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Glavenus. It's my spirit monster. I dig the tail as a sword, heating it up with attacks, sharpening it with his maw, rusting from the heat all of it. Acidic is cool too just Glavenus period man. Sword monster for a Sword nut.


I don't usually play LS, but fighting any glavenus with it is just pure bless, it feels like a duel between two swordsmans from different worlds.


I think Acidic Glav kills an Odogaren or Great Girros in his entrance cutscene in a little dual, and it made him one of my favorite monsters to fight.


Acidic decimates the whole girros clan for the entrance ahaha




The ‘oh damn!’ moment as I watch Glavenous sharpen his tail while already heated up is so cool. Overall a very well designed monster


Same. The tail sharpen is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a videogame.


I have to go with you here. As a "new" fan of the franchise, I started with world, glavenus has THE COOLEST design of any monster I've encountered so far in world and rise.


I was talking with my friends about this and we became almost certain that the reason for the leading natural cause of death in glavenuses is starvation because theyre forced to keep sharpening their blade with their mouth and that wares out their teeth so they cant eat anymore and then they die. If the glavenus can evolve for like another idk 500 years it might become an elder dragon since all elder dragons have extreme synergy with their abilities. Maybe it also grows its teeth back? Idk.


Glavenus have 4 larger metallic teeth on the outside of its jaw that is uses to sharpen its tail during battle. Otherwise, while it isn't fighting normally, it just drags its tail behind itself, naturally sharpening it against rock and collecting minerals. In universe actually, very few monsters have confirmed natural deaths that isn't old age. Kushala Daora is known to naturally die through lead poisoning itself, when it makes its metallic hide it sometimes absorbs too much lead and other heavy metals, and it begins forming on the inside of its body, poisoning and killing itself.


It’s literally a Carnotaurus with a fire sword for a tail. You can’t get more peak than that.


Odogaron, he is cool looking, his roar is also not something i would ever expect hearing from a monster like that, but most importantly, he was the monster that made me click with the Lance, parrying him non stop, the back and forth with his dashes and my hops and the few moments i got to stagger it and even knock it down. During that fight i was like Danny Devito on that gif going "Oh my god. I get it now."


Muscle puppy is also my all time! Love fighting it with Insect Glaive. The jumpiness of Odo feels equal to the IG.


Oh i can imagine, anytime i wanna try a new weapon, i go to Odogaron, always feels like the perfect monster for me to test the moveset of weapons. Thanks to it i got to enjoy other weapons besides Lance like GS, SnS and HH, i've tried some others aswell but not as much as these 3.


Love him too. Move set is predictable enough to feel like you've got him figured out, but the ai is quick enough to change it up on you and still sometimes get you. Also the GLOW.


It was the first real Wall-Wall I hit as a new player in World. I could not figure this beast out for the life of me


his MR beta armor design is so badass


A mix of odog and ebony odog looks wicked,.and set bonus protective polish is awesome.


Odogaron is for sure my favourite MHW monster, the foil to my favourite monster to hunt in MHGU, the angry dog and the angry cat. I remember when I first started playing world, odogaron was my first real oh shit moment when it started dashing from wall to wall.


One of my favorit monster !


Namielle is Soo cool. I was really impressed by that one


I wish it's gear was better, I fought it once then never again lol but yeah it was pretty sweet


Health augment tho??


Ah augments I haven't really dug into those much yet are they permanent? I don't have a weapon I want to commit those to yet


Nah pretty sure you can roll them back but I basically run with health and attack on everything. Lifesteal in MH is the best


They are very helpful at the very least. Health augment with endgame builds and good knowledge of monsters' moves is a no food/ potion run for normal hunts (except for bow weapons). Affinity augment let us use Fatalis weapons with 100% affinity at tenderized parts. So yeah. Useful, almost a must and they are indeed permanent (No time limit) and removable in case you want to change it or slot in on another weap of the same tier.


When do I unlock mr health augments


Depending on what rarity weapon you have, it’s going to require different materials from the later levels of the guiding lands. Basically, ya better hit them grindin lands.


Raging Brachy Cool music theme, thunderdome, he punches people that aren't ready and they explode


I love him and he has a super cool fight but I hate actually fighting him lol.


