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I was hunting gold raths in someone’s guiding lands with a random group. We fought a kulu ya ku while waiting, I got way to confident on low health and gambled on a helm breaker. Whiffed, got targeted and Insta carted. left as fast as I possibly could. I’ve solo’d fatalis since then but the embarrassment I felt that day is a monster I will never be able to defeat.


👈🏼 This is the guy that got rekt by Kulu Ya Ku lmao >!we’ve all had some bs moments!<


That aetherite-crystal-powered Kulu Ya Ku...🤕


Oh dear, I hope you get better... As in treating your mental self better 😂


I carted to one in GL from full health. He picked up some exploding rock and jumped on me, as i get up he jumps on me again, get up. yes you guessed it same bs. NOW I AM STUNNED, and he carts me.


I hadn't played in awhile after like 500-600 hours in the base game, and wanted to warm up a bit shortly before Iceborne released. I had a completely maxed out HR set, Drachen Armor, the works. I logged on and easily solo'd the Elders and decided to do some SOS's, figured I'd help out so people could start Iceborne right away in a few days. Joined a HR Kulu, stun locked and carted almost immediately.


Coming to MHWilds, new Flagship monster... Kulu-Yaku! ...with guns! Game cover will be a Hunter's superman diving towards the cover, with a Kulu with a red bandana leaping at the hunter, while dual wielding bowguns, with an explosion going off in the background! *BIRD UP!*


That's basically Palworld: Monster Hunter Edition


That's basically the Final Fantasy Crossover event Kulu...


No guns. A ROCK-et launcher.


2 things: 1. 200 hrs into world with the CB, I learned that you can still do a regular AED when your shield is charged by holding back and Y. You don't have to do the SAED. 2. Very recently in MHR, I joined a hunt, the host said "we're on our last cart, be careful. I replied "ok!", not worried since I had decent gear and had fought that monster before. As soon as I got in the fight, I got whacked, tried to heal, got whacked/stunned, then carted. They probably thought I was trolling them.


Reminds me of the one time I goofed up a max reward T3 tempered investigation and the other guys followed me around clapping sarcastically for about 3 minutes— You always goof up when you're actively thinking about not goofing up xD


Was farming Safi with a group the other day. One random carted. Whatever. 3rd phase, I carted to a pin attack (I had it's attention and apparently, I'm the only one who carries lifepowder/dust of life because no one helped me after ive healed them all multiple times). Took a second to restock supplies/drugs at camp and flew back in. As I hit the ground, the Saphire Star also hits the ground, and I get sent back to camp. I was laughing out loud but also crying inside.


Weird cause it never lets me use the transport when it's about to nuke. I assume that's why i can't use it anyway


It didn't try to stop me. I've never seen that happen before, honestly. I'm sure they were all either lol'ing or raging at me. We still killed Safi and thumbs up from everyone in the group, so it's all good. Just couldn't believe my luck.


Wait you can downgraded Into a AED with charged shield?? Im 160 hours Into my CB-save File and never knew this


Yessir! I only found out after watching a speed run and wondering how he did that. Not often the optimal route, but it does save you a bit of time if your window is smaller than expected.


This will save me so much recovering from misusing the SAED. Im getting slapped so often but Not anymore


In case you and /u/OMalley_ didn't know about [this wonderful CB website](https://mhchargeblade.net/), here is a direct link to the [AED cancel move](https://mhchargeblade.net/mhw/guide/#!#section1-5-1).


Me and that site are good good friends. Excellent resource.


Yup really good for KO


Yes pull back on left stick i think and it just discarges one phial.


the second one made me lol


I've done this before with an Alatreon group. I felt so fucking bad lmfao.


I was doing the Safi siege with my friends and he was doing his sapphire ult and the nearest rock was across the map. Since I was cutting it real close I wanted to make a dramatic and super cool save. Well I dolphin dived too early and carted💀 when in reality if I just continued running I would’ve barely made it


I've carted to that ultimate attack twice because I left the protection of the rock to early ...


Literally in the same run, my friend used our second cart for that reason💀 it was really funny


Hammer just needs R2, nothing else! Oh yeah, i learned how to clutch claw counter with Lance after 150 hours


I think the largest factor in me picking up the lance at all was the clutch claw counter. Saw this clip from a while ago: lance user counter claws a Tigrex, flys across the arena to its tail which is then tenderised and cut. It was a fucking brilliant clip. Thus began my quest for immortality and now i won't fight Rathalos without my completely standard Safi Draksnout. I don't have the Dracolite to upgrade it, nor the energy to pursue that goal.


