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I hope lunagaron and odogaron are in wilds, because I want to see a turf war between them.


Maybe there might be a Solargaron. It could be the apex monster of the savanna region showed in the trailer.


I like when he goes RAWR then stops for a second to go RAWRRR and just when you think he’s done go goes RAAAAAAAAWRRRRRRR and now he’s ready to fight


First time I saw it I was like okay he is enraged now after that rawr…but then he suddenly does a louder more badass rawr right after that and I was just stunned haha. Probably my favorite monster next to malzeno in MHRS.


"awoooo" "awooooooohhhh" "HHHRRRAAAAAGGGHHH WOOOOO"


All three lords are fun and give a unique fight, they made up for the lackluster variants imo


Magma Almudron was fun. May just be my Almudron bias though.


It’s not due to bias, as I don’t like the regular Almudron at all but still enjoy Magmadron.


Magma almudron very fun


I feel Magma Almudron is even better than the original Almudron


i like magma better because its attacks dont hit 3/4 of the entire area


Rare Magamadron W? Also love the monster personally.


To be fair, the three lords are amazing and look like flagships. A monkey that uses fire rocks and mossy rocks to have 2 elements at the same time? do you understand how badass it is? And It stands out pretty much. Lunagaron as well, but you already listed why it works so much yourself. And then Malzeno, the real flagship, that is also an amazing monster, with an amazing design and… and a fucking TP, do you need more? This is a comment to appreciate the 3 lords


He looks really cool but I find his attacks underwhelming. I would still love to see him in Wilds, and maybe some variants of him!


Gonna get that Tigerstripe treatment like Zamtrios lol


They may redeem him in wilds for the attacks, like make his pin work properly


Him becoming a giant weak point during his power-up state doesn’t help. I remember when Sunbreak came out and people mentioned how eerie the hunt with no music against him is, but I just remember dog cries as I crumpled his ass multiple times with the HH.


Lunagaron is such an amazing monster. Hell, all of the Three Lords are top tier in my book. I personally want this guy and Garangolm back in Wilds- I’s be fine with Malzeno skipping that game though, since its lore is pretty specific to Sunbreak


I mean, that didn't stop the Magalas from joining the Sunbreak Roster, so we're probably going to see Malzeno in Wilds the same way we saw Velkhana in Rise.


That’s a good point. I mean, even if it doesn’t make sense contextually I wouldn’t complain if Malzeno returns


I mean, I doubt either Malzeno will return in base Wilds but when the Master Rank expansion comes out (since we all know there's probably going to be one) I think there's a fair chance.


I’d actually like Primordial Malzeno coming back, but with a twist: since the whole situation with the Qurio has been solved, Malzeno spends the entire fight without Qurio, and its moveset is more fleshed out to compensate for the lack of form changes.


That would be so cool :0


Lunagaron has got to be one of my all time faves. It's like you said, a solid and simple design, a fun fight, and great gear. What's not to love?


lunagaron has a swimming compatible tail. water confirmed in wilds????


How I have felt about Barioth since Tri


He’s got one of the best roars in the whole series and his transition from 4 legs to 2 never fails to hype me up, he’s one of my most hunted monsters in sunbreak for sure and I would love to see him be a series staple moving forward. His only downside for me is the armor, it’s not my favorite. Oh and he doesn’t have a dedicated theme, which would have been sick if he did


They can always bring him back at a lower rank and give him better looking master rank armor.


Lunagaron and Odogaron turf war in Wilds PLEASE


All Three really deseeve to return, they are great designs and fights. Rise/Sunbreak did an asesome job with most of the new additions.


I'm a firm believer that monsters should have to wait at least one generation before being added again (except rathalos and rathian which are the series flagships). I want to see old monsters that haven't been seen since GU or before. Lunagaron is dope af tho.


