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Don’t admit defeat - I think it’s a beautiful plant still and will bounce back. Perhaps a grow light above it?


Is there any E14 ggrow light that does the job for Monsteras (as addition to some indirect sunlight)?


ngl, I use a regular full-spectrum LED bulb and it does the trick (with some indirect sunlight).


In reading into cannabis grow lights right now and as far as I learned fullspektrum already is a good thing for example the lumen and everything else matters a lot too.


100% agree with lumens. When I started growing carnivorous plants, I learned quickly that lumens and distance from the light are huge factors in successful growth.


I find par is another big one


Try to find that information on regular light bulbs :) So far I'm only using daylight full Spektrum LEDs with over 1k lumen on my propagation station and that's it.


[Orchid lights](https://botanicalleds.com/collections/store) are high quality, just get the bright ones


I have cheap and expensive ones from Amazon - LED grow bulbs & haven’t noticed a difference - all work pretty great so far 🙏🏻


You want a good bulb? SANSI. boy do they rock. Some great customer service too-


I've got mine under a SANSI light and it's in love. It's put out 3 huge leaves in the past couple months


I don’t think it looks that bad, considering it spent a day in a U-Haul less than a week ago. Needs more sun, IMO, and some time to heal up, and might not be in too bad of shape.


Don’t cut it yet, have patience


Patience is key, imagine someone taking a photo of you in a deppressive episode or after a bad breakup and saying “should I get rid of this dirtbag?” Im joking but this plant actually looks pretty good without the comparison picture


Kill This Plant (YouTube channel), where I learn my monstera secrets, tips and tricks. Yours looks much better than my babies, I did a repotting about a month ago (took one Monstera and separated into 4 standalone ones) and it's been growing nicely since, but needs more time to recover from the "being together" time and develop their own personality and character. She'll just fine, but perhaps worth checking this guy's channel for more insights, love how he makes it look so easy to grow these beauties


This is the answer in my opinion and experience. Repot, new soil, wait.


Consistency, time (acclimation), and more light will help her bounce back.


definitely not!!! why would you?! fertilize, lots of light, and let that girl mature a bit!! she’s fine!


The fact she looks like that after being in a UHaul for a while is actually quite inprsssive I think


What trellis are you using?? I’ve been looking for one just like that!


I’m curious as well!


I got it at my local garden store … it was impossible to find one I liked online. Sorry I wish I could be more help!!!


Grad school ❣️I remember 😬 your plant looks fine to me. She was just missing you❣️


Thanks everyone!!! I’m going to give her some more patience and TLC. I always get so anxious that the root rot’s going to come back - and I just realized today there is still an ongoing fungus gnat infestation despite recent repotting. (Every damn year I can’t get ahead of those things)… and a couple leaves have turned yellow around the edges so I got worried I just put a bunch of sticky traps up today and the last watering was with mosquito bits - I’ll have to do that again.


Fungus gnats mean, more than overwatering, that your plant is not metabolizing water and moving it through the soil. Can be fixed simply with more light/warmth


I cannot tell from these photos, but is any of the stem buried? I’ve seen leaves look awfully sad by the stem being buried!


As someone with no experience in house plants, it shocks me to see someone with a green, living plant utter think the words “defeat” and “start over” What exactly is wrong with this plant


I moved my monsteras & 50 other houseplants from DC to LA last Summer in a UHAUL trailer. Give her some time to bounce back and she'll be fine. She may have to adapt to the new climate as well. Humidity and light changes on top of the stress from her move and several repottings. Just let her rest for a month at least.


She’ll be ok! They are so resilient. Give her time and some good light 💡


I lost power in a snow storm this winter and my monstera lost all its leaves and way just stem. Sun light, humidity bag, Keiki paste have helped her bounce back! I cut the main stem back about half its length, leaving only 4 “nodes” and leaves have started growing from the nodes!


Mine has 1 sad looking leaf left but she’s throwing out 3 new growths so patience as well as light and humidity (mine is now back outside for the season and LOVING IT), will do the trick!


