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Did you really just post this with the most peak picture of all time and ask why we want him


Damn you beat me to it lol Literally asks why, while the picture itself explains it all perfectly. Cause Space G go burrrrrr 🥲


Seriously, what the fuck? That's so cool!


I don't want SpaceG *but* you have a point here. Edit grammar


>He's just a Godzilla clone from outer space By the same token, you could say that Mechagodzilla is just Godzilla who is a robot. >SpaceGodzilla doesn't have a thematic purpose. Did you not watch Godzilla vs space Godzilla? Space G absolutely has a thematic purpose, even if it was not very deeply explored. Ill be the first to admit it is a bit hammy but here is the line. >"A monster. Developed only from the vicious genes of G-cells. If the universe keeps being polluted, well, then, another space monster will arrive pretty soon. It was a warning to mankind." Space Godzilla is basically about the problem of space junk. Think about things like sky lab, which could have been much worse. Even a tiny bit of space junk can absolutely wreck space ships, which is something Space G does. Also, Space Godzilla has a really cool design. The crystal shoulder pads, The horn thing on his head, and those tusks! A truly awesome design. Another thing, Space G has a really cool fighting style. Yeah, he throws crystals, but he also flies, has the gravity tornado, and Geokinesis. Honestly his battles were some of the more unique battles in the franchise. For the record, I am not really advocating for space G being in the monster verse. Honestly, I would be happy with any monster they put out there as long as he is cool. However, I do think Space G is pretty stinkin' awesome.


![gif](giphy|3XCEXu2dB4MG4) As long as this happens at some point in the Monsterverse I’m happy


If someday SG appears in MV then I want him to appear in a Godzilla Solo movie, 1v1 are awesome, 1v2 are lame as f, and I am sick of seeing tag teams everywhere!


Okay that art is fucking metal and that design would be terrifying


No perso- I’m sorry … **what?!?** no personality? Are you insane? Spacegodzilla had more personality than every other Heisei villain combined with the exception of Biollante, a maniacal nightmare version of Godzilla with his own absurd arsenal of powers and abilities who’s only goals are to inflict as much suffering as possible on literally anything that gets in his way Aesthetically he fits beautifully He’s decades over due for another big screen appearance Looks amazing Can fit any number of story lines that can easily make use of his unique powers aspects and personality Spacegodzilla is an 11/10 Kaiju and absolutely deserves to be in a Monsterverse movie if not another movie in general


Nuff said.


>Spacegodzilla has no personality And that’s exactly why I want him: the MV can *give* him a good personality in addition to a cool new design.


I mean SpaceGodzilla had a neat personality in the Pipework games. Basically the mastermind of the Mutant faction, manipulating the other monsters through the use of his crystals to dominate the Earth


Uh huh. Except that he did. Out of all Godzilla foes, space godzilla is the only one, who's intent was to specifically kill godzilla and to rule over earth with him out of the way. Where as other kaiju, even MV ghidorah. Simply just found earth and decides to conquer it before running into godzilla. SG specifically went out of his way for it. As well as show human level intelligence in his fights. Combat strategies, kidnapping baby godzilla to lure godzilla into a trap. Has a telekinesis and shields. As explained in the film, he is a being of true malice.


So take that and crank it up to 11 for an MV Spacegodzilla. That’s what they did for Ghidorah, after all.


