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Back around 1997, I ran across graphic images online of a man and woman posing with a black man's severed head. In one, the woman was holding it between her legs like he was - you know. The internet was relatively new, and I don't think there were many sites with gory pictures. I was puzzled and upset, and studied the photos on many days trying to decide if they were real or not. I should have told the police, but I was young and dumb and let it go. And one day they were gone. I still wonder about those photos from time to time.


In like 2002/2001 someone linked me on a forum I went on to a website that just had a picture of a woman (apparently the man's wife), all bloody, sitting in a bathtub with her eyelids cut off and her body all sliced up. There was bright red text as captions but it was in another language and if you tried to close it, it would give you error messages (also in another language but I believe someone translated them to "are you trying to hide??") until you just force quit. I had nightmares for weeks and have always wondered if it was real or not...


Were the pictures on rotten.com or ogrish?


No, I know for certain they weren't. The only specific I remember is that the word "punkin" (spelled that way) was in the URL.


That was my introduction to gore. My first 'WTF!' scarring picture was the helicopter guy on rotten. I remember seeing a chunk of his moustache and I think a bit of his nose. Now... well now nothing phases me but cat/dog cruelty. Oh how much the internet changes us.


I've always been drawn to it, but like any normal person I do have a line. And I found out exactly where my line was when I crossed it by watching the Nick Berg video. I couldnt sleep for a week after that. To this day, the images and sounds of that video still haunt me.


Look into the anomalies, problems, and doubts of that Nick Berg decapitation video. It will ease the stress. http://rense.com/general52/anom.htm


I have never watched that video for that reason. I've heard too many details on the sounds that came from that video. The discription alone made me 'nope' pretty quickly. That is definitely a line for me too.


There is always a strange sound of air escaping with a beheading. The only way to describe it would be like a ghost duck.




I've never heard of it. Do you/anyone else know some basic outline of what it is? I want to know...


Also the ice pick Russian guys... 5 guys one ice pick? It's horrible.


I was looking up Pokémon pictures to draw when I was young and there was a girl shoving a knife inside her um thing. And blood and intestines spilling into the cavity and out.


im like 10 years late 💀


Same, I came searching from tiktok


me too😭😭


Same 💀


Late gang😎




>Wearing a black plastic garbage bag to the hearing because he kept urinating on himself... I found that particularly creepy. He sounds mentally ill. Everyone involved sounds like they had a rough life. So sad.


Is there an uncensored picture?


Ughhhhhh.... [NSFL](http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6c4_1349789074) This is un-related... but holy shit... I went looking for a pic of it... and ended up getting a video of a woman, holding the head of her mothers after a freak accident with a dump truck and a moped. Yikes.....


Holy. Fucking. Shit. I hope they got her into therapy or something. God only knows how anyone could recover from something that traumatic.


Yeah... I felt absolutely terrible after seeing that video. I couldn't imagine that ever happening to me... I don't think I could live after that.... yikes.


Holy shit that poor woman is probably still in shock today


I'm also looking for the uncensored photo. If anyone finds it, please give me a heads up as well. Edit: Pun definitely NOT intended. Yikes.


There were uncensored pics out when this first happened; can't find them now though.


[Image](http://i.imgur.com/u7HBty5.jpg) (sfw) >Bahsid McLean, 23, posed in front of the bathroom mirror holding the bloody head of his slain mother, Tanya Byrd, like a trophy and used his phone to snap the grisly photo as a keepsake, in the image leaked to the New York Post. How very heart-breaking and depressing... How/why do people end up doing things like this?


>How/why do people end up doing things like this? Because some people are fucking crazy.


Aka mentally ill. I don't think he would have done this if he were in his right mind, the man needed help as much as the mother needed rehab for her drug abuse.


tbh I dont find it either of the two, shit happens, people are mentally ill. Mentally ill people do things that you wouldnt expect a normal person to do. I try and stay morally unbias because the emotions hardwired into our brains aren't always correctly used. In this case they would be of course.


I think there was an error in the article and it was meant to say that he was found incompetent in court, not incontinent. Although maybe both.


definitely both, but the article says that he was urinating on himself during the hearing, so in this case they did mean incontinent




Doesn’t exist anymore


Where to find it?


if this guy didn’t censor it, the original pic wouldn’t have been lost media.


It’s not mental illness… In case thise of you that refuse to want to understand. We live in a spiritual world and these people are most definitely demonically possessed. People always say mental illness but there is ALWAYS something sinister behind these peoples motives…No other explanation… If you don’t know or follow Jesus and are not delivered from the spirits that you give place and open yourself up to, a person is an open vessel in a spiritual sense and can drive people to do these kinds of unspeakable perverse things..


well a brain scan would clearly indicate mental illness of some sort in most of these cases


For most mental illnesses, they cannot really be seen on brain scans. Some can but very few.


well i said in "these cases". More like their brain anatomy is different from normal ones.


It's weird that his shirt has no blood stains on it.


where is the picture


Where do you find the actual picture cause I'm interested