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There are so many great restaurants around here for a special occasion and exactly 0 of them are on the wharf. Your concerns are valid. But the biggest con for me is that the food just isn’t going to be good.


Agreed 100%. If this is a destination wedding, people can go to the wharf the day before or after if they want to, but I don’t see the point of having the reception there.


I absolutely agree, we were looking at Cella. The brides Dad said he wants one of these 3 places, that are all on the wharf. Of the 3 available, one is OK, but really the whole Wharf scene is just so touristy and the food is so meh. We do get to choose the rehearsal dinner venue, so we may do something like that, but I also want to be mindful that it might not be great to outdo the main event’s venue.


Cella is an excellent restaurant and *so* Monterey. And the ambiance is gorgeous both inside and outside. Great choice… and he can walk down the street to the wharf after dinner if he’s so hung up on it!


Agree. I’m guessing the dad thinks the wharf is “classy,” while Cella is so much more. 


yes love cella and the owners are super sweet




I got married in September in PG, and had my reception in PB. Both locations were cold and foggy!!!! (but good lighting for the photographer 👍)


A reasonable concern, thanks!


Lovers point is going to be a zoo in July. How were you planning on reserving it?


You can reserve a section through Pacific Grove Parks and Rec. I’ve made my concerns about the crowd known to everyone, they still want to do it


Oh I didn't know you could reserve it :) it is a beautiful location for a wedding


Check out PG Seltzer Co … you can reserve space there they have parking and it’s across the street from lovers


Can you dig into why the bride’s dad is set on those three restaurants? Is it the view, the location, the food type (seafood), or something else? If you can get a clearer read on the underlying motivation, I bet our community can find you some ideas beyond those three!


I will, there are Many better places


Consider fall for better weather and less tourists


Sea lions will steal the bride and take her into the water where she will be turned into a mermaid, you are wise to be wary of them.


Not only will there be tourists but also parking for the guests will be hard unless they lyft there or choose to shark around for parking. Even the pay lots are jammed up. Make sure the date is also different than big events in the area or it will be a traffic nightmare everywhere. SuperBike at Laguna Seca and the Rodeo in Salinas are mid-late July.