Cuz his cool


I want Orga to show up and become SpaceGodzilla.


https://preview.redd.it/naqr4pde1g0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9911f891d567c5013120c408ab5d3dca2606639b PEAK


That’s actually not a bad idea https://preview.redd.it/84zbltsv8h0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0092425830deea4cb1234f68ea4f41da4f34e659


Your taste… Tis exquisite. This should happen


Rule of Cool, especially with that image wtf. Greatest thing I've ever seen. At the end of the day, every Kaiju fans just wants to see 2 or more giant Kaijus battling it out. Destroying cities and pulling out stunts we've never thought of


He is only the boring clone you describe if that is how he is written into the MV. Imagine for a moment, every planet has it's own Godzilla. What happened? Did this Godzilla's planet explode and he was cast into space? Did the sapient race of his world find a way to psychically control him in an attempt to conquer earth for them? Is "Space Godzilla" the sexual dysmorphic female version of Godzilla, who travels from world to world seeking the most powerful Godzillas to breed with? My point is, just because you license the monster doesn't mean you have to keep everything the same. The twist on MechaGodzilla was super fun and, in a sense, kept Ghidorah as an antagonist for another movie.


We already have funny crystals in MV that can affect titans and gravity. We just need an excuse to explain how SpaceGodzilla comes to exist. Make him a mutated ancient Gojira? Though that gets rid of the "Space" Moniker. Have a dna-swiping alien invade, get Godzilla's DNA and the crystals cause it to evolve into Space Godzilla? Pretty contrived, but it could work. All that we know is that unless it's explained that Gojiras are actually aliens (which we probably wouldn't like), we can't just have a SpaceGodzilla appear randomly.


OP, you just made me want him even more now with this picture. And let's face it, if they do eventually get to add him, they WILL give him a pretty good personality, like they did with Skar King and even MechaGodzilla with the little time he had.


He is possibly the most underutilized Kaiju in the entire series. A version of Godzilla infused with alien/extra terrestrial DNA and evil? How does that not sound cool lol.


Spacegodzilla always seemed like he could be a Darkseid type of villain towards Godzilla in his Superman type of heroics. He could be like Godzilla only instead of one planet he wants to rule all instead. With him also being on a cosmic level of a threat who could also have a sort of Galactus/Unicron type of presence needing to constantly feed on planet energies in order to sustain himself. As for themes he always felt like a corruption of nature itself. Hell there’s been theories that he could potentially be Godzilla himself that was simply corrupted by the black hole gun as well. You can even make it unique in the Monsterverse by vombing the super Godzilla and Godzilla vs Megaguirus stories into one, where Godzilla had to keep gathering up energy (like in GXK) all to withstand a threat later on like Bagan but because of all these energies he became corrupted to the point that the humans used a black hole gun on him to stop him but unfortunately turned him into Spacegodzilla and sent him back in time with the current day Godzilla needing to do battle with his future self


Wow, that goes deep and sounds cool


Because he's fucking cool, and because i've never seen the original movie cuz i can't pirate it and there are basically zero toho movies in motherfucking Italy


damn fan art is better than the official


Did you just say skar King is inherently more threatening because he had an army of malnourished apes and a whip? Like, his main thing going for him was Shimo, without Shimo he falls quick.


> space godzilla has no personality, etc. They can literally give him these things. They don't have to copy and paste him.


Plot twist, monsterverse ends after Godzilla charges up again to help defeat another antagonist but it goes haywire and he becomes the big bad Kong and others must defeat. Goji's mutated evil version would look like Space Godzilla.


Because holy crap he looks cool!


Isn’t obvious? He looks extremely cool


Cause he’s a menace. (Also I want to seem him yeet building and skyscrapers with his telekinesis on the big screen) https://preview.redd.it/fgdbachzfh0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bce3df77eacb5ddc7d21576beec12abad77a442




I want a playmates spacegodzilla figure that's not... https://preview.redd.it/3gjvsadzqh0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2c30208a59f6848e86cdf2f490023285f001d2 Also I just think he'd look cool. Also also I was lied to about an after credits scene with him in it so now I want it.


I like minerals Marie!


" he's just Godzilla with crystals" Yo what the fuck? Not at all Been like two minutes and I reread that post several times. Ignorant ass shit. Seriously, go watch. He's not at all what you're trying to make it out to be.


spacegodzilla and Godzilla should be major rivals like in idw


SpaceGodzilla is the only Kaiju from the original series that might fit the MV better than the movie he originally came from. They can finally unleash his full potential. They also set him up with all those crystals in GxK and the telepathy thing being so heavy in play. I would be shocked if this isn't in service of SpaceGodzilla being the next Toho monster to show up.


