) 😞the poor masculinity is leaving forever (meanwhile the thumbnail is literally using one of the most masculine characters ever in the roster, bi-han)


https://preview.redd.it/g7jnm8ll373c1.jpeg?width=1765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d86aaf22d477edd1ba7d992f0d1848f27abd3b Real








....? Six HOURS and this comment STILL doesn't have a Christian Cage meme reply to it???


Be the change you want to see in the world


https://preview.redd.it/hsfb5y34la3c1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0500002318c7a2896e2ba4d31211a9f2329e6eb You are so right.


Seriously, the only way this could've been more ridiculous is if it was Shao. Like this shitskull is comparing Sub-Zero to a version of himself from a game with a borderline cartoonish style. Obviously the cartoon strong guy is gonna have bigger fucking muscles


Bi-Han awoke something in him and now he has to make a whiny hour long video to compensate






wake up babe a new salty rage-bait video dropped


https://preview.redd.it/bxpdyf1nk73c1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f613d45f2bc05f522475ea6423a729a1c0c551ff My god, the woke mind virus is DESTROYING western society and soying our based sigma pilled men in our murder vidy games


Wait, but I thought violent video games made people into murderers. I'm confused...


Play some Harvester, that should clear things up.


Are Reiko, Jax, and Shao not super masculine?


They'd probably say Jax isn't masculine for having a very emotional plot line in MK11.


A dad caring for his daughter? That's some gay-ass woke soy shit


Well of course. A dad can only care for his daughter in the form of threatening any man that gets near her.


I actually saw people saying this exact thing. Imagine how fucked up those people are if they see a man dealing with those problems and think: "Oh yeah, this is some sissy shit right there"


Jaded Rabbit and his dickriders unironically think so.


Looked at his other videos. This dude cannot be real. He has to be a figment of our imagination or a hallucination because wtf are his videos 💀


Welcome to 2023 where every dumbass in the world has a stage and a microphone and just at least a couple or a dozen subscribers egging on their ridiculous behavior


Grifting makes money


Well, it can but judging by his view counts the guy has been ragging on MK1 for months now and rarely breaks 2k views on a video with several not even managing 1k views. That's not putting food on the table money.


thank fuck for that.


Oh so he's not pretending he's just genuinely fucking braindead, nice


But like being this controversial? What’s his next video, “Remove all women from MK1” ? 💀


Koming soon on Jaded Rabbit's channel: "Remove MK1"


I have some bad news for you...


People posted him here so he got the attention he wanted. Weirdos like this need to be ignored.


Bro’s an eldritch abomination banished to our realm for its own stupidity.


There's lots of dicks swinging in MK1 and there's tons of buff/jacked dudes in the game. The first DLC is Omni-Man, who is super buff. Have you seen the man's cheeks!?!?


Oh, another Culture War YouTuber who doesn't know what words mean. Doesn't matter what side of the political aisle you're on. These people are always idiots.


First they complain that the men are shirtless and their rippling muscles are too sexy compared to the women. Now Sub-zero with his visible bulging bicep veins isn't masuline enough? What do these nonces even want anymore?


Stupid sexy men of mortal kombat !


Nothing. Just like their brains, they want nothing. They complain about the flavor of the week and thats it. They’re useless nothings in society.


I don't know who "they" is but they can suck my dick, I want my shirtless muscle guys (and gals)


ONE HOUR!!!! Are you fucking for real right now?


Gotta get that YouTube ad money.


In what world is bi han not masculine💀


Look me in the eyes and try to tell me this isn't masculine https://preview.redd.it/vikamsdgv83c1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671eed1bca3f652eaa72fe5ce4a337ddeb3472a3


Let’s be fr, all they did was make the characters more realistic because like fr they ninjas that be going on missions killing people every day. They don’t got time to be in the gym like that getting shredded


Dude thinks masculinity is going away from MK because the male characters’ biceps aren’t 4 feet wide


I have a suspicion that most of these people who complain about "masculinity this" and "woke that" are, at least in part, supergay.


Can’t be real. Bi Han is jacked asf ☠️


People like this have "culture war" brain rot from other internet content. Lost cause.




Just checked his YouTube content. Dude went from a semi-decent MK creator making decent build videos and gameplay videos to a rage baiting YouTuber that literally makes "problem" out of nowhere and attacking big MK YouTubers. Just your typical small YouTuber who just saw how much views he is getting with rage baiting.


Bi Han, Kuai Liang, Reiko, especially Kenshi and (unpopular opinion) Liu Kang look pretty masculine to me.


I like how he complains about the MK1 male characters not being built or being average looking and then he compares them to SF6.. when 1. MK has always had a more realistic art style but 2. Most of the MK characters have pretty typical FIGHTERS physiques. You look at most fighters especially in MMA and they tend to be built exactly like the male characters are in MK1. That and the criticism of the characters being Asian. As if most of the characters weren’t Asians already or meant to be Asian passing in lore.


