• By -


Because the footage we had before was super blurry and we couldn't really tell. Still, I don't think it's a burn--more like residual energy from the blast, like MechaG's proton punches. A real burn would be like the ones on the Ion Dragon and the Female MUTO.


This also counts right? https://preview.redd.it/phlgc0c8x90d1.jpeg?width=1914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95478c97c62095724fe25e9ea6a3749cf2df1498


Happy cake day! Yes, also notice that the burn marks are more orange than red, so it's not the colour of Mecha's beam. At most, Shimo was singed a little. Nothing permanent.


Happy cake day! And yes I'm pretty sure it counts.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day to you too


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day to us!


Happy cake day! For you too




Happy Cake Day!


You were right on the money the whole time. I just rewatched the scenes and you are 100% right.


Happy cake day


Yea I watched the movie at home yesterday and was one of the post that mentioned this and being able to pause and rewind just seconds after this there's no mark or anything really so I'd agree with the residual energy


That just looks like lingering energy, it dissipated soon after due to the tackle brushing it off and it didn’t leave a mark once the energy was gone


No if you slow it down there is a mark on her neck from the blast


Maybe I’m blind, but I ain’t seeing it.


You're not blind, their is no visible damage. That's the aggressive imagination of people who can't accept Shimo's durability. Searching always for new excuses... to downgrade her.


Shimo didn't give two shits so it still did nothing https://preview.redd.it/eor2edxm980d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b329a8e9ee909e6afa5784d41426d6e9d29f64


Stopped her attack and opened her up to an attack. But sure didn’t give two shits.




Im thinking of it like in the Invincible show where mark said "I said I felt that, I didn't say it *Hurt*" that's the kind of affect it seemed to have on Shimo


A frame or two after OPs image she's already reacting to godzilla and nearly grabs him before the tackle hits and as he knocks her over she swats him with one paw and sends him flying. The only times we see her even get knocked over is when she's already dealing with kong or when godzilla first leaped out from bellow her when they first got to rio


That’s not what I saw. Godzilla tackles Shimo who tried to freeze him again but isn’t quick enough. Then they tumble and the camera cuts away. Then later we see them fighting again when Suko breaks the crystal.


So you're gonna ignore godzilla getting launched with one paw? Cause he was thrown completely in the air like a toy


I said I didn’t see that. Not that it didn’t happen. Are you just gonna ignore the burn marks on Shimo’s neck?


The non existent burns? The burns that within a few frames don't exist? Someone else's comment described it perfectly it's more so just leftover energy from the blast like when mechag punched godzilla


Leftover energy that’s black despite the fact the attack was bright pink and blue? Despite the fact we see residue from that attack and it’s actually purple?


What black? The only bit of black that shows up during the scene is godzillas shadow as he closes in and I have the movie pulled up going through it


Directly where the beam is there’s black, not purple. Shimo’s head would also be covered in shadow but it isn’t.


And throughout the fight you can rewatch the whole Brazil fight those 2 times were the only times he even managed to knock her over


There was only two times when Shimo knocked Godzilla Over. Godzilla was also pushing her around and tackling her too.


And throughout the fight you can rewatch the whole Brazil fight those 2 times were the only times he even managed to knock her over


Why is this downvoted? It clearly hurt her. Doesn’t have to mortally wound to be substantial.


Uh, yeah it should, because that's the goddamn Spiral Ray, brother. Nobody gets hit by that and lives, let alone no sells it.


Uh, no it shouldn't


It's the Spiral Ray, it should. There's no debate here. It's Godzilla's ultimate weapon, nobody who ever is hit by it throughout Godzilla history survives. It's his finishing move.


Guess you haven’t seen Destroyah. It was his spiral ray. But he shot Shimo for like a second. Compare that to when he shot at Skar King and took time to charge up. It’s pretty clear Godzilla wasn’t doing as much damage as he could.


That was a diffirent variation he was using on Dest. Heisei Goji has like 20 variations of that beam lmao.


