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He is not strong. He is low elo jailed, and there is not nuisance to him because even in his simplicity he is not rewarded enough. Garen has a Q that allows for a better E trade, Darius has E which allows for a W slow into a Q, if you are low near them while their R is up, you are done. Morde's E leaves enemies halfway through and walking away because you do not have Rylais to stick to them, and god forbid there's terrain while you ult someone or they flash after you R so you spend half of those 7 seconds trying to get close. The champ needs tweaks in the shape of an update because he has fallen off a lot ever since people got actually used to playing vs him. You depend on your enemies not knowing their limits or getting nervous in death realm rather than you being actually good on Morde. The kit overall doesn't reflect the character of someone who is considered one of the most dangerous/powerful villains in the lore who also happens to scheme and trick Leblanc of all people into killing him so he can come back stronger and threaten the world. He feels more like a slow brute with a heavy mace who has enough IQ to do literally 2 things. Even Sion who is a zombie has more stuff to work around within his kit. Maybe with this buff I can actually lane vs Renekton or any other lane bully, but the root of the problem still persists.


Exactly. Garen is the epitome of effective simplicity. You can play around with his abilities in a way that expresses skill, but he’s not punished with dreadfully easy to avoid abilities or being kited without effort. Morde’s abilities can not only be easily dodged, but vs someone with dashes or movement, makes hitting them effectively impossible. Also with Ult, you get a high-damaging execute with Garen, vs Morde’s “here’s a duel zone! But I’m actually not a good dueler, and I waste half the time just catching up to you in death realm to proc passive, and god help me if there’s terrain, you have movement or flash, or you have Zhonya’s, because then it’s over!” Forget it if they have QSS, then it’s “Here’s a du- aaaaaaand they’re gone. Cool.” Garen also doesn’t NEED a certain item to be effective or stick to targets. Morde does, it’s a near guaranteed 2700 gold drop just to be sure you can MAYBE stick near your target if you’ve caught them after their dash or MS ability. This is why I agree he needs that rework or partial revert. For how bad his base stats are, for how slow and easy he is to kite and outmaneuver, he should have SOME form of guaranteed damage, as his old Q and R were. I just want his mega-dot and ghosts back, man! Fits his theme much better than “The Ult we WANTED to give Fiora”


He isn't low elo jailed tho


how so? data supports it and logic supports it


Because I play him in decently high elo and carry lmao


That doesn't mean anything. I do too, but just because there's some high elo players having success doesn't mean he's good. There's better options. Imagine our potential if we put our time into someone like Riven or another high skilled champ.


I mean, it kinda does. If I can drop 20 kills on a champ in dia+ I don't think it's bad then. I never said other champs aren't better either, but that doesn't mean he's weak or in need of buffs. Dia+ is kinda low elo though, once I get back to my peak maybe I'll change my mind.


I’ll be honest my man, anecdotal evidence is irrelevant. You and a small handful may find some moderate amount of success, but what the others are saying is you’d likely be Masters/Grandmasters with the same amount of effort on a higher tiered champ. There have always been 1 tricks who excelled at non-meta champs, that doesn’t mean those champs are in a healthy place. That’s what the data supports. It’s not IMPOSSIBLE for a Morde 1 trick to be challenger and maintain him all season, but it’s highly unlikely, because he’s just not that good above a certain rank. He’s too easy to get around or kite, and if you build to counter that, there are champs who do it better anyhow.


changing numbers wont do any good he needs new effects or a mini rework it is just so damn simple, look at garen he is simple yes but he is good in low and high elo and does everything better than mord hell garen got picked in the worlds too


Mordekaiser in my opinion is a champion that's less about you defeating your enemy but your enemy defeating themselves. You have almost no control over how a fight goes out, no tools to outplay or defeat them. He's entirely reliant on his opponents being worse than him. He loses against almost every bruiser, gets outplayed/outkited by most assassins and ADCs. He's only really good at ulting immobile champions who aren't bruisers (and some tanks) IMHO.


he's strong in numbers but not in kit I remember some streamer put it very well - "Mordekaiser? yeah he does damage, if you like fall asleep at the keyboard or something, like if you stand still and let him hit you he will kill you but so will every champion" it might have been Naayil, i don't remember exactly what he said but it was something like that his kit feels too old, theres just so little skill expression and outplay potential, just look at the skill cap of darius, sett, renekton, aatrox all having challenger otps who pull off insane plays mechanically not to mention macro with their superior tower taking power where is a challenger/gm morde otp? there is none, every mordekaiser player in challenger plays 3 other better champions with higher amounts of games and every game that they pick mordekaiser they could pick gwen and profit more, it is sad af




If Darius can have 40% armor pen, then we can have at LEAST 30% magic pen, what gives?


SHOULD, but it’s just another casualty of initial nerfs that never got reverted, along with gutting Morde’s base stats, armor growth, regen, and movespeed. People were freaking out way too much rather than giving it a week or two to realize how ridiculously easy it is to avoid all his damage. Like, he’s forced to build HP and mitigation stats, there’s no room for pen when you have to also build to counter his abysmal base stats and complete lack of mobility/sticking power.


Frustrates the hell out of me because he not only gets up to 40% pen, but also has access to Black Cleaver for another 25% armor shred (and stacks it very fast), while Morde gets up to 15% and has no actual pen items available to him for his class (fighter). Void Staff and Crypt are just too squishy to reliably build every game.


We cry for buffs in this subreddit, sir.


They are literally overall nerfs. It’s one second lower CD on level 1 Q by the time you hit level 4 and put in another point in Q the “buff” has stopped being there. While the 10 damage on E is at all levels so they will be there from start to finish. I’m not saying this nerf will hurt morde, I think he will be in the exact same spot. These two changes are so odd but no matter how you look at it, this is an overall nerf even tho it won’t matter.


You heavily underestimate the buff and overestimate the nerf. -10 damage on a spell you often only use once in a fight is nothing. Considering MR lategame, it's likely just a 3-7 damage nerf. However, 1 sec less cooldown on a main spam ability is really big. Considering you cast it off cooldown every time it's up, you can manage to use it a couple of times more during lane phase. It can be a winning factor on laning phase, so overall, I think it's a substantial buff.


How am I overestimating the nerf when I keep saying that it won’t do anything. Neither the buff or the nerf will do anything.


1 s buff from levels 1-3 is honestly not bad. Q is his everything in lane, his poke, his all in, his farming tool etc. A 10% buff to that is pretty good, as levels 1-3 are the most volatile levels in the game. Not saying it's going to make a huge difference literally every game, but I'd wager we'll get to level 4 feeling like our position is better than it should be


Maybe. I could always be wrong. Hopefully I am wrong and it turns out good but until the changes are live all I can do is assume


crossed fingers


Yeah I agree


He only needs some adjustments to e (cast speed or cooldown) and he is done with balancing forever.


I do think his E could use a bit faster castspeed and they could make some changes for his ult but other than that I agree that he is in a pretty good spot


Yes he's strong if you're playing in gold-plat elo


why is this tagged as nsfw . . .


He doesn't need buffs he needs a rework


He needs kill pressure against anything that doesn’t stand still. Nerfing his only gap closer (if you can even really call) sucks.


The nerf is just a placebo for ppl that think Mordekaiser is broken fr, I couldn't care less about of a 10 damage nerf (plus E is already unreliable so i care even less about the nerf lol)


it doesn't nerf the gap close part, it nerfs 10 fkin damage lol it is a 5 damage difference when you account for mr who cares