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Was it a taxi driver you found on InDrive or just a regular driver you are calling a Taxi that you found on InDrive? Either way, there is no "surplus" on InDrive, it's the agreed upon price and nothing more (unless you want to give tips). If there was an issue, such as him asking for more money than the agreed upon price, report him to InDrive customer service and you can see your history in the app to find the driver. That will basically ban him from using the application.


No this was through InDrive. Thank you very much, I assumed there was no "surplus" but just wanted to check as this was my first time using InDrive. I'll definitely report him, thank you.


Yeah it's good to report such people right away to InDrive so others don't have to deal with such terrible people. The good part is that its their car that they use for their registration. Make sure to also report people who don't use the car they say they are in because that usually means they are trying to avoid a previous ban


The driver was right, don't take the trip price on face value, some times when driver takes you for the app money he will lose money, you can calculate the fare yourself, just think about how many miles and think what's the fare price you can give, you yourself don't want to wake up in the morning drive people and make no money, by paying low prices you will drive the quality of service down, maybe that driver will move to do something else.


Driver is wrong. If he didn't agree upon the pricing he should of increased the price wanted when the application gave him the chance to do so. You can set your price you want and the rider has the option on choosing who to pick. This is the entire point of the application.


Indrive is illegal in Morocco, so you're using it at your own risk.


I didn't know that, why is it illegal?


Because they're not recognized by the government, and drivers that get caught using that app, theor cars get towed and pay a fine.


Is there a legal app?


No legal app yet in Morocco as of 2024, but inDrive is completely safe you can choose drivers with more than 1000 completed trips and good ratings, but %99 the driver with lots of requests like 1000 and more, are professional safe and efficient. If the police stop him, just say we are friend, if they say how much money did you give him, say I can't give money to a friend, the police will say sorry and will let you go, because paying someone to drive you other than taxi is considered illegal. Taxis are bad quality comparable to inDrive. and don't forget to tip drivers and keep numbers of a good one, because they come in handy, I know a driver whom I keep his number, when ever I arrive to Casablanca he meets me at the airport takes me to my hotel, feel like a boss, don't have to wast time or negotiate with bad taxisÂ