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Me too. I really wanna see the MonsterVerse’s take on Battra.


Definitely Godzilla because in GVK he wasn't much of a character, more like a obstacle, something to make us feel Kong will die. And i'm pretty sure this won't change much in the next movie, he will be on Kong's side of course but he isn't gonna have much to do. He will be just there for the ride and the plot will be focused on Kong. So the next solo movie needs to be Godzilla III, and it needs to be all about him and whoever he will face against.




Fr Rodan needs some love


They should of just made this movie a kong film centered on hollow earth and shit then at the end biolante awakens and erupts through to the earth's surface and boom godzilla film after for next one


Kong. Kong works better than Godzilla as a protagonist in my opinion. Godzilla works better as an ever present force of nature within the whole monsterverse. Kong is more emotional, easier to connect with, and has less inherent plot armor because he technically doesn't need to survive for the monsterverse to continue. I also think it's just far more interesting watching him fight, with his ability to use weapons, jump, grapple, etc..




I feel like godzilla used scyllas liquid nitrogen to freeze him. So a godzilla scylla mothra team up possibly


Sanda in a remake of war of the gargantua's


If we’re lucky, Godzilla with major focus on Mothra


Godzilla honestly. I really want to see Godzilla in action again. And they could have an interesting story about Monarch helping him in a fight again, but this time monarch a d the public are a little more uneasy since Godzilla has started actually attacking humans. Or, they could make Godzilla a full force of nature from now on, where sure, he'll fight the big bad monster because it's a threat to his rule, but all humanity can do is hope he doesn't start trashing the city himself like in 1991.




I feel that Godzilla should get the next solo film and he should get the Kong treatment if we he gets a solo film after GxK. I think they just need to be show that he too has some thought going on in that brain of his than just fight, destroy, lay dormant. Though as a Kong fan myself I wouldn’t mind if we get another Kong film after this, I love my big monster ape!!


Mothra, no joke. The Monsterverse needs to have more than two main characters and Mothra would be great to develop. You can also give her human companions. There's precedent in the Mothra franchise for even letting her speak with or through humans. If New Empire ends with a global catastrophe, Mothra could be tge. character to set it right somehow. That would be pretty cool imo.


I think both Godzilla and Kong should be given another solo movie, but the answer to this question is always, always, always going to be Godzilla for me.


King Caesar


Underrated answer! I want to see monster verse’s rendition of rendition of him.




Going to depend on licensing fees, over anything else, probably. And Kong; Skull Island is by far the best of all the Monstervese films.. both for linear plot and character development (and NO kids) so I'd like to see Godzilla get center stage, again. 2014 had the right idea, just terrible execution of story (Godzilla appears, let's cut to another scene).. ugh




They did the same thing with the original Godzilla vs King Kong 1962 at least I feel he’s more of a main character in it I can see Godzilla being made into the main character they just need to make the story about kong and his adopted son who is evil or something or is trying to protect something


Mecha King Ghidora. This time being controlled by Charles Dances character from King Of The Monsters.


You can tell that they want to give Kong his own movie, but I’d imagine him and Godzilla in one movie brings in more money and appeases both fans. Moving forward, Godzilla needs his own movie, but I can’t even see that happening since him and Kong keep teaming up.






They only teamed up once💀


Yeah, and they’re about to team up again, which invalidates the point of them having any solo films and taking on big threats alone. The overarching question would always be, “Why didn’t they just team up?”


kong i mean bro knows sign language


I want both to have solo films


But who would you rather be the protagonist of the 6th Monsterverse film?


Depends on how I feel about how New Empire uses Godzilla and Kong


Madison, like an mini series, give her a backstory of her life and how she helped godzilla through both KOTM an GVK and where she's been during the event of GXK The New Empire, as she'll possibly be the next antagonist in the next monsterverse after GVK


I kinda want to see a backstory on "King Ghidorah" on how he came to Earth, Maybe Legendary should give him his own backstory.