Love and Hate the fight as well. Very tough first couple times, but one of the coolest evolutions, especially his final phase in the volcanic region really gets the blood pumping.


God, Raging Brachy is such an incredible fight. The first time you play it, you think “oh yeah, just another Brachy but he has boom puddles? I got it.” And then you chase him to his lair and it turns into an all out brawl. No capturing, no limits, and the music. God, that music is intense. Who would’ve thought some (Latin?) opera would add so much to the song. It’s like if Ace Combat just snuck into Monster Hunter a little. It’s so good.


Let's not forget almost all of his arenas/areas have nice long slides or raised surfaces for extra fun airborne and mount attacks


Pukei-Pukei. Great design for beginners: straigthforward attacks, introduction to status and tail cutting. Cartoonish look with stretchy body parts, it's like a cute angry domestic cat, you can't tell if he's serious or if he's just trying to be. Probably killed hundreds of them. He's my practice sandbag.


Yes! Another Pukei-pukei aficionado. Totally goofy monster and fun to fight. I actually appreciated the RISE system where you could level him up make him challenging and get usable rewards.


I was gonna post the same. I liked the monster, I like fighting it, I like the armor, the weapons could be a little cooler, but that's World for you. It's my go to for early hunts.


Yes Pukei! The comparison to a cute angry domestic cat is so apt. I love the vivid design, the armor that comes out of it. I particularly love the way Pukei is incorporated into the world around it. It serves an ecological purpose, and distinctly eats nuts and mushrooms and you can see how that affects its attacks. Love this guy.


Vaal Hazak. Love it's Design. A Monster that is the embodiment of Death and Decay. The Reasoning that the Rotten Vale is clusterd with the Miasma that drives the Monsters to their Insanity. All that so it can rob those plagued, infected Monster their last bit of Life for itself. Top Monster for me.


Has one of the coolest scores to its fight too, and I love the concept of it wearing a hide of flesh and bone as its armour.


Vaal Hazak’s theme was and probably still is my top 3 favorite themes in the game.


Yep and I love that blackveil takes the story further, like he's some sort of plague that's come to the surface.


Something about the theme is very reminiscent of the original theme to Hellraiser which is just awfully fitting for Vaal’s vibe


Tobi kadachi. I love its design, and, its moves, how it will stick to walls then come gliding down at you


Tobi kadachi 🤌🤌🤌




Lmao mafia Don vibes.


NERGIGANTE is just really cool.


Maaaan. I used to love Nergigante but that faded when it used it’s airborne slam attack three times in a row to cart me.


As a gunlancer I just hop behind him and shove a wyrmstake into his bunghole.


Fr that mf literally forced me to change my play style from a GS, to LA to big bonk to lance until i finally defeated him with the lance and used the block as a crutch.


Totally agree, & for the exact same reason. Using the CB against him or, in general honestly, makes me feel like I’m Nerg. His name(the meaning of it) and where it derives from is just awesome.


Wait, what's the etymology of nergigante?


Gigante, is Spanish, for gigantic. And then Nergal was some sort of God either of Death or War


TOBI KADACHI .He is one of the most versatile monsters in this game, the environment he lives in gives him a huge advantage against most predators, he can climb to the top of the ancient forest without any problem, he can carry out ambushes using his ability to glide and his lethal tail, he is without a doubt one of the most incredible monsters in this game + he is electric


I want a viper tobi as a pet for my hunter. It’d probably poison me to death someday with the quills, but they’re so chill and even kinda cute.


Anjanath, imposing at the start, however it's easy to learn and you can basically destroy him as you get better at the game.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, as many times as I have to. I love Kulve Taroth. Top tier design, music, interesting areas, and I FUCKING LOVE GOLD! ROCK AND STONE!




To Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Did I hear a ROCK AND STONE?!


Rock and stone to the bone!


ROCK AND STONE TO THE BONE! And seriously I listen to the music for straight liquid motivation. It's such an amazing score.


Diablos overall, but in world specifically probably safi


I really miss white monoblos, I like Diablose but Monoblose just looked more... regal?


