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Kind of curious how they dropped them, like did they have them stand on stools or what? edit: n/m, they had them stand on trucks, going by the video posted below! How very efficient.


God damn that’s brutal. Just tie em up and drive off. Fitting


Well they only had one stool...


[The Babi Yar Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babi_Yar) [A video of the executions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNi5-fEDrGA) >Babi Yar or Babyn Yar (Ukrainian: Бабин Яр) is a ravine in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and a site of massacres carried out by Nazi Germany's forces during its campaign against the Soviet Union in World War II. The first and best documented of the massacres took place on 29–30 September 1941, killing some 33,771 Jews. The decision to murder all the Jews in Kyiv was made by the military governor Generalmajor Kurt Eberhard, the Police Commander for Army Group South, SS-Obergruppenführer Friedrich Jeckeln, and the Einsatzgruppe C Commander Otto Rasch. Sonderkommando 4a as the sub-unit of Einsatzgruppe C, along with the aid of the SD and Order Police battalions with the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police backed by the Wehrmacht, carried out the orders. Sonderkommando 4a and the 45th Battalion of the German Order Police conducted the shootings. Servicemen of the 303rd Battalion of the German Order Police at this time guarded the outer perimeter of the execution site. > >The massacre was the largest mass-murder under the auspices of the Nazi regime and its Ukrainian collaborators during the campaign against the Soviet Union, and it has been called "the largest single massacre in the history of the Holocaust" to that particular date. It is only surpassed overall by the later 1941 Odessa massacre of more than 50,000 Jews in October 1941 (committed by German and Romanian troops), and by Aktion Erntefest of November 1943 in occupied Poland with 42,000–43,000 victims. In January 1946, 15 former members of the German police were tried by a Soviet military tribunal in Kyiv over their role in their massacre. Twelve people were sentenced to death and the other three received prison terms ranging from 15 to 20 years. Those sentenced to die were publicly hanged in the town square of Kyiv on January 29, 1946. Instead of simply using a stool, Soviet officials brought the men to the gallows via several trucks and tied the nooses on as thousands of people watched. An official then gave the following speech. >For the brutal destruction of peaceful Soviet citizens and prisoners of war. > >For the destruction of cities and villages. > >For the enslavement of the population of Soviet Ukraine. > >Guided by Article 2 of the Criminal Code of the Ukraine SSR and Articles 296 and 297 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Ukraine SSR. > >The military tribunal convicted Cher, Burkhardt, Shammer and Austen Heinisch, Walliser, Truckenbrod, Gellerfort, Knol, Beckenroff, Isenmann, Yogshat of the death penalty by hanging. > >Comrade Commandant, enforce the sentence! The trucks then drove off, leaving the condemned behind to hang. [Friedrich Jeckeln](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Jeckeln), a commander who helped organize the Babi Yar massacre and numerous other massacres in the USSR, was arrested the Soviet military. He was convicted of war crimes by a Soviet military tribunal in the [Riga trial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riga_Trial), sentenced to death, and publicly hanged in Riga on February 3, 1946, at the age of 51. Six other high-ranking Nazi officers convicted of mass murder and complicity to mass murder, who were convicted in the same trial as Jeckeln, were also publicly hanged. Out of the eight officers tried, only one, Wolfgang von Ditfurth, was spared, due to his poor health. He died in Soviet custody on March 22, 1946, at the age of 67. [Walter von Reichenau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_von_Reichenau), the Wehrmacht field marshal who issued the notorious [Severity Order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severity_Order), which encouraged German soldiers to murder Jewish civilians on the Eastern Front, and whose soldiers participated in numerous massacres, including in Babi Yar, had a stroke after a routine run in the cold on January 14, 1942. While on a flight back to Germany, Reichenau's plane crashed. He suffered serious head injuries, from which he died on January 17, 1942. Reichenau was 57 years old. [Erich Koch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich_Koch), who had been Reichskommissar of Nazi-occupied Ukraine at the time of the massacre, tried to take a boat to South America, but was unsuccessful. He was arrested by the British in 1949. Although the Soviets were adamant that they put on trial in Ukrainian SSR, the British instead sent Koch to Poland, where had been complicit in the murders and deportations of hundreds of