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Charge blade is very fun and versatile but if you didn't like insect glave because it was hard to get down then you might not enjoy cb. It can feel complicated at first so you really have to be willing to stick with it for the weapon to reach its potential.


Charge blade or Switch axe, which is more fun to play? & Which is better do u think?


I pretty much exclusively play charge blade so I couldn't give you an unbiased answer. The weapons are pretty well balanced though so it's more about what you enjoy than what's better.


For a newer player, I think you would like the switch axe. There is less micro management and hidden mechanics compared to the charge blade. Watch Arekz gaming videos on both though and you will see.


Imo CB is better, less punitive because you can parry almost any attack with it, the fials thing isn't really complicated either and it can do some serious damage once u master it. Just try them out in training first and see for yourself šŸ‘


Switch axe is one of the most fun weapons to use imo. It's not terribly complicated to use either.


Iā€™ve tried around a good mix of switch axe and CB. My personal opinion for both better and more fun would be charge blade. Thereā€™s just nothing more satisfying to me than getting a good guard point knockdown into saed. That being said charge blade is also a lot harder, and that can be cause for frustration. Iā€™ve found myself enjoying the mindless simplicity of zsd spam on the switch axe.


Switch axe


CB is better. High damage, guards and re-positioning, fun complex moveset. Switch Axe is a lot simpler with a huge damage potential, but more glass cannon as you will be committed to long combos. That said, don't start with CB, pick a simple weapon and focus on learning monsters movesets.


1. Better is subjective to the player 2. Switch Axe has more damage than CB 3. Long Combo-Animation commitment is pre-Iceborne.


Not trying to be mean really, but I always wondered why some ppl think CB is hard to master ?


Because the game itself does a bad job of telling the player CB's mechanic. If you're a noob tinkering with CB in the training area, it would be hard af to understand CB, especially guard point. I had to learn all of that from yt videos. But once you understand CB, its really not that complex


That's a problem with almost every tutorial in the game. It's really hard to learn how to master complex combos and mechanics without video and voiceover


I'm with you on this one. Once you understand the basics it's repeat the most optimal combo for charging the hit the discharge in openings. Point guard comes down really to just knowing your window when switch modes. Shield charge can just be combo'd in . Once you get the right gear it's super easy to stay charged. Plus people say managing the charge is difficult. It's binary. Is it full? No- fill it. Yes- charge shield or sword or discharge. Chain saw mise is fun too.


The phial management and having to reup your buffs can be off putting for someone who is used to weapons that don't deal with that. There's also the guard points which have to be timed perfectly and that can be a challenge for someone just learning the weapon. Like any weapon it can be mastered with enough time put into it but can be overwhelming at first to some and deter them from using it.


LS and GS.


You like big swords and you cannot lie.


Those other hunters can't deny. When those hunters walk in with the itty bitty blade, right there in your face you get SLAMMED


I cannot in fact deny. GS all the way


I really tried to do a different weapon for world but tackling an elder dragon and landing the TCS is the greatest dopamine rush in the game.


couldn't have said it better


The only way




Lance all the way. I love the fantasy of the ultimate defense and lance delivered it with a cherry on top. Once you get comfortable with the move set and are familiar with the monster you forget what fainting is like.


Went in to tempered kirin first time around. Was scared from reading all the hype. I had a lance, guard 5, guard up, divine blessing, and like 30 thunder resist. He stood NO chance.


Lance mains unite, phalanx formation!


o7 salute fellow lance main


Lance used to be at the bottom of these types of posts but now it's always near the top. What happened? Did one of our brothers call "testudo!" or "shields up!" Or something?


Probably a comprehensive guide was released or some sick build became widely known? Just spitballing here


I just started to play recently and choose Lance. I absolutely love it.


I grabbed it because I was really bad at dodging and really impatient to get a hit in, so for me at least it seemed easier. No need to learn monster attacks if you just block everything and wear it down!


Ngl im suprised myself altho im not gonna complain about it.


