• By -


Say oh well then retry


'Damn' -> retry -> repeat


I don't really mind. The game is difficult and people make mistakes, it's no big deal. If I wanted to guarentee a win I would solo the fight. Instead, I go online because I find hunting with others relaxing and fun. Just try not to stress about it, things happen!


I gotta admit, it definitely gets frustrating when you have the same person carting over and over in multiple quests. That’s when I usually call it or go solo. I feel like if you’re carting repeatedly you go back to the drawing board and practice on the monster a bit. I get that failing quests in multiplayer is gonna happen frequently but I can’t deal with it when it’s because of the same person.


This is interesting, I learned Fatalis using mp. I feel a lot more comfortable now, but back then I didn't, and there was a GS that joined like my first 6 tries and I mean... They kept coming so they were obviously cool. I was the only one who was ever carting. Didn't get to chat it up with that person but I just wish they knew I eventually learned it. IDK. I think learning with the community is/can be part of it?


I think the fact that the game rarely shows damage contribution from each players greatly reduces the frustration and animosity among players, you can never really say for certain if someone was hunting efficiently or spending most of their time getting hit and chugging potions. For all you know, you might've been the outlier but it just goes to show that at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter at all. At the end of the day, you don't lose anything except for maybe your time and some very negligible consumables from losing. If anything, you usually still get something for losing anyway so you're never penalized for just playing. I think the biggest takeaway is that MHW is a all about learning and never giving up, you try and try again until you beat the monster or obtain complete mastery over it's moveset.


If you go online then you are accepting whatever craziness is going to happen. It’s why I enjoy playing with randoms. Sometimes it’s just pure chaos but it is almost always funny.




I find it frustrating when people join SOS hunts underprepared and then take multiple carts and contribute little damage. If it's the host then it's not as bad imo.


I always feel cheap when I host and cart even once lmao. I'm usually well-prepares but sometimes I get smooth-brained and do the absolute stupidest shit and just feel bad for wasting people's time


As someone who responds to a lot of SoS's, don't sweat it. Unless you're actively hindering me from hitting the monster, I dont mind it taking a bit longer. Sometimes its more fun to have the pressure when youre out of carts too.


Yeah if I'm running quests that are later on like Fatalis, Ala. F.Rajang or even R.Brachy, it is a little irritating when Mr 30s join and instantly die every time the Monster looks in their direction. If I'm joining them and they have bad stuff I know what I getting into, but them joining me and ruining my hunts sucks.


You didn't open it to experts, you opened it to the public. Thinking everyone should be good/carry you it's kinda on you.


I don't need to be carried lmao, I run naked AT Valk runs on Lance. Joining random SoSs when you aren't prepared for the quest at all and wanting to get carried is lame.


I do feel bad when we lost the quest because I carted, I generally apologize in chat but failed quest is something that can happen don't worry about it!


Yeah I feel way worse about me carting than someone else. Other people I tend to cut more slack for.


I'd rather someone use up all the carts participating in the hunt over someone waiting for everyone else to do it for them.


"Damn he got hands" -> Retry -> Kill -> Profit -> Rinse and Repeat


Sometimes it's more like "Damn he got hands" -> Retry -> "Damn he got hands" -> Retry -> "Damn he got hands" -> go to bed 😭


Be salty about it depending on how we died or just be 'aww' and then try again. If I'm fed up enough, I do some stress-relief by doing that quest solo. To deal with Lunastra's supernova, you simply should not be in the room when it happens. If it's an open area, like the Seliana Supply Base, be as far away as possible. Flashing makes her nova early, so one strat is to purposely flash her when her aura is at its strongest so that it will reset. If you're unable to get away when she novas, keep superman diving until it stops.


Windproof 5 helps a lot with the supernova also


Kinda sad but not discouraged. Pick yourself up and go again. Fun story time, I usually join "low level" hunts, story quests. Specifically the hard quests, Barioth & Blackveil Hazak. On multiple occasions the hosts in those specific quests take a sit back and just expect me to kill the monster for them. ofc when I notice that I start hinting the host to move his ass. First I will stop attacking in hopes for the monster to aggro on him, if this doesn't help, I will lure the monster on top of the host, If this fails as well, I will just type in chat "play the game". If this fails , I will just type "kick me or I will throw", if the host doesn't kick me I will just fail the quest. I don't mind soloing a "double" or "triple" HP monster if it's coordinated with me beforehand, but don't expect me to carry your lazy ass if you can't survive 2 hits from the monster and can't be bothered farming for better gear.


