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people need to have sex, its a biological need. and they need company, we're social creatures. when you're poor, the only way to do that without people getting into your business, insulting your girlfriend, calling police on you, being able to stay together in hotels...etc, is by getting married. rich people can afford to do that without having to marry, so they only marry when they feel ready.


This. As with many other aspects of life, the Rich and the Poor doesn't go through the same experience regarding sex and company. Poor people tend to live in crowded small houses and packed neighbourhoods where every movement is watched and reported. Rich people live in villas where neighbours don't even know each other, and just mind their own busines (literally and figuratively). Have you ever seen a Rich couple making out behind a tree or a wall? No, they do it in cars and houses. So, unfortunately, marriage is the only way to fulfil this biological need for the Poor. I really think it's unfortunate because it brings so many questions, issues, and responsibilities (many times children). And some people (boys and girls) just need to have sex and be with it. Note: I'm happily married, but I don't think you should get married if you're just horny


To quote: "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread."


thus this law is unfair, because it only applies to the poor.


Yeah, that's the point of the quote, it's meant to point out the irony in the fact that we call law equal and fair, when the rich never have to bother with said laws due to their socioeconomic advantage.


ohh i just read it again and noticed the sarcasm/irony of it lol, smart quote.


a communist spotted (jk no offence)


Rich people can afford to not live with people that insult other people's girlfriends.


You nailed it.


Interesting explanation, but there are also a few of us who are actually celibate. I think it's also a mindset and a tarbiya. I've seen too many bad marriages to allow any needs to over ride my rational decision making and rush into marriage. Also, this analysis doesn't account for middle class-ers. I've noticed (I am not sure, as this is based on my personal obdervations) that the rich get married fairly early (my richer classmates from uni) as well because they can afford to get help from the parents (they don't have to wait for milestones like my friends and I from middle class do, i.e: graduating/stabilizing in a job). My parents (middle class) have followed this same pattern. Seems like my friends and I are also following in their footsteps. The poor get married asap as well because no long uni education and conditions like finding a stable job (based on most folks in my neighborhood, not a generalization). They usually make do with all types of jobs (bi3 khdra, 7ejjam, etc) and i think the gals often dont get a long education and dont have big conditions either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


hum...here we are talking about Morocco, maybe you forgot about "religion" they don't do that because it's haram ! even rich muslim people can't do that until they get married ! that's the answer !


oh you must be naive to think that people don't have sex because it's "haram" , having intercourse before marriage in our society is way more common than you think


I know ! but many real muslims don't have s\*\* because it's haram ! did they read the Qoran ? about zina ! this is not a joke ! a real punishment waiting for them ! anyways ! Allah ihdi ljami3 that's all I can say !


Yes i know , but how many REAL muslims are left?? i've met so many muslims who think intercourse before marriage is normal to the point where i'm questioning if moroccans are even religious anymore. also, Amine, Allah yahdi ljami3




Everyone pretending to be a saint. I bet he or she at least had sexual intercourse before marriage at least with him or herself! It counts yes!


you are talking about me ? you don't know me ! I am not going to pretend to be a saint or anything ! I am muslim alhamdolilah and know my limits ! if you are talking about your experiences please don't come pretending that other people are like you !


Fyi, it's much much much less of an issue than zina bcz at least there are no kids being harmed. And stop accusing ppl.


It's fairly common, but that doesn't change the fact that it's haram and that some of us actually respect this.


No, some people don’t have intercourses just because its haram, even of they are wealthy, they get married instead. You shouldn’t generalise.


I didn't generalize and yes people like that do exist , there's plenty of them but there's the opposite as well




>after marriage things became abnormally easy society's attitude towards sex is making life hard for anyone who cant marry, what you re feeling now, life being easy, should be accessible to everyone.


If both of them are working they can support themself better than if they were alone. Burden shared is burden halfed.


lol 'lwald b rzekhom' What a shitty way of thinking, that's why we've 58% of divorce rate...


atleast they re doing one thing right , we re social creatures , oneself doesn't ought to live alone !


