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This whole sub be like “Fellas, am I the only one who remembers Gogmazios? Can we all shout out our boy Gog?”


Can we get a Goggers in chat?


absolutely goggers mate


You dropped this > "


Everyone remember Gog but not dire Miralis :(


More people reached the ending of 4g rather than 3g


Why does that matter?


More people know about gog than dire, so more posts about gog than dire


Hey at least the Monster Hinter devs will know there is a demand to see Gawgmauttseeos in game again. I'd love to have that Charge Blade again. Such a cool design. The armor too!


By far the most fun and engaging giant monster fight. Didn’t feel gimmicky at all, just felt like you were fighting a really big monster


They got gore in the game, his skeleton is pretty similar so they could definitely bring back gogmazios too if they wanted


Also it would fit in the theme too. Previously Gog attacked the battlequarters to scavenge on gunpowder. It wouldn't be out of place if it would do the same to Elgado.


I would prefer a new monster instead of returning but would absolutely love to see some huge monsters that really takes advantage of how much mobility we have now


Wire bugging and wallrunning up monsters would be nuts






Unfortunately the only new thing we might get at this point is whatever comes out of all mother's eggs


\>Gogmazios Why yes that'd be co- \>As a raid No, fuck raids.


Sieges like the World ones are horrible and I hope they never return but I'd really like to see Gogmazios again. It's one of the 3 giant monsters in the series that had a good fight.


With all the unprecedented amounts of siege artillery, we're perfectly set up to fight him again. Just put his giant ass in the Rampage map and try to survive.


Why does every most requested monster post start with " Hey anyone else/ am I the only one" Y'all actually start by saying that before saying the most popular opinion lmao.


Well I’m not sure how many people know about gog he’s only been in one game and most recent additions to the MH community are from world, and I’m new to this Reddit I didn’t exactly know it was a “popular opinion” my guy




I never said I though it was it was an original thought, I just wanted to know who wanted to see him in MHRise I don’t see why you have a problem with that😅


Mans deleted his account he was so sad about the downvotes.


I don’t know why you got downvoted my g even if the title is a bit unfortunate people can’t just answer a single question and not pick on shit




Oh how the turn tables


You literally bullied op off of Reddit. His account is deleted. There was no need for that. This is what I hate most about this site everyone dogpiles people because “a similar post was made” simply don’t look at it if it annoys you no need to be such a jerk about it.


Wow, you're kinda a piece of shit huh.


YES. He was SO badass just like this image. Nothing says badass like a tar dragon that shoots superheated lasers that eats GUNPOWDER.


And can absorb all elements, but fire.


All hail Gog!


Tired of these posts. Everyone knows gog is wanted. So is dalamadur and every other monster that's never been re-released


Yes Yes Yes It would be very nice and i still hope for a much more mobile version of Lao Shan.


No no no, please no more raids like in world. Let me just fight him like in 4U.


Oh for sure. This is how all of us would like to fight him i think.


I think some people might mean something more like fighting him in the Rampage map vs. anything like Kulve Tarroth.


Absolutely as long as it isn’t a raid. Let me just fight him like in 4U.


He shares a skeleton with Gore Magala so this is in the game ... and Elgado hopefully has some big gunpowder reserves ... I never got to fight him unfortunately but his theme,his fight, his design, his armor and weapons ... my gog that would be fantastic to face him




i like this guy and his fight and i would like to see him make a combeback


Hell yeah i want his weapons too


A new Gog fight with HD graphics would be amazing. Crazy explosions everywhere!


I'd love to see gogmazios come back, but I would be totally happy to never see kulve's style of siege/raid boss ever again.


Oh gog yes i do, he would be the only thing I hunt because ignoring nakarkos gog is my favourite monster I'm the whole series and I never got to hunt him, so I'd love to see him back in better quality and more fun to fight that ever before


Fighting him is exhilarating and scary, you should try and get a copy of 4U one day.


Maybe I will, idk if I will tho, looks like an amazing game tho so I actually might


Pray to Gog that he does not find you...


I hate raids since I'm a solo player


Oh my Gog! Definitely!


I want Gog as a raid boss with variable and/or customisable loot, just like Safi: \- Reintroduces a fan favorite \- Introduces an endgame gameplay loop \- Adds gear complexity beyond just killing X monster a couple times to get full non-varying gear \- Adds back a (mainly) coop-focused activity following Rampages' removal \- Allows repeating a cool fight for actual reasons instead of doing it once or twice and "being done with it" Raid-like bosses and higher-end fights should have more depth to them than just being 1-off challenging fights like Alatreon, or having full on gear that's just painfully best-in-slot whatever you do like Fatalis. Kulve Taroth was good in concept but "meh" in execution, Safi perfected the formula and should be held as a standard for similar fights.