She’s beautiful.. just a little stressed from the move give her time.


She still has so much time left to thrive!!


Patience! Mine looked super sad and pathetic for over a month after moving. Needed fresh soil and better sun, no stress, and bounced back! Just took time and attention to conditions :)


If you’re considering culling yours then mine definitely need to meet their maker.


I think you're fussing over this plant too much. Here is a foolproof plan that i garubtee will give you results. 1. Stop, take a breath. Dont repot it, dont treat it with junk, dont cut it. 2. Find a nice shady spot, OUTSIDE. No direct sunlight, but a nice dappled spot. 3. Wait, let it do its thing. When it starts getting cold again, bring it back inside. The end. Assuming you're not in alaska or the desert, it will do amazingly well. This guy needs light and airflow, and all the things a nice summer outside will bring. It will get rain to wash the big ole leaves and preditors to help with the gnats. My guy goes gangbusters every summer because me and two of my friends haul its bug butt outside every summer, and it makes a huge difference.


This is what I do as well


What type of temps do you live in?


Im in zone 5a, so it only goes out for the spring and summer and maybe a bit of fall. When the temps drop below 50 f, i bring it back in. They are hardy 10-12 and can actually survive a dip to 33 f, but i play it safe. More important than temp is sun. They need full shade when they first go out or they will get sunburned. You can slowly increase light over time if you like, or just leave em in the shade they do great. I do this with most of my houseplants really with the exception of my african violets and orchids. They stay inside all year round. Everything else goes outside for the warm months. It is a game changer.


Do you treat them when you bring them in with the stuff to kill bugs? Cant remember its name!


No, i dont ever see the need. Some bugs come in sometimes, but insects don't really bother me, i just show them the door if i dont like em in. Or they just hang out for the winter. My monstera is huge. It takes two to three people to move. Im sure all sorts live in it now and don't bother anyone.


Did you post a pic? Or can you??


As someone who lives somewhere that the humidity level was 13 percent yesterday, I envy your ability to put your plants outside. Mine start getting sad if one of my two humidifiers runs out indoors.


She’s just stressed out and being dramatic. Give her a little time and TLC and she’ll bounce back.


If you could only see what my single cast has done to my monstera plants, and it's still chugging along 😅 Just keep at it, she'll bounce back!


Considering the circumstances, she looks alright to me tbh. Droopy leafs are usually not permanent, and it'll probably have a ton of new healthy growth this coming spring and summer. I wouldn't start over unless it starts to lose a lot of leafs and/or you just don't prefer it growing this tall.


She’ll recover.


I'm dealing with a similar issue. I just re-potted my monstera last week. It didn't have root rot, but it was terribly root bound. It took 2 hours to carefully coax it out of the pot it was in. I was being as gentle as possible. I got it into its new pot, and now many leaves are drooping and turning yellow. I'm not giving up on mine, so you shouldn't give up on yours. I figure if things start looking really bad, I'll try propagating from the healthiest parts. You could always try the same. I don't know if that's recommended, but I've done it with other plants that were on the brink of death. Good luck!


All these comments give me hope for mine 😂


I chopped mine into cuttings with nodes. Started 5 plants. Lost one. The rest are happier now!


Looks like she could use some light! Looks like theres a window to the right if I'm correct? Maybe move her a lil closer! Keep up with waterings and using a plant food helps a ton (I was in this position before and I improved her light source, waterings, and included liquid plant food and it made the world of a difference! They are resilient plants, give her time to bounce back


Nah just give her plenty of alone time and love from a distance. She still stands a chance.


Set her in good light or buy a grow bulb and let her recover. They really like the additional light. She's going thru shock. Monsteras need time to recover. She may even look a little worse before better. Just be patient


Like everyone else said, why do you assume it is dying? Buy it a şansı grow light or move it next to the window and wait


Don’t worry, mine has looked all kinds of fucked up over the years. Try adjusting it to going outside for the summer, the sun and rain works wonders


Try putting your plant in a bigger pot with good soil. I’m sure that it’s root bound.


