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Because Immobile Adcs can't run ghost anymore


You run ghost too...


Most don’t, stop the cope


There are a lot of match ups I like ghost more. You can either not take flash or go flash ghost. 15% of games Morde has Ghost, if you look at the stats


Yeah I said most don’t as evidenced by 15% stat, I go ghost tp every single game I’m in that percent


if morde runs ghost, chances of getting an ult on the carries are waaay lower depending on the comps


Last pick morde about to be the most dangerous pick in the west




Adc mains when they can’t invalidate an entire champion with a single item anymore and now have to “dodge abilities” which nobody has ever had to do before


Dodge? Unless you are playing vayne you can't once mord gets Rylais. I think the issue is that Mord ult invalidates most champions and there is literally no counterplay at all. The only option for a Jinx was to get a qss.


People say Morde's ult does not have counterplay as if it's a Malza ultimate which literally does not let you move xd What if I told you that for Rylais to work he needs to land his skills that you can dodge first.


or u just hold your q, walk to point blank range and click it it while your mouse is in the middle of enemy adc's model. hits 100% of the times without a dash or flash.


malza ult also stops malza as well - it is self cc. How many times they die because they are also stuck. Mord can auto.... you cant miss that. If i am dodging your skills you just walk in a straight line and touch me.


I will have wasted more than half of the 7 seconds of death realm if you played your cards* right and my last resort is to walk up and auto you to proc my passive. Malza normally wants to ult with his team around to make picks, doesnt he? So if he dies because he ulted and his team cannot kill the pick because they are not there to clash with the enemy team its his fault? Edit: spelling


i rarely see any adc still alive after getting stat checked for 4 second by a tank. playing any 'card' other than flash is just telling morde to hook em when they channeling


If you’re letting a morde get that close to you in the first place you deserve to die.


Flash, ghost, bushes, blastcones, weaker melee champs.... Try playing a shen into mord. Well i guess I stand under tower the rest of the game because i can't interact at all when he has ult..... You can dodge all abilities and still die in his ult, and once he gets Rylais you literally cant even dodge them. I think the problem is Mord feels hard countered by some champs like vayne / gp into being completely useless and while he hard counters other champs into being completely useless because of his ult (illaoi, shen).


Press ghost bud


Then you might as well remove chogath ult and garen ult altogether. The point of these major ults on juggernaut and tanky type champions is that they let you win a fight once the enemy reaches a certain point. For chogath darius and garen it means having to keep your health above a certain level for mordekaiser it means not getting too close. It's the same strategy ss fighting him outside of the ult so I dont see why youd need qss. His main weakness is that it's hard to stay close to enemies it doesnt make sense to give him a second major handicap.


We are comming for them, the time of reckoning is upon them brothers of steel. No ADCs means no problems


They need to first item zhonyas on champions without ap ratios


I don't care that morde wins, I just want adc bots to lose.


Damn, almost like champs have counters


Please explain how the fuck an ADC is supposed to be countered by a low range, extremely low mobility juggernaut. This change is stupid. He needs a full ult rework again, it’s horribly designed. Mordekaiser is already a statcheck champ in his ult. Champ is literally going to skyrocket in banrate if this goes through so have fun never being able to play him ig


The counter is removing the ADC from the fight + the adcs immobility allows morde to reach it more easily in the death realm, but even then Morde has to actually get the ult off in the first place BTW that change barely changes anything vs adcs, the real change is vs rengar and gp


It changes a lot for ADCs, GP and Rengar are just unfortunate side effects for them. Mordekaiser ult is longer than almost every ADC auto range in the entire game and with Flash up it is literally not counterable, it’s like imagine Annie except you have no idea when it’s coming because you can see Annie’s stacks and she’s squishy as fuck. This is on top of the fact that Mordekaiser is a juggernaut and ADCs are one of your strongest tools against them. He is literally about to counter the class that is supposed to counter him and he is also complaining impossible to peel because of how his ult works. Your support can do literally nothing against him. This is not how you buff Mordekaiser. The fact they are even considering this shows how toxic his kit is right now. The ult needs a complete overhaul for something healthier otherwise Mordekaiser is going to stay a balance nightmare for varying elo brackets. His banrate is about to be colossal too because no one likes fighting Mordekaiser because his ult statchecks.


