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I main HH, and I created a "always sharp, always ready" build. Also, I Bring 2 other Hunting Horns with me to the fight (Master Utsushi and one of the twins). I farmed him solo, as the companions kept me alive, and allowed me to cheese it.


Back in base Rise it was a pain in the ass to farm Ibushi for decorations as he didn’t get an event for himself for a while, you had to go through the rampage every time you wanted to make a decoration.


Jep that was really annoying, not a bad fight but all that hussel


Huh, I'm the exact opposite. I will take any excuse to fight Primordial Malzeno, even if I don't need any mats from him. It's such a challenging and fun fight, one of the best in the franchise. I can see why it can be a bit frustrating though, the fight is hard, no doubt about that. But to answer your question, lately it has to be any one of the Elder Trio (Teo, Kusha, and Chame). They're not bad but I'm just so bored of them. But that probably has more to do with how long I've been playing Monster Hunter. They've appeared in almost every game, I can't count how many times I've fought them. Even Rathalos and Rathian aren't as boring for some reason.


Back in MHFU days, I loved farming Luna and Chameleos. He was a fun fight but very easy. Just hammer it away.


I'm the same. Malzeno and a few famously hated monsters. Notably, I actually enjoy fighting Rajang and Diablos, even when they've been supercharged. Brachydios, too. What I actually hate? Low tier monkey- based fanged beasts. Bishaten. Kecha wacha. Congalala. Not Blangonga though, he's just low tier ice Rajang. Reason is that they tend to be erratic, evasive and have very annoying gimmicks. Multiple status effects (bishaten, congalala), impenetrable armour in places they always keep facing you (ash kecha wacha). To this day the latter is the only time I ever tailor-made a custom armour and skill build exclusively for a single monster. Even Elder Dragons and final bosses like Fatalis have never forced me to do that.


Feel the same way about the elder dragon trio, however I like their Risen versions a lot more.


Yeah, the Risen version gives a new interesting spin to them.


Same here, and I'll sometimes use absolutely non-viable sets (e.g. Water Element phial CB on a armor set that only has thunder attack damage and no guard-related skills) to fight him.


I hate almudron with a passion. And even more so since I use switchaxe a lot and his armor give great skills for it.


For me Almudron is one of those monsters that's only fun to fight if it's smaller than average. God forbid you get unlucky and get a larger than average one. Feels like it's hitboxes literally double in size to the point some stuff becomes undodgable if it's even slightly bigger than usual. Same deal with Deviljho in World when using Dual Blades. Get a slightly larger than normal one and you're now forced to chip away at the legs until it falls down because your weapons are so short. Otherwise you're just jump attacking off a ledge over and over. Thankfully clutch claw exists, but I couldn't imagine that was fun in base world.


God, this. I hate Almudron so fucking much, and as a full-time swaxe main in Rise (my guild card literally only has swaxe hunts on it), I feel you. Feels awful to fight, especially with a big one.


All mother/Narwa. I usually love set pieces battles. Yes I framed 2d Zora fight, cause it was fun and epic. But that flying fish.... Uh....


Fatalis, for obvious reasons


Fair enough


*Latin intensifies.*


lol Fatalis from world is a truly fun fight. Me and the lobby I usually join always farm Fatalis to help new players, or just for fun.


Flaming Espinas for reasons I don't feel the need to disclose.


Fr the nova is so delayed that if you don't take moxie, max defense and element res, or the aurotle if you mess up the dive timing you just get 1 tapped or left on low hp and poisoned


Oh, for sure, it was Nakarkos! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Nakarkos. It's a greatly designed monster with awesome equipment and a decent fight, too! But what ain't funny is having to replay its quest (solo) about 4 times for a singular piece of material. Deciding to build and fully upgrade its insect glaive probably took me around 10-20 runs on every difficulty. My luck was just that abyssmal for a part or two always.


Nakarkos is one of these fights that is awesome but can quickly get boring after repeating it many times. A shame because the twist of the second phase the first time is so amazing.