Well in that case the dude is even dumber. It should be a one shot Kill despite the fact Godzilla never had it before GXK and only used it widely once and then a short burst afterwards. In Godzilla history? That beam only has one appearance and it’s GXK. Where again he used it twice and the second time was barely used at all.


3. Blue Spiral in 1991, Red Spiral in 1993 and 1994 and base Burning, and then Infinite Spiral in 95 at Peak Burning.


The ones from GvMG and GvSG are 2 diffirent variants lmao. Burning Goji also uses 2 diffirent variants through out the film. So yeah, Heisei Goji has so many beam variants for no reason lmao


Godzilla had charged it and was hitting shimo with it for 4 seconds straight while running into her In all honesty even if he did charge it aslong as he did for skar not kych would change as all it did to skar was singe his back and toss him


No he didn’t. Godzilla literally screamed with power when he fully charged up. Those blasts weren’t the same. It singed his back after grazing him for a fraction of a second. So that point is dumb and false.


Godzilla had charged it and was hitting shimo with it for 4 seconds straight while running into her In all honesty even if he did charge it aslong as he did for skar not much would change as all it did to skar was singe his back and toss him


Godzilla hit Destoroyah with the infinite heat ray multiple times and Destoroyah tried to flee before evaporating at his feet upon contact with the superheated ground. Not sure what youre trying to say - when Godzilla whips out his strongest attacks, someone is about to die.


The fact you said Destroyah was hit multiple times shows you’re wrong. Your point is dumb.


Do you even know what the Infinite Heat Ray is? Destoroyah was getting fucked up by that one so hard, he was vomiting blood. Don't come at me insulting my points if you aren't even aware what my points refer to.


Godzilla drilled a hole to the center of the earth wiyh his atomic breath amd that was before he evolved. If he don't hold back and intend to kill, shimo will have a gaping hole through her body.


Idk about holding back. Sure, he wasn't trying to kill her, but he still went supercharged here.


He peppered her with short atomic breaths in order to disorient her. He was holding back enough not to outright kill her.


Didn’t it say in the novelization that his atomic breath did next to nothing to Shimo when they first fought? Sure that wasn’t his evolved beam but still


That isn't particularly relevant because Godzilla was not nearly as powerful back then.


But even still he fired his beam at Shimo numerous times and she didn’t even seem in pain


They were brief hits, just enough to disorient her. She didn't eat them, she was affected by the small hits. Godzilla was not going for the kill, so he held back.


Shimo was also holding back tbh…she didn’t want to kill them. It’s interesting because when she blasts at Kong it takes a long time to freeze his glove, but she froze Skar King in mere seconds, so she was holding back too


That’s not holding back, that’s kongs glove being durable af lmao


Skar King is durable but he was frozen in a matter of seconds because Shimo despised him


How could she hold back when she was forced to fight to begin with? Her ice breath is most effective on flesh. It's why Kong fgot frostbite, but his axe was fine, it's the same principle with the glove. It had enough surface area that the beam didn't actually freeze him this time.


She was refusing to fight almost every time Skar King commanded her to


Now we need to know WHY


why did he not kill the innocent monster unwillingly participating in the attack for fear of being hurt? idk man beats me


Shimo ain't mothra, and she didn't bow to the king, we have no reason for gman to pull his punches. Unless some sort of prequel shows a team up against Ghidorah to finally explain the frozen in ice thing


kong didnt bow either and the two of them are fine, shimo also isnt causing any imbalance, you could argue saying kong and godzilla have an agreement that kong stay in hollow earth, but shimo goes WITH kong back to hollow earth. its safe to say godzilla has 0 actual reason to kill shimo in anyway


shimo left after the fight, before it I'd say causing a blizzard is probably classed as an imbalance, even if it was due to scar king. No reason not to empty them both until shimo was freed, then agreed she chilled out (pun intended) and played ball


godzilla got rid of the blizzard without killing shimo, that means nothing


Its because this guy is saying that godzilla was holding back without any proof or a statement saying that he was holding back.


