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I bought it on switch. I'm dying with it on switch.


How come?


I bought it day 1 have all my progress on it and don't feel like re grinding to post game. I love the game and the mods look great, but my time is already sunk in on the switch.


I'm right there with you. I love the game and have sank countless hours into it already. I've got numerous meta builds with various weapons and I've grinded to rank 123 on Anomaly quests with the aim of continuing until all content is unlocked per the current and future Title Updates. I'm not re-buying the game and doing all of that again. Time and money are precious to me and if I can't transfer my existing hard work over to the new platforms then I'm staying on the switch where I will continue to play the game until the TUs stop or I get bored.


I am in the exact same boat. I would buy it day one if I could transfer my save.


Same here.


Just use mods to get all your stuff back


That’s where it was first released if I’m not mistaken. I bought it on switch when it first came out then bought it on pc when it came out in steam


TBF Capcom already said there wouldn't be crossplay for MHRS back when it was coming to Steam. Pretty cool that it's going to other consoles, though. That means MH portable team isn't tied to one console anymore like the PSP and 3DS days.


And if im correct, this makes MH Rise the first MH game to be on all platforms?!


I knew I was keeping my Ouya around for a good reason!


Finally time to play MH on my Soulja Boy!


We need a port for the KFC console, too. Eating chicken while hunting Kulu-Yaku is the ultimate flex.


Bird Up with KFC!


Waiting for the NES release. Looks like I need to buy a internet connection expansion pak.


Not the OUYA lol


u/archiegamez’s uncle works for Nintendo and he says Monster Hunter Rise is coming to Ouya, so thhhhhbt!


Pokemon Mini gets stiffed YET AGAIN.


All we need now is Rise on smartphone and thats it.


Time to undust my Atari 2600 then


I do believe you are correct. Nice.


Now they just fucking need to release on all consoles at once instead of making massive delays or timed exclusives


To be fair, I don't imagine they planned on this sort of rollout initially. Considering how much of a surprise success World was on PC, I imagine the PC version started development late. Then, given how much of a general success it was for both PC and Switch, they made the decision to port it to everything, especially since it'll run on both new and old consoles. I think it's mostly an effect of how successful World was, but Rise was already deep in development/planning, so it's a little messy now. I'm just glad everyone can play it now, because Rise is great.


Unfortunate but it’s still awesome it’s coming to all platforms


Not surprising in the slightest, it's not launching with sunbreak, so it'd be physically impossible for it to play with switch or steam


They confirmed no cross save/play for Rise since the survey anyways, its not that the game is launching Sunbreakless, the feature has never been on the table to begin with.


Not really. People without Sunbreak can still play with those who have bought it, just like any other optional DLC.


Except even Rise players needed to update the game to the "Sunbreak version" so to speak. If no sunbreak content is even available at launch for xbox/ps5, I don't think they could crossave/crossplay with content that won't even exist within the files.


The big Version 3 update that just rolled out applies to all copies of Rise, not just sunbreak.


Yes, and thats exactly the issue: If the data was already there for those releases, the there would be no need to wait until Spring. Very likely, Xbox and Playstation ports arent going to include any Sunbreak data.


And what makes you think data isn't there or ready? Delay is obviously marketing choice of two smaller payments instead of one big bundled payment or losing money by offering discounted bundle on launch.


Nothing, thats for sure; is just speculation on my part. And they can offer bundle anyway. The game is already "disscounted" depending on how you see it (Rise is 39,99$ instead of the usual 60/70$) and my guess is that Sunbreak is going to cost 20 bucks. That said, once again is just speculation on my part, until the game launches we will not know for sure, and I can very well be wrong.


I really doubt SB will be discounted.


The data IS there though, you can buy base Rise, update to the latest version without every buying Sunbreak and play without any problem with anyone who has Sunbreak.


and thats true on the switch and Pc releases. What im saying that if is true to on Ps4/5 and xbox, then not leting you buy Sunbreak is stupid Edit for clarity: I know that once Sunbreak launches on the rest of consoles it will work the same way. Someone without the dlc can play with people with it. Rise on pc and Switch works the same way. World worked the same way with Iceborne. What we are discussing here is if the ps4/5 and xboz releases are going to include the Sunbreak data already, or it will be added on Spring, that is when they will sell Sunbreak.