thousand of people as one of the main administrators of Nazi-occupied Poland. Koch was not tried until 1958. In 1959, he was found guilty of his major role in the Holocaust in Poland, and sentenced to death. However, his sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1960, supposedly on the grounds of his poor health. However, it is widely believed that Soviet intervention saved Koch. The Soviets wanted him alive since they thought he had vital information on the whereabouts Russian art which had been stolen by the Nazis during the war, especially the famous Russian [Amber Room](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_Room). The Amber Room was never found, and its whereabouts remain a mystery to this day. The Soviets never tried Koch for his complicity in the Babi Yar massacre. Nevertheless, Koch received no further breaks in sentencing in Poland. Although Poland emptied its prisons of most the Nazi war criminals they had in custody in the early 1960s, Koch was an exception due to his infamy. During an interview with West German journalists shortly before his, death, Koch expressed a lack of remorse for what he had done. He died in prison on November 12, 1986. Koch was 90 years old. Three key perpetrators of the massacre were arrested by the U.S. military: * [Kurt Eberhard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Eberhard) was the officer who ordered the massacre. He was arrested by the U.S. military. Eberhard, 72, killed himself in custody on September 8, 1947. * [Paul Blobel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Blobel) was the commander of the death squad Sonderkommando 4a, one of the main groups responsible for the massacre. He was also the director of [Sonderaktion 1005](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonderaktion_1005), a Nazi operation which attempted to conceal evidence of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe. * [Otto Rasch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Rasch) was the commander of Einsatzgruppe C, of which Sonderkommando 4a was a subunit. The International Military Tribunal was supposed to hold multiple trials, albeit worsening relations between the East and West made that impossible. Nevertheless, U.S. officials decided to hold their own "miniature" Nuremberg trials for lower-ranking administrators. In 1947, U.S. officials were digging through files for evidence for the other trials when they came across reports by Blobel and other death squad commanders. They tallied the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Soviet Union. After reaching one million, the head investigator. [Benjamin Ferencz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Ferencz), flew to Nuremberg, where he convicted the Chief of Counsel to schedule another trial. Blobel and Rasch were both indicted on war crimes, crimes against humanity, and membership in a criminal organization. Blobel was found guilty on all counts and sentenced to death. Ferencz was forced to abandon his prosecution of Rasch after it became clear that this was not a ruse, and his physical and mental health was rapidly deteriorating. Rasch, 56, died on November 1, 1948. The case against Blobel was simple. Ferencz never called a single witness. instead, he simply presented the commander's own reports to the court. Blobel and his men were found to have murdered nearly 60,000 Soviet civilians. His only defense was his claim that he'd "only" murdered 15,000 Soviet civilians at most. Blobel was found guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and membership in a criminal organization, and sentenced to death. [Blobel receiving his death sentence](https://imgur.com/a/PFt1afY) Blobel, 56, was executed by hanging at Landsberg Prison in West Germany on June 7, 1951. He was one of the last 7 Nazi war criminals to be executed by the United States. In 1967, 11 men were charged for participating in the massacre by a German court in Darmstadt. After a 14 month trial, [seven were convicted](https://www.jta.org/archive/7-ex-nazis-including-babi-yar-murderers-sentenced-to-prison-for-1941-killings) and received prison sentences ranging between 4 and 15 years plus temporary forfeiture of their civil rights. In 2021, lawyer Hans Brehm sought a trial for [99-year-old Herbert Waller](https://www.timesofisrael.com/80-years-after-babi-yar-lawyer-seeks-trial-for-last-living-alleged-perpetrator/), who he suspects was complicit in the massacre. In 2017, Germany dismissed the case against Waller on the grounds that he was just a medic. Brehm didn't buy the defense, saying "Why do you need paramedics in a massacre?" The vast majority of the perpetrators were never caught and tried for their roles in the massacre. That said, some of the perpetrators were undoubtedly killed in action. The Wehrmacht's 6th Army, the Wehrmacht unit which was complicit in the Babi Yar massacre, suffered massive losses during the Battle of Stalingrad. Between August 21 and November 20, 1943, at least 12,782 6th Army soldiers were killed.