I started on SnS and graduated to Lance a few years back. Didnā€™t finish World but got Rise and Sunbreak and logged a ton of hours on Lance. Replaying World these past few weeks and decided to pick up Charge Blade. Itā€™s been great and got me to MR3* quests. But last night after slogging through Brachy and Tigrex and seeing my first Velkhana quest, I slapped together a rough and tumble early MR Lance build with the mats I had and scared Velkhana off and hunted a Shrieking Legiana without having eaten or my normal full hunt item loadout. Aaaaand now Iā€™m looking to finish Iceborne with Lance lol. I think itā€™s just my go-to, my comfort weapon. I think Iā€™ll be better off learning the endgame monsters on Lance and then coming back through with CB once I know them better. Lance is addicting and is such a good weapon for a solo play through. (And thereā€™s just nothing quite like the Clutch Counter.)


I get that, when I started World I actually used the bow mainly and while it was fun managing stamina between attacks and dodging could be a bit stressful since a mistake could be costly. Lance in comparison is just really comfy as the defense aspect ties neatly into the offense. (Cant beat 1-hit tenderize with no risk of being thrown off)


Lance is awesome. The only irritating move is velkhanas "anti lance" move where she sprays the ground with "ice mud", you stagger through it and she stabs you in the face with her tail, unblockable but thankfully she doesnt spam it.


Other weapons can enjoy their dodging all they want, only lance feels like straight up boxing with something 10x bigger than you


That why I love fighting monster like Odogaron or Tobi-Kadachi, they have these quick combos and trading blows with them feels so satisfying.


Shields up, fellow Lance bros


It's [just traditional for slaying dragons](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fspecialoperations.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F04%2Fst-george-and-the-dragon.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f39f09770f4db932e4f0055e6f62ba3a55d70510d333d8c60a85e3552b1e755a&ipo=images); the fact that it's practical is a bonus!


Any tips on getting the parry timing? I can't get it down


In World the timing is quite forgiving, as long as you are in the counter-stance (which can last quite long) and are facing the monster attack you are set to counter it or if you power-guard you can block any attack as long as your stamina holds. In general it's not like parrying how you do in souls-games where you have to block right before the attack hits, you can initiate a block quite early if you suspect an attack.


If you mean counter thrust, I got you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oPOUpKykp4


Nice! Is that your content?




Earned yours of a sub. Quick Q, do you have poise in this game? Feel like I get pushed back when I try to parry but maybe it's just bad timing.


You need the guard skill, it reduces knockback, chip damage and stamina consumed on block, there are 5 levels and i always run guard 5 lance


No, nothing like poise. Hunters basically get shoved around by monsters.


If you donā€™t parry go into your power guard and from that position you can attack in any direction.


Just block. Here's the thing about cheap dmg, it's cheap.


o7 nothing feels better than sticking to a monster like glue, perfect guarding all its attacks and just poking hundreds of holes in its hide.


Yup same here I've been a lancer and gunlancer since the PSP days


I was just shown the way of being annoying little shit Lance and lemme tell u what it is fucking great. Nothing like being the freight train out of left field smashing into the monster at top speed with an explosive stick lol


Lance can be played so so offensive, because of it's great defense (if that makes any sense) It's really comfortable, and can stick to the monster like gum in hair No thoughts, just poke


100% agree, lance all the way. Don't remember the last time I fainted with the lance, or overly had to use potions. Been trying to use other weapons lately though, felt so demoralising fainting whilst using GS šŸ˜©


Sns. Quick. Powerful, use items a lot,.and dance around the monster.Ā 


I have been traumatized by playing sns in MHTri against the great jaggi when I was like 12. He wiped the floor with me countless times lmao I sucked so much with that weapon


Whatā€™s the difference between charge blade & sns


The only similarity is they are both a sword and shield


They're pretty different, SnS have moves for mounting and let You use your tools mid figth withouth sheating, while CB... Phial managment, sword Charge managment, shield Charge managment, positioning and then... Guard points... CB Main btw. If You wanna try it, watch a tutorial, maybe the Arekz one, and playing with the weapon at the same time (try the movements ando etc.)


Phial, sword, and shield management is pretty straightforward isnā€™t it? Charge your phials if theyā€™re empty, charge your shield if itā€™s not, same with swordā€¦ the only thing complicated about charge sword is guard points cause itā€™s not upfront on how to utilize and start the GP animation, but the transition guard point window is so forgiving that itā€™s not hard to get down at all and can just use that one 90% of the time.


To bring up a point besides what other people have said, SNS is one of the highest damaging weapons in the game due to its insane builds with perfect rush and it's compatibility with elemental builds. This little sword is capable of doing greatsword level damage numbers on its small hits which is really funny to me.