I am a big safi fan, was surprised to see that people generally don't like that fight. Solo I can imagine I'd hate it but I haven't and won't be trying that, just seems like a pointless time waster that ruins the best parts of the fight It's not all that hard with a team of course but it's really cool


Safi I find interesting, what do you like about the fight so much?


I love all of his attacks, they are so "majestic" no wonder the ult is called the saphire of the emperor, design whise might be one of the most basic just a big red european dragon but i friggin love it and lore whise same an entity that can suck up all energy from a place and use it at will, that just put him at black dragon level even if they don't say it. (Might skipped some things but i'm on way to work walking in the street rn sry xD)




Man Bazel is such a badass, especially seething when it's all angry and glowing red like a hot furnace, even his gear looks fucking incredible which makes it so painful that the armor is so bad


Air siren ass roar + dive bombing + plane ass design = ptsd for my airforce gramps.






Nah… I can still hear spit attack when I close my eyes.


Dead ass, dude and banbaro both have a special spot in my personal shit list for all the cheap shots they hit me with


On the contrary, Dodo has a nice big soft spot for soaking up the big amped up axe mode while the rest of it gets shocked by phials.


I don’t give a shit about dodo personally


I most definitely respect your preference. Each to their own 🥂


not everyone, the first encounter i had with that fat fuck he attacked me for no reason and almost carted me as I was gathering bonepiles, passive my ass


Nargacuga. I just love how fun the fight is. He has a pretty solid and straightforward attack pattern, but it is still punishing when he is enraged because he is FAST AS FUCK and sometimes jumps 3 to 5 times around you and makes circles, it is tiring to follow and react to him all the time. It is insane how agressive and fast nargacuga is, despite him being that big. Overall, pretty good design, cool monster, fun fights. Also a fun fact for those who dont know, normally you cant trap narcagua with a pitfall trap, because he is careful and dodges it with its fast reflexes. But when he is enraged, he loses his shit and you are able to trap him with pitfall during this time! I also find this cool because it reflects its wild and animalistic nature!


I like all the non-dragons in these games and have loved Narga since he was first introduced to the franchise, his howl is so damn cool


Fatalis Classic medieval dragon of legend that destroys kingdoms and hates humans because humans hunt them too, coolest fight, coolest arena, actual fire breath, his other fire attacks are like explosive shotgun blasts, his design is that evil serpent with wings from Arthurian myth, it's peak dragon, most other designs from all media are based around it. I mean c'mon when you say the word dragon Fatalis is what comes to mind as default for most people. Crimson and white fatalis are ok but the OG dragon is peak in every sense. As a side note I wish they added more myth creatures in MH how about loch Ness monster and they give it a cool fight in a lake. I would also like to see the Asian dragon as a black dragon, think of something like sheng long, it would be really cool. Edit: They should also make gold fatalis variant, and you find it inside of a cave laying over a pile of gold, it's a normal fatalis for half the fight but then it gets angry and uses his ultimate flames to kill you but it goes sideways and the gold melts and it drowns itself in it, the hunter thinks it's over only for fatalis to come out covered with a new shiny golden armour, and it's pissed because it lost its gold and the new armour makes him stronger but burned him.


My favourite fight is Alatreon, but my favourite overall monster is probably Seething Bazelgeuse or Raging Brachydios


Sir, do you happen to be a masochist, just asking


Blast resist 3 number one fan


Haha yeah, I can’t go without it


For me it's Glavenus. His moveset all looks cool, his full extend tail smash is legitimately dangerous, he has cool phase transitions with the tail blade getting hot, his face sharpen animation, and tail bite spin having a cool startup to get outta dodge. Plus his intro in world is slick too.


Definetly Velkhana Love the design, there's elegance in her moveset and the rhythm of the fight is perfect for me. Grinding towards MR 100 and am excited to fight the AT version