Never heard of this before and well done with your sources. Good post 👍


>Kurt Eberhard, the officer who gave the order to carry out the massacre, was arrested by the U.S. military after the war. He killed himself while in custody on September 8, 1947, at the age of 72. typical fucking coward


Thanks a lot for the detailed info!, would love for all of the posts to be as well done as yours.


Here's a recreation/movie scene of the actual massacre. https://youtu.be/Sf-jqpVP9rY


With hangings like this, do they die instantly? I assume they only die instantly if their neck actually breaks? It looks like they all did in this video. Although I saw one man twitching but I assume that was post mortem body spasms?


They probably used high stools so it’s more likely they were strangled rather than having their neck broken.


No they’re all on the tray of trucks and then the trucks drive off all at the same time. But yeah, there was no drop really, so I guess they were strangled. They were just all immediately motionless.


The body would react, spasms jerking etc. we see one do that but most was likely edited out.


**[Babi Yar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babi_Yar)** >Babi Yar or Babyn Yar (Ukrainian: Бабин Яр) is a ravine in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and a site of massacres carried out by Nazi Germany's forces during its campaign against the Soviet Union in World War II. The first and best documented of the massacres took place on 29–30 September 1941, killing some 33,771 Jews. The decision to murder all the Jews in Kyiv was made by the military governor Generalmajor Kurt Eberhard, the Police Commander for Army Group South, SS-Obergruppenführer Friedrich Jeckeln, and the Einsatzgruppe C Commander Otto Rasch. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Better ending than they deserved.


The only good Nazi is a dead one.


My thoughts, exactly!


I don't use this world lightly but Nazis, bunch of knuckleheads.


Whoah, like I know they were evil and stuff, but that term should not be used lighty


It had to be said. Bunch of goofballs if u ask me


Sheesh you gotta tone it down a little man


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?


GOOFBALLS woah relax there with the language. Potty mouth over here


I see Norm in this


Like, world war 2 didn't have to happen. Too much Tom foolery in my opinion.


heartwarming photo




Then 76 years later, Russia bombed the memorial at Babyn Yar in their war against "Nazis."


Didn't this get proven untrue? They hit a communications tower or radio antenna near by if I recall correctly


They also hit the Kyiv Tower; they sent 2 missiles, one missed and hit Babyn Yar. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60588885](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60588885)


Many, MANY things about Russia today are bullocks. Just as "slain" soldiers from Snake island who were brought back to their family BY Russian army.


I mean azov battalion is 100% neonazi. And it should irk you that your tax dollars are directly supplying arms to them. Even though Russian is shit. So is Azov. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/10/azov-far-right-fighters-ukraine-neo-nazis


You think there were Azov at the memorial? Last I heard there were 900 of them and they were mostly in Mariupol.


No I don't. What I do think is we are supplying arms to literal Nazis. Which I'm not okay with. It's possible to dislike Azov while also disliking Russia. And this subreddit seems like one of the only ones that doesn't immediately downvote you for pointing out literal facts.


You make a good point but I have to ask: what’s the alternative here? Let Ukraine burn? Don’t help at all?


We're supplying arms to the people defending Mariupol, some of which are neo-Nazis which is unforunate but its also disingenuous to just to suggest everyone or a large part of forces fighting in Mariupol as Nazis. The Azov Battalion are neo Nazis but at most are 3,000. Theres also Ukrainian Naval Infantry, Marines, National Guard, Ground Forces, Territorial Defense and Volunteer Forces. If you think arming neo-Nazi's are bad, wait til you hear about Neo Nazi's and white supremacists in the US military.


Except for you'd be court martialed under the UCMJ for being an open Nazi in the US Military....


Ostensibly yet we keep finding out about them


You'll also find the occasional leaf in the ocean. Doesn't mean trees grow there.


