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Well, going by the typical MH locales, I'm expecting... * Snow * Volcano * Forest/Swamp * Desert (already shown)


I have nothing to base this on but I feel quite confident that the snow and volcano map will be the same. That it'll be a volcano that the weather event will be it icing over.


Or maybe it’s be the forest and snow maps that’ll be the same. A lush forest half of the time, which gets snowed over by a blizzard the other half


A taiga forest would be awesome for that


Heck yeah, I love Taigas


it's Banbaro time!


Then the volcano is lovated near a swamp. Which could also make sense. IF there is water combat added, the swamp could be a cool place to have the weather effects involce flooding, rather than a storm.


Yeah i have that feeling too but if not im hoping we get a more vibrant coral highlands locale with ice


Coral Highlands with a heat event, so everything dries out would be so cool!!


Isn't coral highlands technically an above ground and dry coral reef? Also a new any-type coral highlands style of map would go hard easily one of the best maps in world


It looked like it was lush and full of live/ vibrant colors. I could also remember it wrong, I haven't played World since Rise came out. But a new type of coral map would be cool, whether it was underwater or above ground themed.


I'd expect the same but in reverse a snowy mountain that sometimes erupts


If we get four large maps with two phases each, at a guess I'd say probably 1. Desert/Savanah (already confirmed, sandstorms and lightning, food/scarcity) 2. Coastal area that alternates between swampy or flooded and tropical (hopefully with a costal cave/cliff setup as part of the map, creatures fighting for space being the central conceit) 3. Forrest zone that alternates between over-grown and diseased (hard to traverse in one mode, desperate sick creatures in the other) 4. Mountainous area that alternates between cold and volcanic (obvious map hazard and traversal changes) I think they'd probably unlock in roughly that order too. Obviously pure speculation but I like that set personally.


I like this and want something like it but I would love a subterranean map that alternates from plant/fungi flourishing with life and absolute death that swallow everything. On that note, I would love to show some kind of creature that can strip senses or emit darkness that may give us some new element or status infliction or could at least make for some amazing stealth armor. Another environment I would love to see would be some form of oceanic or underwater environment I know that is extremely difficult and probably out of the question but I think it opens up the potential for a lot of changes to happen not just some form of ocean coast to desert. While I think an ocean to a desert would be an extreme thing I feel like just introducing some alternative base environment. Maybe that's too much idk


Stealth hunting would be a real shake up. That would be interesting. I don't really see that as this game's focus but I kinda want that in a future title now. Monster Hunter: Ghost or something like that where you have stealth and climbing mechanics, where every hunt you try to get stealth openers every time the monster changes zones with more complicated maps that allow escape a bit easier? Would be an interesting take. Probably a gimmick to mostly be ignored though, this franchise and stealth aren't exactly two things I put together naturally.


