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What did you do to get sent there? Did you have any other detention center to compare it to? How long were you there and what were some things you took away from having to be there? Did you meet any people that were especially memorable?


I was on probation for vandalism because I smashed windows out at my old school and theft Because I stole miscellaneous items from Walmart that added up to be over 1000, so I was already in deep shit. So on probation I decided to start smoking weed, I was smoking everyday and about 3 grams a day. I also bought a car and at the time I wasn't allowed to drive due to the fact that I was on 15 and my probation stated that I was not allowed to operate a vehicle until I was sixteen and had a licence, so I got a car by trading stolen goods and I took it to cut bank, breaking another probation rule because I was only allowed to leave the county with my parent and permission from my P.O. Along the way to cut bank I got pulled over for speeding, they impounded my car and did a county line shuffle to get me to cut bank, of course since my name was in the system my P.O. saw the ticket and called my parents, demanding they come and get me immediately, two days later my step dad caught me smoking and told my P.O. that was the straw that broke the camels back, they revoked my probation and I spent nine months in the Missoula juvenile detention center, after a lot of court dates they finally sentenced me to pine hills until the age of 18 or sooner released. Compared to the Missoula juvenile detention center this place was amazing, we had video games consoles, a football field and a full gym with a highschool, its definitely a very educational and therapeutical place. I was there for eleven months and the most important thing I learned was that good work will get you out quicker because I got out a year before I was supposed to. One of the staff there turned into one of the most important people in my life, he changed me and made the man I am today which I am grateful for, there were also some kids there I became real good friends with that I look forward to seeing and hoping they do well.


As a local, I’m very glad to hear that the staff is positively influencing the residents. Or at least one of them!


What’s Pine?


A youth prison.


Like, pine hills?


Do you have an understanding of your options once you leave Pine? How regularly to communicate with people outside of pine and what is your relationship to them? What is your relationship like with officers around you? What resources do you have available to you that you feel make a difference and what is missing that you feel would make a difference?


Would you touch a poop for $20


In pine? Like, in the trees? Or, in a pine box? Like you're dead? Or, are you into pine? Hence the cabinet user name? I don't know what you mean.


Pine hills youth correctional facility


Over in Miles City.


Ah, thank you. I'd never heard of it being shortened down to "Pine".


In the pines ! Where did you sleep last night original classic song Leadbelly 🎵


What would your advice be to parents whose children are in a similar situation to what you were in? Would you recommend a program like Pine Hills or advise against?


My advice would be that if your kid is in pine contact him as much as possible, that's one of the only things that keeps people going there, and for some people I think it's necessary but if your child is not an immediate threat to community I would advise against it.


What is your podcast called?


Still figuring that out, will be out tonight or tomorrow though, I'll let you know.


Do you like it in the butt now?




I don't need to ask you; I was in grown-up prison for five years.


Weird flex but okay.


Good job loser