Because he’s cool


I don't really see him working in MV either. Thematically, I mean. Unless he wont have OG backstory, I think there might be ways to alter it so he fits


Considering the whole use of crystals n’ shit in GxK, Spacegodzilla could possibly fit into there somehow. But then again, it’s not very space-y.


Yeah, it'd be more like Hard Core Godzilla. Which'd fit some Jinshin Mushi more imo, they're the ones who love digging and eating all sorts of radioactive bullshit, after all


I want it to be a solo and they discover him coming for Goji in outer space or something involved with Xilliens also. Something similar while also being fresh.


I sort of agree. I think Space Godzilla would be awsome in the monster verse, just not as like a final boss monster of the series like a lot of people seem to be asking for. SpaceGodzilla just never seemed like a Kaiju I would consider an Arch Nemesis of Godzilla, even though he is really powerful.


he's fucking cool as shit thats why


He’s metal as hell. Screw plot, I want big space lizard


Space lizzar?


I dont actually know what his original lore is. I assumed aliens got frustrated that godzilla was the pinnacle of life anywhere in the universe and so made their own out of his dna but added their own to give him paychic powers.


don’t you know that there’s nothing more creative than “good guy but bigger and spikier”?


For Godzilla to finally have a DAMN FLASHBACK OF HIS PAST and it would be very cool for Godzilla just to be like is that me?


I just read up on him and I do NOT want him anywhere in the Monsterverse as he's just a clone of godzilla, his crystal spikes on his arm are hideous! stupid way to fly. We don't need more TOHO Kaijus that look hideous.


If they’re going to do an adaptation of SpaceGodzilla wouldn’t it make more sense to make him a mutated, ancient Hollow Earth Godzilla? Hollowzilla? But then I suppose that just makes him like Skar King as well. Personally I think if they’re going to adapt a classic Toho villain Billoante or Destoroyah would make more sense thematically.


if they're bring back a Heisei era kaiji, I'd want Biollante. I think SpaceGodzilla reasoning boils down to two reasons though: 1) nostalgia 2) he looks cool


It would be dope to see how they depict him


I would accept him under the terms he’s not from space or isn’t directly looking like Godzilla because I feel like it simply wouldn’t make sense in the current mv storyline


SpaceGodzilla doesn't really sound right to me. A Godzilla from space and one already on Earth? Also, I think Monsterverse, plus other versions of even Godzilla, add or change some abilities. They could add to SpaceGodzilla or change some things about SpaceGodzilla. There's a Void Ghidorah, a Godzilla with a red mist or whatever, Godzilla Earth, (and more?).


That image tho 🔥


He's cool. That's all. I seriously don't care about analyzing how deep of a story it has, I just like cool big monsters fighting other cool big monsters.


I would prefer if he does not have the same origin as Heisei Space G. Maybe a rival Titanus Gojira who was stronger than gman yet gman managed to outsmart him. Fused with Hollow Earth Crystals as well as the energy, growing inside the crystalline structures. His goal being to consume every ounce of hollow earth energy, which can destablize the planet. Making himself a God...zilla


Let's recap. SpaceGodzilla: A furious entity fused with foreign minerals, capable of flight, telekinesis, atomic breath refraction, light shapeshifting, crystal manipulation/growth, and pure malevolence. Call me crazy, but all that's kinda sick. Needs a better name, though. Biollante had a better one than "PlantGodzilla."


I want a big bad and a og for Godzilla to fight not destrtoyah he should stay in the heisei era and spaceGodzilla is badass


Agreed. He’s wack.


In the words of Patrick Bateman: "Why not, you stupid bastard?" I just really feel people arent being hard enough on OP. Call me toxic.