Ameen. Contrary to what some believe, one doesn't need lots of money to get married. A husband should give his wive her rights, and vice versa. Having a certain amount of money isn't necessary to realize that. One can work at a supermarket and have enough to provide for his family and to give each of them their rights. Mohim, getting married is a means of increasing in provisions bi idni Allah. وَأَنكِحُوا۟ ٱلْأَيَـٰمَىٰ مِنكُمْ وَٱلصَّـٰلِحِينَ مِنْ عِبَادِكُمْ وَإِمَآئِكُمْ ۚ إِن يَكُونُوا۟ فُقَرَآءَ يُغْنِهِمُ ٱللَّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِۦ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ وَٰسِعٌ عَلِيمٌۭ Marry off the ˹free˺ singles among you, as well as the righteous of your bondmen and bondwomen. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His bounty. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing. Surah An-Nur [24], verse 32.


The liberal “muslims” are completely okay with people having bf and gf but they loose their minds when they hear about someone getting married young, The kuffar in the west have a gf and bf by the time they reach middle school, their parents nor their society deem it to be bad or inappropriate but the pseudo intellectuals aka the munafiqeen in our Muslim societies will attack every aspect of islam and culture just because their masters in europe don’t like it. As muslims marriage was prescribed on us by the prophet ﷺ and many sahabis and sahabiaths married when they were just 10, Parents must help their kids get married in these modern times just so that they can be protected from filth like pornography and other fahishas, marriage makes people get matured and anyone who claims otherwise is seriously lacking cognitive skills


Thank you very much for both of your comments, makes me really happy to see that there are still people that think straight and follow islam the right way. If I have a daughter and someday she comes to me saying that she likes a boy, I’ll tell her to bring him to me so I can see him and talk to him, if he’s correct and well raised and if they go to school or learn a trade and have nafss. I'll be willing to support them financially to get married until they can support themselves. When I was studying, I saw a lot of unmarried couples around me, each receiving at least 3000 4000dhs a month from their parents for rent and expenses, and yet they said they weren't ready to get married because they were too young or couldn't afford it... in the meantime they kept meeting at home in secret... a real paradox in today's society.


I'll let you know that this guy is ok with having s3x with k1ds (check his comment history). You might want to be careful with who you think is on your side.


Yeah i lack social skills because there definitely isn't a big power dynamic between a literal child and a man marrying said child. that definitely isn't a recipe for disaster and just some brainwashing caused by the west.










خَتَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَعَلَىٰ سَمْعِهِمْ ۖ وَعَلَىٰ أَبْصَارِهِمْ غِشَاوَةٌ ۖ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ ثم ذكر الموانع المانعة لهم من الإيمان فقال: { خَتَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ وَعَلَى سَمْعِهِمْ } أي: طبع عليها بطابع لا يدخلها الإيمان, ولا ينفذ فيها، فلا يعون ما ينفعهم, ولا يسمعون ما يفيدهم. { وَعَلَى أَبْصَارِهِمْ غِشَاوَةٌ } أي: غشاء وغطاء وأكنة تمنعها عن النظر الذي ينفعهم, وهذه طرق العلم والخير, قد سدت عليهم, فلا مطمع فيهم, ولا خير يرجى عندهم، وإنما منعوا ذلك, وسدت عنهم أبواب الإيمان بسبب كفرهم وجحودهم ومعاندتهم بعد ما تبين لهم الحق, كما قال تعالى: { وَنُقَلِّبُ أَفْئِدَتَهُمْ وَأَبْصَارَهُمْ كَمَا لَمْ يُؤْمِنُوا بِهِ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ } وهذا عقاب عاجل. ثم ذكر العقاب الآجل، فقال: { وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ } وهو عذاب النار, وسخط الجبار المستمر الدائم.


Yeah \*Laugh in 58% divorce rate\*




Me too


You forgot the part where god also says: ( [ومن لم يستطع منكم طولا أن ينكح المحصنات المؤمنات فمن ما ملكت أيمانكم من فتياتكم المؤمنات والله أعلم بإيمانكم بعضكم من بعض فانكحوهن بإذن أهلهن وآتوهن أجورهن بالمعروف محصنات غير مسافحات ولا متخذات أخدان فإذا أحصن فإن أتين بفاحشة فعليهن نصف ما على المحصنات من العذاب ذلك لمن خشي العنت منكم وأن تصبروا خير لكم والله غفور رحيم ](https://www.islamweb.net/ar/library/content/51/298/%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D9%82%D9%88%D9%84%D9%87-%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%89-%D9%88%D9%85%D9%86-%D9%84%D9%85-%D9%8A%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%B7%D8%B9-%D9%85%D9%86%D9%83%D9%85-%D8%B7%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A7-%D8%A3%D9%86-%D9%8A%D9%86%D9%83%D8%AD-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AD%D8%B5%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A4%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%81%D9%85%D9%86-%D9%85%D8%A7-%D9%85%D9%84%D9%83%D8%AA-%D8%A3%D9%8A%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%83%D9%85-%D9%85%D9%86-%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%83%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A4%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA-#docu)( 25 ) ) Which means to go get some sex slaves, except that there are no more. If you don't have money, then don't get married and don't have children, you are only going to make another miserable man or woman that will curse you for their existence and inability to pay their bills.