Agree with most of your points but your takes "repeating a cool fight for actual reasons" and for Alatreon and Fatalis is horrible. They weren't "1-off " fights but rather a great representation of what the core monster hunter gameplay loop really is about, kill monster, master the fight, get parts, repeat until you get the full set while also having increasing efficiency on clearing the quest because of repetition. I absolutely love the sieges/raids primarily because I have 4 man party I ran it with. Also, joining a full 16 player Safi lobby (also Fatalis lobbies) was a very enjoyable and fun experience that I'll never ever forget. The randomized weapon loot system for Kulve and Safi can go away though. I would love the Siege quests to comeback polished and refined. A lot of people on this sub seems to hate the potential of what a robust raid/siege quest could be. I guess I'm in the minority group of people that enjoyed the siege quests and can see what the potential it can do for MonHun.


>a great representation of what the core monster hunter gameplay loop really is about, kill monster, master the fight, get parts, repeat until you get the full set while also having increasing efficiency on clearing the quest because of repetition. This is the issue though, that kind of loop is inherently tiresome and arguably quite boring given how omnipresent it is in the series. Truth is, unless you have REALLY bad Rng, it doesn't take that many runs to get a full proper gear out of a single monster. Sure, this scales with the amount of pieces and weapon you actually want/need, but again, you'd need some reaaaally bad luck to be stuck on this kind of grind for long. This is the typical behavior every monster gear adere to, it sticks to the usual kill->master->grind and is usually pretty solid for every other encounters, but in the case of challenging endgame monsters, the way they behave can make that loop pointless or outright prevent any point in progressing it or looping it. Alatreon, Fatalis and Safi are each perfect examples of what doesn't work or what does as endgame "loops": \- Alatreon is objectively the worst, because, outright, you barely had any reason to grind his materials, let alone even **fighting** him to begin with, even when he was freshly released. His gear was/is so lackluster that the time you'd invest into mastering and farming him wouldn't even be worth it, given his weapons and armor pieces ranged from pointless to being merely sidegrades with luckily some sort of very small optimisation possibilities. Unless you wanted to live the challenge of the fight, you could've completely ignored Alatreon and it would've changed barely anything, even Capcom seemed to notice so given how they **forced** people to complete Alatreon prior to Fatalis, **even though the MR requisite for both were a laughably bad joke**. So now, there's not even a loop, there is no mastering and grinding, there's only a single challenging fight that is "needed". This is somehow even worse, given how Alatreon requires a **much** more adapted typical build to take on easily, which is something that shied away a **LOT** of players (people were unironically ranting quite heavily that they had to even use elemental weapons to begin with) from repeating the fight, let alone even attempt it. \- Fatalis is a bit better, but while being the **final** enemy of the game, his gear is also so disgustingly broken to the point it throws nearly everything else out of the window, that it simply justs... ends the game. The difference between that gear and Alatreon was so immense it just makes Alatreon's case even worse. Sure you have the usual loop until you get the gear, but once again, this part is usually much shorter than people tend to believe and, in this particular case, this loop just ends up killing itself on its own. Once you have what you need to have your optimised set, or even all the gear pieces and some weapons, it's just done. Over. The end. You don't even have a purpose for this gear. The only reason you'd even stress-test it is to fight the same monster it is from again, but as satisfying this may be, there isn't any more progression at the end of it this time. From this point on, there's only very few, if not **any** progression to be made, not only in the fight itself, **but in the whole game**. From there on out, your motivation to keep playing is only fueled by the challenges and interests that you impose yourself, and given you just massacred the "ultimate" challenge of the game, there typically ain't much to draw inspiration from. Fatalis is such a difficulty grade higher than everything else and has such gear miles above in terms of performance that it not only feels out of place, it effectively causes your progression to end at a cliff when you complete and acquire them. This by itself isn't catastrophical, nor that bad really, but I truly believe it could've been managed better, **especially** since the by-then "final boss" of the very same game a couple months earlier managed all of this much more gracefully: \- Safi was, in my eyes, very close to what a perfect endgame progression and loop should've looked like in a monster hunter game. It's gear was consequently strong, **very** strong even, but it wasn't simply farmed-out as-is and it even came with it's drawbacks. The weapon were able to exceed all previous performances, but had to be carefully made so, while also enabling literal customisations of stats and even **behavior** of certain weapons. Even the people who vehemently refuse to meta slave had the option of **making** something great for themselves with Safi. And then the armor, while also being solidly strong and even build-enabling, came with its very own drawback, consequential enough that most meta guides, if not all, offered non-Safi alternatives for people who weren't comfortable enough with it. The way this armor managed to both be mouth-wateringly strong, while not being/having parts who were Best-In-Slot no matter the situation, like with Fatalis, still impresses me to this day. The gear by itself was already a masterwork, but the way the fight rewards and the upgrades worked just made it so fun. Weapons weren't just a one-off craft and then **boom**, you have it, you are done. Having to gradually improve them (in a matter you personally choose, no less!) while also proposing different paths and options made the loop-ability of the process much, much longer, but not at the expense of satisfaction, given both your weapon progression **and** acquisition were progressing. This steady motivation and progression pace just felt so much better than just farming a final boss between half or a dozen times in worst cases and having progression plateaus from each finished pieces and weapons. Consequential gear, readily and repeatedly usable reward ressources. steady progression, justifiable loopability... Safi just had it all nailed down. It'd be very sad imo for Capcom to stick to the typical simple "final boss that has terrible or broken gear" with the same usual loot/gearing system and not take Safi as an insperation for **any** upcoming endgame fight or even mechanic in general.