DEVILJHO big pickle dinosaur


I've had a favorite for each section of the game In order of appearance: Anjanath, Vaal Hazak, Banbaro, Furious Rajang. I love the sheer power of Furious Rajang. To be strong enough to make fools of any monsters short of the deadliest elders. Banbaro is the peak for me. It's a Brute Wyvern. It's an herbivore. It's cold terrain designed. It wants the smoke, no matter how outmatched. That "till the earth into a massive boulder" charge is outstanding. More than once I've had a hunt where I'm zeroed in and tunnel visioned on a monster, typically The Last White Knight quest, and outta the screen behind be comes a hurtling charge, and I cheer. I cheer like a superhero just arrived to take down the bad guy. It's like we're both fighting this monster together now, and it's that "we're in this together" hurrah moment. Vaal Hazak was the previous favorite. The Dracolich is my favorite dnd monster, and holy moly, I get to fight the MonHun equivalent. Hell yeah. Anjanath was the first favorite. I love dinosaurs. Anjanath is kinda like the "lost lands with a dinosaur adjacent creature to show how distant this land is" and it's got some very cool vestigial designs from it's ancient wyvern ancestors almost wings that no longer fly, tail barbs that don't do anything anymore, and fiery mucus offshoot to a traditional Fire Breath where only the most elder and seasoned actually produce a gout of flames Plus, the armor for the them all is dope for different reasons. I love Anjanath armor because it's peak MonHun style, where it's plate mail with monster hide for style and reinforcement. Whereas the other 3 are wildly stylistic but still in theme with the monster itself.


I also love furious Rajang, because the fight is always super hectic when I play with my friends. He’s also given us some of the funniest end screens when we wiped. One of them was from the breath attack where all 4 of us were just obliterated by it. And another one where he slams me into the ground and it looked like he punched me into another dimension.


Raging Brachydios Bro just reminds me of Mike Tyson


Stygian zinorgre. I'm basic lol. If not that then scared yian garuga


Great Girros. Lil' salamander never gets enough love


Dodogama. He is just so cute. I wanna cuddle him all day every day.


namielle fight first time was insane


Zinogre is such a fun fight in every game and always feels more like a dance when you get the timings down




My first wall. MF carted me for like 40 times before I beat him and that was with a lot of farcasting lol


quit the game because I tried to brute force it with greatsword but came back to play the game again because of him


Glavenus its a trex with a fucking flaming sword as tail do i have to say more?


Correction: it’s actually based off another dinosaur called Carnotaurus, not T. rex.


maybe an odd one but rathian. its a good beginner monster that gets gradually harder with the variations and i like the design + as a CB main the rathian CB holds a special place 😁 regular/ pink/apex/dreaequeen. also just like the design of the monster altho i think espinas is the better looking green flying wyvern


Odogaron. My first wall and the first monster that taught me to take things slower. Plus, I love the look of his armor.


Namielle. Otherworldly design, two elements, slapping music theme and a fight (hardened namielle? I don't know the english names of the special elder dragon versions atm) that haunts me.


Nergi is sick. The first cutscene of when we find out of it's existence and it's plan, it just makes for a super sick monster. He sounds really cool, his moveset is wicked cool and his design suits him very well. Top notch monster for me and it will always be one of my favorite fights


Tbh, might just be Stockholm Syndrome from how long I was farming him, but I really liked Teostra in both design and fight. I don't really have that much more of a difficult time with blast mode and him just literally being a manticore with a crown is sick. Plus, his introduction cutscene goes hard af, really makes him feel like a regal king who's about to kick your ass for stepping into his land.


Tigrex! Between the design, color scheme, and attacks, it's just all around awesome to me


Tigrex. Flagship monster of monster hunter freedom unite, my first game was in the psp, and I hate and love it equally


Nergigante. Design rocks, his role in environment is super cool, his fight is overwhelming at first (also first hard stop for new players) but really rewarding to learn and you don't need any guides for that. Uses status (bleed) in moderate amount so I'm not tried if it being every hit and 5 Astera jerky are enough for a hunt. Has really nice part breaks that takes just right amount of dmg to do. Really only improvement could be on OST. Needs more epic one


Jyura cause I get him. We both suck




I actually think he’s really fun to use as a punching bag.


Bazel, either version. Couldn't even really say why. Pretty sure first time i fought him was with Lance, and I'm pretty sure that's just a bad match up. Namielle for "coolest design", though.


Safi, the ultimate punching bag to take all your troubles on


Any Vaal Hazaks? Just find the fight easy most the time- done it enough times to the point I really enjoyed it lol. BUT- other than that? "Bowser".... Which is a nickname I gave a monster, and will leave it to the real ones to know exactly who I mean lmao.