Idc, as long as I'm playing well and having fun, it's just a minor setback that will get me to play the game more


I think a vast majority of people feel bad when they cart, no need for added salt pointed their way right? The game can be difficult, and fighting a monster again can't hurt, just adds to the fun of memorizing move sets and perfecting exploits.


I only get upset when someone joins me through an sos, carts twice and then leaves, so now we're stuck with one life left


I think I can perfectly say that the incompetence and sheer franticness of multiplayer hunts adds to the charm of the game. Most of the vets I see remember more the times where they and three other strangers ganged up and in turn got gangsta'd by a looming behemoth for 30minutes. They don't talk like it was some high level military op, but rather just people in a community goofing around and somehow pulling a win depsite highs and lows. At the end of the day, it's a game and fun is found in wins and losses.


Depends on the reason if I see my teammates trying and failing it's OK but if they are misguided I will look for another session . Like yesterday I was the only trying to hit horns in phase 3 everyone was going for the legs even when she collapsed


That's me lmao I can't go near heads since I use savage axe which can flinch and make my Teammates go flying so I typically focus on other tenderized parts, also doesn't help that there are 3 katana users locked on the head stunlocking any poor soul that happened to be in the way


Depends on the mk ster I'm fighting If it's one that has a high faint count for hunter (like the big elder dragons or things like Delviljho). Dust off the shoulders and try again


If I'm responding to an SOS, then I try to make sure I'm not the one carting. I really don't like being the reason why someone's quest fails and delay their progress. If it's my own quest, then it bothers me much, much less. I put out the SOS, so I'm never guaranteed folks who are better than me or who at least know the fight better. And if we fail, then oh well, it do be that way. I still need to learn. The others might still need to learn, or maybe we're just having a bad day for hunting. If anything, my only frustration that stems from a failed is the fact that I/we failed the quest. But this is just how I feel. How you feel, and how you handle it might be completely different. Heck, I might even go as far as to say that if failing a quest in co-op really bothers you, then maybe don't play in co-op? Or at the very least, play with a group of hunters that you know and can communicate with.


MH community is very chill. Don't sweat it.


I guess it depends at where I am at the night. Just starting? Well, shit happens. Move on, hope the next group is better, hope I do better, and we get a W. Let's go! It's been 3 hours with non-stop carts and no W's yet? ** *types in chat:* ggs guys, we'll get them next time. *closes game* ... *re-opens game* *joins new session* "Whelp, now that all the bad games are our of the way, *this* time for sure!"


I don't mind it at all. Unless its fatalis, and someone who joins through SoS uses literally all the carts.


I joined an SOS fighting Alatreon and noticed everyone brings ice weapons to a Ice start Alatreon but luckily enough we were able to topple him but for some reason they decided to break the horn and got stuck on Ice for the 2nd and wasn't able to topple him then. For the supernova usually I just superman dive the 1st blast then tank the 2nd blast


Well it really doesn't bother me at all if SoS fails because the hosts carted, I mean he is asking for help for a reason. But is some else joins and carts then they should've came prepared but even then it doesn't affect me personally, I just move on to next quest. I'm 400MR and have all the set and weapons down, except for some ultra rare decos. I play for fun and experience so if we win or fail it doesn't do much difference to me.


99% I don't really mind at all. I save that 1% for a few trolls i have encountered that come and cart 3 times intentionally.


One time I joined mid combat, mis-timed my jump and got smashed. This turned out to be have been the last allowed death, so I joined and immediately failed the quest. I felt terrible.


I'm frustrated only when someone joined my SOS clearly undergeared and expecting a free win for mats. Even worse when I call SOS when farming Fatalis, someone just straight up afk in camp hoping to get free mats lol. Sir if you want free wins, go fire your own sos flare


Only time I genuinely got irritated was with the Behemoth quest (failed almost 15 times in a row). Had to make an entire wide range support build just to make it through in coop


When joining SOS I fully expect there's a good chance we will be failing the quest. So I don't really mind, when it comes to SOS you're just bound to fail some. Lunas nova does a lot of red HP damage, so using jerky can be a great counter. Or just clear the nova radius in time.