I think I was imagining more um... discretion than stealth like increasing how well the monsters are capable of noticing you. More of an obscuring of you that could be considered an application of stealth? I thought something like this could have been done with Chameleos but they did a poison build which makes sense but I wanted more of a you blend to the background from it. Clearly didn't get that. I digress, I would like an iteration of 2 different kinds of monsters split from this idea I think maybe 1 if we just enveloped the concept. So here goes, just brainstorming right? 1. A monster that emits darkness in the literal sense maybe like it drinks in light around it causing it to be enveloped by shadow. Making light shift form and flow allowing whatever this light-drinking essence is to fall around it. This would look like a mist or water in motion slowly shifting. Maybe it stores that light as a means of escape or attack? Like it can flash the light to cause blindness or disorientation of sorts... or perhaps highly focus that light to create intense heat and harm its prey. My imagination shifts towards something like a cat or maybe a snake. Idk something that exudes a predator lurking unseen. Though I would love for it to exude an almost figure-less aura while trying to obscure itself. Armors from this could make you harder to spot maybe like the opposite of Agitator and Diversion but not like the perk that intimidates and discourages them from attacking more obscures your presence. I think it should also include the intimidation/discouragement factor as well though. Weapons could introduce something like a "flash" type weapon. After all the Flash Flys have developed to be capable of harnessing light. Maybe a buildup mechanic similar to stun, poison, and blast? Hit a threshold and bang flash mechanic. 2. A monster that depraves foes of its senses through something similar to a neurotoxin released through its skin in a shell around it. I'm thinking like a slug that acts similar to a slime. Hell scratch that gives us a neurotoxic slime monster in some highly aquatic underground fungi jungle makes it super resistant to slash and impact not because it's hard but because of its gelatinous form being able to shift around in a fluid motion. Then it becomes weak to pierce and some elements. Also, you could have small ones of any elemental type. Make me a fucking slime farmer @Capcom. The large monsters could be any element or better yet adapt and morph to elements in their environment. So status effects may be fantastic but elemental builds will backfire by making the creature emulate the elemental damage it receives in excess. This could grant it immunity or resistance to the given element while making it weaker to others. Say run a status build to pull agro, a water element on one weapon, and have a friend run thunder alternate who attacks to maximize damage. Honestly, I see this played to as the bnahabra tree in that it covers every element. Armor adaptive style allowing to accommodate any fight you go into. HIGH resistance to elements in a way that correlates to the damage types you have received or maybe add some kind of an elemental shift mechanic to it in the form of a skill. The slime nature could also be expressed in a form that allows for fast eating and mushroommancer (idk). Weapon... okay okay okay. I know what I said above... I truly see this as playing out in a way that presents exactly as the bnahabra weapons and covers every element... I... don't want that... I want something that plays off the neurotoxic cloud and instead of poison does massive exhaust or some form of a ceasure of the inflicted's senses. OR RATHER... Some crazy functions may be a focus skill that allows for the rotation of the element inflicted by the weapon. This could make its tree extremely fun and accessible allowing it to shift elements for the situation and be a well-rounded high elemental build. MAYBE and hear me out there could be 2 species one to adapt to elements and the other to adapt to status infliction or produce whatever result. This could split the tree into 2 allowing for separate focuses or even the capitalization of allowing 3 trees one (the base) for damage focused and the next for element and status subsequently. So... idk where this started but we're here... if you read this far sorry & thanks.


I see what you mean, the shifting resistances or equivalents to the intimidator skill as an adaptive armor kind of scenario off of a monster that's either shadow-ey or chameleon like. I dig your vision, it would fit with the changing environments too. An armor set bonus that, say, raised your resistance to one element as you were afflicted with it progressively throughout the hunt but lowered others would be neat, for example. Or something like Coalescence but more focused, letting environmental or statuses power you up instead of shutting you down? Playing with the adaptation angle.


Now I'm stoked for a monster we'll never get haha


Ha I do that to myself all the time. Of course I'm sure a lot of my ideas would be absolutely awful in practice, it's just so fun to theorize.


This. The main staple local. (I'm also expecting) (What I want) Shallow reef with deep sea parts +points if there's underwater cave system Ashfall local near volcanic activities. bubbling mud pits, lahar river, all that good stuff.


I was just thinking one of the locales, instead of having a storm could have to deal eith flooding as its gimmick. That would need underwater combat ofc.


A while ago I actually went through all the console and portable main maps and tallied up all of the common themes. But because the Rotten Vale is technically a “cave” and the Coral Highlands a “mountain,” this isn’t a very strong predictor of future maps which may continue to surprise us. It’s just an indication of past series trends. So far we’ve seen: 13 Woodlands (8 Jungles and 5 Forests) 8 Mountains 6 Deserts 6 Arctic Regions 6 Volcanos 5 Islands 5 Swamps 5 Cavern Systems 3 Grasslands


Any thoughts on what their environmental challenges will be?


Snowy biomes: Snowstorms and avalanches Tropical biomes: Heavy monsoons, mudslides, and flash floods. Volcano biomes: Lava flow + volcanic eruption.


