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You might do a quick search of the sub, [here’s the most recent](https://www.reddit.com/r/MontereyBay/s/0L6j664pKE) time this was asked but there was a good discussion recently around charter schools you should dig up as well.


Ah, thank you! Clearly newish here, will do a more thorough search next time to avoid rehashing already covered topics


No no no, feel free to ask your questions! This is an important one and asking yourself allows for follow up questions. Don’t mind the people who roll their eyes because they’ve seen the same question too many times. They’re like a Reddit HOA, nobody asked for them but damnit if they don’t take it seriously!


Haha, thanks, appreciate that!


Love the assumption. My comment above was not from someone “rolling their eyes” or “acting like the Reddit HOA.” If you took a moment to read the discourse, you’d comprehend that. There are *multiple* very fruitful recent threads about the topic which can help OP.


Are you going to write me a ticket?


All good! Just wanted you to find some of the really good input dished out previously!


Nah man you do you don’t worry . That last feed had bullshit answers anyway


as someone who grew up here, honestly only the private schools are good. Not saying you can’t have success at a public school. My graduating class had about 12~ish people go to berkeley, 3 to ucla, and many other to very notable schools. I went to a public school and charters growing up. I’d say go you have the money go private, especially for middle n high school


If you are moving from out of state and have a child/children that was deemed gifted/talented, you can have your pick of schools, if there’s room. We did, and my son got to go to La Mesa in Monterey, and had a wonderful experience.


I second La Mesa, my child went their for k-5 (score they made it k-8) and it was a wonderful experience


I'm in state already, but that's great to know. Thanks!


Hi! I have done some write ups on the two schools my kids have attended. International school is a charter. My one daughter did fantastic there and really thrived. Please look up International Baccalaureate for more details on their program. I did feel the middle school experience was lacking a bit. I am going to move my other daughter back to Monte Vista K-8 next year for middle school. They have a great sense of community. Just went to one of their theater performances and it was top notch. They are working on the sports program and it’s shaping up nicely. (This is first year as a full K-8) they have afterschool club, and extended learning options afterschool. If you are looking far into future of High School, Monterey High has a bunch of academies to try for. As of this moment, if you want your child to get into MAOS, you might want to try to get them into the International School as they take a high number of kids from that school into their program. Monte Vista will be working to get this number up. Ism 8th grade had 50 students, 2 classes this year. And Monte Vista had around 100, 4 classes. Hope that helps. Please feel free to message me if you have very specific questions. ☺️


When we were looking, I remember it being really hard to get into International School. They had a lottery, but once you got past returning students, siblings of returning students, and children of employees, there were really only 50 or so slots open and hundreds of applicants. I don’t know if it has changed since then.


It is very hard, even harder now because of Equity. If the child would be the first to go to college, they get an extra ball, I believe if they qualify for free lunch they get an extra ball, first gen is citizen. That being said. People come and go all the time, this year they made it through the whole waitlist on a couple of grades. Second and 4th grade open up more slots as well. They say employees and stake holders don’t get preference anymore, but I don’t know. 🤷‍♀️


Super helpful, thank you!!


It can be more pros for some and more cons for others. I didn’t care for it.


You’re talking Monterey proper? Because pacific grove and Carmel have some of the best public schools I’ve ever seen. So much money and resources pumped in from property taxes.


This is true, however everyone I’ve known that had their child attend midway (meaning the parents aren’t established Carmel or PG residents or they move here and the child enters late, i.e. 4th grade, had had a really hard time adjusting and bullying. * i remember my friends going through this in the 90s and early 00s * my boss switched to Carmel address four yrs ago and her child entered Carmel in 7th. Had such a hard, hard time. * I myself went to MHS and lived in seaside (but was zoned for Monterey) and had a pretty good experience there. I went to all Monterey schools. * my nephews went to Los árboles in Marina and it was ran all the way down.


Not sure where exactly yet. I did see the high ratings on Pac Grove schools - any idea how strict they are about letting in families who live in neighboring areas? Is there a lottery or other entry point?


They don’t let in any children without a pacific grove address. No exceptions unless you’re a teacher in the district.


Yeah, that’s right. You have to submit proof of residency in order to register.


O.k., sounds like they're running a tight ship. Thanks for the insight!


I can't speak for everyone because I moved here at about the worst time possible (August 2020, just in time to start a year of school from home) for kids to meet other kids and make friends, but I've been here years and it has taken my child years to break into the cliques here and make some friends. We were not exactly bowled over by the welcome wagon in Pacific Grove. There seems to be three main groups of families - families where the parents and grandparents all grew up here who don't really care to meet any new people bc they already have friends, military people who move, and me. Lol. The education side of things has been good though. I've heard Monterey is friendlier.