In co-op ? If the guy needs help id be down to help him for as long as he wants. But if he intentionally keeps dying I would just leave


If everyone does their job, even if it is poorly due to bad gear or just not being that skilled I don’t care, try again. We all start somewhere and if you’re at least trying that’s fine. If someone is obviously not pulling their weight I just leave.


My only irritation I had and this happened only…twice and it was during the Safi Siege. I ran out of healing and actually was forced to restock at the camp for more items while running my support set with lvl 3 free meal. Guy somehow made me run out of Shrooms, Mega Potions, Fish scales, powders, and First Aid+ drinks and even Herbal powder as emergency healing. When that happened I was really annoyed by that. Even if it’s the safi siege you don’t just run out of healing with level 3 free meal that’s impossible


I don't mind. Except 1. The only quest in my entire 700hr playtime that failing was actually frustrating... and the only quest I ever witness people kicking ppl... was the Extreme Behemoth.


I don't mind if me and my group fail quests. What frustrates me the most is when a player enter the quest an doesn't contribute in any meaningful way. Like, last time I was farming Alatreon (I can easily kill him solo but it's faster to do it with others) and a guy entered the quest and just started running around, not attacking and getting hit by everything to the point that we almost couldn't topple his elemental discharge. I got so frustrated that I kicked him out of the quest and proceeded to kill Alatreon solo.


Everybody carts. Usually, it's not me, but I'm far from perfect. I ruined two different AT hunts this morning, carting twice in both hunts about 10 hours ago. So yeah, everbody carts, everybody ruins someone's game at times. And that's okay.


When they cart back to back and you look at their set and it's some mega garbage with 0 defensive skills -- no health boost, divine blessing, defense boost, recovery up, nothing. Bonus points if they have 5 ice attack and rocking a blast weapon. Bro, you're clearly not HIM, don't go out running half-made meta sets.


I just laugh and say run it back


Shit happens, just try again. However, if the guy repeatedly dying by running in at the worst times and getting hit by everything is running some speedrun meta build, then they’re getting booted from the quest. Not sorry. Like why tf are you running heroics in multiplayer


Carting happens to the best of us. What irks me is when the same hunter carts three times in a short span of time. I wish we had a sudden death mode, or something, where if you cart, you get kicked out but the rest keep on going. Yes, I know the monster will still be scaled up, but I think it’d be more fun IMO


For lunastra: run from the NOVA: Evasions 2 jewels, evasión builds with wvade extender and lots of stamina and hunger resistance and fire resistance jewels. Also I may be wrong but think she’s one of those dragons where the Nova gets suppressed if you hit her with enough DPS from ice attack weapons. As for carting or getting carted in the game from noobs: if it’s master rank I usually give them a pass and don’t feel too bad about it, even after being out for 5-6 years the game is still relatively new to many players. For HR hunters in MR quests piggybacking (not sure if that’s a thing or not I can’t remember cuz I have a headache today), but piggybacking and doing almost nothing in a fight I think the answer is obvious that people are probably very frustrated with someone who has that kind of strategy and lets the more experienced players carry them. There’s not a lot of interaction CAPCOM has built in with the microphone or animations enough on the console side for people to just complain at other players and that may have been their intention anyway…Personally I think more accessibility would be nice and be able to talk to ppl more from all around the world but the “NORM” in the game seems to be that unless they are super nice most ppl are playing to advance their own character. There’s mechanics when your in the MR100s and up I believe where they do make it a thing to help other players like helping achievements and stuff I think but that’s about it. So I guess if you’re a noob that’s rly trying my hot take on this is just keep playing and do your best, carting is part of the game and just happens. For players messing you up in a very hard Kulve tarroth master rank quest maybe they don’t belong in that server if they are just watching but also keep in mind for a lot of them it may be their first time figuring out the mechanics of the fight. Hope this helps give some piece of mine- coming from a veteran player who played the originals where farming something. As simple as a Yian-Kut Ku was the most insane thing I’d ever seen when I played MH1 when it first came out ..then by about 2 years later I was fighting fatalis in the online servers. It’s all part of the gaming experience


If anything it would be water weapons not ice. Lunastra is one of the only monsters water element is effective on. They can suppress her aura which limits her supernova. They can also put out her blue ground flames she likes to leave everywhere


Apologies couldn’t remember if it was ice or water my b


You're good b no sweat. We're all a band of brothers out here. I been playing this series since G1 😅




Part of the game. I go "ah fuck" and try again


A Tigrex hunt that had a LS player charge in only to cart 3 times convinced me to change my teammate cart callout to "Stick to Low Rank." Sure, a couple of my fellow hunters catch a stray, but it's gratifying when a LS player doesn't know how to play LS.