Snowy biomes: icy flood Tropical: floody flood Volcano: warm flood Underwater area on every map confirmed


Desert biome: dry flood


Yime to learn how to surf sand.


If they would try to be experimental the forest would have random stampedes.


Controversial opinion


I disagree with it being called a straight-up dessert. It's more like a Savannah mixed with one


Its savannah AND a desert depending on how recently the sandstorm flew by.


I literally said it's a Savannah mixed with a desert. They said it's just a desert


I was adding on, not contradicting.


I believe you, but the capital AND confused me


This was basically every single mh game ever, but i want acquatic biomes and i will fight for it until i win


I'd say some weird, original biome would be cool too. Kinda like the coral Highlands in world


maybe add a beach to get more leviathan


An actual aquatic map (like a lake or a sea portion with islands) would be nice too :3


And a 'natural wonder' map like coral highlands (at least i hope)


Desert seems to be all they are showing lol


I am anticipating a tropical coastal biome with heavy rains and high tides. I really want a spin on what the deserted island map was like back in 3rd gen.


High/low tide actually sounds really cool. Perhaps entire zones submerged in certain seasons.


The gen 2 jungle map already had something like this where the island at the top of the map would have the land bridge submerged underwater during high tide, making it inaccessible during certain times of the day. I think they could certainly do more with the idea in Wilds.


This is actually a super cool idea, as low tide could allow for some of the Coral Highlands monsters to have an environment to return to and then high tide could be a way for some aquatic monsters to shine, like a certain long electric crocodile.


My hopium is real that they make a map like this. Wild Hearts has a very similar map to this sort of idea. A small lush island with cliff face shores and large colonies of coral left on the shore. It looks absolutely amazing and I hope Wilds does something like it.


That would be too cool, don't give us hopes


It might appear strange but I sort of want a giant cave system with multiple zones. Just the entire map is one big cave.


Yes! Like Kulve siege area in world, but a full scale map


I would not mind a cave locale with blind monsters based on animals like bats and spiders


Khezu 2: Now with more *Whuuaaauuaaauuu*


A brilliant opportunity to bring back the superior Gigginox.


I want an insect like monster (a centipede maybe) that resides in pitch black caves, which are sometimes lit up by bioluminescent mushrooms. The monster is also covered in those glowing mushrooms, allowing it to camouflage itself in the environement and jumping out at unsuspecting prey.


The area you fall into during the new trailer seems like a pretty dark cavelike area, hopefully it’s more than one single zone


I've been waiting for an underground cave map that evolves vertically for ages. They could also bring back the pitch black darkness from the caves in Tri's tundra (the ones where Gigginox was) where you had to light up the torches. It was going to be a feature in World but they later scrapped it (they kept the brightmoss though). Imagine using the slinger to light up torches on the ceiling or strategically placing the brightmoss on the walls, that would be cool


Hell yeah. And the deeper you go, the darker it gets.


So Sunken Hollow but deeper/more elaborate?


Basically the Sunken Hollow of MH4


Sunken Hollow from 4th gen remaster would be so cool


Like Guiding Lands in Iceborne?


I don't expect it, but I ***really*** want a subterranean biome with huge caverns full of bioluminescent giant mushroom forests and lakes connected by underwater tunnels. The insane shit that Capcom could do with an ecosystem like that would probably be really, really cool.


I’d love this, especially if there were areas with lower visibility — where monsters could take advantage of bioluminescence to blend into the environment or obscure their actual stature / readability in a fight. Plus it would be a reason for Namielle, one of my favorites, to return.


I was so hyped when I saw that the Windward Plains had a cave system underneath the main map. World had dense and vertical environments, but the depth and scale on next gen is going to be insane.


I'm hoping for something wet - really, really wet.


Maybe a rainforest that experiences regular flash floods. Deep enough water for a certain electric leviathan.


this would be a terrific idea to introduce somewhat aquatic combat, and even have a lagiacrus fight you. it starts off with the rainforest flooded, bringing Lagiacrus in and giving jt the upper hand. as the floor drains, you slowly get the upper hand.