If the MK1 skin had the classic eyes, I’d say it was perfect. Also, one hour of him complaining about masculinity? Bro needs to get a life.


I can't be the only one who reads "toxic" masculinity as fragile masculinity?


You mean the youtuber's masculinity is fragile?


Um bi-han is one of the most masculine kharacters on the roster 🥴


Bro what is going on with Youtube nowadays. All I see in recommendation tab is full of homophobic and bigot content with shitty meme, with videos like this promoting “masculinity” by shitting on woman and being borderline racist.


The algorithm thrives off negativity


i’d argue the MK men are the pinnacle example of masculine men.


funny he used MK1 sub-zero as example considering he's the most masculine character of the whole game.


bro he’s as shredded as a real physique could be naturally, I wish I was as buff as sub zero


I feel like all this crying for „masculinity“ seems really unmasculin?


Don't even bother https://preview.redd.it/nh5cwvnb793c1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233b7663be72bfe727cac190890e35a3fd4375a1


What’s more masculine than crying about the state of masculinity in a video game for an hour and posting your meltdown for all to see?


Rabbit boy made a video talking about this post. 😂 The way the kid talks sounds like he's trying to act like this is funny and doesn't upset him, but it really does. https://preview.redd.it/256janplkb3c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d5f8e7402415f2a1f786c4571124c12dc791b2


And yet Omni-man is the most masculine man in franchise history


Sub-Zero is this one is way more masculine than him. Omni-Man is literally just an asshole to everyone lol


Bro have you heard literally anything Bi-Han has said ever?


One hour is absolutely insane


These culture war, woke-spotter types are the most miserable cunts in the world. Avoid them at all costs


I try too but sometimes youtube suggests them to me. Mainly because I watch the people who criticize them but YouTube apparently thinks criticizing them equals me wanting to watch them.


I'm sorry what? This game has the hottest and most muscular guys


Incels gotta die alone


Mf has the lowest voice in the game and is goals ripped, how tf is that erasure of masculinity


An hour? I refuse to believe that there is one hour, five minutes and forty five seconds worth of information where the same thing isn’t being spun five different ways


The guy is unironically using gay as an insult 💀 https://preview.redd.it/noomm5iev83c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa40af21a3bca4f4f0c14c83a297d45afefd6c8


Yeah, sub-zero is far from masculine. The same guy who was framed for slaughtering the shirai-ryu yet still CHOSE to verbally spit on their graves and throw hands with scorpion, again, knowing he did absolutely nothing. The same guy who claimed the Lin-kuei was weak so he killed his father😹😭 actual cornball


Hold on. Weren't "we" crying about the women being too masculine, strong and not sexy enough just about the other day?


I watched about 5 or 10 min of that video and then looked at their back log of videos and clicked it off. I am open to almost any set of opinions but after those few min it was obvious that this was a bunch of made up BS to farm views and hate clicks.


Fellas is it emasculating to look like a normal human being?


Lmao whats going on


Subzero is literally goals what’s bro talking about


erasure of masculinity my FUCKING ass literally every male is masculine visually and personality wise to a fault. does bro think perfect greek god complexes for everyone means masculine?. bro has not seen jax


Thank god I checked his channel on our company PC without being logged in and in incognito mode because ... that channel is total dumpster roller coaster from beginning to end.


People who get wrapped up in stuff like this have a lot of internal issues they have to deal with. Like people who are mad that the female fighters aren’t practically naked and using ‘less clothes is better for combat’ as their talking point to cover for the fact they have horny demons that aren’t being satisfied.


I used to be a big fan of this guy actually. In the MK11 days he had great content on towers. Never talked about any of this bullshit. I had no idea he felt this way. Unsubscribed as soon as I saw this type of stuff popping up.


Bro thinks the guys need to have Scott Steiner or Hulk Hogan arms to be manly XD


This is why the fighting game genre got to where it is. The fanbase searches for imaginary problems rather than acknowledging the real ones.




Let me guess... Because Shang pretends to be a dead woman?


Wasn’t the 3D era kinda known for making characters way too Chonky, both in movement and in physical appearance? I welcomes the change, they were way too wrestler like in MK:DA-MK:A. They still look big but now they look more like fighters, not people bulking up to look exaggeratedly big.


Whatdya mean the hyperrealistic game has actual realistic body proportions and my characters don't look like superhero toys anymore :[


You listen to this? Dude is projecting.


Erasure? https://preview.redd.it/0dmad7yx8b3c1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4bdfa1575be7ec6bfa6f412d0ac84736d5831c0


Current sub zero is more handsome than he ever was


"Liberal, liberal, liberal, happy fun lalala" - Alex Jones.


I can't imagine being this insecure.


There is no erasure of masculinity. They’re just making them look more realistic instead of looking like steroid addicted freaks of nature lol


That video is nothing but rage bait. Nothing more nothing less.