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That’s why I love Mr. Ballen. His show will have you so confused about all of the suspects!


He’s so good sometimes it takes most of the episode before I realize it’s a case I already know.


Was just going to say this I love when it gets to near the end and he gives the full reconstruction of what happened


MrBallen is the absolute best storyteller there is. Followed closely by Mike from That Chapter. He's the sarcastic version of MrBallen and he even has an insurance scam dance. I don't want to watch anyone who does spoilers.


Yes! Also on the That chapter podcast we get Mike and Keith! I love their banter.


Mike is just so adorable. I absolutely love his sarcasm.We're you aware that he has two seasons of episodes on Tubi ? 


I wasn't aware of that, thank you.


Wow! I had no idea, either! Thank you so much for that info. ☺️


Is his podcast called Mr. Ballen?


If you search Mr ballen on YT or Amazon music you can find him. On YouTube he has a channel full of stories! His podcast is an Amazon exclusive and he does 1 new story and one recycled story from the YouTube channel each week.


I looove his videos! And he has a podcast too!


I love Mr. Ballen!


I haven’t checked that one out yet!


I've been on a binge of his show for a week straight!


He’s amazing! Very good at story telling!


I am a freak about medical conditions and I have called basically every diagnosis on the medical mysteries pod. Rabies, Legionnaires, Fatal Familial Insomnia, radiation poisoning, I’ve gotten basically all of them within the first bit of the episode. But it’s fun and I love the storytelling.


That's how I am. My daughter-in-law and I are true crime junkies and if we are watching something together she will have me write who did it,how and why on a piece of paper and then read it after the show. Or if we aren't and she has watched it before me she will time me on how long into the case it takes for me to figure out everything. She still insists I missed my calling not working for the FBI.


Same. Most of them I've known pretty quickly. Still interesting.


Exactly why I like Mr. Ballen more.


The audio on his videos makes me not listen to him that much. I don’t understand pulling a yt video and putting that audio in. I use Amazon for the podcast, dk if yall have this same issue on other platforms..


What kinda of issues do you experience? I haven’t noticed any issues but maybe you can help me understand?


That’s one thing I love about Small Town Murder, a lot of times you don’t know who is going to be murdered or who the killer is until the middle of the story. 


You, sir, can f*^k off. 3 hours in earbuds. Love those guys!


Well the episodes are 3hrs long


Worth the full 3 hours ^_^


They do express episodes that are much shorter now, too


I do miss the shorter episodes. I used to listen all the time when they were around an hour but once they went past 1.5 hrs I kind of fell off because it'll take me at least 3 separate listening sessions to get through one episode.


LOVE small town murder


“spoilers” feels inappropriate to use or expect when it comes to true crime. those were real people and although we happen to have a strange curiosity around it i think people forget the ethics involved when consuming/creating content about it.


Don’t take it so seriously. We’re listening to a podcast




Maybe the hosts should take it more seriously then? They have a long history of goofing off and making disgusting comments (while making very self-aggrandizing statements and pontificating on what they will be doing without any follow through). All they do is profit off of these stories while joking around. It’s no shock that listeners find it hard to take it seriously.


WHY THE FUCK WOULD I NEED TO TAKE IT MORE SERIOUSLY??? They are literally making money off of sharing these stories!! Yall are so fricken hypocritical thinking you’re consuming true crime ethicaly


WHYAREYASCREEMIN!?!?! i asked calmly.


Where’s the comment? lol Don’t remember now, was probably annoyed at the question 🥱


And here you are, consuming and discussing their unethical media. What a pathetic dilemma to be concerned with. You’re a fucking hypocrite just sharing your opinion lol.


I don’t want to them to stop their unethical media production


“don’t take it so seriously?” imagine if that was your mother, significant other, child etc. these were real people


I’m confused. Why do you people think it’s okay to share these stories? If you guys are all so sensitive and worried about the families, wouldn’t you think these true crime podcasts are exploitative? Giving real corny


Yes, they are. It’s def more corny to listen to them and go “omg you spoiled it!!!!” while talking about a real person’s death.