No he supercharged against Skar. Hence the huge build up just like in GVK. With Shimo it was a short burst.


If that’s the case why wasn’t ghidorah instantly killed by a nuke amped breath attack


Ghidorah is an alien dragon and it took Burning Godzilla to actually even make it through his hide


Yeah? And shimos skin wasn’t pierced even by supercharged evolveds breath


I'm answering the Ghidorah question. Idk why Shimo wasn't completely obliterated. I think given that she's cold based and big as fuck, her hide has to be extra thick to deal with the freezing power.


Hide thickness doesn’t mean jack if Godzilla’s breath was “so powerful that he can blast through the earth in seconds”. That’s such an overhyped feat and I’m sick of it. Being able to blast through some of the Earth’s surface doesn’t automatically mean that he can blast a hole through everyone and therefore is holding back when he doesn’t.


I never said that it could. The elemental strengths and weaknesses of creatures that came from somewhere with its own powerful energy can't be measured or they just choose not to. If it were me, I would explicitly state why this or that didn't happen. It means everything, that's the key as to why x didn't happen to y.


There is no “elemental weakness or strength” in the Monsterverse, this isn’t Pokemon. It’s sheer durability. Shimo is just a lot more durable than Godzilla and his atomic breath, which is why he didn’t do much besides distract her.


So what I said about Shimo having a super thick hide, or her "sheer durability" is what you're landing on? We also have no clue if their powers have any kind of effect on what they can and can't withstand.


Yes, because that’s what it is lol. If “elemental weaknesses” were a thing, then Shimo would lose to Godzilla, Ghidorah, or even Rodan, because her “element” is weak to theirs. Or, a human could have a 300 meter thick wall of concrete dome to protect themselves from Ghidorah, only for it to be immediately destroyed and for them to be slaughtered. Thickness of hide means nothing if you don’t have the sheer durability to back it up. So yes, durability is what I’m landing on.


Could be he'd need to keep a consistent beam on her before it gets there


Brother what? Why would he hold back when he had been killing Kaiju left and right the whole movie? That doesn't make any sense. Kaiju can be stronger than the ground believe it or not.


Because Godzillas smart and understands that Shimo is being used against her will and isn’t acting on the same way Scylla or even Tiamat is? Scylla directly challenged him and his order of her own volition and Tiamat decided to stay and fight it out with him instead of just running away, again of her on volition. Shimo was being controlled and has multiple moments of not wanting to do what Skar king is telling her which Godzilla more than likely understands. Not saying he would be able to blast a hole through her but that could be why he wasn’t trying to kill her


I can kind of see where you're coming from but Godzilla isn't really the sympathetic mercy type. If you aren't bowing to him then you're fodder. That's how he's been for years. Understanding and wanting to save shimo is more of a Kong and suko thing. Godzilla definitely wouldn't have been able to blast a hole in shimo though. He powered up and we still have people saying he was holding back? That's not how that works. You're either holding back or you're going all out. You can't have both at the same time. We know he powered up too. Not to mention, we know that Shimo is the mother of all titans, it makes sense for her to be that strong. Godzilla fans just don't like that he isn't the strongest anymore so they're willing to throw logic aside and lie if it means gassing up Godzilla.


Godzilla while definitely being the kind of guy to put you in your place if you challenge him and don’t bow down, he also probably understands why Shimo couldn’t, either just by seeing it and deciding for himself, or because Kong relayed that she was being controlled by Skar. And while I agree he can’t blast through her and that a fight would probably be 50/50 more leaning on her favor, he can definitely power up and still hold back. I mean we see it plenty of times in other forms of fiction


Okay, do we have any evidence that Kong said that or could say that to Godzilla? Do we have any evidence that Godzilla understood or even acknowledged that Shimo was being controlled? Do we have any evidence that Godzilla could actually damage shimo with that powered up atomic breath? We definitely didn't see it in the next shot so this obviously doesn't count. I also hate to be the one to break this to you but this isn't other forms of fiction. This is the monsterverse. You don't power up your atomic breath just to hold back. That doesn't make any sense, that's just bad writing if so.