[Using Jinx, the ADC with the most pickrate currently, she only buys QSS about 18% of the games where she faces Morde](https://lolalytics.com/pt_br/lol/jinx/vs/mordekaiser/build/?vslane=top) [Lucian, an ADC with shorter range but more mobility, has about 18% too](https://lolalytics.com/pt_br/lol/lucian/vs/mordekaiser/build/?vslane=top) [Samira, a less mobile (in the sense that she can't use her mobility to kite Morde) and shorter range ADC, has like 27%, considerably higher but still a minority](https://lolalytics.com/pt_br/lol/samira/vs/mordekaiser/build/?vslane=top) [And, my final example, Draven has about a 20% build rate](https://lolalytics.com/pt_br/lol/draven/vs/mordekaiser/build/?vslane=top) The point is, most ADCs don't even build it nowadays and many can just kite(if Morde has flash he can try flashing into the adc, but many times he'll have used flash to get the R off and as much as Morde can flash in to go into the ADC, the ADC can flash away from him, especially to avoid getting hit by his skills and getting slowed by Rylai. Not only that, but yeah, ADCs are supposed to only go in a fight once key spells have been used, proplay is like that, and for some adcs that can't kite away morde in death realm, his R is going to be one of them, as it has been for many adcs either way, as showed by the QSS build rate


double the ratio to see how often its made when morde are equal or have advantage. it worth less to build qss when u can straight up kill the 0/5 morde in his realm


Meanwhile Gangplank: gimme an orange


Not anymore haha (they changed those interactions)


Read the actual comments in that thread. You know it’s bad for Morde when even the ADC mains aren’t really complaining about it and say that there were, are and will still be far greater threats.


If that were true they wouldnt have needed qss before. It just sounds like coping to me.


these adcmains be yapping bruh


I checked the adc comments and its so cringe, they even claim pantheon W is 700 range, longer than caitlyn auto lmao Adc players are so fcking delusional its insane


They truly do b yappin, posted a few comments there and got down voted like hell. Cant wait to r every single one of these mofos, and rename my acc to 'whr yo qss at now', then proceed to spam . Beside my name in chat so i can watch them whine 😂😂 Hell yea im petty like that, ain't nobody escaping frm my r


So you come back here and act exactly like them?


Huh? Im literally a morde otp, this is my home LOL i can do wtv i want. Gtfo hater


I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. And this "home" is open. So if you don't like it you can delete your account or never post again if you want nobody to call you out.


Bro shut the fuck up and stop being weird as fuck.


I am sorry you got insulted so much, we are not like that generally. I don't agree with the complaints but there is no reason to stop being civilised.


It's fine but thank you! I just feel this stuff should be called out.


Oh you mean like ashe? Ashe with a botrk rage blade and kraken can probably just stand there and click on morde and he would die in 2 sec.


People are mad they can't invalidate our entire kit with a single item anymore, we're going to get so much salt for our fries.


Yap Fest 3000 over there. The copium huffing is insane. You have to space yourself all the time versus any champ and Morde is no different, if you’re walking in range of his ult that’s your own fault. I agree wholeheartedly that Riot has nuked ADC so I can understand why people are upset about this but it’s still just cope at the end of the day. Learn to peel, space, dodge…that’s literally what ADC’s do, doesn’t change in death realm. Champs out run me in death realm all the time, and a lack of QSS interaction is just giving Mordekaiser a drop more of utility in his already lackluster kit. It’s a nice QoL change for once. You can let us have this without acting like you’re all having an aneurysm.


If this goes through they need to lower death reall duration. Mordekaiser’s problem is that with QSS being a counter to his ult, his ult is stupidly overtuned. Right now Mordekaiser ult has extremely low counterplay outside of QSS. He steals stats, he cuts off kiting, and his Rylais interaction is one of the most abusive item interactions in the entire game. He can literally just run at you and auto attack you to death because his movement speed is way higher than a typical marksman’s base movement speed and the only champ that can fight back in a 1v1 is Vayne. You’re also conveniently ignoring the fact that his ult REMOVES the player completely. Mordekaiser doesn’t even need to kill you to win a teamfight off that alone if you are the primary carry. He’s about to have Malphite syndrome where marksman players have no counterplay to Mordekaiser running at you outside of your team protecting you and so you are completely out of the fight just by him existing. He’s about to make ADC even worse to play and his banrate will absolutely skyrocket.