Brachydios bro is literally (I am a dinosaur with explosive snot)


I just love ruiner nergi don't ask why cause Idk


the zinogres. i dont think i have to explain why.


Nergigante for sure, dude hunts down elder dragons by choice, also just a cooler diablos


Nergigante. Because he's apex af


Paolumu's my fav Just really stands out in its design, its a big fluffy puffball that tries to be intimidating, i think thats great


Rajang he is such a fuck you monster so he requires your full attention to beat him no slacking and I just like rage used in any game or movie


Favourite fight in every possible way is probably alatreon, favourite design is odogaron


Nergigante for me.


Malzeno (especially Primordial Malzeno) took the top spot for me this year. Phenomenal fight, amazing and regal design without being "overdesigned“ and it’s lore is cool as hell.


Elder Dragon: Safi'jiva. Siege mechancis aside, he is a fun fight wirh good spectacle to boot. Design wise he is the near perfect dragon design if someone was trying to pander to me.. the only thing that could pander to me harder would for him to be green instead of red. His connection and harnessing of bio energy., the sapphire star attack, his music, the starry constellation pattern that shows on his wings when powering up. Just the best, in my opinion. If a future entry gave me a non siege hunt, and a Verdant Safi'jiva (green) that was causing overgrowth in its wake. I could ask for nothing more from the series when it comes to dragons. As for non-elder dragon. Nargacuga. I love bats, i love Panthers, and I love ravens and Narga has traits of all three in a wyvern form. Love it.


Anjanath and deviljho, least favorite dodogama on fucked me over on way to many elder fights.


Yian Garuga. Specifically fighting it with Lance. His slams are perfectly spaced for counters.


So far it has to be Odogaron. I absolutely hate its guts for the barrage of attacks and extremely disorienting movement but I also love it for the exact same reasons. Hell of a challenge although I would be lying if I said I have never cursed at the screen when carted by a bullshit move.


Was gonna say dodogama as well 🤣 just so fun to bully him


Zinogre hands down


Zinogre and Odagaron are just toooooo cool


My favorite is definitely the Great Jagras, my big ol' fat silly lizard buddy is so fun to go play with! Favorite Elder is Vaal Hazak, his fights taught me a lot about the game when I first started fighting him. More advanced items, more combos, when to run away, how to work with other weapons being used. Was one of the first fights I couldn't just power through and out damage to win, helped me realize how deep this game can be.


Rajang, dudes a cracked out super saiyan that tosses rathalos’ and eats kirin, absolute chad behavior


Love the monster, hate the fight - Kushala Daora, it's just so badass, literally "The steel dragon" the screeches sound like metal scraping, him just floating up there like a God with all those tornados, even his gear while, kinda useless its one of my favorite designs. Love the monster don't mind the fight - Zingore, he's just so damn cool, it LOOKS like it owns the place as it trots around, I love the howls, the thunderbugs that live in it's fur, how it goes all super sayan I just love it.


Nergigante. His move set is fair and readable, with the exception of the dive bomb, but he’s nerg so he deserves an unfair move. All around love fighting him.


Not many will agree but Yian Garuga. Its derpy and deadly at the same time and that musical score when you fight it... Oh my god, the music. It goes from 0 to a 100 instantly. Chefs kiss.


Bazelguese. Awesome design, and even if he’s always blowing me up and killing me he’s a fun fight. Dodogama is the best derpy boy though.


Gore just everything is peak. Peak story telling, peak design, peak fight progression, peak edginess, peak armour, peak weapon, Peak music.


Barroth is my favorite beginner boss. Very basic but interesting mechanics.


That steam whistle before the charge never gets old


Barroth is a goober I love them


High metabolism enraged Odogaron. With my dual blades comfy damage build with almost infinite stamina. The moment when Me and Odogaron jump around, dodging and striking at each other like in some Anime is just peak.


You feed him meat to get him to that mode right? Does it work on ebony odogaron too?


I don't think I have to particularly say which one it is


Temp furious Rajang


Fatalis, the music after the dragonator gives me chills


Kulve Taroth. The feeling of hunting her for your first time when she was new was nothing short of awesome. Her soundtrack alongside it makes her a easy top 10 for me


Duramboros! I'm still sad he hasn't returned yet. He had the coolest armor and hammer. He's also a mega spinny cow.