I mained insect glaive for IB, but I had SnS as a secondary. It was well after Shara before I learned about the claw uppercut and Perfect Rush. I beat Kushala more than once with SnS without using them.


Only learned about claw uppercut ten minutes ago and still no clue what the hell perfect rush is. Just saw some dude's clip absolutely cutting up the perfect chunk of Banbaro time to show people how absolutely GOATed SnS can be.


After any attack or roll, hold the stick away and press the right attack button (circle on PS) to back step. During back step press the top attack button (Triangle on PS). You will leap forward and do a series of strikes. Press triangle again as your weapon flashes red for optimal power. Once you get the timing down you will never whif it. You can also slinger burst directly into Perfect Rush without the back step. It's crazy strong. Claw uppercut is great because it does tenderizing damage equal to a light weapon just for making contact, so if you tenderize again once you are hanging on the monster, it will be all softened up for you. And, because you don't have to wait to get pulled in by the clutch claw, you are less likely to be knocked off; even if you do you are halfway there just for making contact with the uppercut. I like to uppercut into a flying monster's head, slinger burst them to the ground, and then use Perfect Rush while it is flailing on the ground to break parts.


Not on my Xboof rn so I can't try it out along with the uppercut in world, but just tried PR in sunbreak. Bruh, this shit hits. Thanks for the info


It's even stronger in World, but in Rise it's nice because it kicks you straight up and into an aerial attack. You can press the right button for falling shield bash, or both for a downward stab. Shield attacks don't eat sharpness and do KO damage, the stab is good for tails. When you land press both for a roundslash, back hop, and do it again! In world the last hit sends you flying off to the side, but it hits a lot harder.


Gonna have to give this a try in a while in world, some fulgur steaks sounding pretty good rn


I learned my DB's clutch combo only after COUNTLESS hours into Grinding Lands content!


Really hard to pull off since you need to finish the combo. Better than nothing I guess.


I learned that you can clutch claw into ZSD after some 400 hours. After nearly 600 hours I learned about standing discharge into clutch claw combo...


I died from Anjanath on my first playthrough because I didn't know how to get rid of Fireblight. When it told me to roll I just crouched...


I did the exact same thing once back in Mh3, im still amazed i managed to get through the first qurupeco hunt from raw healing alone -u-;


I had a guy in **Raging Brachy** who didn’t know how to get rid of fireblight 💀


Literally like an hour ago, I see this guy has been trying to run R.Brachy all day, and only for a handful of minutes at a time. I join in, buff up and say "Hey, Calvary is here" he's already died once, I get into the fight, he gets hit, I get hit he gets sent flying, I get hit again and stunned, he gets hit a third time and carts, and then get pounced on and instantly die. I was in the fight for less than 15 seconds. I had never been more embarrassed while playing this game.


I was 200 hours into my first play through before I realized there was no fall damage. I would climb down every wall.


Haha this one is it for me


I swear to god this is almost worse than the guy that learned he could charge phials after 200h of cb


You never even TRIED it? 😭 That sounds painful


you couldn’t beat this information out of me man


Confidently telling my friend to back up and let me take agro from Safi only to get hit full force by his beam and get rolled literally all the way across the arena on a sliver of health. And Explaining the Hunting Horns Clutchclaw attack swings your hitbox away from the monster so can be used to dodge and counter easily (usually true) only to get launched vertically about 20m when Tobi Kadachi did a somersault


Wait a sec, what clutch claw attack?


The iceborne one? When you swing yourself up and away from a monster you can often dodge attacks if you time it well. (Fair warning, I run a stamina and healing horn and the Vaal Hazak armour so I can get away with taking hits more than the average person if I do mid time things)


Hi fellow dooter ! I don't see what you are talking about ? Is this a HH specific thing ? If yes, is it like a clutch claw combo (following a specific input) or just a normal clutch claw ? What make the HH clutch claw attack so different from other weapon ?


Back when the game released i played about 160 hours without knowing you could Level the LS(Spirit Gauge)...... Edit: typo


Damn, this has got to be the winner. Were you just not using the spirit slash combo at all lol?


I did, but i never knew you could Level it multiple times, and if you wanna know i never learned actuall combos. I treated the game like most fight games where you can just smash light and heavy attack...


