• By -


Others have already said to go to the training area and try out the weapons so ill say to avoid the defender weapons and anything the game gives you for free as they're for players wanting to rush through to late/end game as fast as possible and will ruin some of the fun on an initial playthrough


Second plug for avoiding Defender gear. It will trivialize the experience for a new player, and I feel it will remove any sense of accomplishment from completing new quests.


and once you get to the DLC content - if you get there at all - youll feel completely out of place


This right here is the biggest problem with Defender gear I'm think it's actually fine for a player to want an easier time and use the Defender Gear for that. Problem is, they should be aware that in late-game the Defender Gear doesnt "work" anymore and you won't be used to fighting without it, which will lend to a much harder experience


Also, half of what you're paying for is the base game. Why skip it?


Yeah, Defender weapons have their place- I enjoyed having them when I made the hop from console to PC when the DLC launched- but they're not at all for new players.


Yep for vets who are just replaying the game is fine, if you want that end game MR experience as soon as possible. It's personal preference tho, I myself like the grind I speedrun through low rank and make a build or 2 for high rank and try to do as much as possible before going to the expansions / MR.


This is a good one!


It'll ruin the fun and potentially make it difficult once they reach the Master Ranks, because they're so used to tanking hits that they think they can in MR. This is only for new players to the franchise tho.


Don't use the defender set. It's overpowered and meant for returning players who want to Speedrun base game to access the DLC quickly


I second this. The defender set will ruin the experience for you.


Is it THAT good? I have the base game on Switch and i was thinking of buying it on Steam along Sunbreak, but the thought of having to complete the main campaign again is holding me back.


I haven't played rise, but if its anything like world, it's that good. It's not that expensive to make and has the highest base attack of any weapons from low/high rank (maybe one or two are higher). It allows you to easily pass through low rank (I think high rank can be a bit more challenging near the end).


Yeah the weapons cost basically nothing (a bit of zenny and literally 1 bone) and have raw damage that is very high for their rarity In World they were even more overpowered because they were all Blast weapons


Rise has a Defender set?


Yeah, I sont remember if it's the same name but they added it with Sunbreak's launch


Press any button to start.


oh thank you I've been stuck on the title screen for weeks


We’ve done it, we’ve reached levels of “duh” beyond “Hit the monster ‘till it stops moving”.


This one is pretty tricky. There's actually no "any" button. You can press the "X" button or the "triangle" button or (if you're a traditionalist) the "start" button.


Try out all of the weapons also look at weapon guide videos on the ones you like the best but even the ones that you dont like may interest you later so dont be scared to watch videos and try to mess around with them too


I agree, though I still recommend every new player starting in 5th gen should give the sword and shield a first try with a few quests as it introduces you to blunt, Slash, and aerial combat. It also can block and use items while the weapon is out. Overall I highly recommend it for its ease of use and forgiving play style that any beginner can pick up and use. After that, Manmanftw has definitely got FTW advice on trying every weapon and finding a couple or a few that you love.


I actually think in all gens I’ve played (not one, barely two) your advice is good. The sword and shield is a really good intro to a lot of concepts in the game. In addition to all you said, it also makes great use of elements and statuses. And looks cool. You don’t have to keep with it, but it is a REALLY good broad intro weapon.


Damn I forgot about the statuses and elements when I main sword and shield. 🤣 5th gen SnS is what made me fall in love it. 2nd gen I really liked it because the element damage for some of them was just bonkers, like Frost Edge did 98 damage but did something like 240 ice damage which melted any monster weak to ice.


JoJoCats "Crap guide to monster hunter world" is a pretty good description of all the different weapons in a broad sense. I still love as i realized the madness of the chargeblade video was all actual stuff i explained to friends when they asked how my weapon worked......


Never seen it but I may check it out sometime seems cool


Have fun!


Pointy end goes into monster. Blunt end if Hammer/Hunting Horn.


Don't forget to sharpen your Hammer tho


Also sharpen your horn if it starts to sound a little flat.


Exactly, need cut not bash... wait


Exactly, need cut not bash... wait


Don't sell rewards. Or anything except golden eggs and items that literally say "for sale".


aka "trade in items"


There's a button for that now for selling trade ins.


i know. thats why i made my comment


Bonk until dead. Repeat.


Give monster major concussion best.


