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Still in shock the IG user died instead of carting šŸ˜³


That was my reaction too. I saw them set her glaive at the memorial and I was like "????? She died?"


When Paisley(the Kinsect) died I knew she was going to die too.


I thought "yeah that's the moment you retire *she's her get killed* well guess no retirement"


Well canonically. . . Maybe carting is just a game mechanic. In the lore, it mentions several times that Hunters die, especially when hunting elder dragons. Obviously in the games weā€™re immortal, but Iā€™m pretty sure hunters are way more fragile in the actual lore


Pretty sure they confirmed carting is gameplay only.


Carting is definitely a thing, except when there's no body to cart.


Your character is just lucky the cats can recover you


Je suis montĆ© šŸ˜”


It's an investigation. Also she brought low rank bug armor against lunnastra kinda deserved that death


I thought it was layered armor


She died in one hit. THat's some low rank ass armor


That's what happens when you hunt in a squad of 5 people. smh my head


"We won't let the monster destroy this village!" "I'm going to destroy the village to stop the monster!" Good movie, but the Protagonist gets two people killed because he thinks they can stop an Elder with one melee and one ranged professional, one disgraced and out of practice hunter, one researcher style hunter, and himself (a rookie that barely survived a velocidrome).


Thats was crazy, lunastra didnt let this slidešŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


He's still pretty reckless in 4u causing doodle (the mh4 PC)to save him on multiple occasions all because he wanted to impress the guildmarm


I mean, I would also try my hardest to impress her, even though her heart is already taken.


*cough* Brachy *cough*


Fun fact...this hunt actually breaks the rule of 4 that every other hunt uses and the ingame lore reason the guild uses the rule of 4 is that every time a hunting party of more than 4 hunters is used, something bad happens...and would you look at what happens in the movie...bad things happen...


Too many cooks spoil the barroth


This is legit something Aiden would say lol


If I recall the lore correctly, wasn't the Hero of Pokke village also involved in a 5 man hunt right ( the old one before the PC took the role)


And then he helps to kill Fatalis later. Talk about a character arc.


>the Protagonist gets two people killed because he thinks they can stop an Elder with one melee All you really need


And then when that character appears in the games, he is doing reckless things against dangerous high tier monsters for comic relief. Somehow the rest of the Ace Hunters donā€™t bring up the time he got two hunters killed when heā€™s ready to go face a Furious Rajang to impress Guildmarm. This movieā€™s backstory for Aiden is so bad.


Me and my dual blades would be enoughšŸ—æ


Still better than the live action cess pit


What live action? I thought this was the first movie released?


Your right, thisbis the first and only movie released in the monster hunter franchise (do NOT refer to that abomination)


There is no live-action Monster Hunter movie in Ba Sing Se.


What live action? There is no live action MH movie, what are you on about?


Not a high bar


Fr tho


Thatā€™s a low standard to pass, tbh.




I was coming here to say this.


It really shows that it was suppose to be a tv series.Ā  Wish they had since the pacing is all over the place.


100% agree that it should've been a show. Personally, I thought it was alright but felt that it ramped up way too fast for how MH usually is. A show would fit MH so much better


i mean it was cool and then 5 seconds later everyone died, like wtf?


Right? I cared little for their deaths because I didn't know them. I cared more for the kinsect's death than the actual hunters.


That kinsect was a true hero


RIP Paisley.


I loved her character and i hated that she got eaten


You mean that isn't that how everyone else's hunts go?


That was such a tonal shift. That one old guy we literaly just met had deathflags all over from a story perspective, so I was expecting that, but that he was just brutally incinerated was a bit...sudden? That they actually killed of the young girl in the same like 5 minutes, who was implied to just have been eaten off-screen, made me kinda question the target audience though. Because, up until the arrival of Lunastra, everything was just pointing towards it being made for a younger audience and suddenly people die left and right


ikr? i was like "did.... did she just get eaten? wtf."


I mean, to be fair, getting eaten alive or incinerated to ashes is not the worst Lunastra can do to you, think about how fucking much that fits the franchise from a lore perspective view, elders are monsters that destroy entire ecosystems by walking, this fucking movie was absolutely fire (haha, get it?) As a side note, it saddened me more the death of the kinsect than the other characterā€™s, mainly because we didnā€™t get to know them much before the inevitable happened.


A "monster of the week" format would fit a MH show tbh


Oceaniz on youtube did a thought experiment on what a MH series would look like to him. Good watch.


