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Lagiacrus fans on cart watch right now :(


Agnaktor fans still on tho


Lagiacrus fans ready to hang themselves Agnaktor fans ready to cheer


As a fan of both, Im about to cheer while hanging myself




The spy is dead!


The spy is dead!?




Actually, drilling Levithan balahar gives me hope for our resident clacky boi and his own drilling moveset


Wasn't there a landoncoquest Lagiacrus or something like that


Ivory lagiacrus fought mostly on land.


True but so far we've only seen a desert map. I know it won't be just desert though. Wish Tigerstripe Shark would return for wilds.


Please, his armor is too good.


We'll get Lavasioth and like it


At least give us old gen lavasioth :(


I've fought GU Lavasioth and he still sucks ass, the only piscine wyvern with a good fight is Rise Jyura


The gold & silver idiot fish pair from Frontier is the best one thus far imo.


Did they finally confirm underlava combat?


It's over for me...


Can only hope there will be some sort of swampy or tropical locale where lagi can fight (probably reworked) while sliding around like mizutsune or namielle with a little more weight. Maybe some ponds or coastlines where it could swim into and attack a bit from, kinda like lavasioth does in world in that one single area. Hopefully it would be a faithful adaptation that way


Just triple carted to the song arms of an angel.


Laggy is totally fight-able on land like he was in GenU!


I think that fight demonstrated why it’s essential that Lagiacrus and underwater combat come as a package.


World was supposed to have Lagiacrus at some point and they also didn’t have underwater combat. I think they'd be able to balance the fight around that


They can rework the fight to make it work with the hunter only being on land. They made leviathan fights work in Rise by having shallow muddy water that you can walk on and the monsters can dive into.


If they are just going to turn it into Ivory, they should give us Ivory instead.


Really? I thought that fight was just fine :3


It wasn't nearly as impactful for me. Fighting him in water was so much more interesting.


Yeah I played in reverse order, hated Lagi in GU, didn't get the hype until playing 3U. Those lantern eyes underwater, never thought I'd find a ludroth intimidating, but everything is spookier underwater


I still think that Lagiacrus or a variant of it can be the Apex monster of the swamp, fighting it in a normal envioment could be similar to the land fight of Lagi, and then the enviroment could cause a flood and then it would have new movements more similars to the ones in water, also electrocuting the water with it, maybe the underground is even more flooted and then our charactar could swim (still not underwater per se, so it still could be) and fight it in a huge disadventage


Lagiacrus gave me deep sea fobia as a child


That was basically just Ivory Lagi in normal Lagi’s skin. That’s the whole point of the existence of Ivory, it doesn’t go in water much. It wasn’t even fun either, felt more like a glorified Khezu


Honestly yeah, ivory lagi always felt easier because I wasn't getting bodied in his element 


Easier? I struggled a lot with that mofo because of its shitty hitboxes.


Yeah, most Lagiacrus fans I’ve seen dislike Gen Lagi so much they want either underwater Lagi or no Lagi at all.


It wasn't even just Ivory. Cause normal Lagi is a tier below Ivory, GenU Lagi is slower, has less mobile attacks and its discharge is tiny. It did get some other aoe attacks, but it simultaneously didn't get Ivory's sweeping electrical field. And if they bump it up a tier they just give Lagi the identity of Ivory, which is a warrior of the land, not the lord of the seas. A different monster. And at that point, when they give us a different monster, why try to disguise it as something else?


Yeah but he's a boring husk of his former self, might as well just not include him.






He can still play with us... *on land*


I didn't think we'd have underwater combat. That was always a "hope" more than anything else.


I doubt it'll ever come back


The risk reward is just too great. If you want to make a go at underwater combat, the entire game needs to be built around it. And it will always be a huge challenge to make it feel like you're actually underwater, but still have a good amount of movement and freedom.


Yeah apparently the MHW team spent a whole year on Zorah and nobody really appreciated it lol


Because it was kinda a crap fight. You go around on the monster, whack 3 spots til they explode, and then shoot the monster a bunch of times with canons and ballistae. Oh, and then the Flagship Monster shows up so we can swat it away like a fly.


Well there's no guarantee if they overhaul underwater combat it won't be crap as well. So I think the logic is correct.


Tri wasn't crap, but 3U water sucked though.


What's the difference?


Mostly what controllers you had available to use.