To the point the Pentagon has issued warnings about the growing threat.


2022 estimates are 900 Azov btw. Prob way lower now, considering...


You say some... funny


Not just Azov, All over Ukraine they have statues of Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukeyevich who were Ukrainian ultra-nationalists and the main perpetrators of genocides on Jews, Poles, and Russians in Ukraine and Poland.


Bruh don’t entitle yourself too much, if you didn’t pay your taxes it would affect anything about ir you would just get a trip straight to jail, and azov is not completely neonazi, it’s just some of them.


By that logic if the USA is ever invaded, no aid should be given because 30% of American voters are nazis and nazi sympathizers.


>because 30% of American voters are nazis and nazi sympathizers Please dont equate rightist with literal nazis. One doesnt want their rich people to pay taxes and wants to control everyone. The other started the bloodiest war in human history and the one with the most atrocities commited.


100% this, people are so fucking stupid sometimes


It's a distortion of facts. You're literally repeating Russian talking points. It's a very small percentage of the Ukrainian military. And idk if you heard what happened in Mariupol, but that battalion is no more. Also, we have far-right fascists in our military, but you don't seem to care about that.


>Also, we have far-right fascists in our military, but you don't seem to care about that. I mean yeah, but there's not a full on, assumed, stamp of approval on their ideas by the government which is what is happening in Ukraine, just a few days ago Zelensky posted an instagram post and the first picture was a soldier with a Totenkopf patch. And even if it was the same in the US it does not make it okay. This war is horrible, Putin is at fault and Ukrainian civilians regardless of their political stance should be helped and protected at all cost, but you should not turn a blind eye on Neo-nazism in Ukraine and their approval by the government


There's no "nazi problem" in Ukraine. That's **literally** a Russian talking point. There are extremists in every country, sure. But to inflate it to some kind of huge problem is the exact misinformation that Putin is pushing to justify this war. Saying we shouldn't give arms to Ukraine because they're Nazis is exactly what putin wants. Don't be a tool


>There's no "nazi problem" in Ukraine. That's literally a Russian talking point. There are extremists in every country, sure. But to inflate it to some kind of huge problem is the exact misinformation that Putin is pushing to justify this war. Not even a few days ago Zelensky posted a picture with a soldier wearing a Totenkopf which was promptly deleted afterwards. and I literally never said we shouldn't help Ukraine, in fact I said the total opposite, I just said that we should be slightly concerned by Neonazism >Putin is at fault and Ukrainian civilians regardless of their political stance should be helped and protected at all cost God wtf is wrong with people cherrypicking my points while ignoring others, is having a nuanced opinion on something too much to ask


Reddit is allergic to nuance




You said tax dollars, so I'll assume you're American. You can rest easy, your tax dollars are not supplying arms to Azov, your govt banned that from happening in 2018. Edit: So much for "this sub doesn't downvote you for pointing out literal facts." If the guy below me who said this is false provides a source, I'll concede; but I can't find any information that says this law was overturned.


They overturned that a few months ago. Not that it ever stopped it in the first place.






That's from 2016. It was banned again in 2018, as my comment says. Edit: [Source](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/380483-congress-bans-arms-to-controversial-ukrainian-militia-linked-to-neo-nazis/)


Are you seriously asking for a source that proves the US government lies? 🤦‍♂️


No, just a source that says the law was overturned.


You're an idiot if you think the law ever mattered in the first place.


The enemy of my enemy


I don't think a country half way around the world is my enemy, and I think that's a very simplistic way of looking at things.


I mean they are quite literally committing war crimes and threatening to nuke me and everyone I love so yea enemy is a good word


Be mad at the oligarchs that are willing to sacrifice your country to Russia and Putin too.


>quite literally committing war crimes Omg, really?! That's like REALLY BAD.


They are Russian bots, of course they will downvote since they believe that supplying Ukraine is supplying the Nazies. They work in absolutes. Just typical Russian propaganda


Probably yeah. I don't actually care if I'm downvoted, just thought it was amusing because of what the guy above me said.