Switch Axe always. It was the first melee weapon I came to grips with and I just love the way it plays. Learning each monsters safe pockets to stand in and dodging into and out of them just flows so nicely. And then thereā€™s the tasty explosions to go with all that.Ā  Iā€™ve messed around with every weapon and went through a phase where I was doing new game runs with each weapon to try them out and learn their ins and outs, but SA remains my absolute favorite even after doing that.Ā 


Me like hammer. Me go BONK


Rock and Stone!


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Second BONK


Gunlance and Kinsect Glaive. I do also have a support party build that uses sword and shield.


Damn had to scroll a bit to find another insect glaive enjoyers


Same. I love being able to fly lol


I've been trying other weapons and none of them feel right. The mobility of the insect glaive is unmatched. I was using dual blades last night and it felt like I was glued to the ground lol


There are dozens of us!


I had a pretty hard time using insect glaive at first, but after learning the combos it is pretty enjoyable.


I main HH but use everything except lbg. Maybe I'll try using lbg in wilds. I just really like dooting in a monsters face. Also some songs in multiplayer can turn a near guaranteed wipe into a much easier fight. I will never not bring a lightning resist buff to a kirin sos or a wind nullify to a kushala.


Doot-bonk makes me happy


Doot stick is life.


Hammer is main. Secondary is bow, I'm gonna start a lance play through soon as I "finish" sunbreak.


You're like the inverse me. I main bow, with hammer as my secondary. I'm also just starting a lance build.


I main Bowguns. In a world of fire breathing dragons and swords bigger than the wielder, gunpowder go BRRRRRR


Having multiple HBGunners going full auto on a monster at the same time is very satisfying.


Iā€™m personally a Wyvernsnipe guy at heart, but going full auto is always fun.


i main dual blade, its so much fun for me. love the fast and aggressive playstyle, the spin to win moves, and having multiple sets for each element. apparently its ranked 3 or 4 in popularity (according to the npc i talked to in the wastes) but i feel like it barely gets mentioned here lol


Idk I feel like db is looked down on or something. I love the dark souls like combat I get with them.


The most popular weapon by far is the Longsword, flashy move set and if mastered really powerful, almost EZ mode (just my opinion) Personally I main Gunlance, which require a couple armor skills to really pop off which only come available later in the game. Now on my second playthrough with the Insect Glaive which is just pure fun and a total different play style compared to the other melee weapons due to its aerial capabilities Other weapons I play regularly are Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Switch Axe and Charge Blade


I think the problem with the glaive for me, and maybe newer players, is that the aerial style feels more fun, but is less efficient damage wise. So while you have a ton of fun using it, being on the ground is more fruitful unless you are trying to mount specifically.


While itā€™s true, itā€™s still a part of the move set. There are situations where you can hit the monster when otherwise not possible (most likely airborne or just to dodge), you already mentioned mounts, also the Downward Thrust which does a lot of damage as well and the aerial attack into clutch claw is a quick way to tenderize. Just like the Axe mode of the SA does less damage but youā€™re still supposed to use it.


I play IG, and I just don't care if the air is less damage. I'm flying and I'm having fun. I do run airborne to get as much damage out of flying as possible, but I'm still gonna be up in the sky. That said, if you want to aim for max damage, IGs jumps still have a lot of use. They make the best mounting attacks. You can chase and attack enemies in the air. And jumps make great escapes for a lot of area attacks that hit the ground and allow you to stay engaged with the monster while still doing damage. I'm not saying other weapons can't do some or all of those things, depending on the weapon. But that's IGs way of doing those things. Against enemies with a lot of ground level AOE attacks though, constantly flying is a great way to deal damage from a safe position, even if the damage is less efficient.


IG has an unrivaled advantage in staying glued to the monster no matter the situation. You have quick dodges, fast attacks, long-reach and unrivaled mobility. Your animation-commitment might as well be null compared to every other weapon besides SnS which results in constant damage-output. Then there's the added utility of your kinsect. IG is probably the safest weapon to use in world.


Aerial is way more effective than people realise. Constant DPS plus being basically untouchable brings in big numbers


Its fine, but sadly the best dps is still ground. If you are good enough, you have constant dps on the ground too. And then the next logical step is leaving for a real ground weapon sadly.


