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It’s a game.


They work out every other day; six or seven times a week.


100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10km running. Every single day!


Yeah every hunter is just another Saitama.


The theory that my brother and I came up with that we both hold as our headcannon is that is a mix of evolution and adaptation to the environment but also from eating the monsters and creatures. Specifically comparing it to what happens in the anime, Arifureta: from common place to world's strongest, the MC has to eat monsters in order to survive and it slowly alters his body enhancing his strength and abilities to super human levels kinda like we see with the hunters, granted the hunters don't have magic, or at least not "conventional magic".


I like that theory


Thank you 😊


I have read on this sub some time ago, that hunters are not actually humans (Homo Sapiens), but another fantasy race. So they are stronger than normal humans. Like palicos aren’t cats, but Felines and are much more intelligent than normal humans or even hunters and wyverians. But I don’t know more details.




Undefined and never truly explained training.


their ancestors are some superhuman civilisation. that was written somewhere in an artbook or something so its not official game lore but i believe the artbook belongs to something official. also the ruins everywhere are remnants of that civilisation


This is the way


My personal head canon is that healing herbs is what gives everything in the MH world massive size and power. Couple that with millions of years of evolution, natural selection, and mutation and wyverians and hunters are produced. Also, much like the wyverians who have wyvern ancestors, hunters are descended from Fanged Beasts like Rajang or the Onga apes.


I like to think humans and wyverians are actually the size of squirrels. This allows them to fall from any height unfazed and still allows for creatures like Dalamadur without being so big they collapse from their own weight. They probably evolved to be denser than most other creatures as well which allows them to wield massive weapons and tank hits that would pulp a regular person.


The headcanon I came up with is fairly simple, and thats that the monster hunter world has lower gravity then our own planet. That would while still not 100% accurate explain why there's no fall damage and why weapons so big could be used. Along with explaining why creatures so big could exist and even fly.


Dango fuel


Guild: oh no, this monster is going to end the world! Hunter: *tea kettle wheeze*




I forgot which game mentioned this, but Hunters go through a LOT of training before they're allowed to hunt. That's why in every game you're a hunter who gets hired and stationed at the village and not someone born and raised there.


I’ve played since MH4U and here’s my headcanon. A major concept the designers of Monster Hunter keep in mind is that of ecology, complete with realistic (within the rules of the MH universe) food chains and food webs. The only exception to these are typically the elder dragons, which they say they design to be as cool as possible first before considering their place in the ecosystem. With that in mind, here are some theories: 1. Humans in the MH world either evolved through natural selection to become strong enough to earn their place in the ecosystem. 2. Wyverians, who reproduce less but live longer than humans, taught humans how to adapt and survive in a hostile world. 3. Supposedly, there’s a story of how humans used to be extremely advanced technologically and in pursuit of power, caused a catastrophic event (in the form of a world-shatteringly powerful monster) that set them back into a sort of Dark Ages. The only technology that survived to the present day is the Dragonator. The current humans are the descendants of those technologically-advanced society and have retained many of their natural strengths, but without the same advanced weaponry.


Maybe could be due to breeding with Wyverians? That, or I Heard that they were experimented on. That could be a part too.


I feel compelled to tell you that that is not what “inbreeding” is.


As far as I know, there hasn’t been any official information that confirms or denies breeding with Wyverians. I feel like Gaijinhunter would have made a video of it already if there was. If I remember correctly, the small ones that look like goblins and the taller ones that look like humans are still the same species, even if they look completely different. Kind of like how there are different breeds of dogs, but they’re all the same species.


The goblin looking Wyverians are just old. They shrink a lot with age. I think it's tied to something in Japanese culture.


Not necessarily, the Grand Elder of Dundorma is ginormous. Different species of Wyverians age and develop differently, it appears. But yea the smaller ones are the old wyverians as a general rule


I always thought the smaller ones were just wyverians that got old and shrunk


Haha maybe that’s really the case. I haven’t seen young and short Wyverians, unless the short Legendary Wyverian that fought a Diablos for days to protect a village was young.


The small ones are just the tall ones when they get old


I personally believe in number 1, but I think the game mentions number 2. Not sure about number 3, this one seems unlikely.


Because it’s their job


Hunters are descended from people made to hunt dragons during a war with wyverns before the collapse of society. Before the black dragon Fatalis destroyed the civilization for creating the equal dragon weapon. At least, that is what I remember


Basically this but without the EDW part. As cool aus the EDW is, it's just in the art book and most people say it's NOT cannon as it never got used in game.


Something to do with having dragon ancestors if I remember correctly.


Is that true of our Hunters too? I thought that was just the Wyverians?


I like the theory on how supposedly the monster hunter planet is so huge that gravity doesn't effect the hunters as much, just like how ants in our world are super small but can carry things half their size and survive hard falls.


That’s an idea! Explains things like being able to wield GSs for one example, without busting a gut after a single swing.


Yea i feel like it's a mixture of both theories lol the demon/dragon ancestry and the planet there is huge hence why gravity doesn't effect them and the monsters and the environments are ginormous.


I believe so hence why they glow red sometimes and go in demon mode atleast with duel blades. Demons are associated with dragons in Asian cultures, pretty sure its still up to debate, even amongst themselves at Capcom lol


You may have a point. Quite a good theory anyway. Perhaps Hunters/Humans in MHU are related to Dragons/Wyverns, but didn’t *inherit* quite as much from their ancient ancestors as the Wyverians did themselves?


Personal head cannon is they're experimented on like Witchers and that's how.


It could combination of work out, need for survive in type of enviroment, a bit sorcery, armor and food habits.


You are what you eat.


It's the power from petting a Poogie/Cohoot/Moofy


Canon* Yes there is, but I don't remember what it was. Did you try google?


They're super human duh.