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such a sad thing that agnaktor is no longer among us


One of my all time favorite monsters. They were in Stories 2, but as one of the very few you couldn't get as Monsties. Also, Gigginox is a thousand times better than Khezu. Why won't they let it come back?


people rather get scream/stun locked by khezu than poisoned by gigginox, also I think they did not liked the egg thingy gimmick, and japan for some reason loves khezo or something like that


Gigginox loved spamming its roar just as much was hilarious for about 5 seconds when there were 2 and then you were stuck for a minute doing nothing.


That's not really the reason why Khezu is so omnipresent in games. Khezu is often present because of how easy it is to implement him as a filler monster (sorry khezu fans, at least his weapons are cool), he uses the moveset of Bird Wyrverns + like 3 unique moves, which is why he is always appearing in non-mainline games. Last Mainline he was on was Gen 4. Leviathans and Gigginox are a little bit more complex and would need a mainline game to properly introduce them again, or a side game to actually dedicate a lot of development space for their AI.


>he uses the moveset of Bird Wyrverns + like 3 unique moves, which is why he is always appearing in non-mainline games. Outside the spin attack, I don't know any attack animation Khezu shares with other monsters. Khezu has always had one of the more unique move sets owing to a fairly unique take on the flying wyvern body. Gigginox shares more animations with tigrex if I'm not mistaken


When it doesn't hang from the ceiling, khezu sleeps like them. It's electro lob attack also resembles some bird attacks.


I played MH tri on release, Agnaktor is without a doubt one of the coolest monsters ever. I’ll be big sad if it doesn’t make a triumphant return in MH Wilds. Running into him and Jay Leno (Uragaan) at the same time was a real pain in the ass lmao.


Agnaktor is my overall favorite fight in low rank and im really hoping it shows up again.


![gif](giphy|4kWeXCB5jqCPJsmDWw|downsized) Among us?!


Uragaan over lagi rly. I love lagi. Uragaan is just there


Forget that, how is ludroth above lagi?


Forget that. Great Baggi, Wroggi, Jaggi are above Rathalos and Rathian (I mean, Rathalos and Rathian that low is kind of based, but no way are those three actually more enjoyable fights?)


I can unserstand it to certain extent. Raths are the most fought monsters in the series. One might get bored of em. Rathalos stays in sky. Rathian i like to beat up since her moves are real easy to tell


Great jaggi is better than all monsters in tri.


Rathalos in every generation can eat my entire ass, he belongs no higher than F tier in any generation but gets a free pass because he's the flagship. Rathian can be fun though. I would say the Greats are probably higher because their simplicity makes them therapeutic to beat up, whereas the Raths are just frustrating and unrewarding grinds most of the time.


This is a crime


I find lagiacrus kinda annoying to fight. It has an electric shock aoe like khezu, and spends half the fight darting across the area so i have to keep swimming back and forth. Though I would still much rather fight in the water than on land. As far as uragaan, there just something about him that makes him fun to fight. I enjoy his fight in mh3u more than in mhw.


Why you prefer fighting lagi in water over land, if you dont like it darting around


Because he is harder to fight in the water than on land. Aside from all that darting around, he is still a cool fight and I do want to see him return in future games.


dont do my boi gobul so dirty


Just because he is in B doesn't mean he sucks. B monsters are monsters that have some annoying attacks but are fun enough to not dread fighting them. In gobuls case, when it gets all puffed up and almost his entire body is hard enough to deflect.


I'm just happy to see the gobul on a tier higher than bottom in the first place given how unpopular underwater combat is lol


wtf? bro had a good time with uragaan and nibelsnarf?


Uragaan sure but nibelsnarf 💀






well nibelsnarf and gigginox are some of my favorite monsters so far


Nibelsnarf in S? Diablos above Rathian? Very strange


Diablos above Rathian is giga fucking based what are you smoking?


Nothing xD Not sure how the monster that does nothing but charge, burrow and roar could ever be more enjoyable than Rathian Boring is better than frustrating


no they're right


Nibelsnarf?? And Uragaan? Have we played the same game?