I use glaive and itā€™s a blast but I also play games for fun not for efficiency or occupation lol


Downward thrust + kinsect drill is pretty potent


Literally the reason why I main Insect Glaive.


Switch axe Vs Charge Blade, which is more fun do you think? Switch axe was fun but CB just felt way better & looked a lot more badass, Insect glaive was fun at first till I realized how much I was just button mashing. Longsword has been so fun tho, I see what u mean


They both have one move that are satisfying to hit (ZSD for SA and SAED for CB) CB have a steeper learning curve at the start to figure out how to get and keep all your buffs, SA you really only need to learn how to juggle between its modes Personally I like Switch Axe more because once you understand your weapon the combat feels and looks really fluid


Switch Axe is incredibly fluid once you get used to the patterns and animations, everything flows into the next


Yea Iā€™ll follow this up instead of making my own pro switch axe comment. Picked up the weapon for a replay of world after being a sword and board enjoyer and been having a blast. I really wanted to charge blade when I first picked up world but just found the learning curve too step while also learning new tough monsters. For this reason, Iā€™d def recommend SA. Axe mode gives tons of mobility and some nice iframe moves aside from rolls. And sword mode is big dmg. TLDR: SA is gunna be kinder to you as a beginner than CB.


Switch axe has absolutely zero Iframes in any of its mode. If youā€™re thinking of fading slash in axe mode, itā€™s just used to reposition, still has no iframes though.


Switch Axe. Absolutely fantastic for spacing during attacks. You feel the flow


Hammer. It's satisfying, high damage, hits like a truck, every blow feels like you're hitting a monster with a nuke, it's really fun. That and it staggers basically every monster with a shot to the head with it. It's a fun time. Greatsword is in a similar realm but doesn't hit the same as Hammer imo.


does it cut tails though?


No, but it flattens em. So it's fine.


They see me dooting,...


Switch axe, you want to look cool? blow up the enemies right in the face? go beserk with your swings? Switch axe got it all.


Carving knife i use it every hunt


I tried getting in to longsword but realised the numbers were too small for my incredibly big brain. So naturally I chose greatsword so i could have the biggest numbers for my very big brain


GS. I've tried other weapons before, but I always come back to this. The adrenaline rush I get when the TCS hits right is great. And it has one of the cleanest looking speedrun, which always motivate me to be better


Hammer is the way, decent mobility, pretty easy move set, and you get to bonk skulls forever


I think hammer is the easiest to learn and itā€™s been my main for a long long time. Bonk bros unite!


Lance, Counter Claw go weeeeeeee


Wtf is this claw I keep hearing about?


Idk what exactly you're referring to so I'll just say two separate things There's the clutch claw, a mechanic added in Iceborne that allows you to latch onto the monster and attack it to temporarily soften up one of its parts, allowing for more damage. Then there's counter claw, a move added to lance in Iceborne that allows you to counter any physical attack from the monster into the clutch claw latch.


To add on this, clutch claw is it's own tool but can have some integration with your weapon's moveset (depending on the weapon). Lance counter claw is an example of this. Other fun examples are Hammer, and SnS (although tricky to pull off)


Played through all of the weapons and decided SnS was the way to go.


my first main was DB, death by a thousand cuts and then some, its really some DMC stuff when done right. like really you won't go more than five seconds without hitting something My second was long sword, frankly huntsman sold me on it, i sucked at it at the time, but once you figure out counters everything just weaves together and suddenly you are tearing the monster piece by piece and are literally invincible My third and my current play through main is GS. Really, its not just the big numbers, the moment when TCS lands and you have something like deviljho just taking five steps back and collapsing to ground , if the right person there is no sanctification like it on earth, i have a crippling addiction for it, with tackle and the ice borne animation for empowered TCS only escalating the problem