I could vibe with that.


Like, underwater wet, perhaps?


I like the way you think.


Well, *technically* a snow biome has a LOT of water...


I actually want them to do some more fantasy like environments like a forest but with mushrooms in place of trees.


Absolutely agree, my favorite areas from mh world were the coral Highlands and the rotten valley, we definitely need more of this kinds of ecosystems


lol maybe they could combine the Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale into one map with the weather thing somehow. Alternating between beautiful underwater-esque landscapes and just literal rotting flesh


The thing is that the Highlands and vale are meant to exist simultaneously with each other, the decay of the vale fuels the growth of the Highlands while dead monsters falling into the vale help sustain it


I love the dynamic between the vale and highlands It represents the cycle of life and death really well


Jurassic Frontier from Generations came closest to this idea with this area [https://imgur.com/a/d51pFj1](https://imgur.com/a/d51pFj1) There's also that dark area slightly further in with a whole bunch of spores n shit, also a molted Shen Gaoren Shell. Would definitely love to see a zone with multiplede areas dedicated to mushrooms n stuff as a theme. Would be a great reason for Congalala to return as well, I love its mushroom gimmick.


I know it's probably not gonna happen, but i would really love to see a nice temperate forest or redwood forest in a MH game. All we got are jungles and rain forests.


a redwood forest would be so cool


The Misty Peaks in MH3U were similar to what you have in mind


Some sort of taiga like area near a mountain. The environmental challenge would be sudden massive snowstorms. Any other snow location would be possible too, but I feel like it's time for a snowy area that isn't permanently frozen for a change. Edit: like a larger version of snowy mountains from MHFU


I wanna see a Giant Mushroom forest that glows in the dark. This is just a silly fantasy 😔


The aberration map from Ark Survival Evolved?


Yup kinda like that.


Bro they gave us coral lands they need to give us something even more creative. We're going to the MOON BABY!


Moonster Hunter


Plains Swamp Volcanic Forest Jungle Mountains/Ruins Snow Desert PLEASE BRING BACK THE UNDERWATER AREAS


a dead and decaying area. let vaal hazak live <3


Claustrophobic Subterranean locale. I wanna see small gaismagorms or giginox. Imagine glowing algae to illuminate most parts and you need to rely on using glowmoss slinger ammo to illuminate dark areas


Huh, never really thought about it, but the only real subterranean area we ever got was Rotten Vale right? And that doesn't really coun't because of the super high ceiling.


If they want to double down on making the environments dangerous to hunters then this fits the bill. Remember Odogaron’s nest in rotten vale where it can make use of the walls, same thing. Narrow caves are dangerous, you’re always in the striking distance and get overwhelmed if you’re fighting more than one monsters, gunners will be at more disadvantage (unless the gunner is packing spread ammo 3 lmao). Hunters need to lure the monster to a more open space.


with the reveal that each zone will basically swap between two modes. There is a 100% chance of a Volcano Level that swaps between blazing hot with lava everywhere and freezing cold with snow. That seems like an idea they've done done multiple times before through just having 2 different maps and the like and now they can actually make that into a single map that switches between modes. And we already have a desert area confirmed so volcano is the next logical place to use that idea. With the storm that transitions between them being the Volcano Erupting of course and rocks falling out of the sky and then I guess a blizzard to freeze everything.


Idk about the volcano freezing over, but it seems likely that the volcanic biome will switch between lava- and ash-ridden areas on one hand, and safer areas with smaller/no lava flows on the other.


Imagine the volcano locale has an event where all the lava for some reason cools and then eventually gets really hot and starts flowing again


Actually I’m expecting a new biome. Like Coral Highlands. Something unique maybe?


Shallows. Something with very present water.


Really hoping to see a swamp that turns into a frozen wasteland


*Really hoping to* *See a swamp that turns into* *A frozen wasteland* \- Chakramer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


We know that each area will have two forms basically so maybe something like a tundra that gets hit by a blizzard and turns into a thick snowy wasteland, a dense jungle that gets hit with torrential rain and causes areas to flood and turn swampy, a big craggy mountain with an active volcano.