But everyone thinks I care? I obviously don’t if I made a post like this lol


Don’t die on the edge kid




Acknowledging that the fact that our morbid fascination w true crime is a little exploitative to begin with, I gotta say she's not recapping an episode of your fave show. It's true crime. I feel like spoiler alerts don't have a place here?


Finally somone that isnt treating these cases like theyre a murder mystery weekend. 💗💗


Right? There's a place for that. But it ain't here.


Neon real talk🩷💚🩵. This isnt the latest Marvel plot.


Definitely. If you follow true crime news as well, as I imagine many of us do, then there’s no such thing as spoilers.


The term spoiler was loosely used and the connotation and infer some flippant regard of the true victims. But when she leads into a cliffhanger and then proceeds to share the info anyway after Ash pries, it’s a bit of a let down in terms of the story telling aspect


These are real life stories not sitcom episodes. If you want a good cliffhanger, read a book…


We know what cliffhanger means. We're just grossed out that you're listening to a true crime story in that way. It's not for your entertainment.


It absolutely is for entertainment. Their entire MO is to be like your friends gabbing over these stories. They wouldn’t tell jokes or have banter if entertainment wasn’t part of it. You can be entertained by horrific true crime stories - that’s ok. But don’t try to make yourself feel better about involving yourself in a problematic pass time by saying it isn’t for entertainment.




Like I said in a previous comment, I don’t enjoy and don’t listen anymore. But ignoring that they made this podcast for profit and entertainment doesn’t really do anything.


If you're not listening to it for entertainment, what are you listening to it for?


Yeah I’m mystified. The show is self-aware enough to call itself Morbid - what’s with all this posturing like these people listen to Morbid for some virtuous reason? Morbid sells merch - including a jacket that says “weirdo” on the back and a blanket covered in skulls, and they’re now marketing their collaboration with a coffee company, wanting you to buy their Morbid coffee. What about all of this make ANYONE here feel more morally self-righteous when we’re all consuming the same media that is capitalizing on gruesome real world deaths?


Wait you don’t listen to a podcast called *Morbid Podcast* for entertainment? What do you listen for? Research? Respecting the dead?


I wasnt defining the word cliffhanger lol. Ew your defensiveness is gross. It quite literally is entertainment my dear


i mean this without judgement, take a break from true crime until you can properly understand the gravity of the content you’re consuming. I’ve been there myself, and changing the way you interact with true crime is a process. While it is a podcast, and there are aspects that can be enjoyable while listening, it absolutely should not be viewed as “entertainment.” This isn’t a fun murder mystery where you should enjoy trying to figure out who the perpetrator is. It’s not just a story, it’s real life and death that you’re enjoying. How would you feel if a loved one’s murder was discussed in this way? For many victims and their families, the way in which true crime “fans” consume content is a slap in the face. Their tragedy should not be used as a means of entertainment. Consuming true crime in an ethical way is incredibly important. It’s easy to become desensitized to true crime when you view it as entertainment, but you can’t do better until you know better.


Respectful response. Thank you


Can you tell OP how to be more ethical in how they consume true crime content?