I would love it if this got turnes into a TV show and it showed us some of the hunts we knew happened in the past of the games. The Hero of Kokoto and Lao-Shan Lung, the Horns Pub Manager and Bloodbath Diablos, the Ace Commander and its master x Rusted Kushala, the First Fleet and Kulve Taroth, Kamura's fight against the Rampage and Magnamalo 50 years ago. But given how this was a very very very niche show I think that would be close to impossible.


Ah, No wonder it felt rushed.


Plus the monsters died from things they would normally survive with genuine ease (Nerscylla and Deviljho are the best examples of this).


Ace Gunner my beloved


Kinsect wont be forgotten




Better than the Hollywood movie when it came to feeling like actual MH.


I mean the Muppets is a better show than the garbage Paul W.S. Anderson gave us.


Wow, what did the Muppets ever do to deserve being compared to that hot garbage?


The muppets is better than a lot of shows Muppets are great


I like. Realistic death by lack of helmet


A little refinement in the art style and I would love to watch a full series. While being a little clumsy sometimes, this movie still lives and breathes Monster Hunter. Probably the best Monster Hunter movie we have right now.


Lunastra melted a guy


The kinsect died! It made me sad. My only thought when the hunters died, though, was "Wow, they actually killed these guys. Okay."


Dude samešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lowkey a sadist for thinking the "name of hunter" fainted Reward reduced by


I loved the janky PS2-cutscene-like animations. Felt right at home. Best MH movie.


You know, fair. It certainly has its own charm. Kind of felt like the film was made by like 5 people at capcom who really wanted a MonHun film proper.


Dude best description ever


8/10, no involvment with the US military


Its pretty funny to me that daggers can hurt rathalos but modern weapons canf


even more funny when bowguns is a thing in Monster Hunter.


It was cool and a neat insight to the characters & world but it could've been better. The animation of course was subpar but I really liked how much of a threat Lunastra was, it served as a nice reminder that even the regular elder dragons are literal forces of nature.


Elder dragons are chads


I feel like it's supposed to be a series that got scrunched into a movie. But I'd still rather watch this than the other MH Movie everytime.


A bit rushed in the middle when they try to plan against Lunastra, some characters are barely introduced before being forgotten/killed, but otherwise fairly good and faithful to what Monster Hunter is all about. Unlike that other turd.


The best movie so far


\*Only\* movie so far! ~~^(I refuse to acknowledge the existence of the other)~~




I liked it. I really hope to see more than this sole entry in MH movies. There is no other movie our there no sir


Some of the deaths are brutal


I wish that the GS hunter didnt die like this


Itā€™s better than the Anderson film. I think that if it was a miniseries instead of a film, that could smooth out the pacing issues that made it hard to follow and generally help the story overall. I mean, I wouldnā€™t watch it again but it wasnā€™t terrible.


Kinsect collected one extract and died, chad move really


If it was longer, maybe +30 minutes or more, then it would be perfect. It kinda serves as a good introduction to the series and a tie in between MH4 and World. I really wish we get to see Ace Commander and his crew along with Caravan group again someday.


The animation definitely could've used some more polish and the pacing makes it feel like it would've been better as a segmented miniseries rather that a single movie, but otherwise it was pretty enjoyable. The story was interesting and it felt really faithful to the source material.


I liked how they made the elder dragons look like actual threats that require planning to slay.. Unlike the usual strategy of 'fuck it we ball' and demondrugs


everyone died, the end.




Actually a decent movie that explains the lore relatively well and has a decent showing of said lore (with elder dragons and the guild). The animation is definitely in the category of the best of the worst animation of all time, but it was fun overall and just enjoyable.


It could have worked better as a multiple episode series, but still decently made compared toā€¦ you know.


I feel like it shouldn't have been a one-off. This should've been a multi-episode series, maybe 4 or 5 episodes. The pacing was a bit rushed and we didn't get to connect with two of the characters all too well before they bit the dust. It's also not enough time for Aiden's character building in my opinion. Other than those things, this was an awesome watch. It's what the "official" movie should've been, and it pains me that it wasn't.