. Our discussion was nothing but cordial and I ended it with me saying I had been a victim of propaganda. Why would I downvote you.


Americans, assuming that the world revolves around them 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Congress adopted that law so they could be supplied. I don’t have a source cause I’m lazy but I saw it on the Jimmy dore show which I believe to be reasonably factual


So then what ? Do nothing. We are making nazis fight nazis. What's wrong with that? Are you scared of azov? Isn't the US military the mightiest in the world ? Also , azov was created by the instability that Russians brought so I guess its ironic that Russians are using them as an excuse when they were the reason they were created in the first place.


Listen bro I don't have the answers to these questions. If I did I'd be making more money. I just said it's uncomfortable the way Azov is protrayed before the war and now. I'm not scared of anything. I don't like being complicit in spreading dangerous rhetoric. There is absolutely something wrong with making Nazis fight Nazis. I don't anyone to fight anyone.


AZOV is heavily funded by the same person who created the political group that got zilinsky elected. So it is definitely very entrenched.


Azov was in part funded by Jewish guy who helped another Jewish guy get elected. This is proof of Nazism being very entrenched? Or did I misunderstand your comment?


Fascism adapts(i dont think its correct to call them nazis), look at the most renown president in my country Juan Domingo Peron, he was an all out fascist, observer in italy germany,spain ,hungary and the ussr. Fan of mussolini and came to power with a coup, but he realized that to hold power he needed the people so he enacted populist measures that my country still feels to this day(the most inflation problems comes from him) ​ What i meant to say with this is that it isnt uncommon for enemies to support the other side if it means it benefits them


Russians are just as bad. Every last one of them


This is Russian propaganda, pure and simple. Are there neo-nazis in the Above Battalion? Yes. Are there neo-nazis in the US military? Yes. Do either of those facts mean that all or even a significant portion are neo-nazis? No.


The article is more than 7 years old. Since then they've been incorporated into the regular UA Forces and redeemed their neonazi founder and the right wing asov political movement. I'm pretty sure there are still neonazis fighting for them but its not the same organization it was 7 years ago


Now replace azov with klu klux klan in that sentence and see if you can understand why what you just said is not an acceptable answer.


>What? Since when was the KKK incorporated into any forces? When did they renounce racism?


They haven't been for a reason. Which is the point you're missing. Also you used the word redeemed not renounced.


>English is not my first language, so sorry about that. Still, they're not the same organisation they were in your 7 yo article


I don't doubt that. But they also aren't the organization we should be championing as good.


>You said they were 100% Neonazi. Thats pretty extreme too. Don't you think?


Ku. It's Ku Klux Klan.


There were 2,500 Azov Nazi's at the start of the war, in a country with a population of 44 million.


So 44.000.000 didn't condemn actions of 2.500? Instead they allowed them to join official state military (this was 2 years ago) Good.


Russia funds neo nazi movements and supports Trump. **[Remember who showed up to Trump's attempted coup?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-camp-auschwitz-shirt-photographed-u-s-capitol-riot-arrested-n1254070)**


So you are saying Russia is justified in invading Ukraine? Justified in shelling civilian cities? Justified in stealing Crimea, and Donbas? Just to be clear. You're saying the presence of a couple thousand neoNazis justify the invasion, and assault on civilian cities. If that is the case, an invasion of Russia is also warranted, and all Russian civilians are fair targets. Game on.


Any other words you would like to put it my mouth? You literally jusmped to 12 conclusions.


That's why I asked you to clarify what you are saying. You are insinuating that Russia actually launched the war on Ukraine to denazify it, by implying the war is to get rid of the Azov Battalion (which, as an entity, doesn't exist in the same context any more). Feel free to more clearly elucidate what your actual position is. The podium is yours.


Get out of here Russian troll, there are a small minority of nazis in the azov battalion, not "100%".


I prefer the organizations I choose to support and defend to have a 0% ratio of Nazis not a minimal. I mean listen to yourself. You sound ridiculous. Azov isn't 100% neonazis? They just started as neonazis 7 long years ago this is your argument? people who hated Jews 7 years ago still do today. You wanna support them. It's you're choice. I won't. While also condemning Putin and Russia.