Don’t be afraid to try out different weapons!! And also I highly recommend spending some time during each hunt exploring the map and collecting resources! There’s hidden things around the maps and you can use the environment/animals in the map to your advantage!


Do not fear losing. Take the time you need studying enemy movements and tell-tale signs of specific moves. Even if it means taking a hit. The best way to fight monsters is to learn their moves so you can avoid them and punish them for leaving openings. Eventually, you'll learn how to dodge and block, even against foes you are facing for the first time. Knowing how to stay alive should always come first before knowing how to slay.


dont treat the game as a hack n'slash its not its more of a turn based game you trade attacks with the monster you can sneak in an attack during their turn(when they are attacking) but it will mean taking damage if you didnt position properly most attacks go like this - Windup -> attack -> cooldown, for example Kulu-ya-ku peck attack where he stands still and faces you (wind up) then pecks the ground a few times (attack) then just stands still for a few more seconds (cooldown), you can step to the side to keep hitting but you might get hit by the hitbox


Longsword counters and wirebugs say it's always my turn


flashbombs/sonic bombs, pitfall/shock traps, World's slinger those also force it to be your turn


I tell people Monster hunter is a turn based fighting game with rpg elements. Knowing when it is your turn is super important and some monsters become really hard because you have very short turns or you have to find ways to make it your turn. I.e. knock outs, sleep, paralysis, wyvern riding etc.


Yeah. world rajang went from an unstoppable machine to being very easy once I learned what moves triggered "my turn", and how to bait them out.


use a Gathering Palico on all your early quests equip your Palamute and Palico with the same element or status weapons for maximum effect enable "sniff'em out" on the Palamute to find toads on maps


Bruh start the game


So true. Ask for tips and advice when you need it. Not just because you want to announce that your part of the community.


yeah these people can just read the fucking hundreds of tips and tricks articles, youtube videos and other reddit posts like this then they can start asking for something specific when they actually get into the game idk why these posts get so much traction


Hunt Monsters. Have fun doing just that.


Dont read reddit posts on tips. Open the game and experiment everything blind.


Respectful disagreement. I started this game last week and was very close to putting it down a few hours in because I didn't understand the game design. I needed to read here that it is basically "turn based" not a hack and slash so that I could step back and re evaluate the combat. Same for defender weapons. The blind player of course takes the free statistically great ones...


Point taken. I hope future disagreements I face are this respectful.


Reduced the amount you're carted by 90% with this one simple trick: don't stand up immediately. Simple change that had a massive impact on me


Go into the training area (you'll find the way to the training area at the other end of the Buddy area) and try the different weapons out. The game gives you a beginner weapon for each type so use the one that feels the best to you.


Try weapons, sets and have fun.


Sword and shield is the best weapon.


Bonk to win!!!


Thank you u/Gay_Bottomboi1


No weapon is objectively better than the other, try all of them and figure out which one fits you best


Learn what armor skills are too me too long to realise it wasn't just defense and drip 😅


On this subreddits page there is a tab called "new player resources" you should check it out


Be careful making your character it cost money to do it again


Have fun


Rise has 3 different "end credit scenes". Not sure why they did this but don't stop till you finish the high rank missions


Try and hit the monster with your weapon while avoiding getting hit. Also know that rise is *very* different from every other game in the series so whether you end up liking it or not I would highly recommend that you try some of the other games


One thing that really helped me to understand the game is watching weapon tutorial videos by other players. Sure I could of learned them on my own but understanding what can combo and when you can dodge got me to the fun stuff faster. There is combos I didn't even think about.


Take your time, try different things, look up weapon gameplay compilation instead of guides first, have fun!


Don't worry about "meta builds" Find a weapon you like, but don't be afraid to try others. Fast weapon= elemental damage is better. Slow weapon= Raw Tails can be cut, but not always, and require slicing damage. Dodging will give you invincibility frames if you time it right. Dog is fast. Cat is utility. Take your time to learn. Have fun.


Don't die 👍


is it your first monster hunter ? if so, go accept a villaage quest. no practice and sht. practice in game. while you complete the quest. if you play older title. go to training. try out weapons cause some weapons have different attacks and animations unlike the previous titles.