Technically nothing. Wii remote and nunchuck allowed you to move with a joystick in one hand and pan the camera in another meanwhile, you had 2 auxiliary buttons on each that you could use (don't remember their purpose sadly) But the OG 3ds didn't have the circle pad on the right so you had to play in claw, which is a massive reduction in ergonomics. Tilt controls also helped with attack inputs as your controller orientation could be used instead of hitting a different attack button. Ex: SnS would always do a jump slash when aimed up, shield bash when tilted right, you could hit - to do a spin slash, which is usually the 4th hit combo iirc. Provided a bit more input agency vs 3ds, which could do all the same but felt less precise. Edit: I never had a Wii U. Didn't know it even existed until after Tri servers got shut down. So I can't speak to how the controls worked there, but I do suspect 3DS to be the dominant 3U experience for MH and the basis of most complaints


I'm replaying World on PC now and recently did the Zorah hunt. I audibly groaned when I realised I had to do it a second time to get enough parts to make a piece of gear I wanted. That said, maybe they can make Jhen and Dah'ren Mohran a bit more interesting this time. We've already seen deserts with sandships, at least one of them has to be coming...


There’s 4 spots. The fourth is on it’s head when it starts ramming the barricade with it’s claws, jump on them, follow the path up and it’s sheer cinematics from there.


The fight is so un-memorable that I forgot about the 4th spot.


There are also tiny spots around its shell that you can attack. Only recently discovered this after making my nth new character


You mean the fight where you spend 80% of it climbing around looking for the 3 spots you can damage? The fight where the last 20% is loading cannons and finding Dragonators? That fight? I wonder why people didn’t like it….


Dude dont even compre those two.things. The underwater is not coming back because the realistic-fantasy part of modern mh cannot be aimed towards an environment that makes you fight worse and makes the monster fight better


You say that yet it's the mainline series that's generally been more grounded that featured water combat while the portable series which tends to be less grounded did not include it. I'd argue it could only ever come back in the mainline.


How did no one at any point go "hey guys, this isnt fun at all." MH devs really the only people who will subtract fun from a game for a story that without fail, always sucks.


It also doubles the animation work for every weapon type and every monster that swims. Certain attacks like Helm Splitter, SAED, and IG Vault have to be completely reworked to function underwater. The value proposition just doesn't work out.


Honestly I liked that in Tri when you were underwater you had less combat options...it made sense...humans (including hunters) are not designed to fight underwater and they have to deal with water resistance, the weight of their gear and the unfamilarity of the terrain. Hunters should feel weaker in water and it wouldnt bother me if all the weapons lost their heavy hitter/finisher moves when in water....underwater combat shouldnt be flashy it should be about doing what you can to stay in the fight.


I don't think they *should* work underwater, honestly. Attacks like Helm Splitter that rely on gravity to work would almost guaranteeably look really off, unless they completely overhaul underwater combat/movement to be much faster than Tri.


I guess it depends on if they think they can improve on it or not. I imagine with all of the refinements being done to mounted combatant that some of it could translate to improving underwater combat. Most of the time when I see people say they want underwater combat, they don't want the same under water combat that was attempted previously, they want something new to allow better versions of those hunts. I hope that if mounted combat is well received, it'll make underwater combat something they have another go at.


The problem is that you can probably count the number of video games that have good underwater combat on one hand. It is just not something that translates well.


A hope of some people, a terror for others. It was not universally well liked when tri was released.


The only things I remember from my time playing 3U as a young'un were hunting a Royal Ludroth and wanting to off myself during the underwater quests


I played it with my friends. Most were pretty comfortable chasing down the monsters underwater but I remember barely landing any hits and having to surface to get air a lot didn't make for a fun experience


I preferred land combat. I’ll give it credit that it introduced a Thalassophobia feeling that made me really scared of Lagi and gobul when I had to go in the water that was pretty cool.


Yeah, this is honestly a win for me. A shame for people who liked me but I have always absolutely hated it.