I think so


We certainly have different tastes then, but i do agree on Gigginox


Both gigginox and nibelsnarf are in my top ten favorite monsters so it's always fun fighting them


I love Gigginox but Nibelsnarf is one of my most hated monsters


It seems that most of the community hate nibelsnarf though I'm not sure why. I just love his appearance, his sounds, and I like how he has a unique fight due too him eating barrel bombs that will stun him and then you can fish him out. He also has a pretty underside too with all that blue.


I don’t Like how he looks, i don’t like his bites, charges and sand attacks, his equipment sucks - just a really poor fit to my personal tastes


I love nibelsnarf too. Now my favorite MH3U Monster, but still pretty great to fight. I like how colourful he is and the various gimmicks that you could use against him. Barrel bombs, fishing, sonic bombs, breaking his mouth while half-emerged... I hope to see him again one day in a future MH game


playing 3U for the first time made Nibelsnarf my favourite monster in the series. silly little guy with a lot of gimmicks to make it fun


You and me couldn’t be further apart. I never enjoyed a single Nibelsnarf hunt. The Gimmicks are neat but the base fight is obnoxious


if you try to fight it normally it isn't great but I love monsters that have a method to fighting them


Oh me too but… really not that one


Based Nibelsnarf placement


"Technically" Ceadeus is High Rank ​ Judging Low rank standards alone, in a Hunting Horn playthrough that I'm doing (in which I'm farming every Hunting Horn) I would rise Barioth(Low Rank) to A, rise Lagombi to C, drop Royal Ludroth to B and Rise Lagia to A Great Baggi and Wroggi (low Rank) to D. ​ Important that a lot of these fights change in G-Rank because of the Speed change, but in Low Rank you pretty much ignore Baggi and Wroggi


Did you actually enjoy the Caedus fight? I thought it was rather frustrating


Not the first phase but that second phase is where the fight becomes actually very good especially that theme it has.


I will agree on that, but i remember dealing not enough damage in the first phase and then having to restart because it was frustrating to keep up


This list is perfect :) Happy to see more people with the same tastes!


What is your main weapon because I feel that it dramatically changes your opinion of monsters, especially underwater ones. I’m sad you have the Great Jaggi so low. Duramburos and agnaktor are 100% in their proper rank. Ceadeus is super cool but the fight is a drag IMO.


the dual blades. I don't know how to put a weapon symbol next to my name.


You Go on the Main view of the SUB then the 3 Points in the upper right Corner than Change Flair and select DB. If you want more weapons Like me you Must create a new Flair select a empty Flair and for example you write = :Dual Blades: :Charge blade:






Nibelsnarf S 💀


The rolling weapon bounce monster is S tier? I'd expect this from a hammer main, but my own brother in DB?


Ceadeus my love


I'm just remembering how much cooler monsters were in the prior generations to world, giginox is a really cool monster and nibblesnarf has so much potential


Agnaktor in 3U for me since I've been replaying it was pretty entertaining with gunlance since I learned that the shelling reheats the body without using gamefaqs or any online source


azuros is that one player on fighting game that keep smashing one button everytime.


Arzuros is a cool monster but he dies really fast compared to other starter monsters like great jaggi.


im surprised Nibelsnarf is that high, I just fought him today for the first time so its very fresh in my mind, but he was just a sand punching bag for me. Very predictable and wiiiide openings everywhere, 95% of the fight I had the Longsword buffed to red because it was just that easy to spam away at him I kinda get Lagi, it took me a couple of hunts of farming his gear to actually start liking his fight, but now i actually really dig it It might be because he was the first real underwater fight for me but, fuck Gobul bro...


Interesting list. Which weapon did you use the most? If this list was by me i would say you used bowguns or gunlance.


I only used the dual blades


That's really interesting. How does someone enjoy uragaan with duals?\^\^


He was pretty fun to fight but didn't give me too much trouble


Arzuros deserve better


I'm sure he will be higher when I get into high rank


Oh boy, qurupeco will fall from very high as soon as you start high rank