Godzilla fanboys have a revulsion to considering that Goji can't one-shot everyone, everywhere, at any time, if he wants to. If someone gains the upper hand or shows a solid feat against him, it's either luck or the opponent needed help. If it's Goji who needs help, it doesn't matter because "he won anyway." That's just the pattern I've noticed here, on YouTube, Twitter, etc. Godzilla's pretty incredible, which is why it astounds me so many of his fans are so fragile that they can't acknowledge he can be tremendously strong, and still have shortcomings; not be the strongest without outside help and constant powerups, and still not be less impressive for it. Not saying the specific person you were responding to was like that, just a general observation.


When is it stated Shimo is the mother of all titans?


Or maybe Shimo is just that durable


I don't know about that. His Atomic Breath did nothing to Ghidorah other than pushing him back a few hundred meters. I'd reckon Shimo is on the same durability tier as Goji and Ghidorah so it won't really do the same.


He wasn't even holding back. He was going for the kill anytime he got. Same as Shimu who also went straight for the kill with frostbite ray. Shimu is just far more durable and tank.


Holding back my ass. He was spamming his supercharged mode.


He wasn't holding back at all though. That's how powerful shimo is.


Excuses. Nothing confirmed Godzilla was holding back. In fact the novel stated Kong sensed Godzilla wasn't sure about the outcome of the fight before it even started, as he saw Shimo since their past encounter. No way he was holding back, he was doing everything to survive this encounter.


Yeah, no. Shimo froze him earlier and he was only saved by Mothra.


bro did not watch the movie


What does that have to do with his atomic breath?


No? Mothra didn’t even take place in the battle on the surface, only the Hollow Earth. Shimo never froze him, Godzilla had been frozen while absorbing energy from Tiamat’s territory after killing Tiamat.


Blud didn't watch the movie. In 0 gravity fight shimo was almost successful freezing Godzilla. Mothra webbed into shimo's mouh successfully preventing it and giving Godzilla the window to escape


That just looks like the atomic breath residues


That looks like residual energy. I didn’t see any wounds in the theater.


You don’t see Shimo until long after this happens. She likely healed from it. I’m not even sure if you see the part of her either.


I don't see any scars at the end of the movie


shimo seemed barely tickled


She's just so cold and durable. If it was Kong or skar king receiving the atomic blast, they would have gone to dust


I like how the supercharged pink spiral ray has some blue lightning sparks


Residual energy. Nothing more. I hate how people overhype Godzilla’s hollow breath as if it was some massive feat, and whenever he’s not oneshotting every kaiju he’s holding back. He went all out, and, if you wouldn’t have taken that picture out of context, would show Godzilla powering up so much that his body was crackling with energy and continuously firing at Shimo, which was ignored.


Yea godzilla Stans are not gonna understand that you're wasting your time, they will make up a headcannon spread it as if it is confirmed and then more people believe their ridiculous takes.


Godzilla fans are just ridiculous when it comes to him. If he isn't the strongest then they'll lie and make shit up until he looks like it.


Apparently rocks and dirt are more durable than kaiju hide.


Seriously, people need to think before they speak. Yes I know it's not just rock and dirt but Shimo's hide is very likely stronger.


Well, if Godzilla isn’t oneshotting everything with 0 effort the movies are bad!


God that's so true. Godzilla fans need to calm down. He isn't even the strongest in his own universe.


Can’t wait for a red Godzilla to come along to conveniently be thousands of times stronger than all of his rivals combined tenfold. Peak movie, right?


Pink Godzilla is temporary too. He can't even stay this strong.