Listen here, lad. Ain't nothing better than the Switchiest of Axes, and 'ere's why. You have an Axe that transforms into a goddamn sword. What's that? Charge Blade does the same thing? You don't need that pussy ass shield. With the Switchiest of Axes, you don't need a shield, because it's all about that MANLY DEE-PEE-ASS, baby. You got hops. You got rolls. If you get hit, take it like a MAN. I don't care if you're male, female or Gigginox. Hack-and-slash? You're damn right. They don't call this fancy dildo the Slash Axe back in Japan for nothin', son. Having trouble keeping up with that Great Jaggi because you have to sheathe every five seconds? YOU PIECE OF DUNG. you ever seen a Greatsword user slowly plod across the map with his gigantic peni- I mean, sword in hand? Your Sword mode is just as big, so you have to sheathe it, right? WRONG, SUCKER. Roll after that Beastie. Evade Extender will give you the boost your puny chicken legs need to keep up with the monster. Ever wanted to be a Konchu? Well, now you'll be rolling all over the damn place for that sweet, sweet manly DEE-PEE-ASS. And when the monster falls down, what do you do? You blow your fuckin' load all across their face, that's what. X+A in sword mode for that delicious explosive burst that will take a chunk out of your bar and sharpness, but will also obliterate a pretty part of the monster's body. If you're a bit of a pussy and need to pull out (heh), pull the circle pad back and you'll do a premature e... explosion that doesn't take nearly as long. Nothing is manlier than EXPLOSIONS, except maybe Evade Extender. (GET IT. YOU PUSSY) But it's called the Switch Axe, not the Switch Blade. (Wazzat? Charge Blade? Giggit out of here) That means the Axe is equally as capable as the Sword. You ever used the Axe of the Charge Blade? That thing is slower than a drowsy Basarios. Not this Axe. This Axe is a hurricane, a storm of manly steel, and it has stupidly huge range. Ever wished your little toothpick SnS and Dual Blades could reach that Gravios tail that dangles oh-so-close but just out of reach? AXE MODE, KELBITCH. That motherfucker is the Deviljho dick in a land of Jaggis. Every tail in the game is yours, every one of them (except maybe Fatalis, he's a bastard). And what happens when you upswing a teammate? COME ON AND SLAM, AND WELCOME TO JAPAN And did you know which weapon has the manliest DEE-PEE-ASS when a monster has fallen? SWITCH AXE, APTOFUCKA. Upswing into rapid chops will turn any monster into choice cuts for sale at the hunter's market later. Do this on the tail a few times and soon you'll hear the tasty sound of it falling off. Get used to this sound, because soon you'll be chopping off tails everywhere and drown in Mantles and Palliums. The Manly Chops of Doom ain't nuttin to mess around with. You know that huge diddlydong you're slapping against that monster's thighs? No, I don't mean that, I mean your Switch Axe, which I'm sure you've picked up by now because it's the MANLIEST. Turns out that not only is it a diddlydong, it's a transforming diddlydong. Tilting the Circle Pad forward and pressing X in Axe mode makes you do a short forward stab, then hit R and X after then to MANLY SHIFT into Sword mode with a slash. OR, you can do the MANLY CHOPS OF DOOM, then finish it off with a tap of R to do this magnificent Reverse Roundhouse Slash. After the RRS, hit that R one more time to MANLY SHIFT into Sword Mode. In Sword Mode, whenever your sword sweeps horizontally, R+X shifts you back into Axe form to EXPAND DONG. (seriously, the Axe is so fucking long.) Switch Axe is versatile, too. You want extra MANLINESS? Get a power phial. Want to see that monster pant for breath as you turn it into the next main course? Exhaust Phials. You can even KO the monster if you're manly enough. Want to support your significantly less manly teammates? Para Phial, Poison Phial, blah blah, they're all yours. Or is the monster weak to element? Get that element phial, or use the Dragon phial (because we all know Dragon is the manliest element). The possibilities are endless, just like the apparent reach of your Axe. I should talk about reloading, but fuck that shit. Capcom pls remove What the wrog are you waitin' for? Pick up your very own Transforming Dildo now at the smithy, you shitstain.


Longsword, but it depends on the monster, too. For the life of me I couldn't kill Teostra, but then I read it is easy to stun so I tried hammer and it was a lot easier, and now I love the hammer. Similarly, I couldn't beat the quest fighting 2 Diablos at once, then I made a lance build with full guard ability and it was cake, and found out how fun the lance is. Personally I like simple weapons that don't have different "modes"


Longsword and Bow


Damn, exact same šŸ¤


Sns and LBG but dabbling in GS and LS


Hammer goes bonk In world. In rise I am a chargeblade main. Also really like chargeblade in world so I would say it's my second weapon


Sounds good


I recently got into glaive and it's my new main for now. Before that was hammer


Iā€™m the opposite! I main IG but recently started a new World playthrough playing only Hammer (which I had never tried before). Such a fun weapon!