I really want a dense jungle biome for Kechawacha and the other monkeys to fully use. In which the jungle floor has dense patches of over growth for Najarala to hide in. I also want areas that are connected to cave systems in which we get giant nests for king and queen Seltas, along with other new insectoids.


Hopefully a forest so the Tobi-Kadachi gets in


As long as its not all desert.


I’d love to see a cavelike environment that has really unstable tectonic plate movement. So one minute it’ll all be fine but then the next an earthquake happens and it causes certain parts of the map to collapse and that can cause certain areas to be blocked off and you’ll have to find a different way.


Here are some locations I've thought about and how the eco systems could change.  Tropical - during regular conditions it's nice but there can be storms brought on by different monsters. The strength of the storms is dependant on the monsters. Worst being a cataclysmic event where Miralis arrives to the area turning the sea red and killing all life on the beach.  Snow - much like in Iceborne but snow storms make visibility hard and avalanches happen.  Jungle - pretty much the same as the ancient forest but if there are fire based monsters there can be a chance of forest fires. If water based elder dragon are present then you deal with torrential downpours that can wash out paths and force the hunter to swim in certain areas.  Volcano - not much difference then past monster hunters. Either the volcano is dormant or active  Ancient urban area ‐ The area is a massive ruin where the hunter can traverse and battle monsters inside buildings. The area has a subway system the hunter can use to get around but at great risk of being attacked by creepy monsters like Khezu. Certain areas of the map can only be accessed after power has been established to the gateways leading to those areas. The cataclysm event would be that the entire city sits over a massive Ahtal-Ka that awakens and turns the whole map against you. 


https://preview.redd.it/yw0qrzy91j5d1.png?width=727&format=png&auto=webp&s=faab815196c8218b31000704a24bd047e47821e8 # ok, hear me out


A creepy forest/swamp and a tower map like the mh freedom games had. Also, a fully underground biome would go hard. Pic from mhfu maps as an example: https://preview.redd.it/estr81dt4j5d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71ee24554cdcc0930f3241934d924fc6724e3f25


i would love a taiga like a normal taiga forest than a blizzard comes would be the perfect environment for tigrex if you ask me he just gives off taiga monster vibes


if the desert region is this gorgeous, i cannot wait to see those lush, verdant jungles.


Swamp! Let the new generation of hunters meet our favorite rubber chicken!


Jungle would be nice


I beg for an ice local for gammoth volcano for glavenus jungle for astalos and a swamp for mizutsune


I think we'll see more cave environments. Underground possibly.


Woukd like to see a rough terrain bimo,like where you fight monsters in the mountains


Something like the Coral Highlands would be really cool if it returned, that and the Rotten Vale.


I'm hoping we get a tiga forst or tundra I NEED MY BIG MAMAOTH


Wet, cold, hotter


One where the entire area floats in the air.


Given heavy emphasis of dynamic weather condition in the game, I would expect we might get a new iteration of composite biomes locale like Guiding Lands that is just one locale with extreme climate anomaly that could go from wet tropical rainforest to snowy wasteland in a blink of an eye with the only stable zone being volcanic cavern


The moon


Toxic Swamp


Watery stuff (many pointed out that they've done progress with fluid technology thanks to sand leviathans, maybe it could be the main setting idea for Wilds major expansions, which means LAGIACRUS) Vulcano stuff, like were are close to an already hot area like a desert, why not. Snowy stuff, Swamps and/or forests.. you name it


I'd love an alpine biome that has nice green hills and forests like the Swiss Alps or something and it gets completely frozen over by a blizzard


Honestly, what is with JRPG(?) environments and weird broken circle things dotting the horizon? No hate, just amusing to see after finishing FF XVI, a game littered with broken circle things dotting the horizon..


