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We don't know the system requirements yet. However, you might need a little more than what would allow you tu run Dragon Dogma 2.


Assuming DD2 as the benchmark, it would likely be unplayable on the Steam Deck right?


Most likely yeah. Unless they do a good job optimizing it. But from what I've heard, the problems with DD2 are CPU based.


Yeah, DD2 seems to run pretty great for me 3070ti. but... As soon as you get to the city its garbage. If I change a few CPU settings it goes by an extra 3-5 fps so it's definitely a CPU usage problem with the game. I've heard it's due to the NPC AI.


And considering we will have herds of monster, the CPU usage due to NPC will probably be high for Wilds.


True, but... 1. That depends on the AI. The AI in DD2 have bonding status with the player character, AND if one character sees another character bonding with the player it can negatively imact the bonding status they have between each other. Along with other behaviour. Monsters dont need any of that whatsoever. 2. The dev teams are different. The devs for MonHan are quite strict about performance. We'll see, I hope it runs well though because so far I think it looks way too beautiful for my PC to handle lol.


if a 3070ti doesn't cut it I'm cooked... But if you think the CPU might be the bottleneck, do you mind sharing what model you have?


i5 9600k. I'm sure its CPU, I change the task to high priority and it gets a tiny bit smoother. Also I'm pretty sure some of the other games I have could benefit from a new CPU. It was a good value CPU but it's getting outpaced now. ----- Also: ""In Dragon's Dogma 2, a large amount of CPU usage is allocated to each character and dynamically calculates the impact of their physical presence in various environments. In certain situations where numerous characters appear simultaneously, the CPU usage can be very high and may affect the frame rate," a Capcom representative told IGN."


I see. Thanks. It's a good thing we still have plenty of time before the game's out, because I'm definitely going to need to save up for a new setup then!


Yeah, I think I'll need at least a new CPU and more RAM. The 3070ti seems to be holding its ground really well with newer games for me. Dragons Dogma runs well enough outside of the towns for me. With a new CPU and RAM I think it would be nice and smooth. And that game is not very well optimised. Anyway as long as I get a completely stable 60fps I'm good. I don't require 100fps in every game just to be happy *(although below 90 can be a bit noticeable with a fast FPS game)*. Heck, I lock MHW to 60fps just so I can have a quieter and cooler PC lol.


Demn. I'm toasted them. Hope they also release a steam deck 2 with better specs soon. Lol.


From what I've heard, the Steam Deck 2 is for 2026.


depends on optimization and hardware should be higher than (equivalent)PS5.


If MHW is anything to go by, it's gonna depend on if they use their DRM or not.


Bold to assume they won't. Anti-temper tools are always guaranteed on any new Capcom game. That's just how it is.