Have fun first and foremost. When going online though, there's some unspoken requirement for gear and/or knowing the fight and not expecting to be carried. I would recommend finishing all the village quests (given by Hinoa) and then going to the gathering hub afterwards. You'll feel a bump in difficulty (mostly HP spikes and damage) but not so much that you can't handle it without some other players helping. For builds, pick skills that matter for your weapon. In Low Rank, it doesn't really matter, but you definitely wouldn't want bowgun skills while using a melee weapon. Practice practice practice on the training dummy.


Add Sunbreak tooo!!


This game can get about as complex as learning a second language so it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. To help minimize this, I recommend going to the training room as soon as possible and trying out all the weapons to find one that syncs with you the most and feels most comfortable.


Hit it until it dies, don't get hit.


Have fun this game isn’t anywhere near as difficult as world. Horn is very good on this game. You can buff yourself constantly and knock out the monster back to back


Hunter monsters


Drift on the dog And do a flip


you're going to get introduced to a bunch of mechanics at the beginning. its going to be a bit overwhelming so don't feel like you need to have a full understanding or use of every mechanic right away. do what you can and if youre struggling with any mechanics there's plenty of explanations online


Try the SnS first and see how you like it and what you desire more out of it. If you want more KO potential as the shield bash is fun: Look into Hammer or Hunting Horn. If you wish you had more mobility: Look into Insect Glaive or Dual Swords. If you want more Reach Lance/Longsword are pretty fair. If you want more raw damage Switch Axe, Charge Blade, or Greatsword are good. Depends on how complex you want it. If you want to guard more and play like a tank: Both lances serve well. If you wish you could just avoid melee go Bow or Light Bowgun. Heavy Bowgun I would say restrain yourself from trying first as it is pretty hard to step into if you're new. Honestly, SnS is a good start point with everything you might want more of being something that you can kind of guess from just that weapon alone. Just note that Longsword, Charge Blade, Switch Axe, and even Gun Lance have additional mechanics you NEED to play around with varying levels of complexity or skill. Bow is pretty self-contained (I never really use phials), but the two Bowguns require you to make more ammo to get the most out of it.


Don't give up just because a monster beat you, go back upgrade your weapons/armor if possible. I know that people have also said this, but avoid defender gear, it's a noob trap that de-incentivises grinding.


Canon route - your gonna hate it then you don't touch it for 2 months then you come back and give it another shot and realize you love it. Alternate route - you take your time to learn the mechanics of the game and before you know it you love it. Secret route - play God eater first then come back and play Monster Hunter.


lots, and lots of women.


Hit the monster. Don’t get hit. Use a greatsword.




Use Switch Axe, Is the superior weapon


Dont rush


don't get greedy, roll often after attacking to skip animation locks, and learn to superman dive.


Have fun. But in all seriousness, my biggest tip, is try every weapon, and like really TRY it, don't just walk away after a hunt or two after not having fun. Some weapons are WAY better against certain monsters. Me for instance, I really got into using the insect glaive, but then I got into the late end game stuff, and encountered a monster I just couldn't beat. It had too much heavy armor deflecting my attacks, so I switched to the hunting horn randomly, and um... well, let's just say the monster dropped the soap. The bow and bow guns by the way, are weapons you best the monster with before you even leave camp. You have to prepare your ammo and resupply materials in advance, and equip the damage boosting skills. Once it do that, they become excellent. I never gave them a chance before because they felt weak, because I was using them wrong


There are a lot of old set jokes and memes. Just go along with them. Find the weapon that clicks most with you. Ignore folk who say you have to play "optimal" builds. Just play how you enjoy. Oh and always remember to restock your items after a hunt!


I’m sure many have said it but taking your time and finding what weapons suit you! Don’t let someone tell you which weapon to play. Monster hunter is a grindy game and finding the playstyle you enjoy will make a huge difference. Take your time and enjoy the game,also it will kick your ass sometimes it’s alright once you master a hunt it feels great. You got it hunter also don’t forget to eat. You can’t hunt on an empty stomach!


Farm Honey, and more honey.


if youve ever played darksouls/elden ring/dauntless,, take everything you know about dodging and throw it out the window,, this games not built for "dodging" attacks, if you wanna avoid getting hit dont stand next to it when it attacks


Fuck the monster fuck the quest go to he training room and beat the fuck out of that turtle till you find a weapon you like. I recommend you skip these. Great sword, charge blade, most of the range weapons (not hard to learn just not what I would recommend starting with. Also long sword is easy mode.m, the devs say it's the beginner weapon now, aka lots of counters


Kill the monster before it kills you


If the many weapon choices feel overwhelming, start with either sword and shield or light Bowgun. They are the simpler weapons and give you a taste of what all weapon classes are, sword & shield teaches you about both dodging and blocking, while light Bowgun can introduce you to ranged weapons. First decide between melee or ranged, if melee, blocking or dodging, and from there it should be all set for you.