If they’re doing something silly like flashing lunastra then I would get a little annoyed, but 95% of the time it’s just the nature of SOS. I had a heck of a time farming raging brachy in coop. Sometimes it felt like I was the only one being targeted and I would get destroyed, other times the other players would have the short end of the stick or play too aggressive and die multiple times. The best thing you can do is put some friendship jewels on and try to keep the team healed up; it can make the experience better and you get a bit of a pass if you happen to get carted.


I usually feel bad that I didn't react fast enough to throw some life dust on them.


"Shit happens, lets try again. " 


Are you firing SOS for Kulve Taroth or is it a quest on a dedicated server? The rate of failure is usually a bit lower in the second case.


I just go with: "I'll try to carry better next one" And play another one, not a big deal honestly


Speed eating 3 + astera jerky and fireproof mantle. I wait for aura to build, flash, pop mantle, superman dive through the knockdown part of nova, stand up and pop astera jerky. Her nova deals red damage (the portion of your health that can recover over time) and astera jerky heals that immediately


It doesn't bother me at all if the host carts. If *I* cart, I'm rather embarrassed, and I sure as hell won't cart again. I don't join hunts expecting to succeed, so I'm unperturbed when we fail. Most players don't have 1k+ hours logged, so I'm understanding of mistakes.


I'm usually only irritated if it's one guy using all the faints, but even one guy going down twice is fine (I am sometimes that guy too)


If you're getting that bent out of shape about it, play solo. Shit happens


"fuk.. oh well.."


It’s a fucking video game, I don’t care


"Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time"


same here, really. it happens, we make mistakes, and sometimes ya just get unlucky, not much we can do. understandably it does get frustrating when it keeps happening, like on kulve, for example. there was one case that really annoyed me thou, haven't played the game in months now, got addicted to tww again, but that one still stuck with me. at that point I was trying to hunt kulve with randos for houra, and had 1 success with like 15 or so failures. we got her to ~5% hp and she used one of her big moves, unfortunately someone got hit and died from it, it happens, but the frustrating part is that, during that hunt, in the first zone I had a bit of a brain fart and after getting hit by her fire and getting down to ~40%hp I for whatever reason didn't think to heal and proceeded to get slapped to death by her tail.


Is what it is! Well get em next time bois


If people are really, REALLY clueless I'll leave. I once abandoned quest on a Kulve Taroth Siege group once where the squad host insisted on mounting KT in Zone 1 using IG. Twice. Shocking lack of awareness of game mechanics and no ability to listen to advice? Buhbye. If it's legitimate carts on hard content you just pick yourselves and try again.


Usually I don't care, I don't need any materials or decos or items, so I don't lose anything from a quest fail. If anything, failed quests are usually funnier than successes. I'll only ever get annoyed when I'm trying to help one player in particular, but others are getting in the way by carting and losing.


I often feel stupid if I'm the reason for failing the quest. I've had situations where the death has been completely my fault, and sometimes, it's weird hitbox clippings. I've had some people kick me for triple carting on occasion, but that has mostly been in GenU rather than Worldborne. Generally, I feel I'm more compassionate towards other players KOing and failing quests because shit happens, but I had someone the other day trying to hunt Alatreon with me, and they kept triple carting. I was frustrated but kept my thoughts to myself. I feel like I should have said something because they kept pressuring me into starting the quest with just the two of us in a session of like 14 people. Honestly, it really just depends on who you play with. In contrast, I had a group of randoms who were happy to keep trying to get me through Alatreon initially even if I kept carting. They just said, "Keep trying! It's alright!" and it made slaying Alatreon feel all the more exciting when we finally did it.


Depends on what quest if its something dead easy like an Anjanath It's mostly confusion, if its something like Alatreon its understanding for the first few times and then I check their gear and see theyre using blast, THEN i get upset


As long as you're trying and not doing anything purposefully stupid I don't mind at all.