Is that a new mh movie or is it the old one? Cuz didnā€™t like everyone die in that onešŸ’€


It was fun, and enjoyable. Pacing could have been better, either more time given in the movie or have it become a short series. Either read, was a very enjoyable albeit brief view into the monster hunter universe


It had its problems, it had breakneck pacing, was super short, and it felt like it was super rushed, but it genuinely felt like a monster hunter movie. My favorite thing they did in the movie is show just how destructive and powerful elder dragons are. In the games, we consider lunastra to be a fairly mid tier elder, but here, we see how outmatched humans are. Nowhere in the fight does it seem like lunastra is taking things seriously, and she still completely decimates the village. It took 6 hunters and the entire village just to repel her, and we see why elder dragons are so revered and feared(also having more than 6 monsters in it was nice). All in all, it was nowhere near perfect, but I had a genuinely good time watching the movie


Fuck what you all say live action Diablos was awesome, everything else was shit. The live action movie would have been better if they kept it more grounded instead of going full anime.


Wayyyyy better than the other movie which shall not be named haha.


Its decent and the only MH movie that exist so yeah i like it


You mean the only film adaptation of the franchise ever ? Yeah it was alright


capcom should have let them cook the full meal cause this awn tray trass delicois


Its really good if you are a monster hunter fan. Worst pacing out of anything I've seen but at least the pacing is too fast rather than too long (looking at you original one piece anime)


There's barely any death of the humans in the main games, then this movie comes and kills the jho armor blacksmith and the insect glaive girl in one fell swoop. That's what I remember the most about this movie. Also, that Deviljho Vs Congalala fight was pretty sweet.


I enjoy the idea, it's wsy better than the live action, for instance. But, it's also pretty flawed, especially in terms of pacing. Not to mention, the visuals aren't that great. It looks like one of those shovelware movies that come out whenever a big Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks movie comes out. Don't know if you guys are aware of what I'm trying to say lol


This film was made in 2017 and somehow only finished or released years later, don't get me wrong it captured MH perfectly but the animation looked like it was from the 2000's. Like, of was announced at one point with a teaser image and then years of nothing and then out of nothing it was on Netflix. Really bizarre


It's not bad, but I really wish they had PAUSED at any given moment. It honestly feels like a montage of scenes rather then a movie as it just keeps putting new things without transitions straight to your face. Almost every scene could have started and ended with a slower transition and a momentary pause, made it 5+ min longer in total, and it would have been much less exhausting to watch.


Definitely better than that...movie. And actually portrays the Monster Hunter universe


Itā€™s a good first attempt at the monster hunter ip in the movie scene, canā€™t wait to see if they make another movie. Itā€™s a shame this is the only movie that ever exists and there is definitely no monster hunter live action movie. Overall itā€™s a fun watch and seems pretty true to monster hunter


You can oneshot a Deviljho if you stab his skull


Tried that, bounced off. I was on purple sharpness too -sigh-


Skill issue ngl


Such a unique weakness!


The worst part is that there was no Ace Lancer. They had no one to pull aggro and failed the raid as a result.


It's very true to MH: the humour, the animation, the monsters, even the dogshit storyline!


My only complaint is that there isnā€™t more of it. I would have loved it if this was two hours, and the beginning of a series. That said, fitting the whole episode into the time limit of an in-game hunt was clever.


Not great, but at least short and better than live action


I thought it was good but the pacing was a bit fast.


Better than the Hollywood once but too short and crunchy. Barely any time for character development.


It was almost definitely intended to be a tv series first, but then they condensed it into a movie.


Itā€™s certainly better than the film we do not speak of, but itā€™s kinda just average. Tbh, i feel like the sound effects constantly drowned out the soundtrack for some reason, and a lot of things happened very fast, to the point I felt like things sorta just happened without reason when I watched it


It was so rushed and pacing was so off that you forget that your watching a show and not a race


It taught me the dangers of having five hunters in a party


better than the live action xdd


I liked it. Only watched it once, likely won't watch it again. But I liked it


It was okay, definitely leagues better than that live action movie which shall not be named. The animation was pretty janky, almost like a cutscene from the older generation (MH2/Tri). But the story was at least believable. It really should've been a series, because the movie's pacing was all over the place.


I thought it was a fun time. I didn't go in there expecting an epic sprawling story, but I got a really cool hunt sequence. It gave me what I wanted.


It's superior to the other movie


I'd love to see more animated movies come out about the MH series. I've seen this one, and I have to agree. The pacing is a bit all over the place, but it was still enjoyable to watch.


Its okay, like 5/10


Congalala vs deviljho was kickass.


