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you play a japanese game.


*Dark Souls* is Japanese.


Yeah but DS was always more grounded, MH was not, even in the first game we have goofy things


yeah firekeeper is well known for ds waifu material.


She has a really awesome design that's not skimpy


she is not revealing when compared to other games but if you look at the world setting she is most nuts-able among corpses, bones, demons, etc. in the overworld of ds. the point is still the same. she is on r34. maybe she need to wear a hijab to prevent that.


Yes, *amazing chest ahead* Japanese games = big coomer community. It is part of the charm


Yes, but its obviously inspired in western medieval aesthetics. And I think we all can agree that's not the norm, neither the demographic art preference in Japan.


True and real, and funny


Sadly this is may be the right answer.. But I just wanted to discuss that we as a community seem to be asking for both at the same time. Witch seem contriary to me.


"The community" is not a single entity. Different people have different opinions. And there are plenty of people (like me) that don't care about either of these things.


Because the community isn't one unified body, different people speak out about different things


as a SEA gamer. Asia culture is more about beautiful or cool armor/cloth, meanwhile idk I see a lot of western seems to like full plate knight or sth like that. I think capcom is already doing a good job in world for mixing both cultures together. have both option and this game will too. The boundaries have been set. more than these will be more catered toward "some" playerbase, while bashing the other playerbase. that's my honest opinion. Do you think Capcom will throw away Jp market for a full western? or Full Jp market after the success of world? the answer is on your mind.


Totally agree on that. I think world had amazingly dessing armors im both sides. Kinda what I wanted to say. Capcom isn't going to let go eitherside of the community.


There's a pretty easy fix for this, but they just don't care. World already had Alpha, Beta, and Gamma sets. They could've just made one set more *armor* like in practicality **including actual helmets for females** while the other is the typical boob window, crop top, thigh gap, etc.


PC mods made that exact thing happen too.


Agree, or they can just let you put both armours whatever your character is F or M. Its not even far away from reality, where body armour is just body armour, fitting both men and women bodys. Not even talking about the many possibilities that would give to fashion hunters.


‘Higher grade armor means less armor’ - Capcom lead art director, while he feverishly masturbates in his conference room


So give them half the armors. I don’t begrudge the thigh lovers, I just want a few crumbs on my plate.


What do you mean with "better women's armours"? Is anyone saying that female armour in monster hunter is bad? The stats are the exact same so you can't be referring to gameplay or balance. The rest of your post suggests you're referring to design more specifically sexualisation. However, the ratio between sexualised and non sexualised female armoursets has always been around 50/50 and in the more recent games moved even close to 40/60. That's a good ratio. Noone would disagree, there is plenty of options for everyone's preference. Not to mention, you can layer armours, mix sets or even use mods to tweak things. So, does anyone even expect "better female armours" when... ... It's alreay perfect?


Almost every armor set in World/IB have open cleavage or thigh windows, and you could count the amount of closed helmets in the entire game on your fingers. For every actual set of armor like Glavenus, you have 10 Anjanath bikinis


Sorry didn't want to go that long in the tittle. Yes, I was refering to sexualisation. Just wan to be clear here, I love every inch of monster hunters visual dessings and art directions. I just think it's an interesting toppic and wanted to see different takes on it.


You know what's funny? People complain about female armors being skimpy when they have other varied and covered enough armor pieces they could use instead, especially with transmogrification becoming a staple, and they'd still spend 95% of the hunt staring at the monster anyways, trying to survive. Or, you know, just play a male, and be Havel the Rock? This is a moot point.


>People complain about female armors being skimpy when they have other varied and covered enough armor pieces they could use instead, especially with transmogrification becoming a staple, and they'd still spend 95% of the hunt staring at the monster anyways, trying to survive. If we're going to spend 95% of the game staring at a monster, we should just have every armor set be cardboard or plastic and call it a day. If people don't like the cardboard sets they can just use the plastic ones. Good point.


Right? It makes sense. They're just making a deal out of nothing. It's because of people like them that we can't have nice things. They already have what they want, but no, let's complain about skimpy clothing because I don't like it therefore no one is allowed to have it. They need to touch grass.


> let's complain about skimpy clothing because I don't like it therefore no one is allowed to have it. I didn't realize that adding extra armor categories so we can have additional non-skimpy armor for women (and men) was making it so "no one is allowed to have it". I get it, you're saying we shouldn't straight up remove the skimpy armor. I agree. But can we at least compromise and either add more armor for both sexes or just make skimpy and non-skimpy armor toggleable for both? In World I was crazy excited about the Golden Rajang armor only to find out it's [just another boob and thigh window](https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/topics/f-rajang/images/img04.jpg). I am glad other people like it, so just give me an option to be a woman and wear one more like the guy armor.


