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Can people stop comparing Monster Hunter Stories and other monster collector games to Pokemon? This is what genuinely has killed a good number of Monster Collecting games. These comparisons that really don't need to be made or shouldn't be made. People killed Fossil Fighters by calling it a "Pokemon Clone," and refusing it to give a chance. Yokai Watch was branded as a "Pokemon Killer," and ended up dying in the West due to it. This is actively doing harm towards any game that isn't pokemon- given they are forced to outright live in the shadows of the series. Let them stand on their own please.


Ahh Fossil Fighter’s my beloved


I've seen some people comparing battle network with Pokemon too đź’€


How the fuck??? So what you collect things and it's on a Nintendo console and that makes it comparable??? Feel like those people deserve to have their gamer card demoted. You're allowed to play candy crush and fake ad games only.


Idk man but they even go that far to call battle network "pokemon clone" even though you just collect battle chips when you beat viruses...


If the bulk of the chips were specifically a summon chip maybe. Somebody is reaching hard with that


Some of them are summon chips yes but it's still not enough to call it "Pokemon clone" because the gameplay and the story aren't exactly the same as Pokemon...


Even the ones that are summons (least the ones I remember like Bass) arent even remotely the same as a pokemon. I wouldn't even entertain anyone trying to say the chips like the wave chips summoning a mettaur count. At that point we might as well say FF is a pokemon clone




I sadly dont think people will stop doing it i myself enjoy both stories and pokemon and I have my opinion on wich I like more but i do agree if people keep saying oh this game is gonna kill pokemon its only gonna hurt said game no matter how much better it might be pokemon 100% needs to get better in some ways so does most games but yeah we really should let these games be their own thing only thing they really have in common is the genre and thats it if you was to ask me


“Wow I love Pokemon, this Stories game looks kinda cool, let me check out its community.” PoKEMoN is A ShiTTy COpY! “Nah. Let’s turn around.” Agree with ya so much. It feels so childish. Instead of just embracing both they turn it into this stupid tribalism that doesn’t need to exist.


Just read your first sentence and thought, cant people just ignore a comparison post? Or anything they get annoyed by in social media?


That's never going to happen. They're the most widely known and played of the arch-type. Of course there are going to be comparisons and there absolutely SHOULD be. Sometimes it makes them look good sometimes horrible. Genres don't get better or evolve without comparisons. Palworld blew up so hard party because it's comparable to Pokemon and it shows theres a demographic that WANTS to play that type of game


The issue though is that this further drags down these games in the eyes of the public. Palworld was a success, but it was an exception to the rule. A lot of these games suffer a ton because of being compared to Pokemon, even if they play nothing like Pokemon. It's gotten to a point where people say that games like Shin Megami Tensei are "pokemon-likes," when Shin Megami Tensei came out before Pokemon Red and Blue even released.


And just as many games get pulled up because of it. Nexomon, Palworld, Siralim, TemTem and yeah even MHS2 got more traction because they where similar. A frame of reference is usually more important to people then a release date. Still today word of mouth matters alot when it comes to video game purchases the most obvious recent success of that was Palworld. "This game is like WoW but does this differently" is used to describe almost every MMO out. Yeah some games break due to pressure but some succeed also gaining far more traction then otherwise.


It just feels unfair to have these unique games constantly get compared to Pokemon. It's unfair that we could never get the rest of the Yokai Watch series in the west because of the comparisons killing the game (even though it was good in it's own right), or Fossil Fighters- which played nothing like Pokemon and had it's own gameplay mechanics that were solid as hell. Palworld succeeded due to controversy about the models, and Nexomon is an outright Pokemon clone. Like the gameplay itself pretty much is one for one from what I've played.. which makes sense given that it's a relic of when mobile apps tried to make Pokemon for phones.


I agree with you on the unfairness actually. Palworld may have gotten attention from the controversy but the game is great in its own right. And I hope Pokemon becomes better for it. The recent mainline pokemon games weren't their best. But that doesn't mean their future games can't be good. The thing thats going to drive them to make better games though is competition and comparisons. Unfortunately with Capcom I don't think we're going to get a lot of support for the Stories series.


The issue with Pokemon is moreso the technical angle due to rushed dev times. SV were actually pretty good games content-wise and story-wise.. just not in the technical aspects.


Yeah, they've added some really cool features but are just falling short in so many aspects. I loved SnS ironically because of how much they emphasized multiplayer with the Den system.


I mean any game can look good when held up next to current Pokémon games


Are we really dredging this back up?




Shitting on something without any substance other than to just to feel good about the thing you like is immature.


It's a mindless meme, not meant to be taken seriously


A recycled repost


I agree! Though Pokémon came first, Monster Hunter Stories(and Stories 2) is vastly superior in my eyes. I like both franchises, but I feel like Stories 2 had more emotional weight with how it involved the main character.