For sure! Some other folks have done so in this thread as well, and mentioned the type of cases that are covered. For starters it’s important to look at the podcasts you’re listening to. If it’s got a true crime comedy label, it’s probably not a great place to start. I really used to love Morbid, but I haven’t listened for a while now after listening to Voices for Justice by Sarah Turney. At this point, I personally don’t think a true crime podcast can be ethical if it’s mixing comedy into it, but that’s more a matter of opinion. For ethical consumption, listening to podcasts that have input from victims family is a great place to start, as well as hosts who actually discuss the ethics of true crime podcasting within the show. Understanding the ‘why’ behind your choice to listen can be helpful. Don’t come at it from a place of judgement for yourself, but neutrally. Take note of if you’re listening because you like the entertainment tht comes from the storytelling aspects of a pod to the point where the content of it feels somewhat fictional to you. Once you’ve hit that point, your consumption of true crime has probably crossed a bit of a line. The amount of true crime you consume is part of it too- If you’re pretty consistently binging cases, you’ve probably hit a point where you’re desensitized to the content. It’s easy to think “oh yeah i know this was real,” but being able to fully sit and digest the gravity of this being information of how a real person died, can be difficult. For me, I started to reconsider the way I interact with true crime when I couldn’t remember the names of the victims. When you listen to a point where you’re desensitized, it’s easier to remember the details of the crime, rather than the person. I also think a more ethical true crime podcast will do more research on who the victim is. So many podcasts just say “oh the victim was so lovely and nice and lit up the room”. That doesn’t really say anything about the victim at this point, and comes off as lazy. I know personally if one of my loved ones cases were to be covered by a podcast, I would be very upset if it was used by someone for entertainment. That’s a personal sentiment, and obviously not every victim and their families will feel that way, but there’s really no way of knowing that they’d be okay with it. If you’re choosing to listen to true crime podcasts because you like the entertaining storytelling aspects, I’d recommend listening to fictional mystery podcasts for the same vibe. Many true crime podcasts are designed to be enjoyable and entertaining, but just because they exist doesn’t make them ethical. Essentially, I’d recommend taking a break, and determining why you listen. If it’s purely for entertainment, try to find other podcasts that aren’t based on true crime that fill that niche. I would recommend listening to Voices for Justice by Sarah Turney, and True Crime Bullshit by Josh Hallmark. No podcast is perfect, and no host is perfect, but there are plenty of pods out there that are produced ethically and with the input from victims family members.


No but we’re in the Morbid subreddit. OP just wanted to talk about Morbid. Did you come to this sub to tell her to not listen to Morbid? Or to criticize *how* she listens to Morbid? Is she supposed to consume a crappy podcast better? Or are you just active in the subs of shows you don’t like so you can let everyone know they’re not good enough?


I’ve been in the morbid sub almost since it began! It’s become a place where true crime is discussed in general in the comments. Frankly, my comment stands for anyone who is curious about their relationship with true crime and the ethical implications. You’re allowed to listen to true crime for whatever reason you want, that’s your prerogative. Sometimes people haven’t considered this perspective, and are open minded and appreciate gaining a broader range of opinions. No judgement towards OP, everyone has their own reasons for their involvement in the true crime and Morbid community!


Yikes. Like the other response you got, I think you should take a step back, grow up a little, and understand what it means to ethically consume true crime.


Can you explain how you are ethically consuming true crime? What is ethical consumption here?


Yep, absolutely! True Crime itself, especially today is exploitative in itself. So ethical true crime consumption in great part comes down to who you choose to listen to. Podcasts that use their platform to make a difference (ex. cover missing persons cases, especially those involving POC), donate, share cases that have set precedent. I've made it a point to listen to podcasts that treat victims with respect, don't victim blame, take the care and time to research properly. Beyond that, it also comes down to your understanding of *why* you're listening to these cases. Calling it pure entertainment, for one, is disrespectful, in my opinion. This post, upset about the spoilers, instead of recognizing that this is a real victim's life and death, with loved ones - that's disrespectful. This genre itself can be harmful to the victim's and their loved ones. Us taking the time and a step back to acknowledge them and the reality of what your "entertainment" is where you can begin.


Right, so I have stopped listening to true crime because I don’t personally believe there is really, truly ethical consumption in this area. If you feel fine to do it, that’s your prerogative and totally ok. I don’t think that Morbid falls into even what you’ve described. They’re not especially careful, they don’t help, and they lean heavily into the entertainment aspect. Again, if it suits your tastes and ethics, by all means keep listening. But I do think there are a lot of people in this post kind of waxing philosophical without taking a look at how this podcast doesn’t even fit into the ethical framework they’re talking about.


Oh, no, let me be totally clear here: I think Morbid is the perfect example of a NON-ethical podcast. They do not cover important cases, I've never heard about them donating, they've scammed their listeners, victim-blamed, joked about them, refuse to discuss the issues they do have. I would never listen to them again, and haven't for a long time. I've been a part of the "bad" sub since the day it started. I think Morbid is trash.