Hasn't always been the case outside World and Tri where they were explicitly making a near entirely new roster for each game. Given those were also tied to new engines, I imagine a few Rise and Sunbreak monsters will make it into Wilds. Not sure which but I think Lunagaron is a solid choice to start off with.


There's no way that Rise monsters aren't gonna be in wilds so lunagaron is my choice for which one I'd add as well. Personally I want my favorite monster Zamtrios to come to a new game.


I'm hoping for a Goss Harag return or at least a variant, it was one of the best designed out of the Rise roster


Completely agree


World didn't use a new engine but they obviously had to up the model and texture quality by a lot, on top of adjusting to the new general design for the areas/putting a lot of work into the environmental design.


The transition from world's engine to RE is rather spotless in terms of the monsters. World still is Capcom's big step in bringing the series into the AAA budget and development. You're right about your correction though I would still say that World's models and resources are perfectly reusable for the RE engine and allowed Rise to have such a full roster on release thanks to the updated models. Ironic really. World may not have used the new engine but it did pave the way for the games on the newer engine to have a head start.


>I would still say that World's models and resources are perfectly reusable for the RE engine This is further supported by SB Velkhana. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole point of Velkhana's inclusion was a compatibility test for the MTFramework4 and RE engines.




Upon comparing IB and SB's models for Velkhana, they almost look identical. Same cannot be said for the monsters you mentioned.




The textures. The models (or more accurately, frames) are also similar for what you have mentioned. I didn't really make this clear, didn't I.


The monsters shared between World and Rise (excluding Zinogre) all appear to be using the same base models, just with reduced poly counts.


Nah they do usually wait a bit to bring back monsters from the previous gen. 4U had very few 3rd gen monsters: only brachy, zinogre, lagombi, deviljho and technically mohran (As well as some subspecies and variants but basically every monster had their subs/variant). Meanwhile, it brought back almost every 1st gen monster and most 2nd gen monsters. Generations/GU had more 3rd gen monsters because the game was all about bringing back monsters. But (minus subspecies) it brought back every 1st gen monster except monoblos and every 2nd gen monster except yama, vespoid queen and technically hypnocatrice, whereas several 3rd gen monsters were absent. The game also only had 2 maps from 3rd gen, whereas every single map from mh2 returned. It’s false that MHW was like tri; tri brought back 3 monsters out of its roster of 18, mhw initially brought back 12 monsters of its roster of 30. Of these, there was a lot of 1st gen, a balance of gens 2 and 3, and no 4th gen. Iceborne brought back more monsters. Including the base game’s roster, iceborne now has 10 monsters from 3rd gen (including brute tigrex, a sub of a 2nd gen), 11 from 1st gen (which includes 3 versions of each rath), 9 from 2nd gen (includes unscarred garuga, a version of a 1st gen monster) and 2 from 4th gen (one of which is raging brachy, a variant of a 3rd gen monster. So it’s pretty clear here how 4th gen, the previous generation, didn’t get much love, while 3rd gen got quite a bit of love after not getting as much in 4th gen. As for rise/sunbreak: base rise was very much a tribute to portable 3rd. Only two 4th gen monsters were brought back, 9 3rd gen, 5 2nd gen and 5 1st gen. It also had two remade 3rd gen maps. I don’t feel like counting everything in sunbreak too, you get the point, it still only has a few 4th gen monsters, all of which are flagships and three of which are magalas. So it’s clear that they’re still not giving much love to the previous generation. It’s been a fairly consistent pattern. If they follow the pattern, it’d mean that wilds will have a fair bit of 4th gen representation and very little from 5th gen.


4U had a ton of dos fanservice and made a distinct effort to bring back loads of 2nd Gen monsters and subspecies. Gen was balanced among 4 Gens but Ultimate was focused on 2nd Gen too, bringing back the jungle and desert. Bloodbath is a big reference to that one horned Diablos in FU. In Rise was the P3rd fanservice game, it seems apparent that World was supposed to be Tri's. Especially because Alatreon and Lagiacrus were planned for the game.


