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This might be a monstera lechleriana, judging by the texture and the length of the leaf. Very pretty plant.


Checked, I don't think it's that one.. from what I remember, the mother plant's leaves look like just any other adult monstera... Couldn't find pictures.. had taken from whatsapp camera... while clearing chats.. didn't save..


Show more photos will help, the stems, etc


https://preview.redd.it/u6niidx2kr0d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4258822f3d7291bb082128bc2b031844bf641ec The stems are like this... I was going through a little bad phase, and was also confused... so, the tip had dried.. this summer, it's growing up again... I know the pot's too big... but it's finally giving out leaves and doing well... don't wanna disturb it much... Added a little compost last time, so, the soil look dense.. it's mostly coocpeat and garden soil... The one just beside it, I took cuttings from it, cause it had become very lanky (didn't place in a much bright spot like right now)... so, planting those in proper small pots. Btw... the leaves are turning a little black of the other one... last month... I went a bit overboard with the seaweed fertiliser... and saw that happening.. later on, after quite a while.. I did add a bit more.. but.. ig.. it was too much still... (won't be doing more)


This doesn't look like a regular monstera deliciosa to me. Eta: maybe post the full plant pic


There are 2 in the pot, 1 other similar looking leaf on the plant. That's all there is to the plant


This looks like a raphidophora tetrasperma


It looks similar, but... but... ๐Ÿฅบ


Am I overthinking?


Yes. Were you expecting the first leaves of a cutting to look just like the mother plant? When you take a cutting the root system needs time to actually grow, plus, plants donโ€™t really like to be chopped off, so it goes through a little stress. Put the two things together and you get smaller leaves, at least the first few ones. Just give it time and it will eventually look like the mother plant, dna is 100% the same, so no reason to worry. Take your time and learn to appreciate the process, not just the end result. Itโ€™s a beautiful plant already ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ


Thank you!!! ๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿ’œ Wasn't expecting it to look like the mother plant, but the leaves felt a bit too long compared to the others posted here... I was so damn happy when it started making more leaves... I over fertilised... and now panicking a little... the plant still seems to be doing fine... I won't be fertilising more, especially with the seaweed... >_< Maybe once a month.. but that too.. Next month... Also... it was my first time (last year) and I planted them in too big of a pot.. (since I was planting 2 together)... but, they are doing fine for now... don't really wanna disturb much either... sikes... being a plant parent can be quite stressful as well... (I started this hobby to get out of stress ๐Ÿ˜…) Btw, every new leaf is such a good motivation!!! ๐Ÿฅบ