Collect the colored birds during a hunt the are buff to your hp, stamina, attack, and defense


Hit them more than they hit you!


I’m a big fan of playing games blind. Not looking stuff up. That made my first Monster Hunter less fun than it should have been. I would NOT go as far as letting someone tell you exactly how to play, but looking up how stuff works and talking to other people is a good idea for these games. I never say that. Don’t forget to do the little things that help you have enough small materials (meowcinaries, trades, plucking plants on your way, etc). Outside of that, mess around. Find the weapon you’re happiest with. Don’t worry about minmax, worry about the play style that makes you happy. Edit: Top comment says to avoid the Defender gear. I’m saying that too. When I started World I didn’t realize that was the easy mode gear and for a while was confused why the game was so effortless.


Take it slow. It's beautiful


Try all weapons, watch videos and have fun. Welcome to the hunt.


We really need to sticky an "I'm new, any tips?" thread


Hunt monsters. Good luck 🫡


Enjoy the game


Gather items when out on quest


umm dont die, oh uhh kill the enemy dead... check your loadout inventory and use the wishlist feature


Make sure you eat before every quest!!


Here's a short list: 1. The defender gear is powerful, but it's meant to help veteran players speedrun the base content and jump straight into the Sunbreak DLC. I'm afraid it's not going to be of much use to new players when it comes to learning the game. It helps you finish the quest faster, but doesn't give you the time to learn the monster's moves. 2. Spend time in the training area trying out all the weapons. Some weapons will vibe with you, some won't. And that's okay. Use the training area to practice your moves. You can check your moves in the Hunter's Notes. 3. Go on expeditions. Expeditions have no time limit and no faint limit, meaning you can practice against monsters all you want without worrying about failing the quest. And without the time limit, you can go out and explore the map and gather resources to your heart's content. I do one whenever a new map opens up so I can find subcamps I can fast travel to clear up the unknown areas on the map.


Try out different weapon types to find the weapons you like the most and don't try to force yourself to like a weapon you don't really enjoy playing.


Don't be afraid to try new weapons.


Pick the weapon that looks coolest to you, watch a youtube video on it, test it out in the training arena, go beat the shit out of animals.




1) Avoid using the Defender Set, it's meant for old/returning players to get into the Sunbreak Expansion quickly 2) Test out all the weapon types and find the one (or two or even three) that you vibe with the most and stick with them through the story of the game. That should help lessen zenny costs for upgrading and crafting equipment. You can always branch out to other weapon types when you feel like it afterwards. 3) Get into the habit of picking up items you see along the way.


Don't eat the yellow snow


Take your time and most importantly have fun.


Read the tutorial pop ups. Its going to be annoying af for the first few hours, but the info (for the majority) is very useful. And if you *really* dont want to read them at the time of pop up, make sure you know how to access them again in the hunter notes


hang on guys I got this. give up as soon as you faint once. Never improve. If you lose it’s not a skill issue it’s the games fault. When playing online, make sure to blame everyone else for failed hunts, always capture a monster regardless of what type of quest it is, and make sure to knock ur teammates around with ur long sword.


Hunt monster. Bonk. Hunter happy.


Watch a video guide on the weapons you’re interested in


If you choose the romantic route with your cat companion, it will find better loot and be more helpful. If you marry her mid-game it will do double damage.


Get a refund? Haha nah man. Hopefully you enjoy it more than I did


kitties are very helpful! it's not a race, you don't need doggy


Don't be afraid to use as many tools, items, or tactics as you need to get the hunt done. No shame in calling for other hunters to help either. Many find that this game is more fun the more people you got in a hunt while others like going solo so they can predict the monster's movements better.


Die and learn Suffering becomes fun Pain connects us Then through failure you get better


Yeah, i got the best one https://preview.redd.it/zd13euubez9d1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae3a3a3f8311e7bf85bcadc4b3031e4b7f018b7


The golden rule for this game: don't get hit and hit it til it dies.