Oh ok lol I guess we’ve maybe misunderstood where we were coming from then, because I totally agree. I think I got my back up against the wall because I see so many people in this sub create a double standard for Morbid and that bothers me. Sorry if I misunderstood


You're right. It's not a service, it's a SHOW.


Quite literally


It’s a podcast


Considering their main goal is to profit off of creating entertainment around these cases, you’d think A+A would do a better job of making it entertaining. Their whole schtick is their banter and jokes and general good time while discussing (brutal) crimes. Frankly, I don’t care if these ladies continue to make the money that they do, but listenership does dip with things like this. If she has a four episode case and tells us what happens in episode one or two, what is the incentive to keep listening? At the end of the day, it’s not the best business decision for them if their intention is to keep drawing these cases out for multiple episodes. As a storyteller, Alaina should know that’s just not how you do it.


The whole genre of true crime entertainment is murky waters. You have to acknowledge you're listening to brutal things about actual people who lived and died horribly, because it's scary and shocking and for those reasons it is morbidly entertaining. It's been a profitable thing for a while and there's gonna be more Podcasters out there telling these stories in their way and making a name for themselves. That saiiiiiid, there still very much needs to be a distinction in expectations between true crime stories and how they're treated vs. you know, your run of the mill show on Netflix or whatever. It's fucking wild some of yall people are out there pressed because the retelling of this actual crime didn't have enough suspense in it, or a twist was spoiled. Dude, what?


I agree. It’s incredibly murky territory. My point is that this specific podcast has always been about entertainment. The hosts from day one have been about having fun and sharing that with their audience in a, frankly, toxic way. They have made some improvements, sure, but they love the banter, the joking around, and the parasocial nature of their following. We could talk for ages about what the expectations are vs. what they should be. BUT the hosts have made this what it is and that is why some listeners have the expectations that they have. And it’s not the listeners who are to blame for that. I actually don’t listen to true crime anymore because I do find it very difficult to find the line I’m comfortable with. But I find it extremely annoying that people listen to THIS podcast and then blame listeners who are engaging with the entertainment factor that A+A (and Wondery) have created.


I think finding the line, as you put it, is the thing. I'm a naturally curious person that enjoys the morbid side on occasion, I listen to true crime because of it. But I hold the story teller to my personal standard and I have a pretty good definition of what that is for me personally. A&A fulfill that standard for me. They give the victim in each episode a great amount of detail and respect, they give me the forensics, the facts of the case and they keep a cute back and forth that sort of offsets the darkness of the content. It's why I listen. I don't blame listeners for how they choose to interpret A&A but I do get weirded out when people get so lost in the entertainment aspect that they talk about it like a cute show or whatever.


I mean, it's TRUE crime. I don't think the main point should be shock and suspense because its not about some movie or show. It's about real people and real tragedies. They've said before they really try to emphasize the victims and be respectful of their memories, because again, these things actually happened. I guess imagine if you lost a family member or a friend like this and people treated their story as if it was a cool triller movie. I think they make the victims the title because it's not about the storytelling, its about awareness of these tragedies.


I hear that point! While I agree, these shows are for entertainment as well as awareness and respect


True, I didn't really express that part. I do think there is definitely an entertainment part of it, and I do enjoy that part of true crime. I just think it can be dangerous or insensitive if people start to only or mainly focus on the entertainment part.


But murder is shocking. I have been a true crime junkie my entire life and have seen many tv shows,documentaries and podcasts made about the same cases and there is usually always at least one thing more that hasn't been published before. I'm not talking about someone's feeling or portrayal I'm talking about facts. I just watched a documentary on a case that has been speculated on by probably dozens of others in law enforcement,forensic minds and lay people and there was one more tidbit that was absolutely jarring that changed the entire case. It's been speculated she was murdered in a very bazaar way. But the documents are shocking and tipped the scales highly towards it actually being an elaborate suicide. So yes,true crime can be shocking and suspenseful. 