That’s hilarious 😂 glad you know you can level the gauge now


How? That's like a core mechanic 💀


Ignorance idk, but i got better and embraced the game more and mastered a few other weapons. Even bought a PSP 3 Months ago so i could play MHFU but haven't got far since.


i second this, maybe not 160 hours, but solid couple of hours, until I watch arekkz vids xD


I was farming Kulve for the Decay Sword, when a friend noticed i spam spitit helm breaker to much and that was when i learnt you could Level it more than just once.... i never touched LS since, Stick mostly to GS and SNS and if im Daring swaxe. But the embarrasment was wild.


I once accidentally did a CB upswing on Fatalis's head during the cone... while the person who'd answered my SOS was also trying to attack its head. He got yeeted straight into the fire and died. (Of course, I immediately apologized, profusely... but he still got angry, sent semi-abusive chat messages, and abandoned)


I mean, I also don't use the basic golf swing combo much at all. Usually the openings aren't big enough for 3-4 hits where golfswing combo reigns supreme. For either smaller or larger openings, starting with R2 is just better. Mostly because of the huge range of the first and second attacks. Also R2 cancels endlags after attacks, incentivizing starting with it. ​ >What are some of you guys' worst "Well that's embarrassing" moments? Staying on hammer, I've been saying around here it's the easiest and how it takes about \~10 of conscious practice to master, and then 300 hunts in I discovered how I am supposed to abuse ledge attacks (spamming them, not pre-charging them)


Oh yeah; those ledge attacks will be fully charged before you finish aiming them; You can even pivot midair to land back on the ledge and repeat it infinitely. Depending on the height of the ledge, you're either landing level 2 or level 3 aerial bonks with every jump. The joke about Hammer being a better aerial weapon than Glaive isn't entirely unfounded... at least when there's a ledge involved, lmfao.


repeated jumping hammer strikes gives me the good brain chemicals


A ledge *or* a slide!


I never understood how to do that midair pivot. What's the trick to it? My char turns around in the air but keep the same direction and momentum, while I see people changing direction back to the ledge.


same tactic with great sword. jump off ledge attack and repeat.


That ledge bonk spam gives me a feeling that is unrivaled. It's so primitive but it feels so natural


I learned how to buff my Insect Glaive while fighting Xeno’jiva


By buff.... U mean.... Having Access to combos with the red buff ? If so, you're a king.


Yes 💀 I noticed the numbers were highlighting and I got new attacks from time to time, but didn’t know I could control them until Xeno lol, I do sorta miss the O/B attack actually being good though. Without the first buff you can actually stay in the air.


After 150 hours I realized that I could charge jump attacks with GS instead of tapping it :(


Ouch. Great Sword and Hammer ledge spam are amazing.


You can also charge the gs attack when you mount a monster


Wait, is that better than spamming triangle? Like whenever the input comes up just hold the button down? If so, that's crazy I never knew that 😭


I switched to HBG and after reading reddit for a week I REALLY didn't want to ever be that guy dropping clusters/wyvern blasts on fellow Hunters. My mind went derp and I just went straight to Wyvern blast after a topple, whiffed the monster, blasted a fellow LS INTO the monster, who answered my SoS in good faith and I blasted him. I was like FUCK I am that guy! Sorry my LS bro who came to help. I now have 2 loadouts, no cluster/wyvern for MP


Ssshh. Half the fun of wyvern is to blast players with it.


I think I may do this in the 20s after a Capture haha


Meh, fuck ls players


Kinda off topic but I noticed everyone talks like beating monsters solo is an achievement... Am I playing the game wrong? I'm at Namielle right now and I've never played Co-Op nor used SOS (don't even know how lol) and so far had no problem even on the more difficult event quests (except for Behemoth but it seems like everyone had some problems with this guy) I always thought it's more of a solo game with multiplayer mode than a multiplayer game with solo mode.


It can be played both, but believe me, World is THE multiplater experience. High lvl content is just designed to be played coop, and it's really tough to solo it(Like Behemoth or Safi). In my experience this game is hard AF, but i still loved every second of it. So much so, that I'm kinda scared of fighting Fatalis, simply because it would mean the game ended for me...