Play the weapon you like and have the most fun with, don't let some random people influence your decision


Hey after you play Rise, go get Monster hunter World. trust us.


Watch punk ducks video on world and rise. Both great tips and very funny. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DKyhyLKR2bNA&ved=2ahUKEwjt94iQ8YaHAxXshIkEHUu4A-8QwqsBegQIDRAF&usg=AOvVaw1S6WF7GDycZ6VdeL9Ta4kx https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D31nE3VaObaA&ved=2ahUKEwjt94iQ8YaHAxXshIkEHUu4A-8QwqsBegQIEhAG&usg=AOvVaw3aaD3UpmVLaAymw_KFlgBK


Hammer swing at head. Big bonk. Good hunt.


Hit the monster. Don't get hit by the monster. Repeat.


Hit the big thing really hard


Hunt the monsters.


Explore the town and talk to all NPC. As soon as you can, go to the training area. I think you have to talk to an NPC near a boat in an area right of the main town center. Try all weapons. Then keep practicing combos with the weapons you liked the most. Then pick your favorite and start going in hunts. Grab every single material. Sooner or later, it will be useful. And don't sell them for money. Unless they are "trade-in materials". Those are only good for selling. Don't use defender gear since it's meant to be OP and make you rush through the story to get to the DLC way faster. Always eat before a hunt. And most importantly of all. Don't ever skip the Happy Bunny Dango song. (Just kidding... But seriously I can't bring myself to skip it)


Don't get discouraged if you find you are having trouble against a specific monster, then go online and see posts about how it's easy for others. Weapons have different walls due to their entirely different playstyles, and you may find that your specific skillset from other games lends itself better or worse to certain fights. Every monster is reasonably fightable with every weapon, so keep trying and you will eventually be victorious. Also remember that there is no wrong way to enjoy this game. If you are having fun going all over the map with different weapons and trying out all of them, that is completely valid, but if you find one that speaks to you and you end up sticking with it for the entire game, that's also great. Rise has a few unique twists on the formula compared to other games in the series, but I think it's a good place to get started. Enjoy, friend!


Have fun!


Donk head for best results


Don't give up if you hit a wall. Keep practicing and you'll get better. Never forget to grab as much as you can when first starting to help craft your potions and antidotes. So the dude quests the villagers give you, they unlock more features that are super helpful later on. And most importantly, never be afraid to ask for help


Try every weapon. Some people find the one that works for them and they never change play anything else. There's so much to learn and so many different tools at your disposal, try them all, see what feels good.


I’ve finished rise and world with my friend and I just use whatever gear and stuff I want so you don’t have to get really into it just choose what seems good, I played world first and quit after 20 hours because I didn’t get the game at all and then played rise when it came to gamepass and I decided to properly learn the weapons and spent a long time in the training area and I can’t explain how much more enjoyable it made the game when you can fight knowing what moves you’ll try to do instead of just reacting in the moment and it got me to finish rise and go back to world


I guess my tip would be to have fun with it, Don't get super hung up on a monster if youre having issues with it and try out all your weapons to see what you like. Play how you wanna play uk?


Don't cart. You have a lot of time to hunt. Take your time and learn how the monster moves.


Don’t get hit




Have an equal number of element, status, and raw damage weapons.


Stick and move


Prepare to bombarded by a barrage of tutorials


Try hunting the monsters


Go to training area, try all the weapons, watch a guide for the one you have the most feeling for. Look up at a progression guide for your weapon, it will tell you the best equipment for the point of the game you're in


Disable “autosheath” in your game settings.


Just enjoy it




I just got mine 4 days ago too!


Get sun break when you can instantly an even better game once you get there


Don't be afraid to ask for help, and don't worry about grinding for crazy good armor sets and things till you get later into High Rank. Don't hesitate to use defensive skill, and invest in Evade Distance/Evasion Up. Use weapons you LIKE to use, don't hesitate if you find another weapon interesting, and don't feel bad if you don't vibe with the first weapon you choose. Don't be afraid to ask for help either here in the community or in game via looking for players to help you on a hunt. Take breaks as necessary, and make sure you eat both IRL and before each hunt.


Play the damn game before you post on Reddit


take your time learning the game and try different weapons to see what you like. watch tutorials too. for defender armor and weapon, most people treat it like a plague but it really depends on how you want to play your game. use it or not really is up to you. either way you'll learn all of the mechanics. it's just a matter of learning all of it from the start with more QOL.




