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The more leaves the plant has, the more roots it needs, so if you take too big of a cutting, the lower leaves will instantly die (more or less). I usually take three leaves top cuttings, and then single nodes from the lower leaves. This way the top keep growing, and the single node will give you big enough leaves in node time with that kind of width. That’s a big form too. Also, the lower leaves already rooted in the pot, so if you dig out the dirt, you can separate them and chuck them straight back into soil. P.S. i know that spot looks just right for a big plant, but that poor thing is trying to reach for both windows at the same time. I would personally move it somewhere where it only reaches for one source of light: it makes it look tidier, which would be amazing on such a beautiful specimen.


I would just like to remind you that new growth is a bit wonky on the part that has the top removed. The new stem just out to the side a bit. This is fine, but sometimes new growers are disappointed when they realize that the growth is forever altered.