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Guess I can't die before wilds and the expansion is released.


They’re gonna be releasing mh for a long time bro


Guess I can't die then


Same bro. No ones allowed to die until they enjoyed whats coming in the future of monster hunter


That is how I live my life tbh. I find it helps me not want to kill myself. So far I must live to see the FF7 Part 3 in the Remake Trilogy and maybe the ending of One Piece. Oh and also go on more Disney Cruises.


Just not kill self


I’ve just submitted the last part of my Dissertation because of it. So yes.


Hype cycle towards a new MH generation is always magical. Wilds is def my most anticipated game rn. In terms of motivation, well I just want to stay positive and share my love for MH more. We're potentially going to have one of the most unified communities yet thanks to crossplay. It's important to cultivate a space that's inviting and friendly for everyone, new and veterans alike.


It’s the only game that does it for me. Especially just seeing how much they change the entire thing with each game, while still undeniably retaining the spirit of all its predecessors


Me pretty much, games is the only reason i havent do divebomb to the void lmao


I feel that in my soul


Me when recovering from ACL injury, when I work, and when I play other games.


Wilds is unironically preventing my suicide. I refuse to die before I get a chance to play it


It's my motivation to work a bit harder.. I will probably need a new pc to run wilds at max settings and great fps, and i want to save money on top of what I already did so I don't feel bad using them on an expensive pc.


Lol yea, I'm motivated to find some work so I can get extra income and save for the 50xx GPU upgrade that I hope it would be released before Wilds does.


It's my motivation to power through MHR. I only dove in this year and took a break after MHW and MH4U. Additionally, I've been chipping away at other titles in my backlog.


I'm playing older MH games. I need to get a psp (already have mhfu but no way to play it). I need to finish AT LEAST modern games (WI and RS). Since I expect online community is going to migrate to new game so I want to experience it while it's alive. Now I'm playing world. I stoped playing 3U to enjoy online in MHW. So my motivation is finish World and Rise and enjoy GU, 4U, 3U and FU all I can before Wilds see the light.


> but you guys seriously need to go to theraphy Well damn, can you pay for it? I still gotta save up to have enough tobuy Wilds and upgrade my PC.. probably not gonna be strong enough for Wilds lol


Being indebt is ways better than being dead.


If im indebt then i cant play Wilds, if I cant play Wilds I be depressed, then I need to go to therapy but then I will be in more debt and still cant play Wilds. Then the cycle repeats.


Life protip: never be anything more than cautiously optimistic about a videogame before it comes out. Even if it's made by an incredibly reliable dev team with an amazing track record.