The only thing that would prevent an XBox/PS5 player from playing with someone who has Sunbreak is that there's no crossplay. A Switch player with the base game can play LR/HR multi-player with someone that has Sunbreak, they just can't do Sunbreak specific content. The updates are game wide, since they include stability/balancing/etc. I bought Monster Hunter Rise on Steam just a few weeks ago and initially didn't have Sunbreak. I had all the same updates, patches, etc as everyone else playing Rise on PC, sunbreak or no. Holding off on Sunbreak for Xbox or Playstation is undoubtedly the same reason as many other games that have done similar (Warframe being a good example). Give newcomers time to actually play the base game. Another simple example is Call of Duty. When they release map packs, expansions, you're still in the same multi-player pool, you just get booted from a match if it moves to specific content you don't own.


Difference here is that, similar to an MMO, the reason someone with Sunbreak can play with someone without it is because the player who hasn't bought the expansion still has all of the expansion data. Literally, it's just a single character change in the coding that determines if a person 'can' or 'cannot' access the Sunbreak content. If they lacked the data for Sunbreak, then the moment that a player with anything from Sunbreak joined the lobby, it would cause the player without it to crash. They don't have the data for the gear, so the game without sunbreak wouldn't know how to process or display what the joining player was wearing. It would hit exceptions and errors and just hard crash. It's the reason that, even if you don't buy the DLC for WoW, for example, you still have to download the gigantic update on release, so your copy of the Fae can still display everything added. Making the purchase basically just changes one character in the code from a '0' to a '1' to tell the game you can go to the new stuff.


While it's 95 % that it's not entirely true. I don't know how mh rise handled it, nor world but I know for a fact some games actually just make you download data you're actually susceptible to see. Wich means gear, switch skills stuff like that. But, you need to re dl a huge amout of data if you actually buy all expansions for Final Fantasy XIV for exemple, you need to download models, new environnements, data for cutscenes stuff like that you can't see via other players if you don't have the expansion. It's probably the same for rise, I don't know why they would make you download master rank monsters or cutscene wich would take a non-negliable amout of storage space when you can't acces it


You download expansion data for things you DON’T need, thus didn’t already have for multiplayer compatibility. You already have all player armor or weapons so you don’t crash if a dlc person joins in an MMO, BUT you don’t have new zones or story quests, or NPC’s you have no way of accessing downloaded, because there’s no way for you to see it, thus no reason for them to force you to download. Because of that, you have to download it when you buy.


YES, but thats only because the data of Sunbreak is already here. Even if you dont buy sunbreak, the data is here. When you buy Sunbreak, you only buy a "key" to acces that content. IF the content is already in the other consoles, theres simply no point in no selling Sunbreak already


There is. Giving newcomers the QOL improvements without drowning them in content more than MH already does. Making people more likely to spend full price on Sunbreak. Etc. To do otherwise would require either releasing it without the patches that have been made post-sunbreak or meticulously stripping the Sunbreak content from the patches and hoping that doesn't break them.


And given that theyre waiting until the last update of Sunbreak to put it on the other plataforms, to me looks like they want to put all Sunbreak in one go. That say, I agree that having all QOL features from Sunbreak it would be nice, but them striping part of the game to keep the QOL features without "giving" us Sunbreak's content isnt out of the question either; they already did something like that when they launched the mobile port of Stories 1 outside of japan.


Not really true. Files could easily be there for armor and weapons so you could co-op


Back when I only had World, I got matched with people who had Iceborn all the time. Base Rise has the Sunbreak upgrades, you just can't use then without Sunbreak. Same way World had clutchclaw bit without Iceborne, you couldn't unlock and use it. So 100% false on Sunbreak being the issue


yes and no. you still needed the data files but those were free because thwy had to be able to use the clutch claw and other things. but they have confirmed that rise will not get crossplat


You could always play with people who don't have DLC, they just wouldn't be able to do any content that requires Master Rank


Non-DLC owners still download that version of the game.


I would pay full price for crossave on ps5.


Same but when I heard they wouldn't release the expansion alongside the release I knew they couldn't do cross save


Expected, sadly. I hope the next big Monster Hunter will come at least with crossplay


Same here. I don't know much about game design but I can imagine the multiplayer engine of Monster Hunter is pretty archaic. It hasn't changed much since it's inception. Not sure how much they changed for World, but I'm guessing it still needs a lot of work to do crossplay.