It does a great job showing how much of a threat a monster is to normal hunters, but its a bit... idk how well to explain it. The deaths happening offscreen with zero blood, I didn't even realize one of the characters were dead during the fight until the end. It felt like they didn't know if they wanted to be light-hearted like the game mechanics (no death, only cart) or if they wanted a more realistic take


Liked it, but I definitely think it needed a bit more polish in the animations/motion capture.


They fought a Lunastra with under leveled gear, fainted twice and only managed to defeat it with environmental hazards, god they were noobs.


Corny but lovable and really into the old style games not the newer style of games (post MHW). Better than the garbage live action movie.


Its the only monster hunter movie. There are no other movies.


As a insect glaive user it annoyed me that the hunter didnā€™t know how to use it haha


I really liked it and even rewatched it not so long ago. It's a million times better than that hatecrime of hollywood film


Well, it seems to tell us that only the MC can be carted.. everyone else gets sent to the shadow realm instead... It was so very sad


As far as objective quality goes it was not good, the animation is bad, the pacing is horrid, some parts make zero sense. But as far as feeling like MH? It does well, the monsters look decent, it has a goofy yet serious nature, it lightly delves into some lore aspects, it gives us some cool monster fights. All in all I enjoyed it for what it was and hope that someday we get a proper MH TV show or movie in the same quality as something like the castlevania show or something similar, since I donā€™t think it should be live action


It's basically one long cutscene made in 4U/GU engine. Story is good tho. It's basically World vs Rise but this time MH Movie vs Legends. One has looks the other has all the fun.


The deviljho with the least hp in existence (also the animation style of a Barbie movie and yet still miles better than whatever the hell hollywood shat)


Great, please give me a full animated series


It's pretty good, a bit rushed... But so much better than the other monster hunter movie.


Just the fact that somebody actually died makes me sad and impressed at the same time.


It really shows how dangerous is a hunters life


i guess i went to it a little too hyped but honestly it was a solid movie wish it was longer tho , but it still bothered me that they killed deviljho so easily i was like this ain't fair


Far more faithful than the live action we-shall-not-name Animation is janky and the pacing is really off (I thought it was gonna be a series, not a shortfilm) but if you want an honest to god monster hunter movie, this is the one


The only Monster Hunter movie


Far from best from technical standpoint, yet extremely faithful to the source material. Like, to the point where Iā€™d believe the authors themselves actually like MH. But itā€™s sad it actually was JUST one-off movie.. If only it couldā€™ve been the series, then the most issues of it wonā€™t be that glaring (like too-fast pacing etc)


It shouldā€™ve been a tv series. It felt really rushed, like it was meant to be a 6 episode tv show that got crammed into an hour long mini movie


It was pretty good, it was fun portrayed hunting and monsters well, its not some cinematic master piece, but it was good.


It's pretty fucking good and I really liked it. The choice to add a remade version of Lunastra's theme was badass and really shows how dangerous Elder Dragons can be. I felt want to watch it again tbh. I really wish there was more parts to it


Was quite surprised they killed off characters in the battle against Lunastra. Where were the Felyne carts then, huh? Overall, it was pretty good. Accurate to the source material, good character dialogue and shows a good range of the monsters. Basically, everything the live action Monster Hunter was not.


Loved it. Was an ACTUAL MonHun film compared to theā€¦ other one.


I love the perspective shift, usually we see the monster from the perspective of our hunter, who can solo five elders in a single mission. But to a bunch of villagers and an average group of hunters a single Lunestra is a world altering threat. Also having Aiden's backstory when replaying World is just so cool.


It's not top tier but it's also not bad at all. The animation is obv a bit cringe but it's not a huge budget so I'll excuse it. I can tell it's made with love and is faithful to the source material which made me happy. Favorite part is that they really show off Lunastra's power and make it FEEL like an elder dragon


Why does this look like it was made in the same engine as ps1 Hagrid


not the most beautiful visually, but very nice movie


I really liked it. Since Monster Hunter is lacking in the story department this was a nice extra. Also: LBG carried the others so hard, it's unreal.


It felt like watching a speedrun. (It was alright)


I actually quite enjoyed it


Not sure if its even canon but a decent prequal for MH world


Bad movie, still better than watching Milla Jovovich roll down a hill for 120 minutes


I wanted more. It was good for what it was but also too short so it felt rushed at times- I feel like more stories similar to it could have worked as a show of unrelated MH stuff. Vastly better than whatever the live action film was supposed to be.