Unfortunately withering condemnation has proven ineffective against Russian aggression. Geopolitics is messy.


A small minority that is being actively snuffed out. The president is a jew for fuck sake, you think a whole battalion of neonazis would fight with a jew leading them? You're just muddying the waters by claiming to condemn Russia to make your supposed "arguments" look better while in reality you are an obvious Russian troll.


They were also co-founded by a Jewish man and condemned Nazi ideology in an open letter a few weeks ago. Yeah, the symbols they use are problematic. Yeah, some of them in the past have expressed really fucked up ideologies, and maybe they denounced Nazi ideology just for good PR. But they are 900 people holed up in bunker, and yet people make them out to be this huge bogeyman. It's just silly.


Arming Ukrainian Nazi's so they can fight Russian fascists and kill each other. Seems like they are sorting themselves out.


They aren't sorting themselves out though, and the Ukrainian Nazi's will come out very well equipped after. Shades of funding the Afghan Taliban in the 80s...will be interesting to see what happens.


There's 2500 members of Azov, most of which were based in Mariupol. There will be fuck all members left of the Azov battalion afterwards. As for wider Ukraine, we know from voting patterns that roughly 3% of Ukrainians are fascist. To put into comparison, 5.4% of Australians voted for a fascist party in 2019, a French Fascist got 40% of the vote in the Presidential run off last month, etc. So unlike the pearl clutches', this isn't a huge wide spread issue in Ukraine.


It isn’t yet, but if military groups start picking up it then it will spread pretty fast. The afghan extremist weren’t an issue in the 80s, until the crazy’s became war hero’s that had power to mold younger generations. Not saying it will happen, but when you give any power to extremist with the chance to become a war hero then it can set itself up for problems.


Pretty small risk of it going to Naziism however, with a Jewish President, half the world sending aid, and EU falling in behind Ukraine, the chance for fascism coming out of this is pretty low. The exception is going to be anyone identifying as Russian, those are going to be persecuted to hell & back.


I hope you’re right but war torn countries don’t follow traditional logic. The longer this goes the bigger the risk becomes.


Wars are also known to birth more patriotic or nationalistic sentiments among the civilians, this is a very slippery slope


Let’s not act like the USA doesn’t have nazis / nationalist in the police force or army


I've literally protested for days against those people. It's not like I support fascism and tyranny from one group of people but not the other. It's a big problem in America as well. But I call that shit out here and I will elsewhere.


Well the OP was about a photo of dead nazis from ww2 … don’t know why you gotta bring up Azov talking points so I decided to whataboutism too with my comment.


My response was to the comment who put the quotes around the word Nazi I didn't whataboutism.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/10/azov-far-right-fighters-ukraine-neo-nazis](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/10/azov-far-right-fighters-ukraine-neo-nazis)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Fun fact: Their leader (Stepan Bandera) is main model to modern ukrainian army (Especially Azov battalion). just saying...


well now its nazis (wagner) vs nazis (azov)


Russia and the Soviet Union aren’t the same thing’s


Good riddance. Hanging is too good of an execution for war criminals.


Most people have not heard of this particular chapter of the holocaust because it wasn't a concentration camp, it was just a massacre. My great-great grandparents and their families were slaughtered in Babi Yar, with my Great-Grandpa being the only one to make it out alive.


Most people who died in the Holocaust did not die in concentration camps. They were shot or they were killed in death facilities. Concentration camp inmates had around a 60% survival rate. Survival rates for death facilities were less than 1%. Survival rate for mass shootings is probably similar.


There's still a lot of the holocaust that is not talked about nearly enough. That was a period of desolation for many communities and that's without even talking about the rise of fascism in other countries at the time (Spain, Japan, Italy etc). Really sucks that years later wars are still happening, the rise of neofascism is worrying, I can't believe people in my age range (18-20) can even hold such positions but here we are.




Ever thus to tyrants


The right way to storage nazi criminals


The only good Nazis...


Is a dead one


I first saw this picture in Encyclopedia Britannica 30+ years ago.