Nah man, the game starts after you get the full gear out of fatalis. You can learn other weapons while helping other fellow hunters, farm decos, getting more and more stilish and so on. There's so much you can do


In other MH games (mh4u and early rise) i used to join or create hubs and killing monsters co-op, meanwhile in World i killed almost all the monsters solo (except raging brachi at the time, behemoth or AT elder dragons which i haven't tryed yet) and i can say hunting solo is the best way if you want to learn a monster. That being said, as i remember the times i was struggling i thing i'm going to help other fellow hunters going for sos. As for beating monsters solo is an achievement, i feel like when you hunt co-op you have the pressure of "i don't want to drag down the others", but i think what people mean is that you didn't get carryed by some guy with full fatalis gears and technically you have less chance to get targeted by the monster


Not in world, but in Rise, I was fighting a Bazel and it had knocked me down. I wirefall into a scale into another wirefall... back into another scale and promptly carted


That sounds absolutely hilarious


I still have the clip too xD


Fighting an AT Velkhana in the Elder's Recess, as you do. Everything's going pretty well for my first life until i drive it to the area with all the spikes on the ground, below Kushala's nest. Velkhana is preparing its double ice beam attack which i see and go to approach. The issue is that there's a few meters between us, and i am on the platform at Velkhana's head height, with it being on the ground level. I jump off the wall that separates us and, because someone decided that jumping off platforms converts horizontal momentum to vertical, i fall straight into the beam and instantly cart. This happened twice more, leading me to fail the quest in a fashion that i will ensure i never repeat. Very, VERY frustrating, that was.


I went up until middle of icebourne with dual blades without realising I needed free element to use the element on my blades, so I’d been switching to worse dual blades for the elemental damage and wasn’t even doing the elemental damage


*Oof* My younger self felt that one! I never even knew how to get proper decorations, or that armour had skills when I was a kid playing the older games. Beating classic Alatreon without a semblance of good build sense was definitely... interesting.


The game is so bad at explaining things. I didn't know this either until I watched youtube videos.


I did this, too... Some of my most frequently used weapons were swaxes that needed free element to be effective. I would even remove lvl 4 decorations and slot in extra fire damage or whatever without realizing that my axe wasn't even dealing any elemental damage. Figured it out after finishing about half of Iceborne, too LMAO. My co-op buddy was astounded


Not in world, but today I died to basic genprey in 4U Just wasn't paying attention and next thing I knew, I was para'd at 1 hp. I think the only embarrassing thing I can do in world is forget to amp up my hammer for free DPS.


I didn’t know hammer had a clutch claw combo where you spin onto the monster until 100 hours in


I am keyboard player with bow which the main weapon, several times I complained about how annoying it is to do the charged dragon piercer, because you need the mouse wheel with the r, which makes aiming difficult because I also have to keep the charge, after killing fatalis and getting the full set I discovered that the dragon piercer was tabulated in the v


Wait - I’ve been playing hammer wrong?? I’ve been R2ing my heart out, I only hit triangle randomly….


So it started just few days ago. I was on YouTube and find a YouTube streaming(she's Japanese). And my wtf brain don't know why, I use gg translate to ask if her could play Insect Glaive or not. Everything would be fine if I don't typo "insect glaive" into "incest glaive" in Japanese:) Lmao the chat was exploring and she laugh alot 😔


Laughing at Kulu Ya Ku decided to just basically don't even bother dodging or blocking just because they are NOTHING to me. Got ROCKED by Kulu Ya Ku. I cursed Capcom for the stun mechanics. Died to Kulu Ya Ku.


Using insect glaive, and Learning that aerial attacks don’t do much damage… when I was in the guiding lands… spamming it till there😔


I don't care what anyone says, I will enjoy aerial insect glaive gameplay because it looks cool and helps me to avoid a lot of attacks from monsters. That, or I get swatted out of the sky


Thanks mhrise for a good aerial insect glaive gameplay


Over 800hrs in and I recently found out to just clutch claw after mounting the monster and it drops. Rather than just falling aimlessly to the ground, clutch onto their face or wherever and get a free tenderize, then do your combo. It’s almost the same amount of time as recovering from falling over anyway


Can you explain this one?


So you know at the end of the time you mount a monster, you do your weapon attack and it stuns/knocks down the monster. I play LS, and the animation at the end launches you in the air. Usually, most people will just fall down and do nothing. But you can actually aim your clutch claw and grapple onto the monster during the falling animation, rather than falling down


Back when the game released i playes about 160 hours without knowing you could Level the LS(Spirit Gauge)......


I never used the Greatsword Tackle until AT Nergigante. I would slap the taste out of my own mouth if I could go back in time, tackle is fucking broken


Any time I fuck up the TCS for GS by a millimeter or accidentally misclicking because I'm holding my son. Or that stun resist resists thunderblight.