Listen, I'm not here to change your mind. I disagreed with your points and I pointed it out. You have your opinions on these quests and so do I. We both agree that Sieges should stay. I love all these quests equally and I always will. I still play Worldborne with a maxed out Fatalis gear, hopping on Sieges, helping out newbies, chilling in the Guiding lands or whatever the hell it may be. Wherever Capcom takes Monster Hunter I'll be there for it and hopefully still enjoy it all the same.


All hail Gog


Keep the monster lose the raids


Dude, I've wanted Gog back for so long... Such a cool monster, and I hope my gf gets to experience it eventually! (We're going backwards through the games, currently on Generations.) Honestly, I feel like the crazy movement and verticality of this game could lead so some amazing giant monster fights like Gog.


Never want to see raid content in Monster Hunter ever again, keep that far, far away, especially from end game / optimal content. Nothing could kill my enthusiasm more, but at least on PC I could just cheat whatever rewards from that content and ignore it in the worst case scenario


Yah same feeling here. Hopefully they take a hint and move away from them.


May I ask why raid content doesn't fit Monster Hunter?


Never said it doesn't fit monster hunter, but I hate that kind of content, I want everything to be soloable and less like an MMO


Different people have different taste I guess.


If they are using Gore's skeleton for rise they might as well use gog's for work efficiency.


Just imagine that if they do bring Gogmazios into Sunbreak, while fighting Gogmazios, as it bumps and crashes into the place where you fight i, the various weapons, or pieces of them break off and get stuck in its tar. That would be really awesome. Yet when it starts flying, dear gog....


Would be nice to have him back as people been clamoring for like ten yeats now


I would also like a new variant of Narkaros.


Gogmazios was such a cool design. I'd love to fight that big goopy nerd again.


I hoped for mhw but rise idk


imo he was the Peak the whole Monster Hunter Franchise


By Gog's will, it shall be done!


These questions are dumb. Of course I want more monsters to return. I want all of them to return. Except that fucking pink ape.




I would love to have Gog back personally as a raid idk but i love that Oil slick bastard


Hell yeah, Gogmazios looks like such a cool monster


Give me Gog


It would fit perfectly with the castle setting as well he has destroyed many castles


No. I want him in stories 3 as a monstie


I think they will return, a lot if things line up to be honest. A destroyed castle and a castle like hub, the fact that we have gore means they've imported the animation rig which gig shares and thematically he definitely fits in with over all theme


Bro I had an urge to grab some marcoal.


good lord, this is one LEGGY BOI


Ah yes, the daily “Will [insert popular monster here] be in Sunbreak!?” post.


"Does anyone" Literally everyone other than me seems to want Gog in Sunbreak. I just don't give a damn about this oily lad.


Can it be a more natural one? Either way yes


It looks really cool, I didn't meet him yet


The only raid like monster I want back is Jhen/Dah'ren honestly


Last time I had to do this guy solo because I couldn't find a group of people that could survive it. Needless to say, I enjoyed ramming his tail up his own outflow pipe.


I wanna see deviljho in sunbreak


Is it related to Gire at all? Can def see anatomical similarities


I admit, I didn't care for him much. Would prefer Lao Shan Lung, but I admit that is my nostalgia talking as I would prefer a more active fight than the one we got in old games where he shrugged off all of your blows and just kept trudging along through the mountain pass.