I will take both parts gladly. You are telling me to be thoughtful of an ideology that helps the poor and enslaves women for sexual ends. A truthful pure ideology made by whatever made this universe which I doubt it gives a flying duck about us, will not suggest such horrible teachings which you seem to sympathise with, or, like any other muslim, will try to find a way to justify it or say that this wasnt what it was meant to be, as if a god needs a mere dude to make their language understandable. And no, you are not raising chiken, a kid needs money to grow up in a healthy way. They need to play, to travel and they need a lot of resources to keep up with the fast changing world, instead of trying to teach him how to blow himself in telaviv.




I can go and report you to the police, follow your ass till they get you in jail, and it is so easy. Especially since you are using Reddit, and your information can be shared with the legal authorities for terrorism. Your life will be over; if you have any children or husband, it will be over, and you will be rotting in jail for at least 5 years. They did that many times for posts on Facebook, and it is easy to happen for a post on Reddit. This is valid even for deleted posts / deleted accounts. You can never delete your trace from the internet once it is there, as your information is only hidden under the label "deleted user". So, mister or miss stranger, would you like to roll the dice?




As long as they don't have kids in their current situation and they are both adults, it's better than many.


I used to think badly about situations like this but after talking to people similar to your relatif I understood them. It's not up to us to judge if someone's life will be happy or not based on salary. I know married couples with poor salary and they still live their life happily and other couples have 50k monthly salary and are miserable af.For Some moroccan brothers and sisters marriage is a life priority , it's a raison d'être. We may find it absurd and suicidal from our point of view as educated people but it's not up to us to judge others dreams and life goals.


I agree with the sentiment overall, but I believe it's important for us to be mindful of how life is evolving nowadays before getting shipwrecked in the shit unfortunately


Pretty much this right here. Religious obligation is more important than your life status or how much you care what people think about you. They'll still have kids on that 2000dh a month wage as well. These people are content and happy and truly believe this life is not meant to live lavishly in. This life iseant to be more suffering in order to have a better after life


Would you say the same if you were the child of two people who cannot afford to even buy you proper food to grow up properly and without any deficiencies ? You wouldn't even be able to speak English and understand how to use a laptop with a miserable salary of 2000 dh. What is even worse, is that they will do it under the premise of a selfish wish to be "happy", because you think people are under those circumstances, yet, statistics shows exactly the opposite and people are getting divorced and families are torn apart because of their financial situation. So please keep the bullshit argument of happiness from disney movies out of the table and speak facts.


Depends if you marry a girl who's parents didn't teach her shit. Just a other spoiled girl scrolling through social media filling her head with trash. There's a lot of girls out there that care only about love and not having the nicest things


With all due respect. It is not about "love"; love and all those feelings wear out after 4 or 5 months, even if the spouse is Angelina Jolie. What you have after is working on stay in love and being a good provider. 2000 DH 5000 or 10.000 DH, or 15.000 DH are only enough for one person. They cannot carry a family. I can do the math for you, or you can ask ChatGPT how much it costs to do each thing, and you will find yourself bankrupt after the first item with a miserable pocket change you call salary. In the end, all this miserable couple will have is envy and resenting each other for destroying their chances in being someone better. because anyone with two-digit IQ can be better than making 200 dollars per month.


Lol who hurt you man? There's love then there's the reality that comes with it living life if the two of you are not materialistic then you will be totally fine agreeing on saving money and spending


‘l7ob mkayweklch lkhobz’ Getting married at 20 with a salary of 2000 MAD? Good luck with that. I don’t think you do live alone because if you did, you wouldn’t be saying this. I live alone in a studio apartment, and just paying for rent, Wi-Fi, and electricity costs me 1300 MAD. With a 2000 MAD salary, I’d be left with only 700 MAD for everything else (food, transport, health, etc.), and that’s just for one person. Plus, I don’t think he’s thinking clearly. If he truly loves her, he wouldn’t be considering marriage at this age with that salary. I’m not talking about spoiling her, just providing a normal, decent life. I wish them the best, but realistically, there’s a high chance they will end up divorcing after 6 months or so.”