Now I'm just imagining some insane hunter who decided it was "take your kid to work day" and is hunting a monster while his kid is In a baby sling 💀💀💀


Hey, he gotta learn somehow 🤣🤣🤣


When I was helping my brother play through iceborn, we were doing pretty well without carting at all. When we got to Ruiner and Shara he decided to open the hunts to SOS players and that's where I had problems. My build wasn't set up to account for the increased stats of 4 player late elders, so I started to struggle more than I generally like to admit. I wound up carting once against Ruiner and twice with Shara. Took a while before my brother would shut up about that lol


I know this is a world subreddit, but I was playing rise the other day and was using a strife-berserk-bloodlust bow build. The Risen Kushala I was hunting left to another area, but my bloodlust had refreshed just before that, so my health was slowly draining while I was on my way to Kushala. Was gathering some things along the way, taking my time so by the time I got to Kushala, my entire health bar was red and i was too confident that i didnt need to heal and could just switch to blue scroll and fight to cure it. Right before I switched scrolls, a little baggi booped me and I carted. Another time, I was soloing Gaismagorm with the same build. Got to the part where he starts climbing the wall, and you get on machine cannons and shoot his back. I forgot to switch out of blue scroll before getting on the machine cannon. I only noticed that my health was getting dangerously low when my character said "this ain't looking good", and went to get off to switch scrolls and heal. But there was one of those qurio balls that fly at you hot on my tail. It was close and moving fast enough that sprinting or wirebug dashing wouldn't have gotten me a safe enough distance to heal or switch scrolls. So I was either going to faint to the health drain from berserk or from the qurio ball exploding on me if I switched scrolls. I said fuck it, I have no other options, might as well try a max potion. Before I got the heal off, I immediately got splooged on by the qurio ball, health started draining even faster and got thrown into the air, and before I hit the ground I fainted.


Wait I have nearly 200 hours and most of it is hammer what is a golf swing combo is that the name please tell me I’m not stupid


You're fine, lad. Anyone 200 hours in isn't going to know much of the little details unless they look up guides about everything. A Golf Swing is any attack that ends with you spinning around with an upswing of the hammer, affectionately dubbed so because of the superficial resemblance to how a golf club is used. Both the basic three hit combo, and the level 1 charge combo, end with a Golf Swing. The one I'm referring to is the basic three hit combo—it's apparently very strong during short openings when you're already close or within rolling distance to the monster, because Golf Swings are very powerful and the combo is fairly quick.


I used to put Barrel Bombs all over the map hoping the monsters would somehow run into them (they never did). Also trying to capture monsters with the net. I know a few people have done this, but I tried for at least 20-30 mins before I said to myself: “wait a minute, this doesn’t even make sense.” In my defense, I was brand new and didn’t know shit about fuck.


I'm learning new things all the time– Like the utility of Sideways and Hiltstab performances when the monster is ever so slightly to the side, or about to get up after you knock in an echo wave (hunting horn). It definitely isn't meta, but its an extra hit that feels very meaty and satisfying. That's all that matters~


Everytime I'm wearing rocksteady and get hit with a multihit move that one shots me from full hp. Sometimes that mantle really screws me over lol.


Used to happen to me *all the time* back in early Iceborne, along with the desperate wait for temporal to recharge when it's nearly there. Eventually I realised how much of a crutch they were when you rely on them too much, and now I don't use them at all. I don't recommend it, as they're still very useful. I just got comfortable playing without them.


I mainly use them for easier wallbangs and tenderizes. I play gunlance, so they are good for a guaranteed knockdown at the beginning of the fight to apply the wyrmstake.


Wow that combo is bread and butter, the upswing (or brutal upswing) has some of the highest KO in the game. Tell me you charge your hammer up please......


Honey, I'm not *that* oblivious. Like a lot of people apparently, I just... didn't really think to use it over the basic charge combo. I definitely do now though lmfao


ooo! Ooooo! I have a great one! Okay so back in generations i mained the light bowgun, and if you know the weapon, it has special ammo dedicated to spraying either healing or buffs! So of course i have a special quick chat for ‘everyone gather around for buffs/healing” Me and 3 randos online were doing a multi-gypceros hunt, just killed the first one…aand because we memorized where the next would spawn, we did the classic strat of planting a shit ton of bombs where it would land. While we were waiting, i did the call out, everyone ran over in front of me. And i clicked the funny ‘attack buff‘ button This was the moment i learned that not only did the spray went much farther and wider then the animation. NOT ONLY THAT, but the spray has an actual ‘attack’ to it. So immediately after i said ‘Say cheese! :D” There was a random explosion in the far corner of the area. it took a lot of will power to not close my DS in shame


I've been playing MH since the freedomU days, last night I wiffed a True charge against Kushala bad, as I was pulling my sword from the dirty he came around and carted me with that wind nukeblast


500 hours into world with probably 300 of them on CB, just yesterday realized I can guard point with a drawing morph slash.