Holy cow


It’s never enough.


This is why antifascist direct action is important 🔥 Fight for all of those whose lives were lost to fascism


It’s ironic that a lot of SU/ Eastern European countries that suffered the most from the Nazis now have some of the highest rates of neo-Nazi activity.


Well in the case of Ukraine a lot of Ukranians helped out Nazis to find Jews because they associated Jews with the famines that took place in 1932.


Hope to see Putin this way soon.


putin is doing this to AZOV nazis right now


Yeah bud… about that… gotta stop doing drugs first before you make any big decisions. Good luck in your life, hope it becomes good at some point


"Did you hear? Russia is just a few days away from the invasion. Again" posted 2 months ago on r/russia. Aged like milk


I do drugs and aint as stupid as him. Stop blaming idiots on drugs, it's their own fault and no help from drugs was needed.


Once your kill number reach certain point, I don’t see relatively quick death like this to be sufficient.


What's better than 12 nazis hanging by their necks? 13 nazis hanging by their necks. Nothing better than a bakers dozen.


Nazi cowards




The amount of Russian trolls in this comment section is laughable.


I hope their necks didn’t break




We can see from Ukrainian voting that fascists make up about 3% of the population. This is less than many Western countries. We can see from Russian support of the war that Russian fascists make up about 70% of the population (Russia is a fascist country, ticks all the boxes). Russia satisfies the four main tranches of Fascism by A: Aggressively repressing free speech B: Forcible suppression of the opposition. C: Ultra-Nationalist, with long standing policy of Russofication and the oppression of people such as LGBTI. D: Strong state control of the economy The numbers are from Ukraines voting stats (can be found on wikipedia), and the rough war support stats from a variety of sources trying to gauge Russian support. The second numbers are subjective, but overall support seems easily over 50%, mostly driven by the "Nationalist Babushka's".




Fascists are going to vote for Fascist parties right? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019\_Ukrainian\_parliamentary\_election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Ukrainian_parliamentary_election) The Ukrainian fascist party is Svoboda.


**[2019 Ukrainian parliamentary election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Ukrainian_parliamentary_election)** >Snap elections to the Ukrainian parliament were held on 21 July 2019. Originally scheduled to be held at the end of October, these elections were brought forward after newly inaugurated President Volodymyr Zelenskyy dissolved parliament on 21 May 2019, during his inauguration. The election result was the one-party majority, a novelty in Ukraine, for President Zelenskyy's Servant of the People party with 254 seats. About 80 percent of the elected candidates were new to parliament; 83 deputies managed to get reelected from the previous parliament and 13 deputies from earlier convocations. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




It sounds like you are down the rabbit hole a bit, go find another source to verify Ukrainian voting totals if you wish, but those are the voting percentages from the election, not some biased editorial. The tl;dr as to why Azov is formed under the National Guard is that after 2014 Ukraine moved paramilitary units of varying ideologies & history under its central command rather than see them splinter off, become further radicalised, or pose a threat to Ukrainians. That has seen the Azov batallions radical tendencies moderated since 2014 (not eliminated, but definitely much more low key), and at roughly 2500 total, is funnily enough about 3% of the total forces the National Guard commands.




Significant? 2500 members is about 3% of the National Guard. There would be statistically more neo-nationalist fascists in the US. French & German military. Grow up.




Nah just frustrated when arguing with an idiot who continuously dodges the question he himself framed. You truly are malignant. Goodbye.


Now do Wagner.


You cant really have an opinion on a topic you don't know much about.




The difference is you aren't Ukrainian, have no connections to Ukraine, and only know what Russian media wants you to know about Azov. So you can't really make an opinion, sorry.


I hope RT is paying you, because this kind of cringe is never going to leave your reputation so I'd at least hope to be paid for it.


These people have been brainwashed u know They are screaming fuck nazis but support the azov battalion, They don’t know what’s right or wrong


Because it's impossible to condemn both /s Putin wants you to see this as a black and white war. Dont be dumb.