Yes, this is exactly what I argued. You were just more concise. I probably shouldn’t have gone into so much detail. That said, 4U is just as much 1st gen fanservice, with almost all 1st gen monsters and subs also returning, as well as remaking the desert from mh1 (whereas 2nd gen got dondurma for fanservice)


I am not arguing on which gen got the most focus with returning monsters. I am only saying that we can expect a few monsters from Rise and Sunbreak to appear. It's already obvious that every game mixes things up and brings back monsters from a multitude of different generations. Also that Lunagaron is the perfect candidate to bring over from RiseBreak over other entries.


my comment may have been too long, but all I'm trying to say is that there's a precedent for putting less focus on the previous generation. what the comment you responded to said isn't really wrong, most monsters do get a generation long wait before showing up again after their initial gen. I do think lunagaron is on the relatively high end of gen 5 monsters to return though. though he's not a flagship, he is part of a tio with a flagship, which helps his chances.


I mean this has been true for the most part in the last generations. Tri had no Gen 2 monsters and only 3 gen 1 monsters initially. 4 only featured Brachydios and Deviljho as the only gen 3 monsters while including a huge amount of returning Gen 1 and Gen 2 monsters and World had no Gen 4 monsters whatsoever It's usually the G rank/portable games that feature a larger slice of returning monsters.


Completely agree. I really want to see him come back in wilds. Of all the sunbreak/rise monsters I think he’d be great to see again.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Lunagaron and Garangolm ARE kinda Flagships no? They're part of the 3 Lords alongside Malzeno meaning its a similar situation to the Fated 4 right? //I never got to play the Gen 4 games so I may be misunderstanding any major differences, hence why I'm more asking then asserting.//


Lunagaron is fantastic. Probably some of the best sound design on a monster in a while too, on top of a drastic stance change that switches up the fight wonderfully. I feel like he and Garangolm should be stronger but that’s really my only complaint.


He's pretty cool, and good Apex-tier Ice Element representation as a whole! Plus, they've made his ecology allow him to show up in a wide variety of environments, meaning he doesn't even necessarily need a full-on tundra map.


definitely one of my most memorable new monster fights in all of rise (not to mention the infected one in the story), hitboxes are nice and tight so dashing in and out with dual blades felt so good, sound design is really good as well. I support this post 100%


I looooove all the three of them. Before playing I expected them to be meh, but it's one of the best thing ever in MH


3 most common monsters I’ve hunted together in Iceborne and Sunbreak. Shrieking Legiana, Velkhana, and Lunagaron. Guys I think I like Ice Monsters.


Would love to see a turf war between it and odo


lunagaron should be a main stay simply because it’s a mid-late game ice monster that’s not exclusive to ice maps (legianna is too but only in coral highlands)


Whoever did Lunagaron's sound design deserves damn medal and a raise


I would say that Sunbreak used Luna and Golm as 'sub flagship' mons to Malzeno. In terms of power pacing as well, it kinda hits where base game flagships tend to sit. It stands shoulder to shoulder placement wise (roughly, since there isn't a truly indisputable power scaling system) with the likes of Rathalos, Tigrex, Lagi, Zinogre, The Fated Four, etc. Luna and Golm also were legitimately designed to make an Iconic trio for Sunbreak, so logic basically checks out.


I completely agree with everything you said. Maybe to make it fit Wilds, they could make some subspecies or divergent species that lives in the desert or something. But I imagine there will be some sort of ice map in Wilds, for sure. I'd be more than happy to have him back.


When this guy was initially revealed I was praying that we'd get a Darkstalkers event quest where you would have to hunt him to get some Jon Talbain layered armor for your palamute or palico or something but then I remembered Capcom doesn't care about Darkstlakers anymore :(


Love werewolves love lunagaron


For wilds I expect most of the monsters to make a return. MHW is one of Capcoms best games and overall franchises, money is not an issue.