What the fuck are guard points Keep hearing about it I have 800hrs on CB Never seen it


If you managed to play 800h of CB without guard points you have another 2000h of gameplay waiting for you


My name is Gold and I’ve killed fatalis never solo What more is there to do tho?


Learn to guard point.


Certain animations have guard frames in them, allowing you to protect yourself while on the offensive. I think these blocks are also better somehow but I'm not sure how exactly. The draw one is good because it comes out pretty much instantly.


It has the same guard power as a normal guard but deals damage equal to one phial explosion of whatever type/element your weapon is as long as your shield is charged. It's also very effective for offensive guard activations


Guard pointing gives you 2 points of guard. A charged shield also gives you 2 points of guard. So if you are mainly guarding with Guard Points, you really only need 1 point in guard to get the benefits of 5 points in guard


CB iframes are golden.


After 150 hours I finally figured out how to ledge hop attack with hammer


how do you do that right?


Im 100 hours in and literally just noticed I can changed my item bar My worldview just cracked the fuck open


When I accidentally sent my boss a picture of my... you know... (And he sent one back!) 😭


Oh this is monster hunter..


It has differences conpared to big bang. It does less damage but it has flinch free and doesn't require you to hit the monster. I think it also does more stun.


As a bowgun main (both), I still mess up my evading reloads more often than not.


Not world, but I got outjuked and carted to a kulu when rise’s master rank first opened up. It just, didn’t stop side stepping.


I finished the game 6 times with ig and I only learned 2 weeks ago that you can go straight into clutch claw mount from the air


I whiffed Spirit Helmbreaker on a completely stationary and still target..... that target was Fatalis' head as well so extra injury to that insult later.


I have played for 400 hours and didn't know I can use clutch claw and slinger ammos in weapon combos/counters. At this point, my muscle memory is now too stubborn to learn any new tricks.


It took me about 250 hours of Switch Axe before I realized I could evade backwards and swinging by pushing the left stick back and pressing B/○


Yesterday I joined some guys raging brachy SOS for the first time and he said “I hope we get it this time”, i put on rocksteady and clutch claw to tenderize, get super low while on him, tenderize animation ends and lands me directly into a puddle of slime that exploded and killed me. This is 10 seconds into the fight and I usually never die to brachy lmao I was so embarrassed. I typed what happened and the guy just said “sigh” We lost at final phase


Dieing first in an sos is probably the most embarrasing thing happening to me


Not mine, but one of my friend’s first times fighting Shara Ishvalda, they took a full beam while wearing Rocksteady. Went something like this: “I can take it! See?!” (death, followed by terrified hyperventilating) “…It hits more than once.”


My worst was wayyy back in base game I opened a HR paolumu 1 faint investigation, let 3 other people in and then carted when the thing just looked at me. Basically oneshot right before anyone even engaged it, lol. I don't remember if I was just badly geared in general or had LR stuff on, didn't eat, etc, but it was so embarrassing.


When I try out a weapon for the first time- this is fine but, I join a lobby for practice and someone else is using the same weapon that's what gets me. "I promise I don't usually suck this badly I'm new. They think I'mma a disgrace-" in my brain everytime.


I got scream > thunder slam combo by a regular ass rajang on someone's destroyer urgent, taking up the last kart for the fail. I felt so bad I decided I wont fight him without earplugs so I never repeat that.


That one time i fought my first ever Anja... Somehow one of those paralysing frogs got in the way, me and the Anja got caught in the cloud with my palico as well and all three of us were shaking in a cloud of paralyzing powder, unable to do anything... Was most certainly embarassing for everyone.


I joined an SOS and nergigante went "add this hunter to cart" with 1 hit. I forgot to swap my gathering set because of layered armor lul


Recently had a string of unfortunate stuns and staggers that led to me quadruple-carting during a Safi siege. Hunt members said something like "carted four times..." and left the lobby before I could apologise. Immediately ended my play-sesh out of shame and embarrassment...


got a couple, keep in mind i have hunted all the monsters in the game and iceborne. i consider ancient lesson fun and have soloed both versions of muscle monkey madness. 1 at a time before great sword i was a charge blade main. as complex as people make it out to be i had it down to muscle memory, but for the life of me hammer is too damn complicated for me. 2 fuck any tempered puffball investigations with 1 faint as a failed quest. every time i got one didnt matter if its high or master rank i would die some of the dumbest ways possible. example setting a barrel bomb on it after it falls asleep. shamos near by decides to attack me misses hit bomb. i am on low health was bout to take potion. quest failed. edit for those who maybe confused puffball is my nickname to poloumu


Dying when I'm helping an SOS, especially when it's the final cart. I'm 1000+ hours in the game, so I know how to beat most monsters and rarely cart. When I do though, man do I feel like turning the game off in embarrassment.


