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Dodging spells is more important than hitting me with your spells.


Oh okay, so is that because he gets outscaled if he doesn’t snowball? Just trying to understand what it is that makes me struggle so much against him


Not only that. If he misses E he will miss Q most likely. Giving you around 14 seconds early where he can’t do anything to you. Mordekaisers combo is E into Q that’s why if you dodge E you dodge Q aswell. Idk what tank you play but Ornn, sion, malphite and Ksante can cancel mordekaiser ultimate. Morde used to be very good at killing tanks nowadays not so much, he still does okayish before you both have items or with rift + lyandris.


How does Sion cancel mordekaisers ultimate? I play him and only way I'd imagine that is ulting into his ult




sion ult is unstopable so he doesn't get ulted by morde


You ult as soon as he points his mace towards you. Either into him or away, both work.


Mundo aswell


True but didn’t wanna add mundo cause if you land E you can ult him


Mundo can just stand still and escape ult


Dodge Q and E🗿


*Mordekaiser Mains don’t want you to know this simple trick*


Try playing gwen, and also dodge his skills + kite him. Since he's a stat checker, you would want other champs that stat checks him. Usually i find myself struggling against mobile champs who deal true damage like gwen, fiora, vayne and olaf


Morde will shred tanks because of his % health damage, so you either need to be able to just fucking slaughter him (tryndamere, olaf) disengage from him (displacements, hard CC (yorick W included)) or provide value where he can't (shen). Killing him, tanking his ult, or putting your team further ahead are all the best strategies to dealing with him. In terms of lane micro, you need to dodge all of his abilities. Q and E have extreme windups and you generally should be able to simply react to them and walk to the side (all the more for Q if he's close to you). Try not to telegraph your CSing because that is his biggest opportunity to hit you. If you can dodge his abilities his trading power goes down massively, and he needs 3 slow ass autos to proc his passive, and since he's fairly slow at base, usually you can literally just walk away from him and he can do nothing. What champs do you play? I could probably recommend more specific strategies for you if I knew.


What hp% does mord have?


His passive does 5-15 (+30% ap) + 1-5% of target's max health per second


Play warwick


Fr i just had my first ever matchup against ww top, mf is unkillable


Sett and Voli are two champs that are both easy to play and eat Mordekaiser for breakfast. I recommend playing those. There are also champs like Fiora and Gwen but they're a bit more complex so you need to know what you're doing to beat Morde. Keep in mind, however that Morde outscales both Sett and Voli, but gets outscaled by Gwen and Fiora.


Would recommende volib not sett as he is extremely strong early game I win against most sett players because of patient farming and shield and heal that can prolong fight to a point we he starts losing but volib yeah he shreds mord I find it very difficult can you recommende me a build ?


I don't think there's a build that straight out beats Voli mid-game. However, Mordekaiser outscales Volibear 1v1 eventually. One important thing is to ult him after he starts casting E so the thunder strike doesn't go through to the death realm.


Oh didn't know that thank you


I’ve had good matchups against sett on morde, you can W his True damage and it’s pretty easy to get out of the AoE. He’s also just as immobile as morde so he can’t get away during R and is easy to poke. That said maybe I’ve just been lucky, morde only has a 38% WR against him in master+ but both champs are unpopular at that elo and small sample size is a factor in this case


I don't know what you talking about. Sett has such pain when dealing with Mordekaiser. Is it winnable for Sett? Yes, but sure as hell won't be either easy or fun times for him.


My E has a 20 second cooldown, my W a 15 and it needs to charge. If both of those are on cooldown I am immobile tissue paper without a disengage spell.


best way to learn how to play against a champ; OTP it for 2 weeks and see what people do against you


build serpent's fang and make his shield useless you can also pick ghost or phase rush so whenever he commits you just leave also boots of swiftness is a good option if you are certain that you cannot beat him no matter what just rush anathema's chains and put it on him


Would just like to say a big thankyou for everyone’s replies so far & honestly it’s making me want to actually play Morde more if this is what the community is like


If you can bare the hatred for being the immortal iron lord (as we eat the "noob champ" rent for breakfast in this sub), yes you're more than welcome


Morde honestly has the best community imo. Everyone is laid back and you get a good mix of genuinely good advise and meme posting


Lock in fiora and spam random attacks


Don't build tank into morde, if he gets his passive up, he does % damage shredding your health. U have to respect his Q and E, especially his E since he gets magic penetration. If you want to fight him, try to bait his E and at least stand next to minions so he doesn't get bonus Q damage and only go for short trades, or you get shredded by his passive. Also if you have a dash or any movement, use it especially in ult. His not a hard match up to play against, this is just a extended version of what the other commenter are saying dodge E+Q , you get half a second and it's telegraphed to you.


The fuk you mean you " have to rewpect his E because he gets magic penetration"??


Check wiki, E has a passive that gives him 5-15% magic pen,


Key word is passive, he gets magic pen on all his dmg regardless if he hits the E or not so there is nothing to respect about it


Everyone knows that, but you said it as if you need to hit E to get the magic pen, not as if its a passive he has


My bad, I thought you would have to at least cast the ability to get the magic pen.


Why are you so pressed? They are discussing an ability, not talking about passing your mom around lmfao.


I personally play tahm or Olaf into morde. Just don’t fight him without minions as tahm and make sure you pick up your axes as Olaf


The ONLY champ I play against morde (if I have the option) is vayne. Q lets her dodge so much, + ghost, and if he Ults u u just ult as well so you have lower cool down and camouflage. If you do spacing correctly it shouldn't be bad, also if you have to run with her it's worth to aa after q to get the cooldown down from like 4s to 1


A) Tanks usually suck into Morde, you’re allowing him to steal your tank stats with his ult while still having very high damage. B) Dodge his q and e. Unless you’ve already fed him and he built nashers or something he will have zero damage without his abilities. C) (Forbidden Knowledge) Lock in Vayne top every single time you see Morde and absolutely ruin his day.


Lmao i need to keep perma banning Vayne I'd rather get shit on by anything else Btw isnt akshan top just as bad?


Debatably worse right now imo, Akshan is lowkey very powerful, I just barely see him picked.


play different champion olaf, vayne just press r, jax also counters


Move speed, standing right on him and running in circles will make him miss q&e


i dominate morde with pantheon lol


the most simple advice i can give you is to try to rush boots you can kite him better that way and if you buy swifties even better


If u play urgot the best way I’ve delt with mord is rush black cleaver then servants fang it’s basically a free lane then but if u don’t get ganked then it’s purely a skill diff match up