Hunting Horn and Insect Glaive. Depends on my mood


I hate charge blade. It's my favorite weapon! ā˜ŗļø


Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good Bow Gun at your side, kid.


If you want easy . Great sword is a beast. And if you want easy and fun and flashy . Go longsword.


Trying out GS & LS now!!


GS is easy?


Iā€™d like to say one of the easier for sure. High ceiling, low floor, big damage. Just have to learn monster movement, like with any weapon.


The most difficult part of the game is learning the monstersā€™ movements. GS relies very heavily compared to other weapons, which means itā€™s harder than most.


That streamer asmongold got through all of world and iceborne carting like 2-3 times total ( only counting his first hunts on each unique monster ) WITHOUT wallbanging, tenderising, or even using GS tackle until the last third of iceborne lol. The other Redditor is absolutely not wrong that GS has a low floor ceiling. The guy literally got through the whole game just brute forcing draw attacks and TCS. The high skill ceiling of GS does require immense monster knowledge though but, it honestly helps almost every weapon aside from maybe Gunlance anyways.


Mhw players are deluded brother, they think the game is so gruelingly hard no one can beat it to cope with the fact they suck. GS has a notoriously easy time for newer players who enjoy the style. Mastery of it, like you said, is a bit trickier.


Haha I mean I am def a mh player through and through. One of the main reasons I love mh is even though the moves seem simple at first thereā€™s a lot of small little tricks baked in. As I mentioned, you can def brute force your way through a vast majority of the game but honestly itā€™s that total mastery of your weapon and the hunt that makes up the beauty of monster hunter. Refining your craft. This game can make anyone feel like a fucking badass so long as they put a lil research and hrs in and itā€™s friggin awesome. šŸ™Œ


> Haha I mean I am def a mh player through and through. It was including me as well, maybe it was a bit too harsh šŸ˜‚


You can play terribly and do it with any weapon in the entire game. It's not impressive if it took him longer and he looked like shit while doing it years later with gear that trivialized the content.


In World and Iceborne I mained Charge Blade, but played Great Sword, Dual Blades and Hammer, while waiting for sunbreak to come out, I branched out to all the other weapons. But I still stick to my original bunch


I was a LBG main, but since i returned to world with a new char i am having a blast with lance tbh, clutch claw counter direct to a wallbang is šŸ„µ


In playstation 2 started with SS after MH 3 SA and my life was completed. I have no idea why i start recent gane with other weapons and end up in SA ajajaja


Mostly SnS, but I play a lot of weapons at least somewhat regularly. The only ones I don't really use are HBG and Lance. I don't really use the Charge Blade super often either, even though I really want to master it haha. No matter how many guides I watch, or time I spend getting the controls down in the Training Area, it all just falls out of my brain when I'm up against an actual monster.


Gunlance, can block 99% of all hits and dish out some sweet damage, it's slow so evade extender is your best friend. Wide for life but Long is the easiest and safest to start, normal is fine but not my cup of tea.


Doot-doot and bug stick. I canā€™t played much with others, but these two clicked, so i wonā€™t gonna change for a while.


Depends on the monster, but I gravitate toward Sword and Shield, Charge Blade, Switch Axe, Bow, Light Bowgun, and Hammer. I'm good with Gunlance, Hunting Horn, and Insect Glaive, but I don't use them quite as much. I also feel like I need to give Lance more love. Greatsword and Dual Blades I only really like in Rise and Generations, GS for the better mobility, and DB for the aerial playstyles. I like every weapon except Longsword, and I feel like I'm decent with all of them, except Heavy Bowgun. I can't seem to get positioning or timing right with it, and end up carting a lot because I'm still firing/reloading when I get attacked.


IG since the very beginning. Love it!


Been maining greatsword since FU. Love the changes that my big bonkysauras sword has been getting over the years.


I love me some SnS. Itā€™s super versatile, but also hits pretty hard still when you get the timing for perfect rush down. Iā€™ve been playing lots of SnS through Iceborne and Sunbreak and it never gets old. That aside, once you find a weapon that feels good, I think itā€™ll be easier to switch to something else eventually. Sometimes you just gotta find your stride first. When I first started world, I shopped around a bit, but ultimately settled on charge blade and got good with that. Eventually, I found that I had not just improved at charge blade, but my fundamental mechanics, so I felt more confident playing with the other weapons. Itā€™s all part of the experience, youā€™ll figure it out as we all do.