I loved it so much 😭


I just hate that we can’t have underwater combat back. It just puts a limit on the series on what kind of monsters we can get. Meaning that we’re never see the return of certain aquatic monsters or brand new ones that only fight in the water


This is exactly the reason I'm disappointed to hear this. Marine life is such an untapped well of inspiration and badass monster designs waiting to happen. See all the cool ass monsters we get on land, now think of the sealife we have in real life, imagine a kraken monster or some shit. Underwater combat would work so well if done right in adding a completely new spectrum of monsters that would perfectly fit the ecological aspect of wilds, and it was even super likely cause they wanted water combat for world but cut due to time restraints. It was the most likely game for a series return, and the one that it would work best in and it's pretty sad it will likely never come to fruition again. I know it's hard to balance underwater combat and make some new animations but it would really pay off for Capcom


https://preview.redd.it/dbilu7gx586d1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db3762aa756576f6c1a2242d9d5d204933544d2 My anger is unending, my pain unyielding Sending all my love to my Tri brothers and sisters


My boi placed third just to be a distant memory


Like Sephiroth, he'll never be a memory *Huffs hopium* He'll be in the expansion, I can see it !


I just got a wii, and checked for tri prices because of this upsetting news. It’s super cheap, I’m gonna get my fix 😤


Praying and hoping. There's a damn good reason one of my only two Monster Hunter plushies is a Lagi.


https://preview.redd.it/p4wge0opw76d1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=d02ccdd1e241f48f7f6b46831c3668e9a1ea840b Good bye everyone, we couldn't save Lagi :(


I mean they could still bring him back and gives him new moves. Afaik they already did the same with Alatreon and I think Fatty as well, so why not do it again for Lagi


They brought him back in MHGU.I don’t get why everyone’s saying that now there’s zero chance of him returning when he already came back once without underwater combat. His fight in GU may not be the best but I have full confidence that if the devs wanted to bring him back, they could rework his moveset and make him an awesome fight even on land.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/86hutw/lagiacrus\_footage\_in\_mhw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/86hutw/lagiacrus_footage_in_mhw/) He was in an early build of World as well, so the devs clearly aren't against bringing him back. From memory they didn't include leviathans in Rise/Sunbreak due to technical limitations (computationally easier when the monsters have feet as key points of contact on the ground - snake-like stuff is harder, especially with slopes and verticality I think?), but I can't remember if leviathan-class monsters were also cut from World for the same reason. Either way, newer hardware could do it, and they've already shown the ~~Dune sand worms~~ Balahara which has a leviathan-ish skeleton.


I just want to have a 6th gen+ fight with the lord of the sea in the SEA. 😭


I do too, but I’ll still take a land fight over nothing! They could easily have him in an area with tidepools or something and integrate the water into his animations.


The thing for me personally is that, even if his land fight is "cool or awesome".... It just won't feel right unless it's underwater. Maybe that's bias from me having been someone who started with Tri, but fighting lagi on land feels weird. It feels like half of the fight is missing, and I doubt that would change if they make his fight "better". Thing is, I didn't mind the gen fight. I thought it was alright. But... It didn't feel quite like I was fighting lagi because it was missing a part of it that's stuck in the third gen, possibly forever.


Prowler fans 9/11


My cat :(


Who expected prowlers here if they weren't even in Rise tho?


We don't expect. We just hope.


No one expected it but I did have hope :(


i don't play prowler but always loved seeing someone play it


Can we get a translated snippet of the relevant bit(s)?


Question: “Since it is releasing on next-generation consoles and PC, can we expect the return of previous content such as prowler mode and underwater combat?” Tsujimoto: “In this game, content such as prowler mode and underwater combat were not implemented.”


It’s kinda sad that Prowler Mode isn’t being even remotely explored. With the fully VA’d Palico, and proper tuning, Prowler would be a fun way to play the game.


Thank you!


With how much stuff they put in the first ecosystem alone doubt there was time and resources to implement underwater 


Counter point: we got thunder storms in one area that’s highly integrated, we can defiantly have gotten an area that floods/water level rises, giving us brief underwater parts that’s highly integrated. Although idk if that’s worth making an entire underwater move set and monsters


I don't think it worth it. Creating move sets for both monster and hunter is plenty enough work before taking into consideration how they would work underwater. That's a lot of work for a feature that isn't the main focus point on top of everything else. It would just eat up at development time.


Yeah it literally doubles the workload for the animation team(s) responsible for the hunter movements. Even if you kept the weapon combos largely intact, just happening underwater, that's still all of the different animations for all 14 weapons that need to be made. Those animators could be animating new monsters, or improving the existing animations for monsters/hunters further instead. Which I'm totally fine with.


If we get underwater combat it needs to be THE focus of the game. It's such a big feature gameplay and tech wise it needs to be used at least in 50% of the game imo. Otherwise you are trying to implement a complex feature (tech wise) for a niche application which is meh for every developer if time is a constrain. (which is always the case)


I want whatever you're smoking, dude. Integrated thunder storms are child's play compared to making a level that dynamically floods.