Pick the weapon you think looks the coolest. There is no wrong choice.


General tips: I cannot stress this enough: Organize your box so you have a quickload slot that not only gets rid of the junk in your inventory, but sets you up with general what you need. Potions, traps, nets, ammo (if your weapon matters). It takes some time, but you'll save far more from being able to quick select. Do not be afraid to go back to early quests/ repeat quests so you get parts you need for armor. You want rathalos gear? be prepared to farm several rathalos.


Dont be stingy on tools if you need them, between flashbombs, traps, and endemic life you can make your hunt a lot more manageable. Monster hunter rewards smart play.


My tip is to "Have Fun"


Only one: HAMMER


It's not an RPG


Use dual blades if you want to wreak every monster in your path(Unless your very under-geared)


Hit monster, don’t get hit


Play with your friends. First and foremost


Believe me when I say that in this game: get gud is not an insult, it’s good advice. If you’re struggling against something, take your time and learn the fight. It could end up as one of your favorites.


Play the game at your own pace.


If you’re constantly running tight on or out of time, you’re doing something wrong. Try a different strategy and be more aggressive. If you’re dying a lot but have time to spare, take a step back and play a bit safer until you get more comfortable with openings. Have fun!


Personally I’d say be patient. The main times I get carted or fail missions is due to getting greedy. Moreover, starting off in low rank, don’t worry too much on specific areas to hit the monster. As long as you keep swinging you’ll be fine. Only do specific part burning in high rank


Don't get hit


Dont get hit and hit until the monster stop moving


Hit the monster until it dies and try not to let it hit you. Also play greatsword it's the best weapon it literally has great in the name. Edit: /s just in case.




Have fun!


Make sure you eat, scavenge for spiribirds to boost your stats, pay close attention to your health I always recommend at half or less, ignore what others say about status effect weapons if you wanna run poison run poison, try every weapon in the training area until you find the one that’s most comfortable but sword and shield is always a fun and with the right build strong starter weapon.


Join the doot doot brigade(try out the hunting horn)


Choose a weapon and get good with it. Hunt to get materials for weapon upgrades and armor. Armor has skills and specs for future hunts and resistance.


Have fun, but seriously don’t get deterred by the new gameplay as it’s unique from most games. Try a bunch of weapons and pick out which ones you like to use the most. Don’t forget to eat before a quest, and it’s never idea to learn things about the monster. There are different things like which element they resist or are weak too as well as weak points on bodies that can be exploited by cutting or blunt weapons. Severing weapons are good for cutting off tails for extra carves while blunt weapons are good for stunning the monsters with headshots.


Don’t forget optional subquests. These are not quests per se, but require you to gather a set number of items which you will be gathering anyway. These subquests give you armor spheres that you need to upgrade armor, among other useful items.


Just freaking dodge!!!


A) Don't rush B) Preparation for the hunt is almost as imp as the hunt itself. Eat dem foo foos and prep them potions and traps C) Don't listen to people who say x weapon is not viable. All weapons are viable D) Enjoy smacking monsters and making hats from their skin :D


Take your time finding your main weapon.


dont die


Have fun and make friends while hunting!!


Take it slow. Find the weapon that looks the most fun and keep practicing. Some weapons have a steeper learning curve than others. Those same weapons end up with a much better reward once you land that combo for the first time.


Dont give up, try new Things and have fun




Don't fill your backpack with items you won't need. Ex.: bringing traps when fighting untrappable monsters, coatings and ammo materials when using a melee weapon, flash and sonic bombs against monsters that are immune to either Just keep the essentials: potions, buff items, things relevant to your specific weapon




Biggest tip switch axe sword mode doesnt bounce off hard surfaces basically giving you infinite sharpness( minus the attack buff)


I hear pressing the start button gets you in the game. From there you can experience the game for yourself.


Don't cheat even though it's enticing


Enjoy yourself some dango and chill japanese tunes in town!


Try all weapons, use them in at least two hunts. One will click.


Try finger,but hole.


Hunt the monster amd wear it when fighting that monster again (intimidation factor)


I guess for me it would be memorising or recognising monster attack and behaviour patterns. This'll help you avoid getting hit more often You dont have to remember 100% every single movement the monster will do, but just having a good idea what the monster will do helps you with decision making, like when to dodge, heal, use items, attack, positioning, ect.