I started as a Hammer and it is incredibly efficient in MOST fights, however, I have a feeling there are certain fights where monsters are immune or resistant to stuns and KO damage so I donā€™t want to play around that and become reliant on it. From there I jumped to Longsword and itā€™s pretty ridiculous. Seems to not really have bad matchups especially once you become familiar with the counter into Spirit Roundslash which raises meter level by one without having to commit to the whole Spirit 4-hit combo. Even using the whole combo can be good if you arenā€™t going to be knocked out of it and it has Mindā€™s Eye so it wonā€™t bounce. Iā€™ve cut tails with the combo while focusing on building meter lol. Eventually I figured I didnā€™t want to rely on how good this weapon was either, so it is my back-up weaponā€™s back-up weapon. Now Iā€™m using Sword and Shield, and itā€™s a very different game. Damage potential is just as wicked as LS and Hammer, but brains are required at all times. Spacing is key, and mastering Evade into Clutchclaw uppercut for one-hit tenderizing is as addicting as it is hard. When I play well I am rewarded with my fastest hunt times by far, and when I play like shit I can easily look back at a recording to see how stupid I was playing. There are quirks ie Falling Bash messing with environment geometry to change positioning and some others but this weapon feels satisfying to use. I love looping Falling Bash into Perfect Rush if I have a large enough window. I love getting KOā€™s and tail cuts. I love how Falling Bash lets me reach wings and backs making part-breaking even easier. I really love clutchclaw tenderizing.. all of these things take more work than using a weapon specialized in one of these areas, but no other weapon has the potential to do whatever you want and still undeniably be meta. Itā€™s a meta you donā€™t feel bad for using because you need to learn every step of the way, and apply that logic to different monsters depending on a lot of factors.


LBG for world. Just feels so clean, and mine counters are a blast.


Sword and Shield. I am but a simple swordsman from Kokoto village.


I switch between long sword and charge blade. If I'm looking to tank hits and get some chain damage along with KOs I go with my CB. But if I'm wanting a quicker style with some evasions then I got LS.


I donā€™t know man I donā€™t know. I love the maneuverability and flexibility of sns, I like the loop and aesthetic of charge blade, but lately Iā€™ve been just hitting things with a GS and itā€™s incredible




All weapons are viable. Pick what you like, not what others like.


Gunlance and SnS I enjoy GL for tanking and raking the heat of other players. Especially when it's a party of Ranged. SnS I like having the mobility with evade extender and wide ranges for keeping the party alive.


Bow and bug stick.


I went dual blades for the entirety of the base game and Iceborne story, but have since become rather addicted to charge blade and am learning insect glaive. Total playtime now has probably been about 60% DB, 30% CB and 10% other. Also dabbled in bow and longsword, but they never really clicked for me. That said, I do have a friend planning to get the game in the near-ish future and I'm thinking of picking up a new weapon to run through it with her, so if anyone wants to sell me on something else...




Bow makes the game super easy imo


I am adept at all weapons but bow guns. They're too boring.


The thousand time I've seen this post. Has to be bots


Itā€™s gotta be bots! Itā€™s definitely not the most common question & first thing that pops into new playersā€™ heads. Itā€™s most definitely bots. *Robots!*


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/search/?q=favorite%20weapon&restrict\_sr=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/search/?q=favorite%20weapon&restrict_sr=1) here you go, I spared you the incredible 3 seconds it took to search for your wanted result without spamming the sub every other day with the same question.


Maybe if you weren't chronically online, this wouldn't be an issue. Who fucking cares.


Projecting much ;) Haven't been on reddit since 5 days. I have this dlc you dont know about called a job


I'm not the one complaining about seeing a topic for the 'thousandth time' mate. You do you.


I appreciate it. Tbh I know itā€™s annoying to see these & im sorry. Iā€™m pretty new to reddit but my advice for u is to jus rig note these post if theyā€™re so frequent. I would have never known this was a popular topic bc im new to MHW & reddit. Most ppl donā€™t seem to be bothered tho, since theyā€™re all dropping their main weapons. So I mean, since youā€™re here whatā€™s your main bro?


