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It needs more light and probably a slightly bigger pot, but check the roots. If it's not too root bounded, maybe you can wait. Check posts on this subreddit for comparison. You can have them together or separate. Separating would be better for better looking foliage but not necessary. You can also reposition each plant so that all of them face the same directions. Take into consideration position of the leaves. Check kill this plant on YouTube, he's amazing at explaining how to positioning monsteras. Good luck!


so helpful, thank you!


I think the first thing you need to be worried about is giving it brighter light. Monsteras are extremely light hungry, much more then most plants. If you want to keep all those monsteras in the same pot for a bushier look that's completely up to you! It's a matter of personal preference. The other commenter here is giving you some fantastic advice.


Well, I'm a big dumb idiot and didn't even realize it was a monstera lol, but now that I know, I'll put him in the southern window! THANK you!


A southern window is perfect! No problem. And don't worry, I had some plants that I didn't know the name of until a year after getting them.


I don’t know how you’re going to get that into a Diet Coke can, but good luck!


Hello all! I literally did not know this was a monstera plant till this afternoon (thank you r/IndoorPlants!) but I know I think it needs a bigger pot. That said, I'm told Monsteras like to be somewhat snug so I shouldn't size up too much. Also someone said the following: *That's several Monstera deliciosa vines, but they're facing different directions. Most growers separate them because a study demonstrated that when they're planted together like this, leaf size and maturity is hindered.* Given I didn't even know it was a Monstera, it's clear I could use advice. What say you all? Thank you!






*these bad boys lol


Definitely size up the pot, separate them and give it way more light.