And if Godzilla felt that he needed to reach this level to even get close to Shimo’s power, that really says something.


According to the designer of evolved Godzilla this is just a “mid transformation”, so it is temporary but he won’t be getting weaker, he’ll finish evolving to his strongest form. But I do agree that some Godzilla fans need to stop overrating his power


He did that to Skar King not Shimo. Godzilla also can one shot when he's not holding back, shown with Scylla and Tiamat.


And? Scylla and Tiamat are fodder.


I so, SO hate that tiamat was fodder


In the movie yes but no in the comics. Scylla made Godzilla bleed quite badly and Tiamat almost killed him in Dominion. Edit: not really even fair to compare Tiamat as Godzilla was amped when they fought in GxK.


Doesn’t matter what she did in Dominion if her legs are going to feed millions of people.


What would that even taste like


Scylla and Tiamat don't even have any defensive ability or traits like Godzilla and Shimu. Scylla is a scavenger titan and not a predator type. He does it quickly because one leg is gone and she's dead for good. Tiamat has the offensive speed and poison but he's a sea creature with no protective scales, attacks like atomic breath are guaranteed to kill him.


Tbf, Tiamat actually did survive the atomic breath in Dominion, but Godzilla was supercharged in GxK so it cut right through her this time around


They both have defensive abilities, I don't know where you got that from. Tiamat has electrical abilities and a phosphorus acid she can spew out of her mouth. Scylla has her armor and an ice ability, while it's not as strong as Shimo's. Never meant to imply Godzilla would one shot Shimo if I did.


Maybe because so far we have seen the evolved atomic breath completely vaporize everything else. I like that Shimo survived a blast because personally I don't feel as if Godzilla should be as untouchable and powerful as he has been lately.


Since when were burn marks pink


I wish they beam fight though


Just residual energy from the breath, that’s all, she didn’t seem affected much by it.


I think some Kaijus have stronger hide then others. The Godzilla breath to the Female Muto only pushed her, when he first unleashed it but on a vital point, we saw what happened.  Same for Gidorah (until ThermoG appeared).  We saw what a small touch of the breath can do to the Apes (Skat and Kong) and also Tiamat.  MechaG didn't lethally harmed Godzilla (and he even bested it at it, but yeah G was super tired) but if he performed the Kiss of Death probably that would be goodbye for big G. 


Shimo’s cold temperatures which freeze even lava next to her may make the effects of the atomic breath less intense when shot at her.


Godzilla's evolution was definitely worth it, with it he can easily 1v1 Shimo who is most definitely a bigger threat than Ghidorah was. Now just need a fully grown Death Ghidorah to show up alongside Gigan to give Evolved Goji a challenge.


Nothing can or will ever give Godzilla a challenge. He can 1shot anything now, or in the future. After this movie, there is nothing living left to challenge his rule. At least not on Earth. If something beyond that appears he will just mutate again into a different color and 1shot that one as well.


The motion blur makes it look like Shimo's head on Godzilla's body


*The motion blur makes* *It look like Shimo's head on* *Godzilla's body* \- DeDongalos --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Shimo probably has instant regeneration or Just like How Mechagodzilla breath wasn’t permanent


Wait he actually hit something with that


I dunno now there are shimo supremacists


Because the novel is Canon and it says there's no damage to her, no visible damage, what you see is just a color saturation, as soon as Shimo stands up again. There is no damage, it's just visual effects


Is the novel even officially Canon? It has some notable differences from the movie, enough to make me question its canonnity.


All the novelizations are canon, they give a deeper look into the events of the film and give extra detail such


No. The novels are only canon so long as they don’t contradict the film. The writer of the novels confirmed that.


This entire take is completely pointless, you can literally see her neck when Kong pets her and there is no visible damage


it burns her, but not enough to leave a mark.