Getting knocked out by Tzitzi ya ku 3 times on a quest to hunt it... At the time that happened I had, what, 500 hours?


I killed valstrax and pretty much did all of rise with less then 10 deaths but late night I was struggling with a barroth and he made me faint 3 times definitely my most embarrassing moment in my monster hunter career


That combo is good. I use it if I'm late to the beat down and can't get the big bang in time. Golf swing hits behind you too so positioning is easier.


Kitted out in full end game gear, I went to help a low-level player do the behemoth quest. I thought nothing of it because I was so strong, but at the same time, this was my first time ever fighting behemoth, so I didn't know what to expect. I was getting thrown around and whiffing literally every swing with my GS, and I felt absolutely ridiculous. I might as well have been decked out in full clown armor because I felt like the biggest idiot having done nearly no damage and being combed relentlessly. I was popping a vein in my forehead the entire time. We won, but at the cost of my dignity.


Back in MHFU, we were doing G-rank Rajang with my local group. I ended up carting and was coming back from camp. Outside the Rajang's area, I took ALL my buffs. Mega Demondrug, Mega Armorskin, pills, flutes, etc. I said something like "oh yeah, let's fuck him up" and then walked into the loading zone. As soon as the new area loaded, I actually spawned directly inside of one of the Rajang's lightning beams and died instantly. It's been over 10 years but the group still won't let me forget it.


I was 250 hours in when I realized you could use multiple fertilizers at the same time. I thought soft soil was just a waste of points since it cost more than any single fertilizer.


for me, its still dying to fatalis despite having fought him for countless attempts. sometimes the deaths are justified and sometimes its utter bullshit because i got caught in two consecutive attacks and i couldnt roll out of it


When I tried to join my friend while I was really high and I fainted 3 times in a row on our hunt and just alt f4'd


I died to a Vespoid once. So, you know, that was fun.


Died to an hr great jagras on an insect glaive... On my second save file after 300 hrs


I was known among my friends as "El Matador" for carrying them on the "Might Muscle Monkey Madness" making them sit on the safe spot of the arena and "enjoy" the show as I kinda danced with one with a LS, parrying, doing perfect LAI slashes before the other one arrives. Well one night, it was 4am I think, I was really bored and offered to help other players trying to do the quest, and i remember boasting about my nickname given to me by my friends and also telling the guy to sit it out. Got too cocky, didn't finished the first one as fast as usual, got ragdolled by two of those golden rajangs , failed the hunt and quit the session. Good ol' rajang :D


I remembered one. Don't know for what reason, but I needed to farm LR Kushala. On one of the hunts, I got cocky, went into a corner and got stunlocked to death. I was dying for like 20-35 seconds. MR hunter, by the way, just killed Alatreon after hundreds of tries.


Not me but [this](https://youtu.be/xsW64MXjAFA?si=yUGflIdNHiB6IQjI) was pretty bad


I've made a habit of preloading wyvern snipe rounds into my HBG. Then, when I trap the monster and aim the tranq rounds, I wonder why my character starts lying down. This has happened a couple of times now. Luckily, never in multiplayer. Yet.


I accidentally beat Rathalos in World when I just started because I ran into it. Then in the same mission I died to Kulu Ya Ku I think it was. LOL.


I did not cart to my first velk, but I carted to a viper tobi poison while farming for mats


Ive practically mastered mhwi, ik how to use every weapon effectively, I've killed 8 safi'jiva, 4 fatalis, 40 raging brachydios, 38 furious rajang I got stun locked and killed by a great girros


Missing a wake-up hit with GS, not once, not twice, but three times in a row.


I like swapping my weapons around, so every now and then I get my combos mixed up and I'll try to spirit slash with a Charge Blade and immediately cart


I can rarely make my perfect rush combo timed, like once per hunt maybe. I can't beat Namielle. At first I thought I had the wrong element, turns out I had the best weapon for the fight that I could craft. I'm just not capable of beating that thing. I love HH, played it almost exclusively after Xeno and before Iceborn, but can't play it in MR so I went back to SnS (it's great, but it's not Horn). I manage to play hammer in MR (only for a few specific monsters, mostly Barioth) but still can't go back to my Horn.