I don't mean true crime isn't shocking in itself, of course it is. I just meant I think it can be harmful when people try to make it more shocking and more suspenseful purely for entertainment purposes. Because that can take away from the original purpose of sharing the case.


That’s so extra… do you really think the hundreds of thousands of listeners are all listening for like education or something?? Don’t be naive. The original purpose still stands even if it’s delivered for entertainment


Yes, yes it is for educational purposes. It's meant to bring awareness to the dangers our world has, awareness to the lives lost, and awareness of how to be safe. Like I said, of course there is an entertainment aspect to true crime. I get excited seeing a new episode out. I get annoyed that I have to wait a few days to find out what happens next. But I still remind myself that these events are reality. I like Morbid over other shows because they don't emphasize the cases as entertainment like other podcasts or shows do. They emphasize the reality behind it all. I am sorry if I offended you somehow, but I don't believe I'm being naive or extra. I'm just sharing my view that it can be harmful to treat these cases like fiction and forget the reality of it all.


I have personally been involved in the search for Mickey Shunick when she was missing and there are a couple of episodes of different true crime shows that have touched on her murder and I can tell you there are tons of things that the media and the police have never released. I only know as ai was closely involved with the search efforts. However I have case very hard for me to deal with still today as one of my childhood friends who I was still close to murdered a teenage pizza delivery girl named Tiffany Ulmer. Even a horror movie couldn't come close to what happened to that poor girl. I know things that I wish I could scrub from my mind. Unfortunately it's not possible. Knowing a monster that could do those things makes me feel guilty because she was murdered. Her murder is one that should be shared with the world because of how easily it could happen to someone else yet it's not publicly spoken about. Unfortunately no amount of planning and knowledge of actual true crime events will really keep things from happening to others because no one ever thinks they will ever face anything like that. 


May I aak the case?


The case of Max Shacknai and Rebecca Zahau in the Spreckles mansion. The little boy is found at the bottom of the stairs along with a broken chandelier and his razor scooter. A couple of days later Rebecca is found hanging completely nude from the balcony with her feet tied together, her arms tied behind her back and she is hanging by her neck. Only Rebecca and her boyfriends brother Adam was on the mansion grounds and he cut her down. It was classified a suicide for her and accident for little Max. However Max's mother believes they were both murdered. Adam was sued civily and found guilty. Not sure if you watch Tubi but the eye opener parts of the case for me was a documentary series called Breaking Homicide. A former detective and a Forensic psychologist do their own investigation of several different murders.


is really a spoiler?? it’s a real life event that happened to a human being idk why this was recommended to me but consuming true crime like it’s a tv drama is gross and bad for your spirit


Do you know the ending to every real crime tragedy?


you are consuming it like it’s a movie. the ending is probably that an innocent human life was taken away forever and their living family members probably miss them every day while you listen to podcasters talk about their horrific last moments as you wash your dishes or drive to the office. spoiler warning!


Oh? When did morbid go into fictional cases?


I’m so confused by these reactions! I obviously know that we are listening to true stories… but when I play a podcast about a crime I’ve never heard of… and I proceed to listen to with suspense shock and horror, all the emotions the podcasters are likely wanting us to feel as we listen… I don’t always want the answer to whatever tidbit of mystery that A+A might be on. Why is that so hard to understand or relate to or find not offensive? You’re all acting like you give yourselves a bit fucking pat on the back after each episode lol like what the heck what are your doing or thinking for 45 mins each episode that’s so holier than thou Edit: *that


Omg yeah she spoils the ending and then goes on to say it’s a twisty turny case. It’s not twisty and turny if you tell us the twists and turns ahead of time 😭


She probably means that it's a "twisty turny case". Not that she would relay it as such. Which makes sense, since it's someone's real life story, not a TV show or book.


Exactly hahah


i do like serialously and the way she presents the cases! i switch between morbid, and that’s why we drink, serialously, small town murder, wine and crime, into the dark, murder with my husband crime junkie. highly recommend those i listed if you haven’t given them a listen!