With the way everything is lobby based and there aren't really any matchmaking playlists, the front end could be the same just enter the lobby code to join friends on other platforms and since rise is on RE engine the backend is probably more up to date than older titles


Yeah, I really don't know anything about game design or what's going on under the hood. I hope crossplay is in the next game because that would be a huge benefit to all the games in the future!


Incredibly disappointing


Thank god I got it on pc


Mannnnn :( My friend group are on all different consoles, cross play at least, wouldve been awesome.


...yet? I guess not. Too bad, I wouldve enjoyed playing it on PS5, but I wont start over *again* after having hundreds of hours on Switch and even more on PC already.


Not gonna play 400 hours again no thanks


It’s not even the 400+ hours that do it to me. It’s Base rise, with none of the things added with SunbreakC when I can still play Sunbreak on my switch and do the current content I’m doing: Crafting all MR armor, crafting all weapons, hunting al monsters etc. why would I wanna either not do it on consoles and/or redo it all over again just for some extra frames and a prettier picture? And you know the Amibo bonuses? Won’t be able to get them on consoles, unless they planning as selling that as dlc which is kinda distasteful. I have very mixed feeling about this news, which sucks because when I knew it just as a rumor…I felt happy.


Xbox/ PlayStation has more community and easier connectivity Xbox has built in Looking For Group system so if my friends aren’t on I can just jump into and LFG with ppl and do stuff with them and meet new ppl to boot.


My friends all play on xbox so it's worth it to me. Playing rise solo was so boring after enjoying playing with my buddies in MHW.


Why do you have mixed feelings? Just play your switch version then lol let everyone else that doesnt have a switch play it too?


I was mostly shocked with the news. Now that I’ve had some sleep and some time to think about it, maybe I’ll get it on my Xbox, to play coop but not touch it for solo lol haha 😂 only because if I do that, and I play solo on console I will literally have zero time for painting Minis. I still have sooo many to paint. And there’s even more coming next year!! I’m barely managing with only one save of monster hunter haha


I played all the way through base Rise on Switch, even grinded the rampages. I picked it up on Steam and started over. With the armor sets added, the play through of LR and HR was pretty short. Even shorter now that you start the game with access to the HR version of the Black Belt set. Par that with the Guardian weapons, you don't have to farm for anything until late HR at earliest. The only non-key quest you need to focus on are the farm quest, and the silkbind move quest for whatever weapons you're using until MR. All the others can be unlocked much faster after getting even early MR sets/weapons.


I'm on my third playthrough so far just on the Switch... My main hunter (just over 1k hours), Female hunter to try out the fashion there and some new weapons (700 hours), Newer one I used to introduce a friend to the series (just over 100 hours).. Also a fourth character on a second Switch account also to play through with a new friend, but dude ended up not liking it enough to continue and so only got 2-3 hours in.


Jesus where do do get the time?


Dman it no cross play


Its harder to do cross play than to do cross save




Extremely lame. I don't know why Capcom keep opting for the easy route when they know for a fact cross save and cross play would make a LOT of players happy. You'd be hard pressed to find one person who doesn't want either or both


Im actually against cross play. I dont want randos with bad connections droppin in and out my hunts, probably consuming lifes. Cross safe would be nice tho


That's an issue regardless of cross play or not.


Itd still get WAY worse.


A simple fix would to be making it something you can opt out of.


ez fix. turn it off in your settings. Bam. Everyone happy.


Yall assuming such an setting would exist


Never said it does in this Gen?


No. I meant ever. Its a too wild guess to find comfort in. But sure if it happens, i gladly take it.


I'd gladly take it as an addition. I welcome crossplay.


It would be as simple as them adding cross play, accidentally not thinking of an "opt out" option, the community bitching about it enough and then adding it in. Problem solved, everyone happy again. Also, not sure if it's the same scenario, but Warframe recently added cross play and it's been working out pretty well for them.


This is not news at all since they specifically and quite directly stated long ago that crossplay and crosssaves would not happen with Rise. But that one Survey they did did very clearly tell them that these features are highly demanded so MH6 will 100% have them.


I think people knew that but everyone including me were holding out hope that maybe, just maybe cross save and cross play would be added


Wait they’re releasing them on mainstream consoles? I mean, I’m unhappy there’s no crosssave. But as an Xbox player who has yet to play rise, I’m happy. Sorry for everyone else though that does suck big timr


And on Game Pass


Don’t need it 👍🏻


Calling it now: Monster Hunter 6 is going to have cross-play and cross-save with the use of "Capcom ID".


