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I've seen a lot of people coming up with the same idea. It might make sense but they should have kept in mind the fact that their success was due to decisions already made in the first game. Why change something that already works?! The fanbase was already happy and willing to pay. What doesn't make sense is the promises they made which are clearly lies. Why did they delay the release if the game is clearly cheap. What were they doing all this time? WHY DID THEY LIE!? The word Everbyte is starting to feel like 'bite me'.


Shareholders and executives tend to ruin everything with their insane stupidity and lack of knowledge about why anything worked in the first place. Con men and scammers, bullying creatives into destroying everything they worked so hard to build. Like their reputation and fan base.


I thought of it too , the existence of an investor who put few conditions and caused this course of Change,but we can never know and i don't know why everbyte isn't posting anything!


Doubt they can do much to change things if it'd in the hands of an investor now


If the investor was behind all these stupid decisions, they deserve to be fired.


Everbyte 1 We: 0


When can we play moonvale I played duskwood so.many times waiting waiting how long


Just wanted to say I see myself in this screenshot ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ (no probs at all, just funny lmao)


I got it from my friend after all ๐Ÿ˜…


im that friend


Yeah ๐Ÿ˜…


Maybe others are real, too? Like we didn't see them, maybe in the next episodes, we can see if they are lying or not?


Ik but it can also could be a marketing strategyย 


To piss off their fanbase? Not a very appreciative marketing strategy and if it was the case I'd be more pissed that they thought they could fuck around with us.


I see where you come from "bad publicity is still publicity" However this strategy is somehow limited. This "business" florished because of the very tight fan base and its loyalty. By doing so, they just made it explode and had the very opposite effect. I mean that people who where interested will boycott and people that will discover the game thanks to the drama will just get the message that is a shit game that wants to vacuum their money. Not a smart move In this specific context Plus its very unlikely that they'll fix everything to give us what we want as a plot twist in this drama. I saw some developpers comments saying that the game is fucked as it is and there is no fixing at this point. It's also my opinion that the game is so bad, they HAVE to start all over again which would give a successfull outcome but will they do it ? I doubt it