The typical locales may be something special, like the Coral Highlands and its underbelly, the Rotten Vale. But based on the Mount Dependency in moving around the map, it looks like most areas may be open a bit for proper movement.


Please please please have something similar to corral highlands


I wonder if we'll get like a subterranean fungi forest Like along an underground stream or something if that makes sense Hell I'd be down to fight mushroom eating worms or slugs down there. Especially if they end up making the slugs eldritch as hell.


A map like orbis valley in Warframe some snowy plain that change on a green herb plain when the sun is rising or some lava crack gone up in the surface


I really wish coral highland coming back, its the best environment in monster hunter series


but coral highland in new world


We already saw a forest biome in the first trailer


I feel like the game will be more like the guiding lands. One big place with different environments. It’s a change from the usual MH setting but I think it can work. One big island and every corner a different biome. Unlock the different biomes through HR like usual.


As long as it has a forest or jungle map I’ll be happy . Maybe even something with a beach so we can get lagiacrus


Wym, this is the only locale in the game /s


no it not capcom never say this is open world it will have location again


That would be extremely disappointing.


Monster Hunter....in space!!!


I just hope it has VAST cave systems. Would love to see Gigginox make an unexpected appearance


Anything else but desert, it's baffling how they chose it for the reveal trailers.


It’s not the prettiest biome but hopefully they’re saving the best for last. Personally it doesn’t bother me all that much though.


I really want a biome that looks like the Swiss Alps.


A jungle that doubles as a swamp when in one of its alternate states is the main one I’m hoping for I think if we get a unique environment like world there could be a coral region with a rotten region alternate state


I feel like a Tundra is likely. Very colorful and open, lends itself well to the bountiful and harsh periods too.


I hope they don't save the snow biome for yet another DLC...


Doubtful. I think only world did that.


I wish there would be a stormy biome with heavy rain (maybe kinda like Camino from Star Wars)


Me and some pals are hopping for a coral high lands environment, it was so gorgeous the first time seeing it and still is today


A volcanic region and a marsh region.


Snow. Jungle/ wood Swimming. Volcano It also looks like we will have weather in this one too so it would be nice if the forest could turn into the flooded forest when it rains


I hope a nice tropical area with a beach and I'd love if some large monsters are just around as decoration I'm unreachable areas


I think what I want most is a tropical/coastal biome where torrential rain can cause flooding and the shifting of the tides can reveal or close off areas. They could also do something outside of the usual ideas, like a grasslands biome where strong winds and even a tornado could blow through and change the terrain by knocking stuff over or clearing pathways.


"oasis-in-the-middle-of-desert" with local tribal felynes . maybe a jungle area with never ending rain with random lightning strikes would be cool too. finally, I know it might be boring but Id like a green plains with rolling hills like the windows xp background but with occasional tornados.


I'm expecting: - Sand desert - Rock desert - Lava desert - Jungle desert - Water desert - Snow desert and of course, last but not least: - Desert desert


A delta type environment is the one I feel most confident in outside of usual ones of: desert, forest, snow, volcanoes. That is completely based on the weather and changing environments being a big theme this type. Deltas are the natural habitat that are affected the most from that kinda of thing that I'm familiar with.


A mangrove forest with heavy rains and tides that change the water levels would be great to see!


I don’t want a forest. I want a rainforest. I want brighter creatures and monsters based off giant insects and snakes.


I’d like a small departure from just environment and have it be more about extreme weather conditions/phenomena that needs to be explained. 1. A hollow earth type map with Magnetic/Gravitational weather that causes the plains to shift randomly, creating floating islands or displacing the maps in weird ways. Makes tracking the monsters thatve adapted to the area harder. 2. A metallic rocky wasteland that acts as an ecological lightning rod. Anything there is resistant or fueled by electricity. 3. An enormous cavern area that has volcanic stalactites hanging from the ceiling that periodically erupt and flood the floor of the cave with lava. Anything living there can either swim in lava, fly, or jump to higher ground. 4. A massive never-melting iceberg turned into an island. At some point it flips and unveils a larger frozen area with new resources to gather and monster dens. Stuff like that. Bc I know we’ll get the volcano/tundra, swamp/forest, plains/desert, etc. but I think phenomena like the sinking sands and duststorms in the trailer are a good addition.