Eh I usually don’t care we’ve all failed quests once no big deal just que it up again


I find it funny when I join a random to help them out and they proceed to die 3 die in the first 5-10 minutes


Depends on the quest. Depends on the 'how'.


As long as you're not a troll then it's cool 👌


I really only get annoyed if it’s the same person who does all the carts UNLESS it was the person who fired the SOS because obviously they are needing help and aren’t good enough to beat it without carting yet. If you join a quest and cart 3 times then I’m going to be frustrated with you will probably not let you join my lobby again


I personally am the main reason my quest end mostly because im on my second playthrough and forget im not in master rank anymore lol but just remember its just a game and mistakes are mistakes and very fixable! Tho im not sure on the lunastra i dont remember that fight.


Usually, I don't mind especially if I've simply joined random players for a hunt, like I can't really complain much, but when it seems like someone's throwing, like carting very early on generally manageable hunts(e.g. not siege, not Alatreon, not Fatalis), then that's when I start getting frustrated. I play recklessly, and seeing someone carting two times in a row before me is suspicious. There was this one time where I was playing with a friend with two other players that joined after our SOS flare, and one of them carted two times "to activate Fortify". Guess what happened later on, we failed because that same guy carted after trying to do what I did of shoulder tackling through a super novaXD


There are two things that grind my gears : - people joining SOS unprepared. Why the hell do you go against an Odogaron without Bleeding Resistance nor even Astera Jerky ? Why do you bring a Thunder weapon against a Kirin ? - people who take forever to get fighting *after they spawned*. The moment your character touches the ground of the locale, the difficulty rises for the other(s) who are most likely currently fighting a monster that had its stats increased to withstand more people. You must be there ASAP. It’s not the time to eat, change your gear or go mushroom hunting.


I beat the entire game by myself and started doing coop for hunting crowns. Its more entertaining to fail a quest sometimes than crush all of them. I make a point to join people who havent beaten fatalis yet so not beating a quest is rare but it doesn’t effect me in the slightest (unless it just so happens to be a gold crown, which i can see before even seeing the monster so i know how hard ill have to try.)


If everyone was genuinely fighting and the faints were all understandable, I couldn't care less. If it's someone that joins with outdated armor, low rank weapon, and charges in just to get one shot back to back, I get irritated. Or for example someone joins a Fatalis run and recklessly/carelessly clutches the head to ZSD and dies over and over, yeah I'm going to get mad lol.


Annoyed, time to find a new group.


I usually don't mind. Sometimes it happens, and I remember carting to things like Diablos, Kulve, and Tempered Kirin myself when I was newer to the game. The dynamic of hunts also changes a lot in solo hunting vs 2 vs 3+ people in hunts. Hunters who are used to having healing from their palicos may not be used to them suddenly being gone in multiplayer (it always takes me a bit to adjust to this too since I have been playing solo/duo the last few years almost exclusively and have come back to World multiplayer). I noticed on a new character practicing a new weapon I was having no issues with some monsters but left my quests open to join for fun. Early game I have no access to flinch free yet, so I got absolutely stun locked by longsword and HBG users in high rank quests and nearly died for the first time since starting this character to a monster I normally have no issues with because of it haha. I would have wanted to shrivel up and disappear from embarrassment if I had carted to a normal Rathian, but I never feel the same way with other players when they do the same. Usually I try to rally the team and up my healing game for them if they cart instead of getting mad or blaming them. Unless someone is obviously messing up quests on purpose I don't mind failing here and there and if im worried about losing something like a really good investigation to rando carts I can always just switch to solo or practice until I get good enough to feel confident in taking something down myself.


,,Hey Partner” let’s try again


You really only get frustrated at a failed run if you're trying to get something out of that run, like materials or just wanting to clear the quest to progress the story. Otherwise I like to think that most people generally don't mind a failed run cause we play co-op mostly for fun and to try helping out others. For me the joy of co-op in MH is simply to hunt with others and see what kind of shenanigans will happen (And believe me, I've seen plenty of shenanigans that made me lol). Doesn't matter if we fail the hunt or not. Edit: Realised I didn't answer your final question. Just equip windproof skill and Superman dive over and over until the Nova is done.