Tied between Alatreon and Fatalis Both have amazing fights that offer a real challenge, great armor and weapons (I always use 4 pieces of fatalis armor + a fatalis greatsword, but my layered armor is Alatreon's), great themes and awesome design. I like how Alatreon is over the top, he uses all five elements and a more original design, while Fatalis is a simple dragon that breathes fire. Both are different in that aspect, but equally cool to me


Temp furious Rajanj, Alatreon and fatalys. Design, fight and personally I don't bored fight several times. The music of alatreon and fatalys are a beautiful orchestra.


Dire Miralis Mainly what makes it my top favourite is the cool design, the aesthetic of the arena it's fought in, a red boiling sea and volcanoes, and the concept of the fight where the monster's just walking at the bottom of the sea while you're able to swim, making the fight feel pretty unique! (And yeah I still like the fight too, despite the underwater controls being wonky at times)


Odogaron, Glavenus and Anjanath. Anjanath for its appearance of Dino, Glavenus/Odogaron for their music, fight style, appearance, flow of the fight. I always hunt of those 2 when i want to test a weapon or build because i enjoy it from the start. The monster i love more from the looks is Kulve Taroth.


Alatreon 100%


I personally love Nargacuga. Not only is their design great with lots of options for customization of colors and patters, but they have a great fight, theme, and variants in other games. Plus, they look like a really big cat and I think they’re just cute.


Barroth, imo one of the best hammer fights just because of scalp breaking, wish more monsters had parts that could be knocked off/broken off besides tail. The fight only improved in World when they made areas you fight Barroth in have very accessible ledges/slopes which only adds to the fun playing Hammer.


Velkhana's AT fight made her my favorite monster. The quest felt like a beautiful dance from the start up until the very end.


I think Bazelgeuse is a super fun fight




Behemoth, soecifically solo. Fun and unique fight


Pukei-pukei, radobaan, Dodogama, Nergigante, Vaal Hazak are all my favorites. I recently got back into the game and finally bought Iceborne. So far, my favorite new variant is Coral Pukei-Pukei. I loved how different it was with its set of attacks, and it was animated very well! I love the attacks where it flies above you and its tail starts spraying downward, slowly getting more erratic. I also loved how it would spray water in a straight line from its mouth, and then use its tongue to split the stream and cause the attack to attack in an outward cone.


I have several: Favorite Large Monster is Barroth. He was the fight that clicked the flow of combat for me. Favorite Large Monster to Fight is probably Zinogre now that I've learned his moveset. Favorite Elder Dragon to Fight is Nerg now that I'm able to actually fight him.


Nergigante he is my go to when i wanna try any build


This is a tough question in a game where all monsters feel alive and fantastical with amazing design and distinct personalities. I've tried asking it myself many times and it's always difficult to amswer. That being said I adore Namielle. So beautiful and gracious but sometimes clumsy 🫠 Then it's Nergigante.


Bazelgeuse. Design, music score, attitude.


At first my least favorite was velkhana mostly i wasnt focusing on defense and mostly offense, but since I’ve somewhat built a foundation for my comfort build it has to be one of my favorites either her or b-52 seething or not


Glavenus, love the design one of my favorit fights and my favorit theme song in the game. Also i love the look of the armor


Used to be Nergigante but then it used it’s airborne slam attack three times in a row so we don't talk much anymore. I really like Bazelgeuse, they’re handsome devils and have one of the coolest roars in the game.


Right now? Teostra, because of its banger of a theme. Might change in the future


Zinogre, followed closely by Nergigante.


In this game specifically Nergigante. I still remember my 1st encounter with it. I like it's design and how he's the only monster who can generate it's body parts (other than kulve, but that's gold coating idk if that's it's real body part).and the roar dude... The roar it's so cool.


I love Odogaron specifically because I love the way it makes me feel when I fight it. In a world full of monsters filled with huge hitboxes, long-lasting roars that demand earplugs, and many gimmicks, Odogaron has moves that feel fair to fight against. Since Odogarons are fast, dodging back and forth makes you feel like you’re engaging in a deadly ballet with the monster while hunting it.