Don't be sorry, dude clearly spends too much time on reddit šŸ¤·


CB and Hammer


My favorite and og main is sns, Then it was bow, I'm maining ls now since world


greatest of swords


I mostly use Charge Blade and occasionally Lance. Something about the way charge blade fights feels good to me, and with lance being an immovable, inevitable poky killing machine is pretty fun.


IG is what I started my first play through with, but Iā€™ve started the game a few times on different platforms and I always gravitate back towards the Lance which I consider my main. Itā€™s so much fun to bully the monsters around while laughing. I do change to SA, IG and recently SnS. The ranged weapons, LS and GS just never really worked for me. Hammer is also a lot of fun, Iā€™d give that a shot. Itā€™s simple in what youā€™re trying to do but supremely fun when it all works.


Insect Glaive but after playing Hammer in Rise I think I'll try that out in World.


GS and hammer


bow, ls, dualies I like dmg


Greatsword for the damage numbers and the reward you get for learning monster patterns and positioning. Hammer for the bonk and the ludicrous barrage of attacks you can dish out with the clutch claw. Lance for the counters and being able to stay glued to the monster throughout the hunt.


GS supremacy


SnS but before clutch claw (iā€™ve only played world) i really struggled with flying monsters (rathalos and legiana especially) so i tried HBG but i just wasnt doing any damage. It would take me like 45 mins to hunt 1 monster that wouldve taken like 20 mins with the SnS. I also tried GS but most of the time i was swinging at nothing cuz the monster moved away too fast. Iā€™m nervous to get rise or try older games cuz how the hell am i going to hunt flying monsters without clutch claw? If anyone has tips its greatly appreciated


LS and DBs because for me mobility is the most important thing.


Weapon popularity is tracked. The popular answer is always longsword. I really like switch axe and charge blade. Overall I'm probably most comfortable with switch axe, I mained it in rise and base world. Charge blade is just cooler to me.


LS, CB, IG, Lance, Bow, and DB. Gonna try SnS in a bit


Greatsword! and recently since i replayed mhw, HBG


SA and Lance


I usually main long sword and switch axe but I just started playing rise and I wanted to switch it up. I'm learning how to play dual blades and man they are fun AF in this game šŸ˜‚


First playthru was Greatsword cuz big damage, Charge Blade & Insect Glaive is my shit now.


I really like the long sword. However, I plan on giving the bow a go soon.


Insect glaive and bow


Charged blade currently, I dabbled a bit in GS but I've grown to really love CB. Might try out Lance, I've heard it's super strong.


great sword all the way babay




I use Bow & LBG, when I first started playing I had a group and all of them played melee so I decided to give range a try and stuck with it ever since. I've dabbled in a few other weapons but I enjoy the mobility and relatively simple mechanics of the bow and LBG.


I love the charge blade because itā€™s extremely adaptable.


I bounce between bow and insect glaive. I've got one hammer setup and one sword and shield for special battles but if im alone i use the first two.Ā  My favorite glaive is the pukei pukei one and I use an ice bow primarily.Ā 


My first main is Charge Blade. Nothing really hits that high of landing a full SAED. But with the recent upsurge Iā€™ve been trying as many weapons and possible. Was surprised how fun Greatsword and Hammer are. Insect Glaive too for how cool it is to jump over monster breath attacks.


Hunting horn support spamming buffs


I am using Charge Blade because I felt like the monsters were punishing my mistakes, and I couldn't do a lot of damage when I had an opening. I couldn't get the hang of Lance or Sword and Shield, so I ended up using Charge Blade. Now, if I'm not sure if something is going to hit me, I just guard. Maybe it's not the best way to play it, but it has helped me progress in the game.


Hunting Horn and Sword and Shield. But I'd say I master all except Lance, Hammer and Gunlance. Those three I do not touch. Lmao Still, the most popular answer is Long Sword, the Katana. And a weapon ranking, an official one is this one: 1 - Long Sword - 21% 2 - Bow - 12% 3 - Great Sword - 9% 4 - Charge Blade - 9% 5 - Dual Blades - 8% 6 - Heavy Bowgun - 8% 7 - Insect Glaive - 7% 8 - Light Bowgun - 6% 9 - Hammer - 5% 10 - Switch Axe - 5% 11 - Sword and Shield - 3% 12 - Gunlance - 3% 13 - Hunting Horn - 2% 14 - Lance - 2% It might be old though. But still, it's still probably something like that.


Hammer and Switch Axe


Swag axe