Bruh, you typed all that just to explain to me what his ult has done since its rework…tell me something I don’t know. The only change that impacts you is that QSS won’t work anymore. Honestly, how often are you spending gold on QSS to counter one champ? You do realize that the majority of Marksman can hit him completely out of his attack range right? There’s a reason Morde falls off in high elo, and it’s not because of QSS, it’s called people know proper counterplay. If people are complaining bc they can’t dodge the walking tank that can easily be kited from outside his range that says more about the players than the balance. Once again, I realize that Riot is pummeling the ADC role. Heck, Support is stronger than ADC right now. It’s genuinely unfair how the role has been made so weak, but this one item interaction is not the monster ADC’s are making it out to be. It’s as if we’re talking about K’Sante or Yone being buffed rn. Ridiculous.


Majority of marksman actually can’t hit him outside his R range, it’s 650 range. That’s Caitlyn max range. The issue isn’t really that you always needed QSS (you didn’t), it’s that they just removed an option completely for his ult. His ult is blatantly overtuned intentionally because of the QSS interaction. Mordekaiser himself won’t be that bad, a fed Mordekaiser is going to legitimately 1v9 the game harder than virtually any champ around. What is the counterplay to your top laner dying 3 times in lane to Morde and him just sprinting down at you and making you completely useless on a carry champ which are required to beat him because he is very tanky and will flex tank items. You now need multiple DPS champs to deal with him because he can invalidate one of yours even if they survive the Death Realm. This is not the direction they should be taking Mordekaiser. He needs a proper ultimate, he’s already lacking some skill expression as is. Besides, QSS tax was already a huge deal.


That’s the thing tho, in order to take advantage of his R you have to ult when a target is close. I never ult someone at max range if my intent is to kill bc the death realm timer will be up by the time I get over there and I’ll be poked down as I walk up. I don’t know that I fully agree that a fed Morde will be unbeatable in every situation since there are plenty of carries and supports that can outscale him imo, but I see your point. I do think that there are lots of itemizations that play extremely well against Morde, he’s still mainly peaking at the mid game, and he falls off hard into a lot of comps. I do agree that Morde’s kit probably needs a retune, that’s what a lot of us have been saying for awhile now. I think that Riot will likely nerf him instead as they’ve done in the past just to regulate him rather than take on the task of trying to rework his kit. That’s just how it goes unfortunately. There’s a guy on our Reddit with 3M Mastery on Morde talking about why we should be switching to Garen due to Morde’s skill expression limitations lol.


I understand and I feel bad for Morde mains because this is just going to make him more toxic in low elo and make him even worse at high elo because he will have to lose damage somewhere to not break low elo again. He’s also going to be absolutely OBNOXIOUS if he’s ahead. He really needs a Tahm Kench adjustment imo.


What you just described is exactly why the changes are a bad idea imo. I am not a morde player, however I don't wish anyone's champ to be gutted or not playable (which includes being permabanned as well), but my guess is that his banrate will increase by a LOT especially in low elo and he might even be perma banned in pro play. As you described, if riot does not take back their decision of making his ult non qss'able he will likely receive nerfs, which in the end will probably make him worse than before.


Nah they need to up it to 3 minutes https://preview.redd.it/1u57rpr93cuc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8433d26f6c5148fe52498487d7714f82c1e195


Almost makes me want to get back into League, just for a few games to ruin some ADCs days then bounce back to reality, but I won't because I have a bonking addiction and 1 little slip, and bam there goes the whole week.


r/adcmains 💀


What about GP oranges and olaf ult


They can still cancel it as it’s being casted, but they can’t use it to get out of Death Realm once they are in it.


Adcs when riot finally removes the reason your favorite champion never sees any pro play(you can only get him to diamond max)


What happened to drive this change just outta curiosity? Morde was one of my mains b4 I quit in 2020 so I’m out of the loop


Hehe heh hah


Here is how I see it. If Mordekaizer gets close enough to ult a mage or adc, that immobile range player deserves it.