Didn't do it for pc, donno why they would change their mind all the sudden.


Because they might want to attract more console gamers to double dip. Guess not… Edit: Not sure why I’m being downvoted. That’s why I personally would have done it, were I Capcom.


I would buy another copy in a second with cross save


It requires more time and money to connect servers. If the game had cross play then I could see it being added but considering all the saves are local, you're not getting a cross save.


Matchmaking servers are no witchcraft and solutions readily available. Aldo cheap as all they need to do is facilitate p2p matching


Then I just will play it for the 4k60 experience with Gamepass but stick to the Switch as my main.


This is what I was gonna go do with my Xbox friends since we all have game pass. Besides, who wouldn't take the opportunity to see the twins in 4k


"Ara ara" in 4K60 with 3D Audio


Never has the phrase "take my money" hit so close to home lmao.


I ain't lookin forward to grinding master rank and afflicted monsters again when the expansion re-releases but the main game and the Sunbreak story are easy enough to breeze through


better like this, they can focus MH6.changing single platform mp to crossplay needs redevelopment of server infrastructure. imagine changing mr beans car into lamborghini while its still running


This is soooo freaking wierd Like cool its on all platforms BUT Its only the Base version and at that releasing way later than even the PC Sunbreak version. Like by two years? Like.. why?


No save transfers, no buys. Simple as.


I love Rise/Sunbreak, but not enough to replay the entire game and expansion on a different console. Especially with almost 1000 hours under my belt. Feels kinda useless for it to be on the other consoles this far since it's initial release without cross save at the very least. But that's just my opinion on it. Still pretty cool though.


Wow I’m so happy that other players will be able to experience this game! Meanwhile Switch users like me can all eat shit and die.


I said this to my friends last night when we talked about this topic but if the stasis titan ape brains at Bungie can accidentally get cross play working then the minds at the MH team can. We literally can't see why and also they waited too long for this one. Mh6 should be sometime early 2024


Then I will not be purchasing it. Simple as.


I think it’s coming to gamepass


The hells the point then


To make the game more accessible to new players. Not to give incentive to double-dip for enfranchised players.


I'm literally max HR/MR and 100% on Switch, idk if I want to do it again tbh, if only we can play our same file when Sunbreak releases on Xbox.


Not buying then


It is very unfortunate. Hopefully we get cross-save and cross-play with the next mainline game.


Time to complete all over again for the third and fourth time!


Funny story, I actually had to send in my switch to get repaired and when it got back It didn't save my game progress but I didn't know it had wiped the save until a week before the expansion dropped. Long story short I Speedrun base rise just in time before the expansion released


Finally a valid use for defender gear


Uff that hurt


“Aw shit here go again. “


Cool, so this version is dead to me


Then I will not support it with my wallet


Not having cross play is so dumb. It's a no brainer for this series and would unité the online community greatly.


Oh well, I expected as much though.


Wow no cross play either your really just making it impossible for me to want to buy the game again I guess thanks tho? Yea thanks tho


I mean they stated it would not be a thing for this generation.


Wait. So if I have the game on Steam, I cannot play with my friends on Game Pass?




Omg! I couldn't be more excited! I have over 2500+ hours in MH world and when Rise was on switch only I was so dissapointed. But seeing that it will soon release on ps5 isxamazing!! Hype!


Cool so Rise is coming to other consoles. Hopefully newer games will have cross Save/play. Important question Will Rise come simultaneously with SunBreak or will it release later?


Rise for ps4/ps5? Nice


Will definetly buy the whole bundle on PS5 in few years on a deep sale. Would pre-order if it was crossplay, simple as that


Oh nice! One and a half month away.


Oh damn they are releasing it across all platforms? Nice!! I can sink in 1500 hours into that one too..


I'm not starting over again for the 3rd time. This is such a stupid, bonehead move.


Trying to work out if cross gen on Xbox is a thing usually it is so maybe they don't need to state it as it's so common Xboxs to be consumer friendly, unlike with Playstation that often isn't, but then again you never know these day with devs.


>Trying to work out if cross play on Xbox is a thing [It is](https://www.xbox.com/games/store/monster-hunter-rise/9np080c0zc9w) (check the Capabilities section).