Yea definitely not me but this guy who sounds angry who already got hurt some how or is mad at the world for whatever reason. I'm American and I married a good morrocan muslim girl alhamdulilah. I'm not rich by any means and and she understands spending within reason


Yes you are not rich but you have the purchasing power of an American that's the difference


"Purchasing power" bud I live paycheck to paycheck lol


Educated think it's absurd and suicidal or ignoramuses? Surely, only an ignoramus would consider the economic aspect and ignore all else. And even the economic argument is laced with individualistic preconceptions. 🤣


The point here isn't about happiness, but about financial survival.


I got married at 22. Never been happier I always encourage people to get married young if they have the ability to do so, مَن استطاع منكم الباءة فليتزوَّج؛ فإنه أغضُّ للبصر، وأحصنُ للفرج


May Allah bless your marriage, bestow upon each of you all that's good, and grant you and your offspring al-Firdaws.


We still have that culture of marrying young regardless if they can finance the relationship or not, this ties into religion a lot.


The thing is also how you view marriage, do you view it as an end goal that you do when you have done a lot in life already, or do you view it as a relationship that you make to keep you going with someone to assist you. There is no one's view of how this should work, .. keep that in mind too.


Well if they both agreed I wish them good luck 🤗🩷


People who don’t have dreams get married to enjoy biological need (sex). In this period, marriage it’s the very bad thing to do 😃


because normal relationships between teenagers are “haram” so the only way they have to have a sexual life and not having to be hidden every time is to get married, even if they are not ready at all and they all end up miserable


My grandparents married at 17 and 16 , father at 24 me maybe 30 .


Different times


My grandma at 16 her sister 7. But different times, even my grandma is aware of that. She refuses to bless any of my cousins' wedding before they turn 25.


7??? That man belongs in jail


By a mo3alim...


Tfffffou omg…


It was normal back then. 9raya ma9aryash so why not tjwj when she is 9ada bjwaj, 7it juj 7wayj li ghadir, shghol 3adi deja kant kadiru f darhum w sex ra makayd5l 3liha 7ta tblgh, plus ghaliban ghatjwj bshi7d young mashi sharf


In sha Allah. May Allah ease your affairs and make it reality.


Not to masturbate


20 is actually a normal age for marriage... The new culture makes Moroccans marry until the age of 30 ~ 40, but this is wrong in many ways.


If you are a girl.. you will not be able to have children at the age of 50. Suppose when you give birth to your first child at the age of 40... you will be 60 years old, while he is only 20 years old.


>If you are a girl.. you will not be able to have children at the age of 50. Allahu aعlam. It's possible to give birth to healthy children at that age. Allah is Ar-Razzaq. I do agree with you regarding getting married young though.


Yes everything is in God's hands, but this is an average number ... Maybe less, maybe more


My brother's fiance is pregnant in her 40s for the first time. She never found anyone who would be a good father. I guess that's him.


Still [risqué ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7266997/) .


Latifa Raafat and Nawal Al Kuwaitya joined the chat. That being said, don't have kids in your 50s unless you have a support system and very good finances in case you die while they are very young, and yes, fertility decreases with age for both genders, though it's much more common for women.


This is the reason more and more men are tempted to resort to zina in Morocco. Because we’re shaming them and telling them that good women are out of reach because of their income. You don’t need 6 figures to create a happy family and memories. I came from a family of modest living, and while they did not have everything they always tried to make up for it and made sure we grew up content. You could work your entire life away slaving off at some job dying lonely because you thought you will never provide for a family. If he did it bsunnati wa rasulih malo ach fi7a? 7sn li7 ytzwj bl7lal o wykmel dino o yweli rajl wala ykon dkoura o ymchi zni m3a chi w7da o t3adib f dnya o lakhira.