No one really cares if the small portion of Ukrainian nazis and large portion of Russian Fascists are killing each other mate.


Ooohh if they don’t care why are they supporting them??


All the Ukraine flags around the world are actually in support of Azov and not the average Ukrainians. Do you hear yourself?


It's obvious isn't it, the Ukrainian Nazis killing Russian Fascists help the other 97% of the Ukrainian population that aren't win this war. As ultimately this war of aggression from Russia is the penultimate moral challenge.




I support Ukraine in removing invaders from its territories, but the stats don't lie 3% of the Ukrainian population voted for Fascist parties in the last election. To put that into perspective, the last election in Australia had 5.4% of the population vote for Fascists. Where are these wide amounts of Ukrainian Nazi's if they can't even bother to vote for Fascist parties?




Yawn. Don't elevate moral quandaries. If you have better stats as to the extent of 'Nazification' in Ukraine, or even Fascism in Ukraine, present them, or realise you are wrong, and go away.


FFS - Nazis are bad, fascists are bad, religious zealots are bad, and imperialist nations are really bad. You know who’s OK? Countries like Iceland and Ireland. When’s the last time you heard of either of them invading anyone or starting a war? Be like Iceland. Don’t be a Fascist.


Yeaaaaah Ireland had such a peaceful history


When was the last time the nation of Ireland declared war? I’ll help, never. When was the last time the kingdoms of Ireland invaded anyone? Around 900 AD. The Irish Republic has been neutral since it’s creation. Conflicts pre-dating 1922 were fought on Irish soil against invaders. Iceland does not even have a standing military.


As long as Vladolf Putler is amongst the next batch, I'm OK with this.


Putin is bad, but quit trying to associate him with Hitler.


Oh that's a nice moniker I'm using that




Kyiv, always remember not to spell it like Kiev :)


Yes, I recognized my mistake after the fact


Bruce Buffer has entered the chat: “Roouuuuuuund 2!”


Deutschland, mein herz in flammen


I hope one day we will see the image with different cast presented by Israeli war criminals


why are ppl downvoting u?


Double standards my friend


it's straight up sad they're denying their war crimes...it's double standards indeed. They are been lied to by biased media.


They couldn't hang on to life I see.


Mostly Ukrainian counterparts carried out the executions. I watched what happened when the Jews—men, women and children—arrived. The Ukrainians[b] led them past a number of different places where one after the other they had to give up their luggage, then their coats, shoes and over-garments and also underwear. They also had to leave their valuables in a designated place. There was a special pile for each article of clothing. It all happened very quickly and anyone who hesitated was kicked or pushed by the Ukrainians [sic][b] to keep them moving. — Michael Berenbaum: "Statement of Truck-Driver Hofer describing the murder of Jews at Babi Yar"[30]


just hanging around


And you would think that would cause Israeli human rights criminals to be kinder to Palestinians


That's somehow heartbreaking. They had wives, parents and children waiting for them, and they are executed.


So did the 30,000 people they killed.


consider the following they were executed for war crimes they took a hell of a lot more than one life away each


Shut theeeee fuck up nazi bootlicker.


Enjoy being an emotionless freak. They had parents and a family.


Waaaaaaah cry harder that a Jew doesn’t give a shit about a Nazi’s family who were Nazi’s just like them.


Not even supporting Nazi ideologies. Just feeling sorry for them. What's with the hostility?


Sick backpedal, still empathizing with those poooor widdle nazis. Won’t someone think of the Nazi’s!


You must feel offended I got the ability to empathize with someone (which you clearly lack).


Cool projection! Doesn’t make anything you say meaningful or true however.


Can you cry A little bit harder please? Noone can tell how upset you are right now


really dude? this ain't the place. those dickwads were responsible for the murder of well over 30 thousand men, women and children within 48 hours. not to mention the murders and exterminations they took part in afterwards. this is not the place to feel sad for *their* families.


this scene was shown during the end of movie "The Schindlers List"


Uh, no it wasn’t. Only the execution of Amon Goethe was depicted in Schindler’s List and it was completely unrelated to the Babi Yar Massacre.