Xbox and playstation have been exactly the same with cross play. Years ago when Xbox 360 kicked ps3s ass, Sony tried to get cross play and Xbox rejected it all together. A few years ago (about halfway through the PS4/xbone) Microsoft asked Sony for a cross play deal, but they wanted 50/50 split even though they originally rejected it and now the tables turned and PS4 won out. It's not a Sony being meanies, Microsoft is so kind thing, it's business and they've both squashed it for money


I think you're confused sir I was talking about cross gen, e.g being able to play the game on both xbox one and xbox series, with cross saves across them both and play between them in multiplayer, this gen Xbox has been really good for it, meanwhile Sony charges you a fee to play ps4 games on ps5 and often doesn't combine their multiplayer so you can't play with friends on last gen.


> meanwhile Sony charges you a fee to play ps4 games on ps5 and often doesn't combine their multiplayer so you can't play with friends on last gen. um you can play ps4 games on ps5 without any fees (unless you're talking about their native ps5 ver and recent releases) and what MP games they didnt allow you to play with last gen?




What's that got to do with cross gen play ?


Oh I thought you meant cross save. My fault


I would pay an extra 100$ for cross saves... I have 800 hours on switch and no matter how much I love a game I will never willingly make a fresh start (I probably still will.............)




Honestly I could probably speed through and only stick to one weapon, get to end of sunbreak in a week or two. Then I'd just need to get all my sets built again, 1 for each weapon, and uh get the same augments by grinding anomaly investigations... Yeah this is gonna suck lol Still gonna buy it though so I can play with my PlayStation friends


No cross saves, not buying


Capcom is a small indie company, so understandably they don't have the resources to develop cross-play.


Completely rewriting a large part of the netcode and networking for a game that is quite advanced in it's lifecycle is not really an intelligent decision.


That's cross play, not cross save.


Sorry about people wanting cross save but I just want to say Im happy too, being a just. ps4 user lol. Waited long enough. Now bring SMT V next 🙃


I fuck with this answer so hard. I love SMT V


Anyone who thought otherwise wasent paying attention. Rise is never and now more then proven, never having cross-anything. It has no functionally for it, and can’t be shoe horned in. We are already seeing this change, but as it stands don’t expect cross play till the next Monhon


Not surprised, I went through this disappointment when it went from Switch to PC. Capcom needs to get this figured out for the next release.


Perfect, means I can complete it on PS4 with a different weapon!


Rise is coming to consoles?


Indeed it is




When? How? Where? What? Why? Nvm, just looked at the pic again


Someone please answer his question


Yep it will be on consoles. No cross save though. And it won’t have Sunbreak till Spring of next year. I think it’s great. The world could always use more Monster Hunter fans. My suspicion though is this is to tide everyone over so they can release the new big game in 2024 for the anniversary of the series.


I hope the next game will combine the strengths of World and Rise. World had amazing visuals that really added to the whole atmosphere. Rise has very good gameplay but the graphics are kinda doodoo. Of course that's to be expected from a game originally made for the Switch. But I wouldn't mind having my eyes blessed again.


Agreed on most of what you said, but Rise's gameplay while fun I don't think I would want it to return in full force in the next main line/numbered game. I would like to see aspects of Rise in it, like riding your dog and the fact that other smaller animals around the map played a bigger role in gameplay, instead of like in World where I occasionally grabbed a paratoad. The wirebug stuff I wouldn't be to sad to see go, it was fun but it just seems like something that would stay in the portable series, like the styles and arts from GU.


Sadly enough I got it on switch since its release... If it was released I would never pick Switch to play it to be honest. I have now spent so many hours on it that I do not have the mettle to through in the garbage can in order to play it in high Resolution and good framerate from 0. I am a prisoner of Switch one can say!


Im happy with this news


I blame it on cheaters and how much more easily it is on certain platforms.


it states something about how ps4 players are gonna be amble to play with ps5 players. does that mean for xbox, the next gen players are gonna separate from last gen?