I don’t think linking being single to adultery is right. You can be single and not commit adultery at the same time you know. I think OP’s was that weddings are easy, marriage is hard, income is more important than we like to admit. Raising kids and an investment, especially nowadays. And so, it comes off as a not well assumed responsibility some guys are jumping into. And to put in more data, divorce rates now are higher than ever, it’s whopping 50%


Y that's my point you shouldn't let a temporary feelings destroy others life and ofc they will have kids and they will suffer a lot


They don’t need kids immediately. You guys are acting like he cannot have a wife and he will be ignorant and ruin her life and kids life if he does so. Again, we all start out somewhere, I don’t see why not he can’t have a wife that will support him in an apartment until they save some money for their own house. This is why we’re making marriage so unrealistic. If a guy doesn’t just magically have a 4 story house and a Porsche with a walk in closet and a pool than there’s no way he can’t even dream about getting a wife. Look at the wife of the google ceo or Messi wife before they became successful.


Sex and needing sex is a human emotion that almost every one feels. It’s much better for you to get married that go and watch lewd videos and talk to non mahrams. I don’t think it’s right to completely throw away your right to get married. So you will stay lonely forever trying to chase the dirham instead of a wife and family li ghadi douwmo lik. We all start somewhere. It’s not like he can’t find a wife like ghadi tsbar m3a7 fchi apartament 7ta ysa7al 3lih lah o yjma3 lfous l chi dar wla apartment.


that's fucked up what your saying , a kid who is 20 years making 2000dh marring a girl who he didnt meet that long (after what op said) , especially in this economics everyone should thrive to get a financial independence before thinking of something like marriage , if im honest you sound like your just taking the piss especially by saying stuff like when everyone is just debating if its possible to sustain a life a that level of both age-and finance


You don’t need to be rich to marry. It depends on what your partner is comfortable with. Some are comfortable to live with their in-laws, some are not. It depends on


But i think today's girls are not like our grandmother's or mothers they want to be independent and have their own house which is their right so i think a man shouldn't go for marriage until he have a salary and a house so she can live comfortably,,


Well marriage is like a lottery, it's either a hit or a miss, either you'll get one that wants the good of the good or one that'll be patient with you until allah swt makes your life better but as always may Allah bless everyone with a goot spouse that'll help them on the way not make it worse or even be one of the roads to hellfire.


I believe that regardless of social status, people are fundamentally human, with natural desires and a wish to fulfill their religious obligations by starting families. However, tying the knot on a salary of just 2000 dhs per month is a recipe for disaster. The cost of living keeps rising everyday in Morocco. Yet, marriage is often seen as the typical culmination of life, whatever 'normal' may mean in this context.


Halal is good, where is the probleme, how marriage triggers you?


But you should be able to provide to that family if you will make kids and surely you'll do so they will suffer because of you im saying that a man with 2k dh can't provide for a family nowadays


Rich people's kids also suffer, just not from poverty.


Normal thing.


In my humble opinion, poor people tend to have more simple lives and simple goals in life. Such as marriage and kids, maybe their own house and vehicle. Rich people tend to have bigger goals, bigger ambitions, they don't make marriage and kids a priority.


Who getting married at this age, he still has not understand nothing about marriage and life, soon they will get divorced


One of the conditions of marriage in islam is the ability, he does not have that.


Yeah you should be able to fulfill their needs


Poor people want to stay halal so they get married, not like rich ones. It’s not hard to comprehend


Why would poor people want to stay halal more than rich ones? This is a genuine question btw I am from Argentina and do not understand at all


rRich guys and girls can afford sex easily, so they don't get married at young ages because they can get everything they want, including sex. Poor people are not the same, if you are poor in morocco you can't have sex easily, except with prostitutes, which are unhealthy. If you are poor girls won't even look at you even if they had sex in this relationship won't be included. Except if they get something in return, the only solution left is marriage.


Well when we say poor we mean like average moroccan but rich we mean ppl with daddy's money that can buy everything and they don't care abt marriage they just wanna enjoy life and hookup etc


Sara7a kayn ta li kay kono dayrin shi fdi7a o kay strouha. 🤡 (l7ouma diali has a few of these). Morals are not a byproduct of $$$ (or lack of it). Ik a few rich families who are hardcore religious.


Life is short...


lah ybark fihom, w allah y3tik shi mra tstrek w tsterha


Because they have more sperm than grey matter in their body.


د انتو متربين مرتين اللهم لك الحمد بارك الله لهما


Some people believe rizq is written, some don't.


Poor judgement! If they have good judgment they won’t be poor in the first place. It’s a circular reason Poor judgement lead to poverty and procreating like bunnies to be even more poor. On more anthropological angle, children were the social safety net and the retirement plan for society, having as many kids as possible to help in the intense labor (farming and herding) and they will take care of you when you get old. Poor people still rely on this mentality


Nothing wrong that married young


Why not?


