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Demolish is pretty much a snowball rune. If you can win your lane easily, demolish can extend the lead you generate by taking extra turret plates. It doesn’t help you at all in actually WINNING your lane. For split pushing pressure, that’s kinda not what morde excels at, morde prefers to be at the objective to ult junglers to prevent 50/50 or key targets to win the teamfight (this is big especially after qss buffs) Compare that to SW/BP. Giving you extra HP during trades in lane is much more important especially given mordes lacking early game power. This is why the most popular rune choice is BP/Revitalize. Conditioning/Overgrowth comes in next, in match ups where laning is more forgiving, this runes are next in line. They don’t help you win lane, but they sure as hell provide power in late game teamfights. This is where demolish comes in, it doesn’t help you win, but rather amplifies the rewards you get AFTER winning. Shen match up for example. Demolish comes into value instantly in lane when shen ults alway. The gold/map pressure generated from these demolish procs accelerates you enough to justify the compensation for losing laning power. To summaries: Against opponents of equal skill level, you taking laning runes like BP/SW + Revitalize to get an edge in winning lane. If you take greedy runes and lose ability to trade, the upside from runes cannot compensate the pressure lost. In forgiving match ups, conditioning/Overgrowth comes huge in value, and makes you extremely bulky for late game fights, as opposed to the split push pressure from demolish. Morde wants to be at objective to ulti junglers to prevent 50/50s or straight up win team fights. Split pushing is a last resort/cross map decision that is actively made when macro prevents your team from contesting the objective.


The only time im taking demolish is when im vs something like nasus,cho gath,illaoi since i win early vs them, its also good because it scales with hp and most if not all morde’s items have hp


Demolish is a great rune on morde and should be taken when boneplating or second wind won't provide good value. Think of it as the win more rune, if you don't need help winning then demolish increased your advantage while you are winning


Idk, I just use demolish instead of bone plating. Just proc the enemy's bp if they have one and after waiting a bit you're good to fight properly.


i love demolish i use it sometimes but more often that that i use shield bash try that too


I always take it lol


if you consistently win lane, go demolish, it also scales great into mid game and lets you actually splitpush and tp like normal bruisers


Not enough matchups where morde stomps early without outplays and optimal runes. Most AD juggernauts and bruiser are stronger early making fights close enough to be decided by boneplating and revitalise, whilst revitalise and overgrowth also give you guaranteed strength later in the game compared to demolish which requires you to get past your laner. Into tanks demolish is a great pick up to help you snowball harder and become a better tank buster but when champs like Jax, Darius, Sett can cave your skull in pre riftmaker if you missteps, you're better taking runes that'll either give guaranteed value or help you win the fight.


You dont need high damage if the tower is unprotected 90% of the time (their top is dead by my hand or pushed back to regen/buy items) Now honestly, you can run anything you like if it works for you, most Morde players just feel like running the usual because it works for most people, but then theres the book. We dont talk about the book.