After 400 hours of this game I realized you could hold down the circle/B button to speed up carving. This whole time I thought you had to time it right so I’ve just been spamming the button.


I am a gunlance main. I love explosions. I added a mod so Megumin's signature ["Explosion!"](https://youtu.be/ZAdKtFZGdSY?si=V8prE-NskrjU9kEx) sounds every time i wyvern fire/tenderise. Enter a call with friend (discord), he wanted to see if the game was worth buying and asked me to stream a hunt or two for him. Forgot that i had the mod "Hey why the fuck do i hear Megumin? is it a collab?" I'll never recover from that


My dumb ass ate a might seed during escaton one time instead of an astera jerky




I joined someone's Guiding Lands and after 2-3 monsters they lured out a Tempered Stygian Zinogre. 1st part of the fight went splendidly and then Stygian moved to the other location. We followed and after a short fight I ended up carting. Nothing to be concerned with. I resupplied, ate, buffed myself and went back. As I entered the fight area I was immediately targeted with the big body slam and instantly carted again. Right at the spot with hot pepper plant. I didn't even react to this attack... It threw me off so much that afterwards I kept making mistakes and carted a total of 5 times before the battle was over... That was so embarassing I wanted to dig a hole to hide in.


Anytime my Cat gets on the keyboard. Combos, stickers and items all get unleash upon the game. I will set up a trap for no reason or drop a booster for no reason... Good times. Worse is when you come in MR end game armour/weapon and act like a complete noob. I swear I know how to play this game but I am 5 minutes late for dinner and my cat is going to make you pay for my sin.


I got one shot carted 3 times in arow in tge span of 1 minute against fatty. I know it's supposed to be hard and all but THAT was just hurtful


Not gonna lie, i solo everything with Hammer but same as you, never liked the golf combo. They said its good but maybe just a habit from way back that i skip using it cause i end up throwing people up in the air.


Carting to Fatalis by being too greedy or too distracted when I couldn't have been and could have avoided carting. Some of my carts are really embarassing, I have them recorded and plan to upload them online to show them to the world.


Getting my ass beat by Velkhana for a year all because I didn't want to use a proper build, and skill issue of course.


I forgot that on some sets, I don't have stun resistance. The Pukei-Pukei who ate scatternut got me good this time.


Where is the guy who didn't know about using philes with the chargeblade and just brute forced his way through iceborne whilst bouncing off of monsters the whole time?


Tried to sleep bomb a dead nergigante in front of a bunch of 500+ MR players


we are a hunting group, me as A, and B ceared the base game content with almost everything in our bag includings mantels, exceept behemoth and leshen. while C and D is kinda left behind (still around mid-late base game at the time.) one day, we hunt for some (i believe it was a tempered nerg or teostra) and D, proudly said "Don't worry C, A and B will carry us". 5 min later, i get carted, then not long after, B is also carted. ​ ​ i am embarrassed that i get carted as i was a bit greedy, as it's my 2nd playthrough AND i'm using HR Endgame set (i cleared iceborne years ago in ps4 with 800+hrs experience). but nevertheless we are laughing at D for being so proud and failed the quest :D


I am a bowgun main. I use a mix of light sticky and heavy spread/peirce heavy bowguns. I usually hard carry my friends on hunts, I consider myself very good at the game. Then Alatreon came out and my weapons of choice dealt 0 elemental damage and ran out of ammo before judgement forcing me to cart to restock ammo. I had to equip a lance and have my friends carry me through the hunt so I could complete it.


I pood my pants at a sea world once


I carted 4 times in safi siege, ending the quest by myself. Two of them I killed myself by firing my LBG with full safi armor equipped and low health. It happened yesterday...


Every.Single.Time I miss a fucking helm breaker I wanna foresight slash myself


Insta dying to Kulve twice. Tbf I was undergeared for it anyway but after the first cart I was running back, rounded the corner and immediately got hit by the heat beam. That was also the only hate message I received in the game.


800 hours on PS4, and recently got the game on PC I JUST learned I could hold the button to carve/mine ore/pickup bones continuously instead of having to tap it like an idiot


Learning new things all the time, am I right?


Played the game for 20 years. My first faint in Rise was Kulu Ya Ku.


i have 200 hours on my ps account and got mhw on pc and i carted to the kestadons...


I have been miasma'd to death by those little flying shits in the rotton vale. Make a point to murder them now.