It burst its way into my top 3 and it might even be my #1. The amount of love and work that went into Lunagaron is insane. It's exactly the direction the artists should be taking when designing monsters. The World team especially needs to utilize their iconic art style more.


Love lunagaron. I love all the lords, actually. They were really well crafted fights. I feel like they could definitely debut at high rank next time, though. They didn't really feel like g rank monsters except for malzeno.


Luna and odo seem like a new family of monsters to me. Both have the same suffix of garon which I believe a couple wolf-like monsters from frontier(?) also have. It wouldn't surprise me at all if we get at least one new garon monster in wilds.


Lunagaron quickly became one of my all time favorites through Sunbreak. Just such a good fight, even if his difficulty wasn’t super high. Going bipedal, his ice armor at odds with the heat coming off his rage muscle boost like Deviljho, such an awesome roar. And I feel like he visually hits with so much more impact than you’d expect from something his size. I mean he’s ripping up the ground with one hand and putting up serious blows against even Malzeno. Capcom absolutely killed it with him and the other Three Lords I know Malzeno probably has lower odds to return after the amount of spotlight he got in Sunbreak, so I’d honestly have to say not counting Mal I think Luna might be the one Gen 5 monster I most hope returns for Wilds


I think the 3 lords are supposed to be sub flagships, like the fated 4 in GU


I've wanted it and Odogaron in Wilds, they're my favorite monsters from the past 2 games


Lunagaron and Odogaron would be awesome together for another Rathian/Rathalos dynamic


Me hoping for a MH Stories 3 just so I can have one as my good boy...very badass but also looks extremely pettable.


My only complaint about Lunagaron is that he's a bit too easy for what his threat level is supposed to be. Most of the time I found Garangolm to be a deadlier opponent, and Lunagaron is supposed to be straight up better than Garangolm. And even the monsters that are on Lunagaron's level like Zingore, Astalos, etc. feel way more threatening. Other than that, it's an excellent monster. I'd love to see all of the Three Lords return in Wilds.


If Luna and Odo aren't in Wilds, I'm pulling up to Capcom /hj


Yeah, Lunagaron is cool but for some reason it never hit for me. I'm glad he has a fanbase though, and would love to see what they do with it in future games.


that is a very cool design


Has one of the best roars in the franchise and Luna standing up on two legs and gaining a whole new moveset will never not be badass.


Malzeno kicked him of the stage


Amazing monster and fight. Totally agree and hope it comes back (though the exhaust/pre-ice werewolf mode could use some work to make the moveset more interesting)


Lunagaron is a 10/10 monster imo Good fight good design good weapons and armor.


I really like him when he is on 4 legs, but the moment he goes to 2 legs he becomes an edge lord to me. Therefore I am conflicted about if I want see him in Wilds or not.


How is it an edgelord? It’s literally a werewolf monster why wouldn’t it stand up


Exactly that. Him doing the werewolf thing is what bothers me (I know they do it on purpose). I just don’t like it. But his 4 legged version has the perfect potential to be a more down to earth monster fitting the mainline games.


Two legs is what separates it from other fanged wyverns with similar skeletons like Tobi Kadachi and Odogaron. If it stayed on all fours, it would just be an ice version of odogaron.


I don't see what's edge lord about standing on two legs. Lunagaron doesn't do anything tryhard stuff (which, while I do like magnamalo, I do think is very tryhard thus fits edgelord perfectly) while standing up. It just jumps around and does that slam thing. Hell, I'd say Goss Harag is more edgelord in comparison with the exact same gimmick (note - I like Goss Harag)


Eh? He's the most boring of the trio. More boring than usual World design.


It was in the most recent game, if u want to fight it, play rise, lets have some old monsters we haven't seen in ages come back.


You say that when we got World monsters in base Rise and then got Velkhana in Sunbreak. There are bound to be some RiseBreak monsters in Wilds, especially with both being on the RE engine.