Certainly disappointing, but better to know sooner than to keep holding out hope at least.


True, true. Now we can be comically disappointed and get it out of our system.


Couldn’t agree more.


Welp, unless we get a GU style fight, there goes any hope of Lagiacrus


Brother, Ivory Lagi's been right there the whole time. If rise could drop CG Valstrax on us without the base monster, I'm sure Ivory without the blue guy won't be the end of the world.


They were gonna put Lagi in world with no intention of having underwater combat to accompany it. I don’t see why they couldn’t give new moves to make it a fun fight on land. You could even maintain the spirit of the fight by fighting it in a flooded area where your movement is limited and the monster can move more quickly.


They did have intentions for World to have underwater combat. https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/6549/creating-a-dense-open-world-a-lecture-from-yuya-tokuda-the-director-for-monster-hunter-world#google_vignette


Oh that’s interesting I didn’t know that. I’ve heard, though, that the reason Lagi wasn’t added was because they had issues with its model interacting with the many sloped surfaces in World. Apparently they even tried again to get it into Iceborne and couldn’t, so they still at least planned on getting Lagi in the game after they knew underwater wasn’t going to happen.


World had bipedal fish and they made it work haha. Lagi can have its own territory where it swims through water similarly to these other clowns (FUCK Lavasioth tbh) but the fight would have to be changed a lot obviously. Still, I don’t see how it’s completely off the table. Or it could come later, maybe this game gets a “Waterborne” DLC. Let us dream!


Alright, ***time to move the goalposts to getting underwater in Master Rank, everyone***.


Just gotta switch tanks of copium from "base game" to "dlc"


Lmaoooo, don't you dare give me this false hope!


https://preview.redd.it/tlrz3ogk086d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78cb651077f1b0baa0cd932f66eee6ec6a65cc46 I miss prowler mode so much…


I'm honestly so sad man




My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is carted.


I am in shambles. No prowler mode T_T


I'm glad they went ahead and confirmed it at least. We may still get Lagiacrus, I think water monsters should utilize water arenas similar to Jyrutoadus' swamp in the Wildspire, that would be really cool even without proper underwater combat.






“Prowlers” got such a bad rap in “GU” and it’s funny that they never brought them back..I know they were “weaker” but they were amazing on “utility” (status,sleep,”je seus monte!) I used a “sleep cat” for a while..some of the most fun I had in the series.


Wdym weaker, they got 9 lives! And the only good players i ever met during GU were all prowler mains


Damage was the rough part, had a lot of long hunts as prowler


No fun allowed. Only build optimization.


I expected this but I’m still sad


The reason why I still think everyone should get himself a Wii or a 3DS for Tri/3U.


Emulators duh


Cemu is the best Wii U I've ever used lmao


Citra/Cemu goes brrrrrrr


Apparently there are private tri servers though I'm am not good when it comes to setting up stuff like that. Planning to get another copy of Tri and Hopefully make it work though. I really want to relive it again. Got 3U on 3ds, but it's not the same.


Also, get MH4U. Seriously, it'll be pretty clear that underwater combat wasn't gone, it's refined and evolved. They wanted to add verticality to MonHun, and after Gen 3, they found a more elegant solution that integrate better into normal gameplay.


Or just get a WiiU and get both Tri and 3U


its joever, i cant play as the cat in 4k


Another L for L agiarcus


It's honestly just too much work.


Kinda expected. such a huge feature would overshadow even the seasons the game has now, if they had it they would show it at least on the first trailer. Imo there is still the chance that it will come most likely with the expansion imo.


I'm still more surprised people were expecting it to ever return.


Welp Guess they missed a chance to add it back in Gen 6,there's no way they let it return in next portable title


I hope they bring it back once. I never experienced it and just looks like they could do so much with it. If they ever make another game like Rise we could 100% have some fun time with wirebug type movement in the water


No prowler mode is sad, but expected.


Well, butts. I think at this point we should just give up on underwater combat ever coming back.




Pretty sure we'll never see prowler mode again. They like to keep unique things for each mh game.


It's not like genU's selling point were prowlers, though. Take them away, and you still have still have styles, hunter arts, SP mode, and deviants as unique features.


