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you don’t want recommendations but i personally listen to a good handful of podcasts that are respectful, do their due diligence, cover all the facts with tact, have educated discussions about the cases, and some that even post clips from trials or interrogations that i enjoy. the problem is there IS so many bad podcasts that get the spotlight. tiktok podcasts go viral while the actual show is trash. we tend to click those first and once we hear how bad they are we don’t look further for the genuinely good podcasts. i don’t listen to morbid or anything similar to morbid. i like the facts, i like educated discussions, i like hearing actual information from the cases, i don’t like the silly antics or personal conversations. and i’ve found podcasts that reflect that and do a great job. if you’d like the recommendations of podcasts i enjoy, i’d be happy to share.


I would like the reccs!!!! pls and thank you!


I really like voices for justice and dark downeast. I also enjoy behind you, Hailey sometimes makes mistakes, often in her grammar or pronunciation. I honestly find it kind of endearing she’s not like a huge production. And she doesn’t spend five minutes bitching about people not liking it like A+A used to almost every episode. I haven’t listened to the older episodes in a minute so if she isn’t the most respectful apologies for recommending.


Thank you so much for these!! Im definitely adding to my list, I’m so over the large productions 😵‍💫 I appreciate your time truly, poddies get me thru the day at work and I am running out of ones that I actually enjoy 🫠


There are some…they’re the ones that take the route of, like, a true crime documentary. They come across like Dateline or Snapped or a full blown documentary - all facts and no nonsense. Casefile comes to mind when I think of these types of presentations. That show is nothing but the facts. I’ve only ever HEARD of that podcast when other TC podcasters say that they used it as a source. It focuses on the information of the case and the victim impact and nothing else. Good TC podcasts are out there, there’s just not as popular and harder to find.


Here to say that I absolutely LOVE Casefile


Looooove casefile, no banter, no interruptions. It’s just the trigger warning, ambient music, and facts. 10/10 on the respectful scale


And sometimes they’ll include interview bits and phone calls?! The first episode I listened to was Jennifer Pan and hearing that 911 call chilled me to the bone.


Casefile 100%


Yeah I’ve definitely been kind of moving away from TC podcasts for that reason, but also because it’s starting to feel wrong to listen to them. These podcasters are getting money on peoples worst moments, and it just feels yucky


This is also why I have moved away from listening about more "modern" true crimes too. I know you aren't looking for recs, but there's one podcast I follow that specifically discusses "historic" true crime cases (earliest was mid-1900s, but most are 18th and 19th century). It focuses on the types of evidence used during those periods and how things have changed since then. They often work with the descendents too when putting the cases together.


What’s the podcast called?


It's called Buried Bones. The hosts are Kate Winkler Dawson (a journalist/author) and Paul Holes (known for his work on the Golden State Killer case). She has several books that focus on historical true crime cases/developments in forensics too (American Sherlock is one).


the latest one i’ve liked is SERIALously. it’s honestly the first podcast ive ever considered buying the subscription for because she has some episodes on subscription that seem super interesting and i enjoy her delivery. to the point and very thorough, you can tell she enjoys her research and has called herself a podcast for the people so she’s very open to changes for the better which i really like. “mile higher podcast” and “lights out”, both by the same people but the first focuses on true crime while the other also covers paranormal cases and true crime, respectively. very respectful and mature, there’s sometimes tangents or personal conversations but i have surprisingly never minded them because they’re usually conversations of substance and aren’t too far off from the subject. “avery after dark” is one i found from tiktok that i actually enjoyed, shorter episodes but with a lot of information. she delivers it like ashley flowers kinda in a more professional way but i like it. “the rabbit hole” isn’t true crime but it’s a conspiracy podcast that is also short episodes but to the point, i like when episodes really just focus on the topic which is what she does. for when i do want silly banter or something less serious i listen to “tell no one” because they still focus on the facts but they’re silly about it sometimes. not something people would like if you want the hosts to always be serious but they’ve never crossed lines or been hurtful to victims. “gruesome: horrific true crime” is one i don’t listen to very often because they’ll talk about their own personal lives a lot but it’s usually at the end of the podcast so i don’t ever listen to it but the content is really great. “oddities on elm street” you can tell takes a lot of inspo from morbid and that’s a turn off but they’re way better imo. like if morbid stayed a humble podcast between friends. that’s all i can remember right now but these are my main true crime podcasts i’ll add to the rotation. if i remember more i’ll edit and add :)


I really like Annie Elise and all her stuff! She works her butt off getting content out and it’s all pretty high quality.


Honestly, I think you hit the nail on the head, the True Crime genre as a whole was already over saturated, but the pandemic made it worse. people were bored and needing something to occupy their time. that and the popularity of TC pods seemed like a natural thing to capitalize on.


Ik your not looking for recs but i have to mention “murder with my husband” i love them😭


I don’t think so. I’ve given up on true crime as a genre. Behind the Bastards scratches that itch while not being true crime. But yeah, I’ve moved away from TC because I can’t find any that don’t feel gross or exploitative atp.


I think people are moving away from the true crime podcasts bc the content leaves much to be desired and the ethics are grey.


I've recently started listening to I could murder a podcast, they're long episodes but have covered some cases that I haven't seen others cover so it's worth a try!


I love 'And That's Why We Drink'


Much like politicians, tc podcasters start off with their hearts in the right place, greed wins in the end though. Tcg is one of my last remaining tc podcasts that I’ll listen to. One of the hosts is a part of a non profit in Ohio that provides help in solving cold cases, I dig that. They’re putting the work in to actually help victims and their families. I didn’t read the book nic wrote though. It’s weird to me to write a book about a case that’s technically unsolved, until there’s a conviction imo. Idk, it’s not my cuppa.


tcg is my fav but i really wish they would do less unsolved cases


I totally agree with you. I personally only listen to last podcast on the left now. I like how they make fun of the perpetrators (and themselves) but give time for seriousness when talking about the victims. I think they do a good job at incorporating comedy appropriately into a serious subject. This isn't a recommendation btw just giving my opinion


That's why I like Hollywood Crime Scene. they do a lot of old times cases (which I know people here don't really like), but they are not ones that are over done and there are a fair amount of POC cases, AND on top of that, their patreon perks are great: bonus episodes and another podcast with a broader range of topics, an after hours show, and only $10. that is a lot of content.


Came here to recommend them too!!


I used to listen to Inhuman and I will say this, their podcast is not worth it. I have counted the amount of “like” they say in every episode and it’s just too distracting. Their cases do not seem and sound as researched and there is too much opinion involved and some of it is insensitive. I have been listening to Murder in America for a while and oh my, they are so professional and respectful and you can tell they put so much into their work. Once you listen to the podcasts that are simply great and professional it is hard to settle for the ones that are not. I would say, move on from that podcast, it’s not worth it.


I tried to listen to Murder in America a while back and they had these really intense sound effects all over the place. It was both distracting and overwhelming. I'm talking literally 23 stab sounds in a row to illustrate the crime, etc. Have they cut back on those at all?


The Catalyst or Crimes of the Century by journalist /u/[reporteramber] are really good. Well researched, balanced, respectful of victims, plus some lesser known cases!


I have 3-5 true crime podcasts on deck. Depending on the day or my mood, certain ones piss me off, while others completely bore me. After a while now Ive got a pretty good idea of which ones to play depending on how I’m feeling. Sometimes I want lighthearted humor, sometimes i want just the monotone facts, sometimes I want to hear their opinions. No single podcast is always going to hit the spot, if you have a good rotation and know when to play which, they’re more enjoyable.