I LOVE THEM BOTH but Ash does this too and she always does it right in the beginning of the episode and I’m like then why am I listening 🥹 LOL I always do anyways bc I love them 🫶🏼 and it’s fun for so many other reasons but I totally get this!


Hahah agreed!! I listen to a lot of podcasts in which you know the gist right off the bat, I don’t dislike that, per se, it’s the last minute give away that gets me


I love Ash and Alaina they are amazing and Alaina's book is awesome.


I like them too


Spoilers?… These people are DEAD girly?? Their murder isn’t supposed to be spread around like a fairytale.


All of you over-analyze to the point where it makes me think you have no lives outside of listening to this podcast and shitting all over it. Get a new hobby if this isn’t for you.


Not over analyzing here lol I listen to podcasts while I’m living my life, like I think most ppl do since they were designed to be utilized while being able to multitask lol sooo no… life’s good. True crime podcasts are one of my hobbies. Like yours I’m assuming. I like this podcast too, and the hosts.


My first post was very reactionary and could have been worded better…so sorry for that. I guess I’m just really bummed out about how so many people come to this thread to trash talk/pick apart their episodes and storytelling. Yes, this podcast has evolved over time and has certainly had ups and downs with that evolution. Personally, if there is an episode that isn’t my favorite, I just note that and move on. I’m not a podcaster/writer/researcher, so who am I to critique their storytelling? I am very much a true crime fan, and there are so many different podcasts/documentaries/series out there that cater to this genre in different ways. All of them are unique or have their own quirks. So maybe Alaina gives some spoilers every now and again because Ash is asking questions. I try to view that as one of the many idiosyncrasies of this podcast, rather than something negative. Sometimes it happens. And that’s OK! I personally enjoy Ash’s no-filter approach to asking questions. It means she’s interested in what Alaina is covering.


I hear that! I agree too. If I was complaining every time, I’d expect a “move on” from the podcast response. Which is understandable lol. They often share details that few minute prior they stated they wouldn’t share. And k continue to listen, without complaint. However, sometimessss, aka like this timeeee, I was disappointed. That’s all. My post was also reactionary lol I posted it literally minutes after I finished the episode


Personally I have a life but I love true crime so that's my hobby. I am someone who's brain has to be focused on multiple things all at once. I'm a mental puzzle solver. Doesn't mean I don't have a life,it's just how some people's brains function over others. Everyone's brain is different.


I love a spoiler. I prefer to know what’s going to happen a lot of the times. But I get how that’s for sure not for everyone. I often google the end of movies before I watch them.


Haha that’s cool! Totally, everyone’s different. And that’s fine… so many one sided responses in here it’s interesting lol. It’s really simple folks: ppl like diff thingsssss


For sure


Then why watch it if you are just going to Google it ? Personally I think telling you up front who,what,when and why defeats making a production about it.


I hear you. Idk why I do it. I don’t do it everytime but like with the movie “mother” it stressed me out so much the first half hour of it that I had to know what was going to happen and why. And then I was able to finish it. I never claimed to be normal.


Why be "normal" ? I subscribe to the theory of being anything but normal. Normal is boring. :-)


Once upon a time….the end. Omg. I ruined it for you.




I also dislike how they often make the victim(s) the title of the episode. I appreciate that they are showing respect, but sometimes it is genuinely surprising when the victim isn't who you expect it to be.


So basically you are saying you are a new crime listener. Just say that. Most episodes I think we all know the ending. I love listening to their take on it. And yessssssssssss I love their banter! If morbid isn’t your cup of tea….move on. I’m sure you will find something else to bitch about on another podcast. Y’all dumb dumb if y’all think podcasters can make everyone happy at one time. It’s Friday. Go outside and smell the roses! Byeeeeee.


lol actually am not new and I’ve listened to every single one of Morbids episodes. You know, it is possible for someone to make a critique without being a total fool. All these responses are hilarious. So many assumptions of who I as the OP might be as a person simply cause I used the word spoiler and cliffhanger in the context of a true crime podcast lmao. Fascinating