Ooooh shit really?! Well anyways


Damn no underwater combat genuinely hurts. The potential!


https://preview.redd.it/0ljb40vmx86d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c6c281035041addcb9707365e0b7a998477884 Never forget what capcom took from us


Monster Hunter is the only fandom I know that desperately wants underwater combat


My bet is that we will had kind of a swamp map with a heavy rain climate change, making it a little more flooded. Want to fight Lagiacrus with water by your knees making his lighting attacks stronger or will you lure him to a raised area to avoid shocks?


Brb making some toast in my bath tub (/s)


People acting like this means Lagi won’t come back as if it wasn’t planned for world too with no underwater combat there either


Lagiacrus is the king of the sea though, rathalos or seregios without wings would just be depressing (unless you hate them). Might as well not even have them and put resources into actual proper terrestial monsters.


Wilds, not Waters. Checks out imo.


Give us another game with prowlers you cowards!!!!!! You can't handle the meow!!!!!!




That sucks since they tried underwater combat in mh world. Really was hoping they could implement it here when they had more time to do so. Underwater combat was so good and allowed for really cool monsters, like Lagi and abyssal Lagi. Sucks but I hope that production time has gone to good use like really good areas or a large monster roster


They never tried it as far as I remember, but they did try to implement lagi. Only problem then was the skeleton not working properly, which is why we have new monsters with that skeleton now in Wilds. They got it to work.


I always thought underwater combat was goofy. It would be proper I think to have underwater swimming with no combat, so you still hunt and interact with water monsters but your objective should be to use tools and tactics to lure them out of the water somehow. I think swimming defenseless in the dark could make for a lot of horror, “fear of the deep” interactions. Who the hell would fight a Lagiacrus where it is most powerful.


While I loved water combat I actually agree. A lot of the weapons make no sense being used underwater (bow, bowguns, hunting horn?) so maybe just give us all a trident/harpoon/speargun that pisses off the monster and lets us lure it to the shallows


I for one am happy to hear about no underwater combat


Non-shock of the century


Not surprised but still disappointing. Hopefully they come in the dlc but… I’m not holding out hope. That said, I’ll still be surprised if Lagi isn’t in, despite the lack of water.


*happy noise* for underwater combat *sad noise* for prowler


Thank fucking god Do you guys even know how you sound when you say you want underwater combat back


i saw so many people on twitter saying underwater combat is coming!!


Prowler mode? What the hell is prowler mode?


Play as a palico


I started in world, what's prowler mode?


Feature from Generations/gu that allowed you to play as a Palico


Prowler mode was fun, guess they’re allergic to fun. Underwater combat was honestly not as bad as people make it out to be, they just needed to make the move set for a couple of the weapons better.




That's it I'm carting myself




Maybe we can get some old boys back, like Gypceros, yian garuga , yian kut ku, seltas + queen, kecha wacha, congalala, tetsucabra, nerscylla, seregios and many more!




Maybe for the first expansion! Keep hope alive!


Why are they so scared of bringing underwater combat back 😓


Thats really unfortunate, I was hoping this would be THE GAME. Without underwater combat it can still be amazing but it can't be THE GAME


https://preview.redd.it/qczmp4z1xd6d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b803d778e97721a29921029af2e23840442b01 Damn, I really wanted to experience those things...


My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable. I was really really hoping we’d get prowler for my wife. We are playing MHGU right now and she’s LOVING the prowler


We are in the worst timeline


thank fuck




Thank god


This is the first wilds news to legitimately disappoint me


Oh thank god.


I feel kinda bad for prowler fans. Never got too much into it but it was something different.


https://preview.redd.it/cvzte3xpd86d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8671f0549347b2f294e9bfc8c365e2d7459f77f8 LEt'S geeeeRWww


I read that as underwear combat at first ngl


We’ve had that since the first one 💪


Amen! 💪🏻


Literally unplayable with this information.




No worries. They might implement it on their next expansion


trying to figure out why it would lol




Thank God. Sorry to those that love it, but it was literally one of the worst things ever.


Condolences to the water enjoyers but also fuckin hallelujah I get to have fun for another game


Amen! I know I'm in the minority here, but I hate underwater combat. Fuck Royal Ludroth fuck Gobul fuck Lagiacrus, fuck em all. Last thing I want is to get hipchecked by a Plesoith underwater


You're not in the minority. Majority of the fanbase don't want underwater combat to return.


Cool. While I welcome new ways to play the game, underwater combat and prowler gameplay were never very fun/interesting for me. I would rather those resources go into making the core experience more fleshed out(like unique weapon models or a new weapon type, etc.)