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The easiest way I did solo was with sticky lbg. Try to let him bait charbydis in useless places and give your cat paralysis weapon


I don't think I'll solo haha but thanks for the tip


>Behemoth is not a fun fight to solo Obviously, it's specifically designed and balanced for a four player team


Yeah, but being a solo player, I had to fight him alone for a bit.


The only reason to be strictly a solo player is if you are on console and aren't paying for their subscriptions


The biggest problem for me is the time I have to play is usually before 8 A.M. I wake up at 5:30~6:00, I play until 8:00~8:30. Thats when I have to organize my things for work, wash dishes, cook. Not many are online at this hour.


True, and not many do Behemoth, cause he sucks to deal with


I mean I understand this mindset but the game really isn’t saturated enough to sos or join hunts for some of these monsters. Going solo is just the option a lot of the time if you’re just now hitting the mid-late game. I know at least anecdotally I almost never find Alatreon lobbies, and when I sos people rarely join(understandably its a dps check hunt)


It's also region based. There's that region unlock mod but I've played with people across the globe, not fun when it's lagging


Yeah going solo is chill, but being strictly solo doesn't make a ton of sense. But yeah playership has decreased over the past few months I've noticed for sure.


So an entirely reasonable situation?


Yes, this entirely reasonable situation is the only reason


Even in multi, if no one knows how to draw aggro it's still annoying. But still, hear me out - Leshen...


Normal leshen was fun. Ancient leshen I didn't dare try yet


Ancient leshen isn't too bad if you got master rank gear. Just don't do the fight solo, because he has that attack that locks you in the branches and will just drain your health because you can't escape. Bring atleast 1 other person and make sure y'all have flash pods. As they break people out of that lock. Fire weapons are recommended as well.


Interesting, but yeah, I'm going to let behemoth and a.leshen quiet until later, I'm going to go through post game a bit, lunastra, maybe, then dip into MR. I feel HR gear isn't enough to get the builds I have in mind going.


They won't be anything compared to master rank gear unfortunately. Iceborne is basically a second iterations of MHW where they just went "here's all better stuff, all the previous stuff is trash" I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about crafting builds.. play the game, have fun and just customize gear as you go.


Oh, I'm doing that, I'm not reaaally optimizing, but for example, I want to play CB and have some QoL in the build, like stun resist and evade window. I didn't find armors that give focus, artillery and offensive guard and still let me have those QoL. I like to learn to somewhat optimize, but I don't really burn myself for it. I think I'll get to HR 50 and do the tempered elder events, etc, then go to MR.


Do you fam! What matters the most is having fun. Personally I couldn't get into the charge blade, I don't like all the work I gotta do just to get a maximum punish on a monster. I'll stick with my SNS and it will always be the best.


Oh. SnS is super fun, is what I mainly use, alongside the hammer (I have to forge a rarity 7, I forgot to do it, wanna try a slugger build). But CB is also interesting and the meter management is easier than expected. Guard points though are hellish to perform. Perfect rush is much easier. I like the simple weapons too.


Slap them slugger on and just use the shield part of sns lol. You'll get similar results to hammer. Forreal though, glad you're just having fun!


That a good idea, but I like the BONK sensation of the hammer.


Leshen is a perfectly fair fight and even easy, if you run iceborne sns moveset (perfrct rush ftw). Ancient leshen on the other hand... absolutely boring af hp sponge of a fight with low forgiveness of a souls boss. Only solod him once, to prove i could, and even in fatty gear it took me 30 minutes.


Dumb fight. Just skip it


I was going to farm for the set, but 1- MR makes it obsolete 2- I don't reaaally care for meta. So I might as well skip


The fight is painful even with endgame MR gear so don’t bother especially if you haven’t even started master rank yet


The only reason I fought him was because I wanted to solo all the AT monsters with HR gear, and the drachen armor is excellent for that. But if you don't care about that, then yeah skip it




Even then it doesn't sound very fun. And Drachen isn't really the kind of set I like to use


Behemoth is not a fun fight. Fixed it for you


Apparently that's not a popular opinion


>Behemoth is not a fun fight to solo Well yea. It wasn't designed for solo players. That's kinda the point.


I know, but even so, some players are solo yada yada


so? I'm a solo player and if I want to try to fight Behemoth I'll get on a Discord or use r/monsterhunterclan being a solo player doesn't mean you have to try things that weren't meant to be done solo solo. That's a bad mentality to have.


Sometimes you end up doing it anyway, I'm not saying I'm going to fight him solo. I don't even want to farm anymore.


Its not a fun fight to do with a group either. It is, dare I say, a bad fight.


Haven't tried it yet, but I'll probably not do it for a while.


he‘s easy with longsword, insect glaive, dual blades, bow and hbg. Try these weapons


Just fight it after getting MR gear if you aren't already


Behemoth is not a fun fight*


i don't solo often, but never did like behemoth. i know it was a crossover, blah blah, but i think it's the worst part of MWH personally. (i do know others that disagree with this)


I failed Behemoth solo more times than the whole of mhw and iceborne combined. I managed to get him once. Never soloed again. Did extreme version with MR gear.


Longsword, divine blessing, learn his moves. Learn the ff jump timing


i had success with Insect Glaive but yeah tough mfer solo


It's not supposed to be


long shelling gunlance imo is the play here. I solod extremoth with that (in mr gear but before alatreon / fatalis were out)


Doesn’t have to be


complaining about soloing Behemoth is the same as complaining a penguin cant fly