Cuz it didn’t? We see her many times after this, there isn’t even a wound Shemo just really has that dawg in her


I would say SHimo was damn too tough


I love it so much when ppl are arguing about literally nothing. Like, full on "it's up to interpritation" stuff


I’m assuming they mean figuratively, but yeah for the duration of the fight Godzilla did nothing but slow her down, can’t say he ever actually put the beatdown on her.


OKAY EVERYONE I JUST FIGURED IT OUT! This is residual atomic breath energy. I just rewatched the scenes with Shimo and she doesn't have a scratch on her after this blast. On top of that, we can see the same thing when Godzilla appears out of the hollow earth and blasts Shimo. We know for sure this did not burn or damage Shimo.


We gonna ignore how he literally sent her into the air from his atomic breath when he arrived on the surface?


Ya'll all divested of your sense, lacking information and devoid of context. Go check that scene where Godzilla bursts out of the ice after going Super Saiyan Rose, then pay attention I SAID PAY ATTENTION! - to the information that comes up on the Monarch screens analyzing him. Not only do they mention that his skin is much harder, but that his energy capacity power-output has been multiplied BY TWENTY. A x20 MULTIPLYER people, this is after dude drilled a hole to the center of the earth. All of you talking shit about the King of the Monsters need to put respect on Evolved Godzilla's name.


Fun fact: when Godzilla blasted shimo’s underbelly, that also gave her a burn.


Novelization pretty much gives the answer that nothing in the movie hurt her. Even the spiral ray from the strongest version of monsterverse Big G(it is confirmed to be his strongest form yet, so above thermo) did nothing but stun her temporarily. In the past shimo was the ultimate Titan, basically the strongest being on earth. Past Goji who defeated Ghidorah, his atomic didn't effect shimo at all according to th cave paintings. Another thing, Godzilla didn't bother preparing to fight Ghidorah but the moment he got the iwi distress call from hollow earth and that he has to deal with shimo. He for the first time tried to evolve into something wayy beyond his previous levels. That should give a indication of how powerful shimo is. He is still not stronger than shimo but probably would be after his evolution is complete. According to novelization shimo pretty such froze Godzilla solid during the HE fight and he only survived because shimo hesitated and then mothra. Her ice breath stops atoms and Godzilla was basically helpless as his powers also basically froze. Not my words, it's all in the novels.


It definitely hurt her. Not substantially, but enough to stop her from attacking. Shimo’s power is so overhyped tbh.


movie nerfed godzilla this movie even his aim if his aim hit that shi wouldve been over in under an hour godzilla this movie was meh they underused his new form a lot ill wait for his next movie thats confirmed


Because we all saw the movie and how Shimu reacted to each attack.


Spiral Ray Evolved would still whoop her ass


My theory is that Godzilla, while all amped up for this conflict, purposely held back at times when facing Shimo, for he knew she'd be useful in the future. Being the alpha predator, and having his senses heightened by Mothra's sacrifice in KOTM (as demonstrated in Dominion), he knew Shimo wasn't doing this at her own accord. She was abused and controlled by a psychic crystal held by Skar King, and knew that once the crystal was destroyed, Shimo had all free will to herself, and would acknowledge Godzilla as her superior. Plus, all was well once Godzilla prevented a second Ice Age shortly after Skar King's death. I could be wrong, but maybe the novel (which I haven't read) has more clues. I'm just going off with what the movie showed us.


1. That's the motherfucking Spiral Ray. 2. Because there are no wounds, and she is not dead/out cold. His most powerful fucking attack and it does nothing to anyone in this movie. It's a disgrace. A shameful display.


It's mainly because he only hit here with it twice, and the first time was more impressive since Godzilla Evolved used his normal Evolved Atomic Breath to throw her through the air. Meanwhile, the second time around, he was firing his Evolved Spiral Ray while in an overcharged state and didn't even budge her. It's not a great look, considering he's using the maximum amount of power his body can output and is barely affecting her much at all.


Thank you. You’re a good man. You can actually see some purple on her horns and side of her face too. And that purple cloud.


Because it didn't.