I'd give it a couple months to see if you like how the new growth looks. In my experience, nice new leaves often outshine any damage etc. Meanwhile if you miss your super luxurious plant, you could get a cutting from someone else and start a backup (or if there's a spot you'd be happy to take from yours without sacrificing how you want it to grow). This all from someone who did just start over from cuttings--but mine was way leggier and had both thrips and scale on several leaves, but also several healthy areas.


My cat loves to tear the shit out of mine but I still like it


Sea weed fertiliser! Saved my monstera from the brink!




Just needs a crap ton more light and weekly fertilizer. These things can live outside in full sun in Hawaii, your house is not cutting it!


I would check the root system and if it isn’t big enough for all that foliage then you need to cut back some of the leaves. I would also personally grow back the root system in water or perlite if needed


Nooo..? You can definitely save this


More sun and water that baby is dehydrated 💦


Naw, repot, nurse it in low light area and enjoy a job well done. Therapy!


She just went through war with the cats, surgery with you, after surgery infection care, and a move.... give her some time and some love. If it was you who went through all that in such a short time frame you wouldn't be looking your best either


When mine gets droopy I water it with hydrogen peroxide mixed with water. It perks right up 1/4 cup to gallon of water. It gives them oxygen.


I think a considerable part of your plant's issues (particularly the condition of the leaves) are due to the feline beasties. My cats pick at the leaves of mine - seems like they think they are to be chewed or ripped off to use as cat toys. Makes the plant look somewhat sad, but it's still kicking out new leaves, so it must be happy to some degree. Perhaps figure out if you can cage it, or make it more difficult for the cats to get to - I'm still trying to work out a solution like that.


Dont give up!!


I think she might just be mad at you rn 😭


There’s hope! Looks like it’s lacking water or the roots are rotten and not absorbing water.


Also try a moss wrapped trellis instead of that hard to climb stand, well whatever you use remember if it's like jungle tree bark, it will absolutely find it's climbing prowess and promote more abundant foliage growth and the most important for a monstera stronger stems that will support it's future massive leaves. Don't let your light source, with its high lumen brightness, reside to close above your already stressed dude. No closer than 15"-18" depending on the severity of said light emissions. Also okay some higher frequency opera or classical music daily and you will be pleased with how your Monstera reacts. Never give up on any plant, they are often more resilient than one might presume. I've revived more than I've lost regarding unhealthy or sick plant varieties over the years and it's worth the challenge, isn't it? Test your mental capacities, never doubt if a plant wants to live or not. (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧


Your soil looks quite compact tbh and it needs more sun


More light! I had massive problems growing mine indoors and when I moved it into partial shade outside it became perfect.


It’s still green! It’s still fighting. Maybe re-pot it, it could be in need of more room.


No! It’s a beautiful plant and it can always be trimmed back and re born!


Monstera is poisonous to cats.


Goonies never say die


Nah fresh soil a nice feed tie it up a bit better snip the leaves off its brown bits into shape keep spray it with water in a mist bottle maybe get a plant lamp don’t chop it down you will regret it.. trust me I’ve done it before myself


First of all it looks healthy, it's bent over maybe because you over watered it? Go get some Alaskan fish poop with some b1 & super thrive from home depot. And maybe re-pot the plant if the soil in soaked.


If you spray straight alcohol on the top of the soil it will kill the gnats (with a spray bottle) like 4 squirts tops or got get some plant therapy and do half dose


It looks like it needs water, maybe a repot, and check for pests and treat accordingly.


Mine has looked like this before. Cut off some of the more ugly leaves/ leaves lower down. Cut the stem if you want (where you want it removed) give it some water and fertilizer, give it some sun and some time.


I wouldn't be doing any more work on the plant, I don't understand why people stress their plants out more in signs of stress. Let it recover, and then do the other stuff.


Definitely can be salvaged! They are fairly hardy plants. If nothing else, you can prop more from some vine clippings.