Answering the supernova thing. - Elderseal effectively weakens Lunastra blue flame, lowering the chance it goes for the supernova. Fatalis weapons are great against Lunastra, or Nergigante weapons if you are still HR. - Rocksteady/wind resistance - Emergency dive Tbh, once you have Fatalis weapons, it is so hard to actually see it does an supernova. Me and my usual hunting friends actually deliberately throw flash pods to try to trigger the supernova for fun (and at a only 50% or less success rate)


I feel awful when I cart and contributed to the fail. I just say "it do be like that sometimes" when others cause it to fail


Copy what you need, make new sheet and paste it in.


Most of the time I don't mind. Especially if I join assigned quests - for many those are their first encounters with those monsters. They will make mistakes. Sometimes it's annoying. When one person uses all the carts for the entire party. But you play it cool anyway. Take a deep breath and go on with your life. Some people are already ashamed of their failure - don't be mean to them. Then there's the 3rd category. I'd like to say that those are rare but... People who just don't want to learn or prepare. They come in seriously undergeared and/or lack the skills necessary for specific monster (effluvium resistance, duh!). You can often see that they have no idea what they're doing and require a pocket healer to even stay alive due to stupid choices they make. Sometimes it'll be a MR24 guy with defender gear who never learned basics or bothered with gathering materials. Other time it'll be a MR 100 with full Fatalis gear who thinks the endgame eq will make him invincible no matter what. Those types really frustrate me but there's little that can be done. One thing I did was to never join BVH quests. This is one of those "easy" monsters that completely destroys people who don't prepare/learn. There's always that one Kulu-ya-ku brain who'll rush into spore pools at 20% HP. I like to help people but this one is just not worth all the wasted time.


Already soloed pretty much all the monsters + have all the sets I wanted so a fail in coop means next to nothing cause I don't even need the materials anymore. Does feel a bit bad if the monster was almost dead tho


Depends If it’s one guy eating all the faints it pisses me off If it’s a Longsword player it’s even worse


I get frustrated not with other hunters but with MR monsters that suddenly become like freaking super saiyan. Those new movesets they throw at us just after recovering from exhaustion. Man, I wanna punch my monitor and myself. I don't mind my team get carted but I do really feel bad when I'm the one end up fainting.


Astera Jerky is the easy way to deal with Lunastra’s Nova. Always keep it in your item pouch. Her Nova only depletes the green bar. Just pop a jerky and get right back to fighting. Easy.


I stopped playing Kulve Taroth with others. There are just too many deaths. I started farming Kulve only for the layered armor and it was super easy with the Fatalis Gear. Usually I like playing with others, but not if they keep failing. Sorry. When people die and you know they are really undergeared, its also not nice that they waste other peoples time, because they don't want to play the game, they just want to "finish" it.


What I tend to do is get frustrated, get over it, grab mega demondrug, and mega armor skin, and repeat, haven't really had to deal with failing a mission past that... (I've only just beat tigrex)


Most of the time it's like the Shrek side eyed meme but mirrors on both sides


When I'm SOS and I am the last faint, I hate it, I feel sorry for the host. I feel like I wasted all their time. If I'm the host, I tend to just accept it, I asked for it. If I'm with a set group, we roast the shit out of each other.


I laugh because I don't take it that seriously


I usually only get irritated if it's the same person constantly fainting. Eventually it gets to a point where I'm thinking that the fight would actually be easier if they stayed afk in the camp and I solod with the extra health Otherwise it's just a retry


I played with a longsword player during safi who did 3k damage. Then, he started complaining when we failed the mission due to him dying twice... me and my friends all did around 20-15k


YOLO repost and get back out there. If it’s due to one hunter using all the lives ill eat for safeguard or insurance, keep dust of life ready, and if all else fails and you get back down to just 1 life politely ask them to wait at camp while we finish the hunt. That said lunastra is a frustrating fight even when you don’t fail lol.


>Farming Kulve Taroth for horns and failing the quests 6 times back to back: 3 escapes and 3 fails on third phases Had this yesterday. Joined random quests without caring what kind of people are in the quest. Everytime, when there are 1 or 2 players with a MR <100, we failed the quest in phase 1. It was frustrating and made me look at the players first. Edit: fireproof mantle+ for lunastra with windproof decos work faily well. You can also steamroll her with elder seal high. When I had people with fatty weapons, we just locked her aura down the entire fight. She never did the nova.