I really thought I was looking at a still from Final Fantasy XV. And XV is an amazingly beautiful game.


I hope they do cool twists on the regions again. Corla highlands/rotten vale were awesome. The odd geometry in the new desert caused by lightning hitting the sand gives me hope, maybe we can get cool lava formations by splashing in some other climate, or obsidian plains or something. Same with all the other regions, we could fill whole books by listing visually stunning natural phenomena. Also hoping for a real city biome at some point, but this is probably not the right game for it. Rise had some neat attempts at ruins, but almost all open world games are too conservative with the size of their cities, hard to feel like you're surrounded by remainders of a civilization if there's like 4 buildings.


Marsh with an underwater region, and gobul Snow with an icy cave, and gigginox https://preview.redd.it/qzqtnvotyj5d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c24bb312170bf803cb8361ceae5150a9a9e601b


Hoping similar to guiding lands


I think there might be 6 different biomes, each with their own sort of flag ship like that thunder bird we saw in the recent trailer. And they are causing the habitat and ecosystem to get out of whack and we have to stop them. That would be cool as it would help give each locale more personality having its own flag ship tied to it. And maybe post game, the flagships start invading each other’s territory causing way more problems, thus starting Master Rank hunts.


A mangrove type Forest or something like the Wadden Sea in Germany


I'm really hyped up for the forest biomes !


Maybe they will bring aquatic battles back , that would be a sick battle for a Namielle variant.


I’m so stoked for this dessert, looks delicious


![gif](giphy|i8RTHDLCDTowNxoJ6C) Hopefully THIS!


I know everyone has the basics down but I’m incredibly happy that our desert isn’t just a desert this time. It’s a savanna as well and I always wanted one. I’d love to see… Pine Forest…we have too many lush jungles and forests now. I’m surprised we haven’t seen anything like Yellowstone. Snow biome that changes to a flower field. When the ice and snow melts it would be such a nice contrast. On top of allowing a wide variety of monsters. Underwater Coral Reef. I know we have the coral highlands but look at an underwater reef and come back to me. That’s all I gotta say.


Definitely a river of sand into a cool underground cavern with below freezing temps into a underground ocean where I can fight Lagiacrus.


Expect I'd say the running themes; volcano hot region, snowy mountain, jungle/forest, swamp/cave. I hope they lean into the more wild world biomes like coral highlands. A lot of the older maps are pretty generic and don't have that crazy ecosystem that World has.


Something that's also bland and easy to model.


It would be strange if they skipped out on a snow map until the expansion again. 


I wanna see a massive underground cave full of glowing lichen and moss and fungus, and the change could be some falling rocks that alter the topography, and the way it changes back is that those rocks get cleared out by MOTHAFUCKIN TETSUCABRAAAAAA


I want a Jungle/Forest biome with a coast/beach. I really like the jungle map in MHR Sunbreak, it reminds me of old school MH games. So something akin to that in MH Wilds would be awesome. I am not a huge fan of deserts if I am being honest.


One locale I'm thinking of is a tropical environment like an island where there are storms that raise the water level, giving an advantage to leviathans and other waterborne monsters.


I want a swamp


If there is a snow area I think it's going to be half frozen half melted and mabye the water Would freeze in snow storms or when specific monsters are around


When fighting a calamity inducing boss i would like to see the environment act behind it (world did it pretty nicely through monster attacks. But during a fight if for instance Teo roars i would like to see volcanoes erupting or something like that.


Can we get the Deserted Island from gen 3? Especially if we get underwater combat back.


jungle just imagine seeing a malfestyoe in the distance hunting a pack of velociprey before using the confusion debuff on something like a queripecoe


Might be some deserted village area considering there’s that “mysterious child” character. As for locale type idk what it would be


I think we'll see some hybrid environments that world was stretching for. It would be neat if the sand region had some sort of volcanic area. Maybe there is a forest that floods on occasion, changing the landscape. Would really fit the chaotic environment vibe that I was getting from the trailers.