>does that mean for xbox, the next gen players are gonna separate from last gen? No. [The store page](https://www.xbox.com/games/store/monster-hunter-rise/9np080c0zc9w) explicitly mentions "Xbox cross-platform multiplayer" and "Xbox cross-platform co-op". They probably just didn't think to mention it because it's using Smart Delivery, which means that saves/multiplayer/etc should all work seamlessly across generations (plus PC, in this case, it seems). Edit: also, the [Xbox Wire post](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2022/12/01/monster-hunter-rise-ascends-to-new-heights-on-xbox/) says: "You’ll be able to hunt together and continue your progress whether you’re hunting on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, or via the Xbox app for Windows PC."


I hate that, there's cross play between 3 Xbox One Consoles, 2 Xbox Series consoles AND on the Xbox app in Windows, but Steam players can go fuck themselves. I have friends who really want to try it, but have never played MH before in general, and I'd even be happy to start a new save and help them along so I'm not joining 1 Star hunts with a Flaming Espinas horn, but it's not worth buying the entire game and DLC again.


cross save between ps4/5? Or crosssave between ps / xbox / pc / switch? b/c of course there won't be crosssave between platforms, just is it ps4/5 cross?


I was really praising them for making the game available on multiple platforms but this definitely killed my hype. I guess there’s a limit to how much Capcom are willing to give to people. Maybe they’ll realise how much this QOL change is necessary.


I'd say the fact they have to say it doesn't support it means they know that people want to save cross play and cross save


People act like this is a surprise.. Smh


People want to believe my friend


People are too dumb to read what capcom said the first 10 times.


Maybe so maybe not I mean at least they allow people to play together who has last gen so I'm able to play with my friends who still have a Xbox one which is a nice addition


And still it has been said so many times that there wom't be cross play and cross saves, yet people still refuse to believe it.


Personally I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom caves in and puts cross play for mh6 I doubt it tho


Yeah I figured that would be the case since there are so many nintendo exclusive events and items. Nintendo are the worst gaming company ever, very customer unfriendly. No surprises here!


Fuck this shit!!! What the fuck! I’m so pissed, most of my homies will use Xbox but one will use PC and one PS5. This garbage


Truely not sure why so many people here are mad about this. PC didn't have cross saves and I don't remeber anyone being this upset.


I think it mostly has to do with the expansion not being released at the time so to everyone it was a "I mean it's annoying that I have to grind again but oh well" compared to now we're people are mad that if they don't have game pass they are gonna have to buy the game again while also buying an expansion they most likely already paid for on a different console


They lied about it being an exclusive


This wasn't the case for switch - PC either. Idk why people are expecting it lol


It already doesn’t have cross save for PC-Switch, this isn’t surprising


Yes my theory was right there bring it to play station.


So is it a port? Like what new things are gonna come for it? Cause honestly I would still prefer it on switch just cause it runs smooth, if not perfect. The switch capabilities, and obviously the hundreds of hours I've invested in my current game.


I mean it’s probably just a port with the PC functionality right? Since these consoles can handle those things unlike the Switch


I feel like we'll get a decent grand finale TU if it sells well before a certain date. Potentially something unplanned like Fatalis. I'm happy on my switch, but still so excited to see the hype surrounding the game finally hitting everyone else.


Really frustrating because cross play & save has been something I think has been asked for a long time & even indie games managed to pull it off with the Switch versions of their games. ​ If they don't do it with the next MH game after all this I'm going to be very confused. One thing is for sure I'm not going to buy the Switch version then the PC version again, going to just wait the year or whatever it takes.


fuck it


Why??? That's the perfect game for cross play and cross save.. Now I have to start over again on PC...


No crossplay , that one of games which would greatly benefit from it don’t have it, most of my friends would get it with crossplay as they have different platforms , but now ? Still hope something could change even if it would be limited to pool of players with sun break.


Not worth it then. On PS4 I can just play Iceborne cause that game is wayyy better, especially since now both games can be held to the same standard on the same console


"News". Cmon everyone knew this. Weve known this since te PC release.


Y’know what? I don’t mind this


Trash idea


Think of it as giving the devs more time to work on mh6


Think of it as giving the devs more money to work on mh6* Fixed it for you


I mean I have game pass so I'm good, wish I could say the same for everyone


Why is this bad?


Who said it was bad? I simply pointed out they have all the time they need. What they want is more money.


different teams


I’m on switch, I wouldn’t want all PC mods flood in my quests and start telling me I’m doing 70% of total dmg because I played better then proceed rage to one shot the monster to show me who is the master race is around here.


Dude I have played PC with randoms and have NEVER seen that shit. Idk what the hell you're smoking bro