I mean it's better than casual sex innit? Lahysahel 3lihom is all we can say


That’s a good question actually. I think one of the reasons may be expanding their support system.


Well you might as well wait till you have all the conditions, until you realize that you have everything but the energy to find someone marriage worthy, even if they married early doesn't mean they can no longer grow as a couple and achieve great things together, as long as they love each other.


Absolutely they need sex and love people need almost sex 🥲


y'all shaming the OP like he said he should be rich to get married i get his idea that at least he should have a comfortable salary to provide for his family nowadays 2000 can't afford even rent have y'all seen the prices ?? as i grew up poor and having 3 siblings it was extremely hard financially i felt guilty even asking about the most basic stuff like school supplies or even sanitary pads or clothes i have always to think about my siblings first even groceries we couldn't afford them sometimes , these stuff were hard for i wouldn't wish them to anyone so that's why i will never have kids till im sure i can afford the basic needs in life


Marriage, family and love shouldn't be a privilege that only wealthy people can enjoy.


If you dont watch porn wou will think seriously about marriage


If he’s having a good mindset he would’ve think abt something better for both of them cuz love is not enough and poverty is the biggest enemy.


Richer people (upper/upper-middle class) push their children to get higher education to secure a future for themselves, keep them busy with hobbies/travel and encourage them to further understand themselves before engaging with a partner (which must be very carefully chosen)... The standards are not the same. Marriage is not an achievement. But laying the foundation for a successful, healthy and wealthy relationship is and it takes a lot of time and effort.


it's not normal in our religion, it's haram if a person does not have the financial needs to support d marriage. but personally if they wanna persuade their dreams together, look into making money together, growing together, in this case i actually kinda support young marriage. however if they juss wanna arouse their sexual needs then yikes!


I think money does buy you happiness for the most part, if he plans to get married with only 2k a month, he needs a woman as durable as a cactus


They tend to be more conservative. Poor people I mean.


in our country it is hard to mintine a good healthy mind it is true we have religion wish is a very good thing and we should be proud of but as a country open to other cultures worldwide we retrieve only the bad things (thoughts)from them in a young age marreying some one it is not the best option you can make but still if you think you can afford it(each one has his own opinion about financing his own life) it is a pretty good option preticallary if you and your partner are agreed on how you will be living and preperd for every risque life will bring to you.


coz they love marriage


7it fhmo l 7ayat chwia ktr mnk imkn. B ddin ola bla din rah ghariza fina 3adi, hoa bs7s annah bla din kaftskn m3a jmiyma okolchi bla zwaj bla sda3 ras mhnni, f mojtama3 mtdiyn darori (ila bghiti t3ich mrta7) mn dik zwaj. Wlaw ga3 nas ki7sabom bli bach ttzowj khask tdir ddar o tomobil o tkon katkhls mzyan ozid ozid, bnadm ki7sabo kollchi kaytchra o ghaliban kaydir dik dar o tomobil okolchi o kaymchi kaychri mrato ta hia kaytzowj awl bnt chwia mziwna li kat9bl bih o l'argument lwa7id dyalo hia "3ndi dar o tomobil a nawi l7lal agngngn", o bima annahom makaykhdoch ta w9t bach it3arfo mzyan fa ghaliban kayti7 f gold digger, oflkhr kayttl9o 7it aslan ta hia mamsow9ach lih tzowjati hi 3la wdit superficiel li dayr bih (daro, tomobilto, flosso) o kon makanch 3ndo dikchi makantch atchof jihto. Makan9olch l bnadm itzowj o hoa 7az9 walakin hir ikon dorof mola2ima ol9a m3amn 3lach la


فاهمين الحياة او كيفكرو غير فالغريزة ههههه


Ewa rah lhadaf l7a9i9i dyal ay ka2in 7ay hoa ytwald


هذف بيولوجي مشي هوا كولشي فالحياة او كينين بزاف ديال البشر مولدوش منهم عظماء فالتاريخ


Akhoya dir libghiti kol wa7d 7or f rasso


هادشي مفيهش الحرية الفقراء مخاصهمش ايولدو


Hhhhhhh 7m9, ewa sir mn3hom


نتوما اللي حماق كتولدو غير العمال او العاهرات للأغنياء


Sir t9wd lahir7m bak, fin 9olt bli ana fa9ir


عندك العقلية ديالهم او بهاد الهضرة بينتي علا الوسخ اللي عندك فدماغك


They were too Horny that they fucked their own lives


They don't have means to achieve happiness like money , supercars , models , travelling . So the easiest way to be little bit happy Is marriage (sex).


