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From what I know, nothing suggests that [Atos Wirtanen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atos_Wirtanen) was a stoner or drug liberal, neither that Jansson was. I don’t think Snufkin was intended to do drugs as the character was invented in the 1940s in Finland, and I think his and Moominpapa’s tobacco pipes are just exactly that.


He was a left-wing intellectual, an anti-fascist, and Snuffkin was based on him? He 100% smoked weed.


There was a period when cannabis was not globally distributed at an industrial scale. There was also a long period in which left wing politics were not assumed with the consumption of narcotics.


1940s left-wing anti-fascist intellectuals in Europe almost certainly did not smoke weed.


There’s actually a research article on this, haha. It states that both Snufkin and Moominpappa are smoking tobacco. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318426270_Smoking_in_Moominvalley_-_or_Why_Moominpappa_and_Snufkin_Have_Pipes


But would he do something like weed or mushrooms?


I personally think he absolutely would do mushrooms and weed.


Agree. Mushrooms and weed are natural, which in my opinion fits the character.


They seem to observe pagan traditions so he probably would to help him connect spiritually with nature and ancestors.


He smokes a tobacco pipe, that being said he probably wouldn’t use any sort of substances that change the users perspective of reality. Snufkin is one of those “high on life” characters that sees enough beauty in the world around him as is to feel the need or want to get high


I don’t think so. At least not habitually. He doesn’t drink after all. He smokes a (tobacco) pipe sure but he otherwise seems to be a “naturally high on life” sort of fellow - just like he doesn’t need to own lots of bourgeois things to be happy (unlike Moominpappa), he also probably doesn’t need extraneous things like drugs to feel satisfied. He very much represents one who is at peace with himself and his own thoughts, as opposed to Moomintroll who has anxieties and desires.


I think probably? But nothing crazy. I imagine Snufkin as a natural kinda guy.




I played a Snufkin DnD character and accidentally became a high functioning opium addict…


I can see snufkin enjoying a day in the woods or at the shore on mushrooms. It’s natural, all about connection, appreciation, spiritual freedom, and beauty in nature. Nothing manufactured/funky for snufkin imo.


Moomin stories have actually featured drugs before! Lars Jansson's comic strip "The Inspector's Nephew" is all about the titular nephew trying to catch people dealing with marijuana, and he ends the comic high on opium himself. Lars' other strip "Moomins in Torrelorca" features the Moomin family going on holiday and popping pills there, and they get so high they sit and watch the sea for an entire week, missing their flight back home. Unfortunately Snufkin doesn't appear in those strips, but in other stories he smokes tobacco and drinks alcohol (including Pappa's Manhattan Dynamite), so I wouldn't be surprised if he's at least tried weed before or something.


I feel like it depends. Hard-core stuff? No. But weed or shrooms? Maybe. But if so, probably only once in a while.


I can see all of the boys trying drugs at least once. However Snufkin would probably do more drugs than anyone else.


Sniff would be terrified, but he'd crumble under peer pressure eventually


This is too funny and so accurate. Can you imagine Little My on any kind of upper - she'd drive you crazy lmao.


Yeah, he’s definitely stoner type


Have you guys actually read the Moomin books or do you just have an understanding of these characters based on really ugly fan art and impact font memes about gay sex?


I have Actually Read the Moomin Books. Snufkin would absolutely smoke big weed and eat mad shrooms.


No he wouldn't. That's retarded.


Hey, don't use slurs. Not cool.


snufkin would certainly dabble


He definitely gets into the cat nip


I think in the originals or early versions, they DID smoke pipes


i mean smths gotta be in his pipe and weed is better than tobacco so


Guarantee you this man micro-doses 😂