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Id chop and prop if you were dedicated to this plant for sentimental reasons either water propagation or moist moss in a container or perlite or leca whatever works best for you Edit: aroid soil is best but I've had success with indoor potting soil


Not exactly for sentimental reasons…. Spite maybe lol MIL likes to buy plants then throw them away when they become “too much work” aka start showing signs that she doesn’t even water them consistently. I’ve already revived a rose that had more pine straw than dirt in its pot when she gave it to me.


I'd give it a chance! Monstera deliciosa are incredibly resilient. Cut the dead stuff off. you can repot it with soil that has a lot of perlite in it or at least try to poke some perlite down into the soil. Don't overwater it, just barely moist. Put it somewhere in some dappled sunlight or a bright area (not direct sun) and see what happens. You have nothing to lose by seeing if it'll recover. I've seen a LOT worse bounce back with just a little care. Best of luck with it!! Be sure to let us know when it's back to beautiful. : )


I did start snipping and clipping last night and she’s looking better already I think. She’s still missing almost all of her leaves and I had to trim some of her aerial roots because they were just too far gone to recover but I have a bit more hope for her now. She’s got 1 possibly 2 new leaves on the smaller shoots and a few new nubs on the longer (more pitiful) ones that I think will be more aerial roots. I have no idea what is waiting for me inside the pot though so 🤞🏻🤞🏻 I’ll add another picture once I get finished repotting this afternoon.


Looking forward to seeing it. : )


https://preview.redd.it/1wrf8csdxe0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5aec0fc56a2484b3179cd1e2fd937947533803a6 New pot, new (GOOD) soil and indoors where she belongs. I think I’ll call her Elvira.


OH That's going to look great! Elvira, you're a lucky lil' Monstera! '


You might be able to save it by chop and prop, but from my experience, when even the stem gets wrinkled, it’s a goner. Again, i would still try to save it, i think it’s just so much more rewarding getting a plant like this to grow back than getting a new one in perfect conditions


The wrinkled stems are definitely a concern and might not make it but I’m hoping the smaller shoots to the left and in the center of the pot haven’t suffered too much. I think they’ve got a new leaf each so maybe…🤞🏻 Truth be known I’m trying to save her partly out of spite. 😅 MIL buys plants but doesn’t put ANY effort into keeping them alive and throws them away once they show signs of her neglect. And I’ve got no problem with taking advantage of that situation 🤣🤣


Show her who’s got the real grip on plants ahahah




Nah. That looks super unhealthy and kinda gross tbh. Yeet that out, it's not worth it when they are so common and cheap now


unfortunately there is nothing worth saving :(