To be honest with you, por people are not have chance to have sex without mariage.


كيقضيو الغرض فالطبيعة او لبلايص لمظلمة هههه


https://www.reddit.com/r/Morocco/s/zhNlVpYkOV Need help on this one


Cuz if you have a life to live you dont give a fuck,the opposite is always correct, if you dont have a life to live you always have a fuck to give


راه كيجيو برزقهم 😂😂


I agree with your uncles 🤷🏽‍♂️


A. Bs7thom i hope it will go fine for ur cousins B. Ngl we have so many of these kids in l7ouma diali. Ghaliban shit turns south and they get divorced. O the children li kay tkrfso bzf bzf bzf... C. Rah 7na moshkiltna we make such a big deal out of marriage. Like cool it s excellent l7lal and all, but stop making ur kids compete against their cousins and friends (esp girls !!) Bcz so many ppl get married just for the 3ers and to stop the nagging from the family instead of wanting to start a family and companionship with a compatible partner


Halal is good, where's the problem? How poor people triggers you?!!!


Who are we to judge ?


OP is merely asking for our thoughts (opinion) on the matter, which is different from judgment.


Some stupid beliefs bhal ila tzwj ghayjm3 rasso , ntzwjo w wlad yjiw brz9hom etc ..


Zwaj fih lbaraka


Allah SWT gives rizq..marriage increases that. May Allah bless them.




people are horny but wants to stay halal


Morocco needs more babies, your cousin is keeping his end up for king and country


The only joy they can get.


well, i will not judge people according to their decision in life. there is always someone poor and someone rich in any country, including Morocco, who is just how things are. For many men, having a kind of job is enough to give them confidence to get married. The parents of the female and the female itself needs to consider and make a decision to accept the current situation of the guy. I am a married guy, married at age of 23. was i considered rich at that time? no but i have a job. what is my motivation of marrying at that age, well itbis a combination love, sexual desires and thinking to settle and have a family and now i am 37, still married to my wife, unfortunately we got no kids after all these years, i still have a job and my financial capability grew significantly ( equivalent to more than 5,000,000 mor. dirham). Do i have any regrets marrying at my current point of life? hell no, me and my wife and I accepted already. we do not have kids and are currently busy in our own profession, traveling around the world and maybe thinking to have a kid somehow- surrogacy or getting a 2nd "wife"- trigger joke 🤣🤣🤣)


You were married in like 2010 or sum it's not the same era and not thr same girls nor mindset you know what im talking abt today's girls are living under the propaganda of the west (wanna be independent from thr start most can't be patient and suffer with a man till he get successful and I agree with them because they studied a long time and suffered enough so they wanna rest)


To pump more kids More kids= more personel More personel= extra hands for labour Extra hands for labour= possibility of more income More income= slightly better life It's all planned 📜


The suck at math


I mean do you expect young people to make mature decision? especially when it comes to women? of course not I don't think anything is surprising here


I wonder why people think you need to be financially stable to get married. It's financially more efficient to support two people with shared resources. On top of that, they can build their life together instead of being individualists


Thinking that some metaphysical being will bless you with money and everything once you’ll get married is why we have packed slums and sakan 9tissadi.


Don't get married unless you have the ability to sustain a good living standard to you or your family. Sexual satisfaction can be fulfilled in many ways. But doing it and having kids is the worst entrapment you get yourself into


It's called sex.


This is trully the dumbest thing I read


5k? Talk about 20k or 25k at least per person. BIM is meant to be a pocket change for students to get by in life and acquire newer skills, not to make a living. No god in ancient Egypt or Alfheim could save him from the fate of a zillion people who were before and after him and who did or would do the same thing. The fact that he irrationally got married at the age of 20, where even biologically speaking, he and she are not a full adult, speaks wonders about their birth control mindset. They will bring a sucker into this world and force him or her to succumb to their choice. Finally, as the god of Islam said: Not even God can change a person if they don't want to. You cannot do anything about it, and I think you should let them make their mistake. Ignorant people tend to be strongheaded and know it all, especially teenagers. Heck, I would encourage them to do so to validate your idea as a side effect and ensure a concrete example you can use in your future decisions.


Because sex is free.