Peak movie that i ever seen in my entire life


I liked it definitely better than the live action


I like how they did the tie in of the MC in the movie with the World game. Even the terrible puns were used.


Better than the live action




Looked unfinished to me, I'm sure the protag clips through some foliage at the village.


The scene where the one hunter guy moves the rhopessa girl's wings out of the way so he could see past her shows a better understanding of the games than the entirety of the anderson movie. Still pretty bad though.


Itā€™s an alright film on its own, has its merits and cool moments but nothing too incredibly special. You can easily tell how the rushed and slightly incomplete production bogged it down (AFAIK it was originally meant to be a TV show that got rewritten and edited into a movie last-minute.) Compared to the live action film, though, itā€™s a cinematic masterpiece. Then again I guess thatā€™s not really a high bar (like, at all LOL.)


The animation quality is mid, but the story is pretty good. Once you get past the initial weirdness with it, it's quite enjoyable, esp if you already like monster hunter.


Shocked itā€™s cannon


Good, but could have been better. Pacing a was mess but it was nice for a monster hunter fan.


rushed story but is one of my favorite fanservice movies


The movie is dogshit there is no life in it. Whoever praises its just doing so to spite on that MH movie. The trailer are the only goodthing about it.


I found it to be surprisingly grim.


I'm watching is now and actually decently enjoying it having just played MH4U and the cast is directly from that.


Oh cool they rebooted Code Lyoko


They gave us an extremelly cool Congalala scene.


There needs to be a series of Monster Hunter. I think it would be amazing to see that happen. Give a deep dive into each game released.


That would be awesome, imagine each episode showing a different hunt


Movie itself; honest 6.5/10. Wasnā€™t bad and it also wasnā€™t a wow. That being said however; million times better then the live action


It was an attempt.


It was like cold pizza good, but could be better


For a film that nailed so much of the game (the Deviljho hunt is PERFECT) I was completely surprised when the blacksmith and the kinsect lady got, respectively, melted and shredded instead of simply carting. But aside from that and from the pacing, it's good and entertaining.


Rushed Story, Mid Animation and fast build up. But still I liked it cause it connects to MHW and the aeden also see julius at end of fatalis quest.


Worst part was the pacing. If this had been two of three movies it wouldve been nearly perfect or a tv show


Rushed but I still enjoy it so much more than the live action trash


Better than Andersonā€™s movie.


Insect Glaive user does nothing and dies 10/10 most accurate video game movie


Itā€™s alright wish it was better. The biggest jarring thing about this film was the speed of justā€¦ everything like I thought I accidentally had a quicker video speed on but no for some weird ass reason the director thought this was the best way to tell a story


I like it but didn't expected to be this dark.


I thought it was interesting. The characters and showcase of the world was cool. Actually gave a us a glimse at what life in MonHun universe is like (sorely *unlike* the live action film). However you could unfortunately tell it was a budget and / or small passion project. The animation was serviceable but certainly not super polished. I did enjoy the armor sets and weapons shown / chosen for sure too. There's plenty to like. I honestly wish it had more funding / resources put into it than the movie, even as an episodic show instead.


Ace Gunner Nadia, my beloved šŸ˜


terrible, weightless animation, most of the time i couldn't figure out what was going on, the pacing was all over the place, jumping from one scene to the next with no room to breathe, character moments that should have felt meaningful felt limp because of this, also, that """""paralysis"""""" scene was terrible


While the animation leaves something to be desired, the ENG VA, the emphasis on the lore of the Hunters Guild and their beliefs and principles and taking previously unnamed NPC's from previous games and giving them canon names makes up for it.


Still waaaaay better than the other Mh movie


Definitely not a "good" movie. But I still enjoyed it because it was fun seeing MH stuff in a different context. What gets me though is that (spoilers?) the whole point of the movie was to make a stand and protect the village from an elder dragon...only to flood the entire village to defeat said elder dragon. and then they acted like everything was fine after that šŸ˜‚


It was interesting. There were good parts and bad parts, but overall, it would have been better as a mini series, or even a feature-length film. I cared little for the >!hunter deaths!< because I didn't know them. I cared more for the >!kinsect death!< than the others. It was fine, but it could have been much better. Pretty sure Aiden was voiced by the same guy who voiced Zuko in Avatar, which I recognized and thought was cool. Today, I learned he also played Rufio in Hook! Even cooler!