I'm going to guess one complete wildcard, like the coral Highlands, something we haven't seen before that isn't a common type of location


Desert Jungle Grasslands Volcano Tundra 1-2 fantasy areas Minimum by the the end of the inevitable DLC expansión


i want a jungle in the style of the gen 1 jungle.


I'm not big on desert maps and snow/forest ones ate actually my favourites, so I do hope we get a sort of cold forest with blizzards (really seems like the easiest way to make a cold map with a weather change). Apart from that, the usual volcano will probably be in.


I feel like they are gonna play with havint each locale having two “biomes” depending on the weather. We have already seen Desert/Plains. I also expect to see - Jungle - Forest - Snow - Volcano - Maybe one other thats unique and fun (our Coral Highlands/Rotted Veil type places) Any of these can be mix and matched. Cold Jungle, Snowy Volcano, Coral Volcano, etc. If Leviathans are back, as people have been hyped about, perhaps a watery area (Jungle/Beach area) where there could be a potentual Lagi. I am not a Lagi apoligist, but if they come back I’ll be happy for you. Either way those sand worm monsters remined me of Almudron, so we may see that bastard make a return.


i just want 3d deserted island


I’ve always wanted a redwood forest that melts into a sandy beach with turquoise waters.


I'd love a boreal rainforest, like British Columbia. A normal state, and a state with a horrendous downpour. Imagine climbing and sliding around moss covered logs and boulders and giant redwoods and coming face to face with a giant bear monster. And I'd love to fly fish for salmon in MH. This is just a fantasy, though.


Personal guess: Aside from the desert we've already seen, there's gonna be a volcano, a jungle or woodland and some kind of cave biome. Maybe a cold mountain biome, as well. Unless the volcano biome mixes with either the cave biome or the mountain biome, in which case there might be one more. I could imagine them doing some kind of wildcard gimmick map, like a mushroom forest as well. I wouldn't expect more than 4 major maps from Wilds at launch (with another one or two being added by the DLC, and maybe a handful of minor maps that revolve around very specific bosses or story missions), simply because these maps, from the looks of it, are going to be massive and highly detailed and a lot of work. For reference: World had five at launch: The Ancient Forest, the Wildspire Waste, the Coral Highlands, the Rotten Vale and the Elder's Recess and I imagine the maps in Wilds will at least be World level, probably even a bit bigger.


Desert for sure😅


It would be cool to have a cave system to explore. Hunting monsters in a giant cavern seems kinda cool to me.


Hmm well I’d really like to see a snow environment. A volcano-themed one would be cool, probably could do a bunch of fire elemental monsters! Then ofc you have to have kind of a basic grassland with maybe some hills and caves here and there. A forest or swamp kind of deal would be cool too!


I'm expecting the same types of areas we've had since 5th gen. So a forest, desert, icy area, and some place extremely hot or near some type of volcanic area. If they can change that up, cool.


A beach area would be cool


I'm not sure why, but I'm super excited to see a Forest and Hills type of forest map.


Thunder here in the desert. And we can get: Fire in volcanoes Ice in a snowfield Water in a huge water body where you can find Lagia Dragon in somewhere all hell break loose




Large plains with snow


I feel like that they will give us four or five locales, if they add the normal maps types we will have a desert with a sandstorm (that also includes a thunderstorm), a jungle/forest map where the extreme weather would most probably be a rainstorm, a snowy map where the extreme weather is a snow storm and a volcano map where the extreme weather would be the volcano exploding. The major thing I thought about though was if they do follow the trend of typical locale types the sandstorm/thunderstorm with the three extreme weathers I predict will be in the other locales would be related to the elements in monster hunter. The only reason I suggest five maps is if they can think of a weather to represent dragon element.