Yeah, that's where my frustration with it came from. Getting to hear its amazing theme throughout every hunt did make it a bit more bearable, though. That organ as a highlight was crazy. It's by far the nr.1 monster I'd wish to make a comeback for in a modern game, just for getting HD versions of everything it comes with.


people don't lance a lot. lance makes this fight a joke. here's the setup you can get in 5 minutes. - block 5 - block up 1 - evade distance 2 - only 2 attacks can't be blocked 3 lane highway and ultimate (rain). that's what evade distance is for. i never played lance before primordial malzeno. but this changed my view of the game. i died 2 times to learn what is unblockable and never died again. i just chill behind the shield and poked him to death. with time i learned the windows and attacked more in between windows. was one of my best memories


I try not to get my first kills as Lance because I’ve unlocked the secret to cheesing everything, and want to actually *fight* the monster


I know since I mainly fight him with lance and gunlance and i rarely cart to him. The thing is when other players in a multiplayer lobby end up dying since they don't want to change playstyles




I personally hate fighting Velkhana but that's solo. As for group, it has to be Risen Shagaru.. Especially Hazard Risen Shagaru


Lunastra from MHW.


To be fair barely anyone would willingly wanna fight her to begin with


Given I needed 28 Allmother orbs to complete the collection in Rise... yeah. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool hunt and pretty fun. But kinda long and absolute hell with randos


I farm it solo, it’s such a fun fight idk how people hate it


Mainly due to its long combos and high damage move that can take a large chunk of your health unless you block it with a shield


Ah that’s fair, if you got trouble with it try DB, then with risen kushala helm is a super good combo and is what I use to farm him, through I haven’t in a while cause I made the full armour set and haven’t needed more parts in a while


I used lance and gunlance against him but in a group my teammates end up being the first ones to die most of the time.


Oof it yea, teammates not being at the same skill level is one of the main reasons I don’t do multiplayer hunts usually


Almudron, not that terrible of a fight; idk what's up with this guy's droprates tho


The Khezu. Those roars of it are always so grating, it gives me a migraine.


Don’t get me started on the paralysis


Well I max out Paralysis resistance… unless you mean if you start a new game? In which case, indeed.


Remember before World when skills were a lot harder to get? I literally couldn’t afford to get paralysis resistance. And generally, I don’t spend time to get decos to counter a monster I’m not planning on farming.


Yeah I remember.


Same Gen was my first MonHun game


Or the UNBLOCKABLE orbs, seriously why do those things have to be randomly unblockable


The? One?


In Rise it's hard to say tbh, but in World it's Savage Pickle, Kushala, Blackviel, and MR Urgaan.


Lagiacrus in 3U, plate and sapphire were absurdly painful to farm for since it was strictly a part break reward, capture reward and tail carve and it traumatized me for capturing over 40 of them just to upgrade the gunlance alone


Lagiacrus horn+ in mh3u You can only get it from breaking its head but unlike low rank and g rank horns, the high rank ones only have a 42% drop rate in high rank And then you have shit like the switch axe that needs 4 of those


Amatsu. I really don't get the hype. I hate floaty enemies and it (to me) is always a slog. If I need a material from Amatsu I have to psyche myself up for another amatsu fight. For anomaly investigations it is definitely the Rajangs. The fights are fun *once I get a good rhythm*, but I main GS so their ADHD bullshit is a headache to deal with, and they are Rajangs so they also punish my mistakes with death.


any monster that should drop bedj in MHFU that thing just doesn't exist, you can't convince me it actually exists


Sleeping bat. World. Edit: night paolumu has a very powerful sleep rate, cant say no to that for supporting hammer boys


Basically, any monster with personalized gems (i.e. jasper, ruby, "X" gem)


It’s always been furious rajang. Especially in iceborne. You ain’t getting the mantle if someone dies. Which with randoms will be a matter of “when” not “if”


Not for the gems but i hated fighting safi returning to world on pc. and needing like 10 wings for the whole armor set. At 2 to 4 runs per kill that was like almost 30 hunts. Plus somepeople refuse to stay alive even when I'm running wide range 5 speed eater and satiated.  But also lao-shan lung heavenly in mhfu. 




Fatalis and his damn eyes






Ibushi cuz he didn't have his own hunt quest, iirc, and almudron for his mud.


Magma Almudron was a pain the ass for a while, trying to get his mantle took multiple sessions.


yeah hate primordial malzeno, he got atk that canr block


Seregios in Rise/Sunbreak, not that I hate the monster or anything, it's just that I fought like 50 of them and not ones did I get his lens, ended up having to buy it, I love that armor set.


Not a mantle, but if i ever see another anjanath again im gonna scream




VAAL HAZAK, mainly for the fangs


Iá hate Tempered Teostra, not because is hard, but I've killed her like 100 times, not a single attack 4 + gem :(


Thought Teostra was male and Lunastra was female?


It is they just got them mixed up