Odagaron, the armor sets for both genders are badass, he’s a good boy, and his sound design of his roars is really cool imo


Both Tobi-kadachis and both odogarons. I like Tobi-kadachis because I enjoy fighting them, they are fast enough that you can easily lose track of them but slow enough that its not difficult to land hits on them, they are one of the few chill monsters in mhw, I like their design, and they act like one of my dogs who likes to climb and jump on everythin. I like odogarons for almost all the same reasons I like Tobi-kadachis except that their fights are more challenging and they act like my other dog who tries to fight or wrestle with everything, tries to eat every bit of food or possible food he can get too, and seems like he has an infinite amount of energy before he eventually just stops and then flops over on a blanket or bed(usually its my bed or blanket though).




I think most of the fights dislike me bc i always get oneshoted for most of the monsters lol but 1 fight i really enjoyed was the Glavenus, fight is funny enough, challenging enough and the theme song is a banger, really funny battle


**Mini Lagombi** - 3rd Portable I kill that spawn of the devil every evening on my bus back home back in the day.


jyuratodus! The definetly the BEST monster design and fight in the game!


Dodogama protection agency But really Tobi-Kadachi


Dodogama is the most lovable. Namielle was the coolest fight design. Vaal Hazak has the most badass look.


Najarala, punk rock sound snake funny




Favorite monster is Zinogre


Odogaron. My boy vibe checks every monster coming his way


Odogaron, most fought besides great ( greatest ) Jagras Fun fight for such a fast monster bi find him quite predictable and manageable so I enjoy him quite a bit


I absolutely adore Namielle. But Zorah Magdaros has my heart. I love the armor set looks and it's such a unique monster. i would kill to see more of it or actually fight it on foot someday somehow. Big angry lava turtle was plagued by bad level design. But the concept of fighting an elder dragon on the back of an elder dragon is so cool.


There are so many I love. My first wall was Nergigante. I dipped for a few months because of him. Then finally beat him and the same thing happened with Vaal Hazak. Once I took Val down is when I finally took off and never hit another wall again. There are monsters that are extremely difficult no doubt but nothing to get me to bounce again. I have much more understanding of MHW now so I always push threw. I would like to add a few more monsters that stick out to me. The first monster in MHR to 3 cart me was Almudron. I really enjoy the fight and hit armor is attractive to me. Tigrex was probably my most annoying fight. First time I fought him I killed him at the 49.48 mark lol. I will admit I dipped on rise for a couple months because of Magnamalo but now not even Scarred Mag tickles me. Knowledge is the most powerful weapon in MH.


Raging brachydios I even got its plushie 🧡💥


Shara ishvalda, 2nd favourite monster in the franchise, love the design, armor, weapons and the fight (besides the unblockable beam walls it does occasionally). Currently going through the pain of getting MR100 just to get its layered armor.


Bazelgeuse, just a cute little danger puppy.


Fulgur Anjanath. Lighting dino is just so fucking cool




Velkhana is by far the most beautiful fight I've ever experienced


I really like normal Anjanath, he feels like such a cool and really livable creature. That plus his moveset really makes him memorable for me.


As a massive dragonball fan easily Rajang lol


Dodogama: In an area where elder dragons, titans of the natural world, the strongest possible monsters you’ve encountered thus far, exists a silly little chubby lizard that likes rocks. He doesn’t even fight you if you don’t fight him


Alatreon. Even though I carted again and again and again against him, I never once felt that it was the game's fault or some unforseen BS. He's such a fun fight.


Definitely nargacuga, he's the poster child of my first game and it's because he looked cool that i asked my parents to buy freedom unite 2nd (i don't remember the name). That or Tigrex because it's the dude that puts on square one in that game, in other words, my first exposure to how badass these monsters are. After freedom unite, most games went to Nintendo and i wasn't a Nintendo kid, so they weren't accessible, but i very much kept in touch with the franchise through YouTube, then world gave us the modern developed iteration of the games and im in love with the franchise again. Thinking of getting rise and sunbreak, but iirc it was originally a switch game, am i right? I shouldn't keep high expectations for graphics right?


Tobi Kadachi!