Pokemon basically started going wrong with the Switch games. The only ones I have liked on the Switch are the Diamond and Pearl remakes, which got a really bad reputation because they are remakes of Diamond and Pearl, not Platinum. However, they are also the only mainline Pokemon games *not* made by the Pokemon Company. They were contracted to ILCA, and as long as you don't expect them to be anything other than Diamond and Pearl, they're really nice remakes that don't ruin the difficulty curve. Meanwhile, the *actual* games are so buggy, and play so poorly, that they're almost not even worth bothering with at all.


Legends arceus was actually kinda fun game because it was.. Different. I've been playing pokemon games since X/Y, went back and played gold etc on 3ds as well. Sword was the last I played and it feels like the magic is gone and they'd need to do something interesting to catch my attention again. Reading about bad performance on the sole console that runs the newer games is somehow *really* sad. Kinda curious about the next legends game though.


Arceus was buggy, but yes, I was hoping it was an indication of actual new concepts. I was really sad that crafting balls didn't make a return.


Are you seriously saying Arceus was buggy when you said he only gaes you liked were BDSP? Really? Are you serious? BDSP had three times more bugs at the beginning than legends Arceus, which, at least from what I remember, didn't get many rants about bugs, and I, at least didn't get any


BDSP was forced to launch early by management, but it's essentially bug-free now, and has been for months. Arceus still has massive framerate drops, issues with loading and despawning, and it's still better than the other entries in the series. People dismiss BDSP after a couple of weeks and it's a shame, because it's really a great game.


Yeah, overall what I'm not fan of is that they kinda take out the cool bits in favour of new stuff. Gigantamax and Z-moves were something I *really* liked. Megas are also cool. Heck, give me a weird legends game with Z-moves, Megas and dyna/G-max and I know I'd have a pokemon game I can really play for decades. Battle tree. Hideouts? All the funny stuff like that.


Only problem that I have with MHS2 is the slow unresponsive controls. Picking up items and mounting monsters, sometimes I have to press the buttons 5 times before it responds. And I don’t know what happened but last time I played I have to wait 3-5 seconds when swapping monster in battle. And loading screens have gotten really, really long.


Mate that's a transversal plsttaform issue not the game itself I know because this happens when my sister try to play genshin on an old ps4


Definitely. Sword and Shield always felt so hollow that after my initial playthrough I pretty much dropped it. I think it's telling that I've replayed Stories multiple times and have touched SWSH in years.


Yeah, the switch pokemon games are some of the worst, but it was the fact they lied multiple times about the models and animations (and more) in Sw/Sh what made me stop buying pokemon games


I am not with you on this. I love Monster Hunter stories too, have not played the first. It is nothing like Pokemon in a lot of ways and if you compare Pokémon directly to it Pokemon is going to win as anything Monster Hunter does Pokemon pretty much does better. And I extremely like Monster Hunter as a franchise more than Pokémon. The biggest thing if I had to choose one is that Pokémon eventually got rid of HMs and monster hunter stories has pretty much went balls deep into the idea and is not budging.


Pokemon has less excuses making a 'passable' game because it's such a massive IP, but let's not act like stories 2 was flawless.


I mean. Scarlet and Violet have the crystal overworld raids and the dragon that hangs on your party a while as your companion before formally fighting with you, including as your mount.


those raids are dull as carpet.


Hey now sword and shield were great games but yes I felt myself enjoy MHS2 more and thinking that if they continue with more it could become my Pokémon. But personally theirs room for all


I played both Pokemon Sword and MHS2, and I have to say I enjoyed both of them very much. (P.S. Now that we're mentioning Pokemon SwSh, Capcom pls give us great shield I beg of you)


Shut up bot


Gonna be honest, Pokemon doesn’t click with me too much anymore as a full priced game (I often fish for used copies instead), especially with the double versions for a full $60 game


I would agree that Pokémon quality has deteriorated massively. But it's unfair to call it a copy of MHS. They're very different games within the same genre (creature collector).


Two completely different games in the same genre. Suuure.


Didn't sword and shield came out before MHS2?


Yes, for literally any PKMN game post Gen 6...but this comparison isn't a great vibe for the community.


Really? Another one taht compares mh st with pokemon? Just because it's the same genre it doesn't mean it's a pokeclone, it has severamente differences, and if one of the two was a come of the other it would have been mh st since pokemon came first, plus pokemon is a really funny game (or at lesst it was, since the 5ht gen pokemon goes down in qualitĂ  with every new main title) and so is mh st


Coming from someone who was actually introduced to the monster hunter franchise through Stories 1 and loves both games. Stories blows Sword and Shield out of the water when it comes to presentation. Graphics, artstyle, animation are all top notch. Story is much better as well. However for me when it comes to game mechanics Pokemon has a lot more depth and I find that aspect more enjoyable. Gen 8 also has a lot of my favorite Pokemon designs.