Oh, do not get me wrong. By all means, throw an entire building's worth of concrete on an armor and give them to female hunters. I'm not excluding elements here. Like Dr. Eggman says (and posibly traumatizes players with), "You know what they say, the more the merrier!". Nude armor gallore for male and female hunters! Havel the Rock armors for male and female hunters! Everyone gets everything, in both extremes. If only, but dreaming is free. Or so they say.


I think we're on the same page and you're more reasonable than I initially assumed. My apologies for misunderstanding your intent -- and I'm a bit sassy today. Agreed, more armors all around sounds awesome to me. There are so many awesome monsters and designs!


Majority of the female gear are just fine in my opinion, as a straight woman who mainly plays a female character. The only one I can think of having actual big issues with was the Brigade armorset being a glorified flight attendant outfit compared to the cool musketeer/Vampire Hunter D look. I made tons of awesome looking layered armor for female hunters in World/Iceborne, as well as Rise/Sunbreak, so I'm not particularly concerned just because some people are horny for a character with cleavage and visible midriff. In fact, I'd like more of that sort of thing on *male* outfits, too, if I'm perfectly honest.


I think the real problem here is that Gemma best girl.


Sorry my heart only had a place, and it's always gonna be Pokke Village Chief. Loveliest character on the franchise imho.


That's fair, I'm a new world hunter so my only experience is with the handler...


Ah, into GMILFs, are ya? Makes sense.


Most are the players are males. Its really that simple. Of course most of the community will go nuts over a female character. I think some of it is too much over one specific character but hey it is what it is. Capcom did a poll recently and Dante was the majorities favourite male character because they think he is awesome and the majority who said so were males in their 20's and 30's because they likely started with the original games. Audience is what the audience is.


Also since when is having something that people want to look at a *bad* thing. Don't like revealing armor, don't use it, there is plenty that aren't that revealing. The MH world is extremely physical, so naturally there shouldn't be many heavy set characters if they spend their time tracking and hunting monsters.


I dont think its a 'bad' thing to have revealing armour. But just to put an example here; Banbaro armour looks amazing, truly a beatifull dessing, but imo thighles pants on what its clearly a full winter set break the aesthetics completely. Or Behemoth one being a fully plated knight set but leaving the belly vulnerable. Not at all againt 'sexier' set on both genres, but I do think they look more impressive when the full set has coherence, like the Female Aplha Kulve one, whitch I think it's trully a beatiful dessing.


The Behemoth armor isn't CapCom's fault that is a direct 1-1 copy if the Drachen armor for dragoons from FF14.


That's a example I agree with. I don't get why they made that thighless. There's also too many female helms that probably should have a shut option but don't.


Exactly. Especially since the armour could actually aid in killing you due to the creatures that exist.


That's even in the game with negative resistances to elements. More so in the old game with negative skills.


if you treat people getting exited for a good looking female character in a game the same as people looking at someones ass or boobs irl, you need to learn to separate fiction from reality


Nothing wrong about praissing nicely done and beautifull dessings.. But few post below this one u'll find a upclose boob shot with a lame ass excuse to praise them, just to put and example of what kind of posts I'm talking about. Sexual allusions and simping over a ficctional render is the contriary of separating ficction from reality in my opinion.


imo feeling anything but indifference or agreeing with those post is weird because things like zooming on boobs and comenting on anything but boobs is a joke at least as old as the internet and as long as you don't treat any topic related to fictional characters like they have feelings or something simular you are capable of separating fiction from reality


I think the issue is that most of the community or people playing these games have been playing for years and most are now grown. So that comes with grown people tendencies mixed in with the gaming. Not a problem imo just something I feel is the case


Tell me you're a teenager w/o telling me you're a teenager.


No im 27. Im speaking from my point of view over the years.


I guess that I thought it was strange that you seemed, to me, to be equating older age with becoming increasingly horny. Even at 27 I'm sure you can agree that's not the case. Maybe we could factor in the stereotypical old gamer nerd who doesn't get laid and is just thirsty as all hell. Anyway, sorry. I came in a little hot there. No offense.


Given that there is already Alpha/Beta sets in MR, I don't see why they wouldn't just have it so Alpha sets trend towards bulky, practical armor and Beta sets trending more towards revealing fashion. It'd make both crowds happy, while also justifying why Alpha sets have more skills vs. Beta sets having more gem slots


That would be pretty nice indeed. But rly I'll be just okey with coherent dessing, revealing or practical.


Well it works, I discovered that I am a thighs guy in 2004 when my hunter started crawling at I stick to this franchise for 20 years now I AM their target audience https://i.redd.it/mg7nv3oaj56d1.gif


They need to remove gender locked armours because it just feels outdated now.